Written by Scott Allen

Lower your tax liability: Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney not needed

Resolve IRS debts without needing a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Some common methods of reducing your IRS tax liability are:

*   Request a record of account and verify that all of your payments were received and credited correctly to the tax year in question.  The IRS will always apply payment to the oldest year first.  If you want your payment to go to a specific year, it must be noted on the check and on the correspondence accompanying the payment.  Occasionally the IRS will apply your payment to someone else’s account in error or to a tax debt you owe such as your corporation payroll tax liability instead of your individual liability.

*   If the IRS filed a substitute for return, file a correct return that shows that you owe less than the return prepared by the IRS.  Filing a return to reduce the liability on a substitute for return or to amend a return previously filed does not necessarily increase your chances of being audited.  If you amend a previously filed return, submit proof of your changes along with the amended return.  This will show the IRS that you have proof of your changes and will reduce the chances of being audited.

*   File IRS form 843 to request that penalties be abated.

If you are interested in a free consultation to determine if your tax liability can be reduced, call Scott Allen E.A. at 480-926-9300. He is not a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney but rather a federally licensed Enrolled Agent able to handle your tax matter.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!