Written by Scott Allen

Phoenix Arizona IRS Levy Release: Get Back on Track

Phoenix Arizona IRS Levy Release: Stop IRS Action and Get Back on Track

Facing IRS tax problems can be incredibly stressful. Unpaid taxes can quickly snowball with penalties and interest, leading to serious consequences like wage garnishments, bank levies, and even asset seizures. If you’re a resident of Phoenix, Arizona, and find yourself dealing with an IRS levy notice, you don’t have to face it alone. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a team of experienced tax professionals, can help you navigate the complexities of IRS regulations and achieve a Phoenix Arizona IRS levy release just like they did for their client Michael. Below is Tax Debt Advisors, Inc getting a levy stopped for Michael on his social security income. Yes, the IRS can even levy social security income.

Phoenix AZ IRS Levy Release

What is an IRS Levy?

An IRS levy is a legal seizure of your assets to satisfy outstanding tax debt. The IRS can levy your wages, bank accounts, or even retirement funds. This can have a devastating impact on your financial stability.

Taking Action to Stop an IRS Levy

There are ways to stop an IRS levy, but acting quickly is crucial. Here’s what you can do:

  • Request a Collection Due Process Hearing: You have the right to request a hearing within 30 days of receiving the levy notice. At this hearing, you can explain your financial hardship and negotiate a payment plan or even an offer in compromise (OIC) to settle the debt.

  • File Form 911, Application for Relief from Levy: This form allows you to request a delay or release of the levy. You’ll need to demonstrate financial hardship or that releasing the levy will allow you to pay the debt in full more quickly.

  • Negotiate a Payment Plan: Working with the IRS to establish a manageable monthly payment plan can prevent further collection actions, including a levy.

Why You Need Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

Navigating the complex IRS bureaucracy and successfully stopping a levy can be daunting. Hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. puts a team of experienced tax professionals on your side. Here’s how they can assist you:

  • Review Your Case: Tax Debt Advisors will take the time to understand your specific tax situation, including the amount of debt owed, penalties, and past communication with the IRS.

  • Handle All Communication with the IRS: Tax Debt Advisors will become your primary point of contact with the IRS. They’ll handle all communication, ensuring deadlines are met and paperwork is filed correctly.

  • Negotiate on Your Behalf: Skilled negotiators, Tax Debt Advisors will work tirelessly with the IRS to explore options like installment agreements, penalty abatements, or OICs, significantly reducing your overall tax burden.

  • Represent You at Collection Due Process Hearings: If a hearing is necessary, Tax Debt Advisors will represent you before the IRS. They will present your case persuasively and advocate for a favorable outcome.

  • Develop a Tax Compliance Plan: Getting you back on track requires a solid plan. Tax Debt Advisors will help you understand your future tax obligations and guide you in implementing strategies to avoid future issues.

Benefits of Working with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

The benefits of hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. extend far beyond stopping an IRS levy. Here are some key advantages:

  • Reduced Stress: Knowing you have a team of experienced professionals handling your tax problems allows you to focus on your life and business.

  • Increased Savings: Tax Debt Advisors will aggressively pursue options to minimize your overall tax liability, potentially saving you thousands of dollars.

  • Improved Tax Compliance: By creating a personalized tax compliance plan, you’ll be equipped to avoid future problems with the IRS.

  • Faster Resolution: Tax Debt Advisors’ expertise can accelerate the process of resolving your tax issue, allowing you to move forward with peace of mind.

Getting Started with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

If you’re a resident of Phoenix, Arizona dealing with an IRS levy, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can help. Their team understands the complexities of IRS regulations and is committed to achieving a successful Phoenix AZ IRS levy release for you.

Call Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. today for a free consultation. Don’t let IRS problems control your life. Take control and get back on track with the help of experienced tax professionals.

Written by Scott Allen

IRS Tax Lien in Phoenix, Arizona: Get a Resolution

Navigating an IRS Tax Lien in Phoenix, Arizona: A Path to Resolution with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

If you’re a taxpayer in Phoenix, Arizona facing a daunting IRS tax lien for unpaid taxes from back taxes owed you’re not alone. Tax problems can be overwhelming, but there is help available. This blog post explores the situation of a Phoenix resident, Ruben, who successfully navigated an IRS tax lien with the assistance of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a local, family-owned business established in 1977.

Understanding the IRS Tax Lien in Phoenix

An IRS tax lien is a serious matter. It signifies the government’s legal claim to your property to satisfy unpaid taxes, penalties, and interest. A lien filed against you can severely impact your financial situation by hindering your ability to obtain loans, sell assets, or even renew your passport.

