Written by Scott Allen

IRS Tax Lien in Phoenix, Arizona: Get a Resolution

Navigating an IRS Tax Lien in Phoenix, Arizona: A Path to Resolution with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

If you’re a taxpayer in Phoenix, Arizona facing a daunting IRS tax lien for unpaid taxes from back taxes owed you’re not alone. Tax problems can be overwhelming, but there is help available. This blog post explores the situation of a Phoenix resident, Ruben, who successfully navigated an IRS tax lien with the assistance of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a local, family-owned business established in 1977.

Understanding the IRS Tax Lien in Phoenix

An IRS tax lien is a serious matter. It signifies the government’s legal claim to your property to satisfy unpaid taxes, penalties, and interest. A lien filed against you can severely impact your financial situation by hindering your ability to obtain loans, sell assets, or even renew your passport.

In Ruben’s case, the IRS filed a tax lien for unpaid taxes from multiple years (2016, 2017, & 2018). This likely resulted from a combination of factors, such as missed tax filings, underpayment of taxes owed, or unexpected income changes.

Seeking Help from a Phoenix Tax Resolution Specialist

Faced with the burden of an IRS tax lien in Phoenix Arizona, Ruben knew he needed professional guidance. A quick Google search for “phoenix arizona irs tax lien help” led him to Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. (https://taxdebtadvisors.com/). He scheduled a free consultation with Scott Allen, EA (Enrolled Agent), a tax resolution specialist at the firm.

The Power of Attorney and Negotiation Process

During the consultation, Scott explained to Ruben the various options available to resolve the IRS tax lien. One crucial step involved Ruben granting Scott a Power of Attorney (https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-2848). This authorization empowers the tax professional to represent Ruben before the IRS, handle all communication, and negotiate a favorable outcome on his behalf.

Scott, leveraging his expertise and experience, was able to achieve the following for Ruben:

  • Halt IRS Collection Activity: Scott stopped the IRS from further collection efforts on the tax lien. This provided Ruben with much-needed breathing room to focus on resolving the underlying tax debt.
  • Negotiate Currently Non-Collectible (CNC) Status: Through effective negotiation with the IRS, Scott was able to secure a “currently non-collectible” (CNC) status for Ruben’s tax debt. This means that, based on Ruben’s current financial situation, the IRS cannot actively collect the tax debt. It’s important to note that a CNC status is not debt forgiveness; the tax obligation remains, but collection efforts are temporarily suspended. A copy of Ruben’s IRS settlement is below. This is evidence that Scott Allen EA provides honest follow thru service, not just faulty promises.

Phoenix AZ Help IRS Tax Lien

A Path Forward for Phoenix Taxpayers

Ruben’s case highlights the importance of seeking professional help from a qualified tax resolution specialist when facing an IRS tax lien in Phoenix, Arizona. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., with its team of experienced EAs like Scott Allen, can guide you through the complex process of navigating IRS regulations and finding the best solution for your specific situation.

Here’s what Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can offer you:

  • Free Consultation: Discuss your tax problems with a qualified EA during a free, no-obligation consultation.
  • Personalized Strategy: Develop a tailored plan to resolve your IRS tax lien based on your unique circumstances.
  • Experienced Representation: Benefit from the expertise of EAs who handle IRS matters daily.
  • Communication and Transparency: Stay informed throughout the process with clear and consistent communication.

If you’re a taxpayer in Phoenix or surrounding cities struggling with an IRS tax lien, don’t hesitate to contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Schedule your free consultation today and take the first step towards resolving your tax burden. Scott Allen EA can represent you from start to finish.

Additional Resources:

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as tax advice. Please consult with a qualified tax professional to discuss your specific tax situation.

Written by Scott Allen

Daniel’s Payment Plan for Mesa AZ IRS Settlement

Finding Relief: How Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Settled Mesa Resident’s 8 Years of Back Taxes

Tax season can be stressful for everyone, but imagine facing the burden of unfiled tax returns for years on end. This was the reality for Daniel, a Mesa, Arizona resident and father of three, who found himself drowning in a sea of back taxes desperately needed a Mesa AZ IRS Settlement. For eight long years, the weight of unaddressed tax debt loomed large, casting a shadow over his financial security. Fortunately, Daniel discovered Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a local Mesa firm specializing in helping taxpayers navigate the complexities of IRS issues.

