How To Avoid Paying Taxes As An Independent Contractor
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How To Avoid Paying Taxes As An Independent Contractor

According to the IRS, independent contractors are individuals hired to do work for someone else but are not considered employees. Let’s take a look at a few ways of reducing tax liabilities as independent contractors.

What Is The Difference Between Tax Evasion And Tax Avoidance?

It is very important to distinguish between tax avoidance and tax evasion. Tax evasion is the use of illegal practices in order to avoid paying taxes. These practices include overstating expenses, concealing assets, or underreporting income. Every taxpayer must know that tax evasion is unlawful and can result in either fines or imprisonment.

Tax avoidance, meanwhile, refers to the lawful use of strategies and provisions written within the tax code to minimize tax liability. This involves organizing your finances in ways that reduce your tax obligations while still following the tax laws.

How Independent Contractors Avoid Paying Taxes

Use these five tips below to minimize your tax deductions while working as an independent contractor.

Take Business Expense Deductions

As a self-employed worker, you have the opportunity to lower your tax liability by deducting various business-related costs. These expenses can include equipment costs, vehicle usage for business, and advertising/marketing expenses.

It’s crucial to keep track of all receipts to accurately report the deductions on your tax return. Typically, this will be done on your Schedule C or appropriate section based on your filing method. By taking advantage of the deduction possibilities, you can reduce your taxable income as a self-employed individual.

Write Off Self-Employment Tax

You may deduct your self-employment tax from your income tax. This deduction allows an individual to write off the employer’s portion of FICA taxes when filing the return.

The IRS actually has a provision that automatically includes said deduction in your Schedule SE. Even if you forget to include it, the IRS will notify you of the error and provide a refund accordingly.

Tax-Advantaged Investment Accounts

It goes without saying that contributing to a retirement account can help reduce your taxable income. Retirement accounts, such as IRAs and SEP IRAs, are typically tax-deductible.

This means that the amount of money you choose to contribute ultimately reduces your taxable income for the year. The money you contribute can grow tax-deferred until you withdraw them in retirement, potentially leading to larger growth over time.

Consider The Structure Of The Business

The structure of the business organization can have an impact on your tax burden. For instance, you may be able to lower your liability by choosing to organize the business as an S-Corp.

Opting for an S-Corp will allow you to pay yourself a salary and potentially avoid some self-employment taxes.

Use Self-Employment Health Insurance

As a self-employed worker, you can benefit from tax savings by using your self-employment health insurance. You do have the option to deduct the premiums you pay for medical, dental, and other qualifying long-term care insurance coverage for yourself, spouse, and dependents.

In order to claim this health insurance write-off, you can enter it on Part II of Schedule 1 as an adjustment to your income. The deduction is then transferred to page 1 of Form 1040. This allows you to enjoy the benefits, regardless of whether you wish to itemize your deductions.

How Do Independent Contractors Report Their Income?

Independent contractors have the flexibility to negotiate payment terms with their clients and/or employers. Depending on the type of agreement, payments can be made through various channels, including checks, ACH deposits, or wire transfers. These payments are not considered salary or wages for tax purposes since taxes are withheld.

During tax season, the payer must provide the contractor with a Form 1099-MISC, reporting the income paid in the previous year. If you are working with multiple clients, you can receive several copies of this form. Any earnings below $600 from a client throughout the year will not require a 1099-MISC form. However, you still must report that income on your Schedule C.

Tax Settlement in Mesa, Arizona

If you need IRS Debt Help, Tax Debt Settlements or Tax Debt Advising in Phoenix, Mesa or anywhere else, Tax Debt Advisors can help! Give us a call at 480-926-9300 or fill out our contact form for a free consultation.