In Ruben’s case, the IRS filed a tax lien for unpaid taxes from multiple years (2016, 2017, & 2018). This likely resulted from a combination of factors, such as missed tax filings, underpayment of taxes owed, or unexpected income changes.

Seeking Help from a Phoenix Tax Resolution Specialist

Faced with the burden of an IRS tax lien in Phoenix Arizona, Ruben knew he needed professional guidance. A quick Google search for “phoenix arizona irs tax lien help” led him to Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. (https://taxdebtadvisors.com/). He scheduled a free consultation with Scott Allen, EA (Enrolled Agent), a tax resolution specialist at the firm.

The Power of Attorney and Negotiation Process

During the consultation, Scott explained to Ruben the various options available to resolve the IRS tax lien. One crucial step involved Ruben granting Scott a Power of Attorney (https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-2848). This authorization empowers the tax professional to represent Ruben before the IRS, handle all communication, and negotiate a favorable outcome on his behalf.

Scott, leveraging his expertise and experience, was able to achieve the following for Ruben:

  • Halt IRS Collection Activity: Scott stopped the IRS from further collection efforts on the tax lien. This provided Ruben with much-needed breathing room to focus on resolving the underlying tax debt.
  • Negotiate Currently Non-Collectible (CNC) Status: Through effective negotiation with the IRS, Scott was able to secure a “currently non-collectible” (CNC) status for Ruben’s tax debt. This means that, based on Ruben’s current financial situation, the IRS cannot actively collect the tax debt. It’s important to note that a CNC status is not debt forgiveness; the tax obligation remains, but collection efforts are temporarily suspended. A copy of Ruben’s IRS settlement is below. This is evidence that Scott Allen EA provides honest follow thru service, not just faulty promises.

Phoenix AZ Help IRS Tax Lien

A Path Forward for Phoenix Taxpayers

Ruben’s case highlights the importance of seeking professional help from a qualified tax resolution specialist when facing an IRS tax lien in Phoenix, Arizona. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., with its team of experienced EAs like Scott Allen, can guide you through the complex process of navigating IRS regulations and finding the best solution for your specific situation.

Here’s what Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can offer you:

  • Free Consultation: Discuss your tax problems with a qualified EA during a free, no-obligation consultation.
  • Personalized Strategy: Develop a tailored plan to resolve your IRS tax lien based on your unique circumstances.
  • Experienced Representation: Benefit from the expertise of EAs who handle IRS matters daily.
  • Communication and Transparency: Stay informed throughout the process with clear and consistent communication.

If you’re a taxpayer in Phoenix or surrounding cities struggling with an IRS tax lien, don’t hesitate to contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Schedule your free consultation today and take the first step towards resolving your tax burden. Scott Allen EA can represent you from start to finish.

Additional Resources:

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as tax advice. Please consult with a qualified tax professional to discuss your specific tax situation.

Written by Scott Allen

Local Enrolled Agent stops IRS levy in Mesa Arizona

Stop IRS Levy in Mesa, Arizona: Get Help From a Local Enrolled Agent

Living in Mesa, Arizona, and facing an IRS levy? You’re not alone. Thousands of residents deal with tax debt and the threat of IRS collection actions. But there’s good news: you have options to stop an IRS levy in Mesa AZ and get back on track with the IRS.

This blog post is about Scott Allen EA, a licensed Enrolled Agent at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a family-owned business serving Mesa and the surrounding area. As an Enrolled Agent (EA), Scott is a federally authorized tax professional with the same rights and privileges as CPAs and attorneys when representing taxpayers before the IRS https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/enrolled-agents/enrolled-agent-information.

Understanding IRS Levies

An IRS levy is a serious collection action. It allows the IRS to seize your wages, bank accounts, or other assets to satisfy your tax debt. Receiving an IRS levy notice can be a frightening experience, but it’s important to stay calm and take action immediately.

Case Study: How Scott Allen EA Helped Chris Stop an IRS Levy in Mesa

Chris, a resident of Mesa, recently contacted Tax Debt Advisors in a panic. He had received an IRS levy notice threatening to seize his wages. Chris hadn’t filed his tax returns for several years and owed a significant amount of back taxes. He needed help fast to stop the levy and avoid further financial hardship.

Scott Allen EA took charge of Chris’s case. Here’s what he did to help:

  • Filed Missing Tax Returns: The first step was to file all of Chris’s missing tax returns. This ensured accuracy in the tax debt amount and opened the door for negotiation.
  • Negotiated an Installment Agreement: Scott negotiated with the IRS on Chris’s behalf. He was able to secure a favorable installment agreement, allowing Chris to pay off his back taxes in manageable monthly installments of $170.
  • Stopped the IRS Levy: With the installment agreement in place, Scott successfully stopped the IRS levy. This meant Chris’s wages and bank accounts were safe from seizure.