This blog post delves into Daniel’s story, highlighting how Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. secured him a favorable settlement with the IRS, offering a beacon of hope for Mesa residents facing similar challenges. We’ll explore the intricate world of unfiled back taxes, settlement options, and the importance of seeking local expertise when dealing with the IRS.

The Maze of Unfiled Back Taxes

Failing to file tax returns, even unintentionally, can lead to a snowball effect of penalties and interest accumulating over time. The IRS takes unfiled returns seriously, and the consequences can be significant. Late filing penalties can be as high as 25% of the unpaid tax liability, and late payment penalties can add another 1% per month, on top of accruing interest. This can quickly compound the original tax debt, making it even more difficult to manage.

Understanding Your Options: Key to Finding Relief

Thankfully, the IRS offers various solutions for taxpayers facing back tax burdens. These include:

  • Filing Delinquent Returns: The first step is to file all outstanding tax returns. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can guide you through this process, ensuring accuracy and maximizing deductions to minimize your tax liability.
  • Payment Plans: The IRS allows taxpayers to establish installment agreements to pay off back taxes in manageable monthly installments. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can negotiate these plans on your behalf, advocating for a low monthly payment that fits your financial situation.
  • Offers in Compromise (OIC): An OIC allows you to settle your tax debt for a lump sum payment significantly lower than the total amount owed. Qualifying for an OIC requires a financial hardship demonstration. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can assess your eligibility and handle the entire OIC application process.

The Power of Local Expertise: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. to the Rescue

While national 1-800 companies may advertise IRS settlements, their success rates can be underwhelming. These impersonal services often lack the in-depth understanding of local tax laws and nuances that can significantly impact your case. Here’s where a local Mesa firm like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. shines:

  • Personalized Attention: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is dedicated to building relationships with their clients. They take the time to understand your unique circumstances and tailor their approach accordingly.
  • Local Knowledge: Their experience working with Mesa residents allows them to navigate the local IRS landscape with ease, ensuring the best possible outcome for your case.
  • Proven Track Record: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. boasts a history of successful settlements for Mesa taxpayers. Their dedicated team leverages their expertise to achieve optimal results.

Daniel’s Success Story: A Path to Financial Freedom

Daniel, burdened by eight years of unfiled returns and mounting tax debt, felt overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn. Fortunately, he connected with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. After a thorough review of his financial situation, Scott Allen EA determined a payment plan was the most suitable option.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. meticulously prepared and submitted a comprehensive application, complete with the required IRS Form 433A, “Collection Information Statement.” This form details your income, expenses, and assets, providing the IRS with a clear picture of your financial hardship.

Thanks to Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.’s meticulous approach and in-depth knowledge of local tax regulations, the IRS accepted Daniel’s payment plan proposal offer. His crippling tax debt was settled for a significantly low payment amount, paving the way for a brighter financial future. Remarkably, his monthly payment plan was set at a manageable $131, allowing him to finally breathe a sigh of relief and focus on supporting his family. See his letter of acceptance below from the IRS. This was Daniel’s Mesa AZ IRS Settlement!

Mesa AZ IRS Settlement Payment Plan

Empowering Mesa Taxpayers: Taking Control of Your Financial Future

Daniel’s story serves as an inspiring example of how working with a local tax resolution specialist like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can transform a seemingly insurmountable situation. If you’re a Mesa resident facing unfiled returns or tax debt, don’t let the burden weigh you down. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is here to help you with you Mesa AZ IRS Settlement too.

Next Steps: Get the Help You Deserve

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. offers a free consultation, allowing you to discuss your specific tax situation and explore potential settlement options.

Written by Scott Allen

Phillip’s IRS Settlement in Chandler Arizona

From Burdensome Back Taxes to Relief: A Chandler Resident’s Success Story with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

Tax time can be stressful for everyone, but for those facing significant back tax debt, the anxiety can be overwhelming. Philip, a resident of Chandler, Arizona, found himself in this very situation. With a daunting sum of $71,675 owed on four years of unfiled tax returns, he wasn’t sure where to turn. Thankfully, Philip discovered Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a local firm specializing in helping individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of IRS issues needing an IRS settlement in Chandler Arizona.