The letter from the IRS on the settlement approval for Chris is below for you to view. This is a real testimonial!

Stop IRS Levy Mesa Arizona

How Scott Allen EA Can Help You Stop an IRS Levy in Mesa

If you’re facing an IRS levy in Mesa, Arizona, Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., can help. With his extensive experience and proven track record, Scott can handle all aspects of your case, including:

  • Understanding Your Tax Situation: Scott will thoroughly review your tax records and analyze your options.
  • Filing Delinquent Tax Returns: He will ensure all your missing tax returns are filed accurately.
  • Negotiating with the IRS: Scott will advocate for you with the IRS to explore solutions like installment agreements or offers in compromise.
  • Stopping IRS Collection Actions: His goal is to stop the IRS levy and prevent further collection actions.
  • Protecting Your Assets: Scott will work tirelessly to protect your wages, bank accounts, and other assets from seizure.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Don’t wait until the IRS takes more aggressive action. Taking control of your tax situation now can save you significant stress and financial hardship.

Scott Allen EA offers a free consultation to discuss your specific situation and answer any questions you may have. He can be reached at 480-926-9300 or by visiting the Tax Debt Advisors website at www.TaxDebtAdvisors.com.

Remember, you are not alone. With the help of a qualified Enrolled Agent like Scott Allen EA, you can stop IRS levy in Mesa, Arizona, and get back on track with the IRS.

This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered tax advice. Every tax situation is unique, and it’s crucial to consult with a qualified tax professional to discuss your specific circumstances.

Written by Scott Allen

Resolving Back Tax Return Problems in Mesa, AZ

Resolving Back Tax Return Problems in Mesa, AZ: A Success Story with Scott Allen EA

Unfiled tax returns and back taxes owed can become a significant burden, leading to stress, financial strain, and potential legal consequences. For residents of Mesa, AZ, finding an effective solution to these tax issues is crucial. This blog will discuss how to resolve back tax return problems in Mesa, AZ, highlighting the success story of Richard, a client who used the services of Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

The Importance of Addressing Back Tax Returns

Unfiled tax returns can lead to severe penalties, interest, and even legal actions from the IRS. The longer the delay, the more significant the consequences. Addressing back tax returns promptly is essential to avoid these issues and regain financial stability.

Residents of Mesa, AZ, facing such problems should seek professional help to navigate the complex tax regulations and find the best resolution strategy. One such professional is Scott Allen EA, who has a proven track record of helping clients resolve their back tax return issues effectively.

Richard’s Journey: From Tax Chaos to Financial Relief

Richard, a resident of Mesa, AZ, had not filed his tax returns for seven years. Like many others, he found himself overwhelmed by the prospect of dealing with the IRS and unsure where to start. The mounting pressure and fear of potential repercussions made it challenging for him to take the first step.

Realizing the urgency of his situation, Richard decided to seek professional help. He reached out to Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a reputable family owned firm in Mesa, AZ, known for its expertise in resolving back tax return issues.

The Initial Consultation with Scott Allen EA

During his initial consultation, Richard shared his concerns and the extent of his unfiled tax returns. Scott Allen EA listened attentively, providing a safe and non-judgmental environment for Richard to explain his situation. Scott’s approach is always client-focused, ensuring that each individual’s unique circumstances are thoroughly understood.

Scott Allen EA conducted a comprehensive review of Richard’s tax history and financial situation. This initial assessment is crucial in determining the most effective strategy to address back tax returns and any outstanding IRS debt.

Developing a Customized Plan

Based on the detailed review, Scott Allen EA developed a customized plan tailored to Richard’s needs. The plan involved several key steps:

  1. Gathering Information: Scott assisted Richard in obtaining all necessary documents and information required to file the unfiled tax returns. This step is often daunting for clients, but Scott’s expertise made the process manageable and efficient through getting Power of Attorney authorizatrion.
  2. Filing Unfiled Tax Returns: Scott prepared and filed Richard’s tax returns for the past seven years. Accurate and timely filing is essential to prevent further penalties and interest from accruing.
  3. Negotiating with the IRS: With the tax returns filed, Scott Allen EA took on the task of negotiating with the IRS. His extensive experience and knowledge of IRS procedures were instrumental in reaching a favorable outcome.
  4. Setting Up a Payment Plan: Understanding Richard’s financial constraints, Scott negotiated a low monthly payment plan with the IRS. This plan allowed Richard to pay off his back taxes in manageable installments without compromising his financial stability.