Scott Allen, EA, the owner of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., is a licensed Enrolled Agent with extensive experience representing taxpayers before the IRS. Enrolled agents are federally authorized tax professionals granted the same rights as attorneys and CPAs when it comes to representing taxpayers before the IRS https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/enrolled-agents. This expertise proved invaluable for Philip’s case.

Understanding the Problem: A Deep Dive into Philip’s Tax Situation

Scott’s first step involved a thorough analysis of Philip’s tax situation. This included reviewing any available financial records, understanding the reasons for the unfiled returns, and assessing Philip’s current financial hardship. Through open communication, Scott discovered that a combination of factors, including a job loss and unexpected medical expenses, had contributed to Philip’s inability to file his returns on time and pay the resulting tax liability.

Crafting a Strategy: Exploring Solutions for Philip

Armed with this information, Scott explored different avenues to resolve Philip’s IRS tax debt. Here’s where Scott’s local expertise in Chandler, Arizona, proved crucial. Understanding the specific needs and resources available in the area allowed him to tailor a strategy that would be most beneficial for Philip in getting a proper IRS settlement in Chandler Arizona.

Here are some of the potential solutions Scott might have considered:

  • IRS Payment Plans: For taxpayers who can afford manageable monthly payments, the IRS offers various installment agreement options https://www.irs.gov/payments/payment-plans-installment-agreements.
  • Offer in Compromise (OIC): This program allows taxpayers to settle their tax debt for a lump sum payment that’s significantly less than the amount owed. However, qualification for an OIC requires meeting specific criteria set by the IRS https://www.irs.gov/payments/offer-in-compromise.
  • Currently Not Collectible (CNC) Status: In situations where a taxpayer’s current financial hardship makes it impossible for them to make any payments, the IRS may consider a Currently Not Collectible (CNC) designation. This status does not erase the tax debt, but it temporarily suspends collection efforts.

The Path to Relief: Achieving Currently Not Collectible Status

After careful consideration of Philip’s specific circumstances, Scott determined that pursuing Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status would be the most favorable outcome. This strategy involved presenting a compelling case to the IRS that demonstrated Philip’s inability to pay due to his financial hardship. Scott meticulously prepared a comprehensive package documenting Philip’s financial situation, including income statements, expense reports, and hardship explanations.

The Benefits of Local Representation

Throughout the process, Scott Allen EA’s local presence near Chandler proved advantageous. He maintained clear communication with Philip, addressing his concerns and keeping him updated on the progress. This personal touch is often missing when dealing directly with the IRS, where navigating the complexities of the system can be daunting.

Furthermore, Scott’s understanding of the local economic landscape and the resources available near Chandler allowed him to strengthen Philip’s case. He could demonstrate, for instance, the average cost of living in Chandler and how it impacted Philip’s financial ability to repay the IRS debt.

A Successful Outcome: Relief from Back Taxes

The culmination of Scott’s expertise and Philip’s cooperation resulted in a remarkable outcome. The IRS granted Philip Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status, effectively relieving him from the burden of immediate tax debt payments. While the debt remains on record, as long as Philip remains compliant with future tax filing and payment obligations, the IRS will not pursue collection efforts. Check out his approval letter below from the IRS confirming his IRS settlement in Chandler Arizona.

IRS Settlement in Chandler Arizona

Moving Forward with Confidence

This successful resolution allowed Philip to breathe a sigh of relief. He can now focus on rebuilding his financial stability without the constant worry of looming IRS debt. Scott’s guidance also helped Philip develop a plan for future tax compliance to avoid similar situations in the future.

Why Choose a Local Enrolled Agent?

Philip’s story highlights the importance of seeking help from a qualified Enrolled Agent, especially one who is local to your area. Here’s why:

  • Local Expertise: An enrolled agent familiar with your specific area understands the local economic landscape and cost-of-living factors that may impact your case.
  • Personalized Service: Local representation allows for a more personal connection and better communication with your tax advocate.
Written by Scott Allen

Rescuing Michael from Phoenix AZ IRS Debt Problems

Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc.: Rescuing Michael from Phoenix IRS Debt

In the vast realm of tax complexities, individuals often find themselves entangled in the web of Phoenix AZ IRS debt problems. One such individual, Michael from Phoenix, Arizona, faced the daunting challenge of owing the IRS over $256,000 for multiple tax years. However, Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc. emerged as a beacon of hope for Michael, navigating the intricate tax landscape and successfully negotiating his personal IRS debt into a currently non-collectible status.