The Outcome: A Fresh Start for Richard

Thanks to Scott Allen EA’s expertise and dedication, Richard’s back tax return problems were resolved efficiently. Richard was placed on a very low $73 per month payment plan, making it feasible for him to manage his IRS debt without significant strain on his finances.

The relief was immediate. With his tax returns filed and a manageable payment plan in place, Richard could finally breathe easy. The constant fear of IRS actions was lifted, allowing him to focus on rebuilding his financial health and future. See the actual letter of settlement approval from the IRS below. Mission accomplished!

Resolve Back Tax Returns Mesa AZ

Why Choose Scott Allen EA?

Scott Allen EA and Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. have built a reputation in Mesa, AZ, for their exceptional service and success in resolving back tax return issues. Here are some reasons why residents of Mesa, AZ, should consider Scott Allen EA for their tax problems:

  1. Expertise in Tax Laws: Scott Allen EA has an in-depth understanding of tax laws and IRS procedures, ensuring that clients receive accurate and effective solutions.
  2. Client-Centered Approach: Scott’s approach is always client-focused. He takes the time to understand each client’s unique situation and develops customized plans to address their specific needs.
  3. Proven Track Record: With numerous success stories like Richard’s, Scott Allen EA has demonstrated his ability to resolve even the most complex tax issues.
  4. Negotiation Skills: Scott’s negotiation skills are a significant asset in dealing with the IRS. He works diligently to secure the best possible outcomes for his clients, whether through payment plans, offers in compromise, or other IRS programs.
  5. Comprehensive Services: From filing unfiled tax returns to negotiating with the IRS and setting up payment plans, Scott Allen EA offers a full range of services to help clients regain financial stability.

Steps to Resolve Back Tax Returns in Mesa, AZ

For residents of Mesa, AZ, facing back tax return issues, taking the first step can be the most challenging part. Here are some steps to help resolve back tax returns:

  1. Seek Professional Help: Contact a reputable tax professional like Scott Allen EA to discuss your situation. Professional guidance can make a significant difference in navigating the complexities of tax issues.
  2. Gather Necessary Documents: Work with your tax professional to gather all required documents and information. This step is crucial for accurately filing unfiled tax returns.
  3. File Unfiled Tax Returns: Ensure that all unfiled tax returns are prepared and filed promptly. This action stops further penalties and interest from accruing.
  4. Negotiate with the IRS: Allow your tax professional to negotiate with the IRS on your behalf. Their expertise can help secure favorable terms and manageable payment plans.
  5. Set Up a Payment Plan: If you owe back taxes, work with your tax professional to set up a payment plan that fits your financial situation. This plan will allow you to pay off your debt without compromising your financial stability. There are also other options to negotiate your IRS debt as well and Scott Allen EA will go over all of those options with you.
  6. Stay Compliant: After resolving your back tax issues, it’s essential to stay compliant with future tax obligations. Regularly file your tax returns and make timely payments to avoid future problems.

Resolving back tax return problems can be a daunting task, but with the right professional help, it is entirely possible. Richard’s story is a testament to the effectiveness of seeking expert assistance from professionals like Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ. By addressing his unfiled tax returns and negotiating a manageable payment plan, Richard was able to regain control of his finances and find peace of mind.

For residents of Mesa, AZ, facing similar issues, taking action today can lead to a brighter financial future. With the expertise of Scott Allen EA, resolving back tax returns Mesa AZ and managing IRS debt is not only possible but also achievable with minimal stress. Don’t let back tax return problems weigh you down—seek professional help and start your journey towards financial freedom.

Written by Scott Allen

Do I Need a Glendale IRS Tax Attorney to do a Hardship Offer in Compromise?

Glendale IRS Tax Attorney?

No, this is not a legal matter and you don’t need to hire the first Glendale IRS Tax Attorney you talk to.  However, it will take an IRS resolution specialist who has expertise in applying and getting approval from the IRS to accept your hardship case.  Hardship means that it would cause you to suffer a severe hardship even though you can pay the tax liability.  There must be unusual circumstances before one can expect the IRS to consider the taxpayer a hardship candidate.  For this reason, hardship offers are rare compared to offers based on the ability to pay the full amount of the tax debt.

Some of the valid hardship situations would include:

  • All of the taxpayer’s assets would be required to provide adequate medical care for an illness or physical disability.
  • Payment of the tax debt owed would leave the taxpayer without means to cover necessary living expenses including housing, food, medical care, clothing and utilities.
  • The taxpayer does not have the ability to liquidate or borrow against assets to pay the tax debt.