Scott Allen EA, a seasoned tax professional, played a pivotal role in Michael’s journey towards financial recovery. As an Enrolled Agent, Scott possesses a unique set of skills and qualifications, allowing him to represent taxpayers before the IRS. His extensive knowledge of tax laws and regulations, coupled with years of experience, made him the ideal candidate to tackle Michael’s complex situation.

To initiate the process, Scott Allen EA became Michael’s IRS power of attorney by filing Form 2848. This crucial document granted Scott the authority to represent Michael before the IRS, ensuring effective communication and representation throughout the resolution process. The power of attorney designation is a fundamental step in resolving IRS debt issues, as it empowers tax professionals like Scott to act on behalf of their clients.

Michael’s case was particularly challenging, given the substantial amount owed to the IRS for multiple tax years. The looming debt of $256,000 created a financial burden that needed careful navigation through IRS procedures and negotiations. Scott Allen EA took on the responsibility of understanding the intricacies of Michael’s case and formulating a comprehensive strategy for resolution.

Negotiating a Currently Non-Collectible Status:

Scott Allen EA employed his expertise to negotiate with the IRS and successfully transition Michael’s IRS debt into a currently non-collectible status. But what does “currently non-collectible” mean in the context of IRS debt resolution?

A currently non-collectible status, often abbreviated as CNC, is one of several options available to the IRS for resolving tax debts. It essentially means that, based on the taxpayer’s current financial situation, the IRS acknowledges an inability to collect the owed amount. During this status, the IRS temporarily halts collection activities, providing the taxpayer with relief from immediate financial obligations.

Factors Influencing Non-Collectible Status:

Achieving a non-collectible status involves a careful evaluation of the taxpayer’s financial situation. Scott Allen EA, in collaboration with Michael, presented compelling evidence to demonstrate that paying the IRS debt at the present time would result in severe economic hardship. Factors such as income, expenses, assets, and liabilities were meticulously analyzed to make a convincing case for non-collectibility.

Benefits of Non-Collectible Status:

  1. Temporary Relief: The primary benefit of a currently non-collectible status is the temporary relief it provides to the taxpayer. During this period, the IRS ceases collection efforts, including levies and garnishments, allowing the taxpayer to stabilize their financial situation.
  2. Breathing Room for Financial Recovery: Non-collectible status offers individuals the opportunity to focus on their financial recovery without the immediate pressure of IRS debt repayment. It provides a breathing room for taxpayers to explore sustainable solutions and regain control over their financial well-being.
  3. Protection from Aggressive Collection Tactics: With the IRS temporarily suspending collection activities, taxpayers under a non-collectible status are shielded from aggressive tactics that could exacerbate their financial struggles. This protection allows for a more constructive approach to resolving tax issues.

It’s crucial to highlight that Scott Allen EA’s expertise extends beyond Michael’s case. As a capable Enrolled Agent, Scott can represent any Phoenix, Arizona taxpayers facing IRS debt challenges or dealing with unfiled tax returns. His proficiency in navigating the complexities of tax laws makes him a valuable asset for individuals seeking effective resolution and financial relief.

Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc. exemplifies the power of specialized expertise in resolving complex Phoenix AZ IRS debt issues. Through his strategic representation, Michael from Phoenix, Arizona, emerged from the shadows of overwhelming tax liabilities to find solace in a currently non-collectible status. This success story underscores the importance of seeking professional assistance when confronted with IRS debt, and Scott Allen EA stands as a reliable ally for those navigating the intricate landscape of tax challenges in Phoenix and beyond.

View his letter of successful IRS settlement below:

Phoenix AZ IRS Debt Problems


Written by Scott Allen

Save Thousands if You Owe IRS Back Taxes Mesa AZ

How Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ, Can Save You Thousands if You Owe Back Taxes

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the weight of back tax returns owed to the IRS? Struggling to find a solution while the debt continues to grow? Look no further—Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ, specializes in navigating the complex terrain of tax debt and helping clients like you find relief from burdensome IRS obligations.