Sometimes seeking a currently non-collectible status (CNC can provide the same protection needed by the taxpayer.   A CNC status is much easier to get approved by the IRS and is not difficult, in many situations, to be maintained until the statute of limitations for the collection of the taxes owed to the IRS has passed.

May I suggest you contact Scott Allen E.A. who has expertise in these matters and can navigate you towards the best settlement option at the lowest cost to you?  Scott is available for a free consultation at 480-926-9300.  Put your mind at ease and contact Scott Allen E.A. today instead of a Glendale IRS Tax Attorney. Below is an example of Scott Allen EA representing his Client Norman and negotiating all ten years of back taxes owed into a currently non collectible status. Always explore all options avaiable to you before submitting an IRS offer in compromise or any other tax settlement solution.

Glendale IRS Tax Attorney


Written by Scott Allen

Facts about IRS tax liens for Arizona Residents: IRS help from Scott Allen, E.A.

Arizona IRS Tax Liens

  • If the IRS ignored proper procedures, your tax lien can be removed.
  • If the statute of limitations has passed the lien becomes invalid.
  • Filing a bankruptcy before the lien is filed will protect exempt property forever.
  • Post a bond.
  • File an Offer in Compromise and making the Offer payment will remove the lien
  • Get a Certificate of Subordination
  • Obtain a Certificate of Release

Obviously, the best solution will resolve your tax debt before an Arizona IRS tax lien is filed.  Call me today for a free initial confidential consultation to see specifically what options apply to your situation. For Andrew, (a current client of Scott Allen EA) it was an aggressive payment plan negotiation that prevented the IRS from ever filing an Arizona IRS tax lien in the first place. By being proactive, Scott was able to get Andrew on a $135 per month payment plan and keep the IRS off his back and make sure the IRS does not slap a tax lien on him. View the IRS agreement letter below.

Prevent Arizona IRS Tax Liens

Scott Allen, E.A. – Tax Debt Advisors, Inc

Facts about Arizona IRS tax liens for Arizona Residents:  IRS help from Scott Allen, E.A.

Mesa, Apache Junction, Avondale, Buckeye, Carefree, Cave Creek, Chandler, El Mirage, Fountain Hills, Gila Bend, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Komatke, Litchfield Park, Luke AFB, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, Sun City, Sun Lakes, Surprise, Tempe, Tolleson, Waddell, Whitman, Wickenburg, Youngstown, Flagstaff, Tucson, Payson, Winslow, Sierra Vista, Page, Prescott, Globe, Yuma, AZ

Apache County, Cochise County, Coconino County, Gila County, Graham County, Greenlee County, La Paz County, Maricopa County, Mohave County, Navajo County, Pima County, Pinal County, Santa Cruz County, Yavapai County, Yuma County


Written by Scott Allen

Stop IRS Levy in Tempe, Arizona

Scott Allen EA: Your Trusted Representative to Stop IRS Levy in Tempe, Arizona

In the bustling city of Tempe, Arizona, where countless individuals and businesses thrive, financial struggles can become all too common. As if managing taxes wasn’t challenging enough, dealing with an IRS levy can add overwhelming stress to anyone’s life. Fortunately, there’s a beacon of hope for those seeking to navigate the treacherous waters of tax troubles – Scott Allen EA. In this blog, we will explore how Scott Allen EA can represent you before the IRS and help you stop an IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona, bringing peace of mind and financial stability back into your life.

Understanding IRS Levy: A Nightmare for Taxpayers

An IRS levy is a severe legal action taken by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to seize a taxpayer’s property or assets to satisfy unpaid tax debts. When facing a levy, taxpayers can find themselves in an extremely vulnerable position, fearing the loss of their homes, bank accounts, wages, and other essential assets. It is essential to act promptly and seek professional assistance to stop an IRS levy before it wreaks havoc on one’s financial stability.

Meet Scott Allen EA: The Trusted Tax Expert Near Tempe

Scott Allen EA is a seasoned Enrolled Agent (EA) with years of experience in providing tax representation and resolution services to individuals and businesses in Tempe, Arizona. As an EA, Scott Allen possesses the unique advantage of being federally authorized by the Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before the IRS. This designation sets him apart as a trustworthy and competent professional capable of navigating complex tax issues effectively.

Stop IRS Levy – Scott Allen EA to the Rescue

  1. Comprehensive Tax Analysis: When facing an IRS levy, the first step is to assess the taxpayer’s financial situation thoroughly. Scott Allen EA employs a comprehensive approach, meticulously analyzing the taxpayer’s tax history, income, expenses, and assets. This in-depth analysis helps identify the most suitable strategy to halt the levy and resolve the underlying tax issues.
  2. Communication with the IRS: Navigating the intricacies of IRS communication can be daunting for any taxpayer. However, with Scott Allen EA by your side, you can breathe a sigh of relief. He acts as a proficient intermediary between the IRS and the taxpayer, handling all communication on their behalf. This ensures that all vital information is conveyed accurately and that the taxpayer’s rights are protected throughout the process. This is done by signing an IRS Power of Attorney to give him full access to represent you.
  3. Seeking Levy Release: One of the primary objectives of Scott Allen EA is to secure the release of the IRS levy. He diligently negotiates with the IRS to reach a favorable resolution, aiming to release the levy and put an end to the taxpayer’s financial distress. Whether it involves arranging an installment agreement, proposing an offer in compromise, or exploring other suitable alternatives, Scott Allen EA pursues the best possible outcome for his clients.
  4. Expert Legal Representation: In situations where the IRS levy may not be justified or appropriate, Scott Allen EA is prepared to provide expert legal representation. He has a deep understanding of tax laws, regulations, and IRS procedures, allowing him to build strong cases to defend the taxpayer’s rights and assets. Having Scott Allen EA on your side empowers you with the confidence to face the IRS with a robust defense.
  5. Long-term Tax Planning: While stopping an IRS levy is a critical short-term goal, Scott Allen EA goes above and beyond by providing long-term tax planning. By implementing strategic tax planning strategies, he helps taxpayers prevent future tax problems and ensures compliance with tax laws, keeping financial troubles at bay.

In times of financial distress caused by an impending IRS levy, Scott Allen EA emerges as a beacon of hope for taxpayers in Tempe, Arizona. His vast experience, comprehensive tax analysis, expert representation, and dedication to resolving tax issues make him a trusted ally for anyone facing IRS problems. Whether he is hired to stop IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona, negotiating with the IRS, or providing long-term tax planning, Scott Allen EA is a reliable partner to reclaim financial stability and peace of mind.

If you find yourself in the throes of an IRS levy, don’t hesitate to seek the services of Scott Allen EA. With his expertise and determination, you can be confident in your ability to navigate the complexities of tax troubles and emerge victorious. Remember, the path to financial freedom starts with a single step towards Scott Allen EA’s guidance and representation. Stop the IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona, and pave the way to a brighter financial future. He does not charge for an initial consultation to meet with you.

See how Scott Allen EA was about his represent his client Donna. Faced with an aggressive IRS agent, he was able to stop IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona nd negotaite all nine years of her $88,799.53 debt into a currently non collectible status. Dont believe it!? View the approval from the IRS below.

Stop IRS Levy in Tempe, Arizona

Written by Scott Allen

Stop IRS Levy in Phoenix, Arizona

Let Scott Allen EA Represent You: Stop IRS Levy in Phoenix, Arizona

Facing an IRS levy in Phoenix, Arizona can be an overwhelming and stressful experience for anyone. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has the power to seize your assets, garnish your wages, and freeze your bank accounts if you have outstanding tax debts. However, residents of Phoenix, Arizona, can find solace in the expertise of Scott Allen EA, an enrolled agent who specializes in representing taxpayers before the IRS. In this blog post, we will explore the process of stopping an IRS levy in Phoenix and how Scott Allen EA can assist you in navigating this complex situation.

Understanding IRS Levy and Its Consequences:

When a taxpayer fails to pay their tax debts, the IRS can resort to levying their assets. An IRS levy is a legal seizure of a taxpayer’s property to satisfy the outstanding debt. This can include bank accounts, wages, real estate, vehicles, and other assets of value. The consequences of an IRS levy can be severe, leading to financial distress, strained relationships, and significant disruptions to one’s life.

How to Stop an IRS Levy In Phoenix, Arizona:

Halting an IRS levy requires prompt action and a thorough understanding of the tax laws. The following steps can help individuals in Phoenix, Arizona, stop an IRS levy and protect their assets:

  1. Seek Professional Assistance: Handling an IRS levy situation can be complex, and it’s crucial to consult a tax professional like Scott Allen EA. As an enrolled agent, Scott Allen EA possesses the necessary knowledge and experience to navigate the intricacies of tax laws and negotiate with the IRS on your behalf.
  2. Communicate with the IRS: Open lines of communication with the IRS are essential. Scott Allen EA can serve as your representative, ensuring effective communication with the IRS agents. Through skillful negotiation, he can present your case and explore potential alternatives to levy, such as installment agreements, offers in compromise, or currently not collectible status.
  3. File for a Collection Due Process (CDP) Hearing: If the IRS has issued a Final Notice of Intent to Levy, you have the right to request a Collection Due Process hearing. This formal procedure allows you to present your case before an independent appeals officer. Scott Allen EA can guide you through this process, gather the necessary documentation, and represent you effectively at the hearing.
  4. Explore Legal Remedies: In some cases, legal remedies may be appropriate, such as filing for a tax bankruptcy or pursuing an innocent spouse relief claim. Scott Allen EA can assess your circumstances and provide guidance on the best course of action to stop the IRS levy while minimizing the impact on your financial situation.

The Benefits of Scott Allen EA’s Representation:

Scott Allen EA offers numerous advantages to individuals who need to Stop IRS levy in Phoenix, Arizona:

  1. Extensive Experience: With years of experience as an enrolled agent, Scott Allen EA possesses in-depth knowledge of tax laws, IRS procedures, and effective negotiation strategies. He has successfully represented numerous clients in resolving their tax issues and stopping levies since 2007. His family business, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc have been solving IRS problems since 1977.
  2. Personalized Guidance: Scott Allen EA understands that every case is unique. He provides personalized attention to each client, thoroughly assessing their financial situation, and devising tailored solutions to halt the IRS levy. His compassionate approach ensures that clients feel heard and supported throughout the process.
  3. Expert Negotiation Skills: Negotiating with the IRS requires skillful communication and a deep understanding of tax laws. Scott Allen EA’s expertise in this area allows him to effectively present your case, explore alternative options, and negotiate on your behalf to reach a favorable resolution.
  4. IRS Compliance and Tax Relief: Beyond stopping the immediate levy, Scott Allen EA can assist you in achieving long-term IRS compliance. He can guide you in implementing tax planning strategies, ensuring accurate filings, and exploring potential tax relief programs to minimize future tax liabilities.

Needing to stop IRS levy in Phoenix, Arizona, can be a daunting situation, but it’s important to remember that you don’t have to face it alone. Scott Allen EA is a trusted professional who specializes in representing taxpayers before the IRS. With his extensive knowledge, experience, and personalized approach, he can help you navigate the complexities of the tax system and stop an IRS levy. By seeking Scott Allen EA’s representation, you can gain peace of mind and protect your assets while working towards resolving your tax debt issues effectively.

A real Testimonial:

Veiw a recent example below of Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc was able to stop IRS levy in Phoenix, Arizona for Sylvia by negotiating seven years of back taxes owed into one low monthly payment plan.

Stop IRS Levy in Phoenix Arizona

Written by Scott Allen

Scott Allen EA can realease an Arizona IRS Levy

How Scott Allen EA Can Release an Arizona IRS Levy

If you’re facing an Arizona IRS levy, you may be wondering how you can get it released. The good news is that there are a number of things you can do, and Scott Allen EA can help.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what an IRS levy is, what causes it, and how Scott Allen EA can help you get it released.

What is an Arizona IRS levy?

An Arizona IRS levy is a legal process that allows the IRS to collect taxes by seizing your property. This can include your bank accounts, wages, and even your assets, such as your car or home.

The IRS can issue a levy if you owe taxes and have not made arrangements to pay them. They can also issue a levy if you have failed to file your tax returns.

What causes an IRS levy?

There are a number of things that can cause the IRS to issue a levy. These include:

  • Not paying your taxes
  • Not filing your tax returns
  • Failing to make arrangements to pay your taxes
  • Having a history of non-compliance with the IRS

How can Scott Allen EA help?

If you’re facing an IRS levy, Scott Allen EA can help. We can:

  • Represent you in negotiations with the IRS
  • Help you develop a payment plan
  • File your tax returns
  • Help you resolve any other issues that may be causing the IRS to pursue collection

We understand that dealing with the IRS can be stressful and overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to help. We’ll work with you every step of the way to get your levy released and get your financial life back on track.

What are the steps involved in getting an Arizona IRS levy released?

The steps involved in getting an IRS levy released will vary depending on your individual circumstances. However, there are some general steps that may be involved:

  1. Contact the IRS and find out why the levy was issued.
  2. Make arrangements to pay the taxes that are owed.
  3. File any outstanding tax returns.
  4. Request that the levy be released.

The IRS may require you to provide additional information or documentation before they will release the levy. This could include things like proof of income, bank statements, or proof that you have filed your tax returns.

Once you have provided all of the required information, the IRS will review your request and make a decision about whether to release the levy. If the levy is released, the IRS will send you a letter confirming this.

What are the consequences of not getting an IRS levy released?

If you do not get an Arizona IRS levy released, the IRS may continue to seize your property. This could include your bank accounts, wages, and even your assets, such as your car or home.

The IRS may also take additional collection actions, such as garnishing your wages or putting a lien on your property.

If you are facing an IRS levy, it is important to take action to get it released. Scott Allen EA can help you with this process.

Contact Scott Allen EA today to get started

If you are facing an Arizona IRS levy, contact Scott Allen EA today to get started. We can help you get your levy released and get your financial life back on track.

We offer a free consultation, so there is no risk in contacting us. We’ll review your situation and discuss your options. We can also help you develop a payment plan that works for you.

Don’t wait any longer. Contact Scott Allen EA today to get started. See below how he helped out his client Paul by negotiating his back taxes owed into a low monthly payment plan. This agreement stopped the IRS levy and got him back in good standing again.

Stop Arizona IRS Levy

Written by Scott Allen

Leveraging Scott Allen EA’s Expertise When Faced with a Phoenix AZ IRS Levy

Phoenix AZ IRS Levy Help

Facing an Phoenix AZ IRS levy is a daunting situation. It’s a stage where the IRS officially seizes your property or assets to satisfy a tax debt you owe. It’s more severe than a lien – a claim used as security for the tax debt, while a levy actually takes the property to satisfy the debt. This is where Scott Allen EA, a seasoned tax consultant, can step in to provide the much-needed relief. Scott Allen EA, with his extensive knowledge and experience in dealing with the IRS, can guide you through the resolution process.

Scott Allen EA: A Trusted Ally in Tax Disputes

With a solid background in tax resolution, Scott Allen is a licensed Enrolled Agent (EA). An EA is a federally licensed tax practitioner who has technical expertise in the field of taxation and is empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers for audits, collections, and appeals before the IRS. Allen’s track record is a testament to his dedication and commitment to helping individuals resolve their tax issues. His personalized approach ensures that he understands each case’s unique challenges and nuances.

How Can Scott Allen EA Assist You?

1. Negotiating Installment Agreements:

If you’re unable to pay your tax debts in full, an installment agreement can be negotiated. This allows you to make monthly payments over time. Scott Allen EA can work with the IRS on your behalf to negotiate the terms of the agreement, ensuring they are manageable and within your financial capability.

2. Offer in Compromise (OIC):

An OIC is an agreement between a taxpayer and the IRS that settles the taxpayer’s tax liabilities for less than the full amount owed. However, getting an OIC approved can be quite challenging. Scott Allen EA’s expertise in this area can help you put together a successful OIC package. Before submitted any IRS OIC package Scott Allen EA will first make sure you are a viable candiate for one to be approved.

3. Penalty Abatement:

The IRS can impose penalties for various reasons such as late filing or late payment of taxes. These penalties can significantly increase the amount owed. Scott Allen EA, with his in-depth understanding of the tax code, can help you request a penalty abatement, which can reduce or eliminate the penalties levied by the IRS.

4. Release of Levies and Liens:

If a levy or lien has already been imposed, Scott Allen EA can negotiate with the IRS for a release. This process requires a thorough understanding of the IRS’s procedures, and Scott Allen EA’s experience dealing with these situations equips him well to handle this process effectively. By agreeing to one of the IRS settlement options the IRS will release any Phoenix AZ IRS levy.

An Advocate in Your Corner

Remember, Scott Allen EA is not just your tax resolution specialist, he’s your advocate. His goal is not only to mitigate the immediate situation but also to work with you to develop a robust tax strategy moving forward. By understanding your financial situation, goals, and challenges, he can provide advice and guidance that aligns with your long-term financial health.

A Proactive Approach

Allen believes in taking a proactive approach towards handling tax issues. Rather than waiting for the IRS to levy your assets, reach out to him as soon as you face financial difficulties or can’t pay your taxes in full. His timely intervention can help you avoid severe measures like levies and liens. Far too often taxpayers are reactive rather then proactive. If you can get into that proactive mode you will be surprised at the results.


In conclusion, being levied by the IRS can be a stressful and challenging situation, but you don’t have to face it alone. Leveraging the expertise of professionals like Scott Allen EA can provide the assistance you need to navigate this difficult landscape. Remember, the best defense is often a strong offense, and in the face of IRS levies, a knowledgeable and experienced EA like Scott Allen is an ally worth having. View below a recent success he had for one of his clients. He was able to negotiate all of Shan’s back IRS taxes into a currently non collectible status. Now he doesn’t have to pay the IRS a dime on his back taxes, he is not at threat of a Phoenix AZ IRS levy, and he can move on with his life knowing that the IRS has been taken care of.

Phoenix AZ IRS Levy

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