One success story that stands out among the many is our recent achievement in assisting a client who owed over $33,000 in back tax returns to the IRS on his 2020 tax return. Through our tailored strategies and expertise, we not only alleviated his stress but also significantly reduced his tax liabilities. Here’s how we did it and how we can help you too. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc saved him over $19,000. (VIEW THE IRS APPROVAL NOTICE BELOW).

Understanding Your Situation:

The first step in resolving tax debt is gaining a comprehensive understanding of your unique circumstances. At Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., our team of seasoned professionals begins by conducting a thorough analysis of your financial situation and the details of your tax liabilities. We leave no stone unturned in assessing your case, ensuring we’re equipped with all the necessary information to strategize effectively on your behalf.

Exploring IRS Settlement Options:

The IRS offers various settlement options to taxpayers burdened with tax debt. These include:

  1. Offer in Compromise (OIC): An OIC allows qualifying taxpayers to settle their tax debt for less than the full amount owed. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. works diligently to negotiate favorable terms with the IRS, considering factors such as your income, expenses, asset equity, and overall ability to pay.
  2. Installment Agreements: For those unable to pay their tax debt in full, an installment agreement can be established to make monthly payments. Our team assists in negotiating reasonable installment terms, easing the financial strain and ensuring compliance with IRS regulations.
  3. Penalty Abatement: In certain cases, the IRS may agree to reduce or remove penalties associated with unpaid taxes. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. leverages its expertise to advocate for penalty abatement, potentially saving you substantial amounts on accrued penalties.

Our Approach in Action:

In the case of our client facing a daunting $33,000 in back tax returns owed to the IRS, our meticulous approach led to a favorable outcome. Through strategic negotiation and careful examination of their bank statements and profit and loss statements, we were able to pursue filing of a proper amended tax return on his behalf before negotiationg an installment agreement.

Scott Allen EA meticulously prepared and submitted the amendment, highlighting our client’s tax return changes. Leveraging our expertise in navigating the intricate IRS procedures, we negotiated diligently to secure a significantly reduced tax amount owed, ultimately saving our client thousands of dollars.

Why Choose Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.?

When it comes to resolving tax debt, expertise and experience matter. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ, boasts a track record of success in aiding clients burdened by IRS obligations. Here’s why you should choose us:

Expertise: Our team comprises tax professionals well-versed in IRS protocols and settlement options, ensuring tailored strategies for each client’s unique situation.

Personalized Approach: We understand the stress and anxiety caused by tax debt. That’s why we offer personalized attention, guiding you through every step of the resolution process.

Proven Results: Our success stories speak volumes about our commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients, as evidenced by the substantial savings secured for our $33,000 tax debt case.

Peace of Mind: Partnering with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. means gaining peace of mind. Let us handle the complexities while you focus on moving forward toward financial stability.

Take Control of Your Tax Debt Today:

Don’t let tax debt continue to weigh you down. Take the first step toward financial freedom by contacting Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ. Our dedicated team is ready to assess your situation, chart a course of action, and work tirelessly to alleviate your tax burdens, just as we did for our client with a $33,000 tax debt.

Reach out to us today for a consultation and discover how we can help you save thousands while resolving your IRS back taxes owed Mesa AZ. You deserve a fresh start—let Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. pave the way for your brighter financial future.

IRS Back Taxes Mesa AZ


Written by Scott Allen

Suggestions for Happy Living Despite Having an IRS Problem, Part 2

Happy Living & Mesa AZ Back Tax Returns

  • Happiness comes from the inside out, not the inside in.—Anonymous
  • Happiness is a direction, not a place.”—Sydney J. Harris
  • The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grow it under his feet.—James Oppenheim
  • The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstance.—Martha Washington
  • Engraving on a tombstone: “Here lies a woman twice blessed: She was happy, and she knew it.”

There are several options available to settle your IRS tax debt in Mesa Arizona.  Each settlement options has pros and cons—something good about it as wells as something not so good.  However, one is always better that the rest and is usually quite obvious once the facts have been presented to you without prejudice towards any one solution.  That is why Scott Allen E.A. should be your choice when confronted with a serious Mesa AZ back tax return problem in Mesa AZ.  Call 480-926-9300 to schedule your free initial consultation.

Scott Allen E.A. has witnessed the success of his family’s Mesa AZ IRS resolution practice first hand and is carrying on the tradition to the second generation.  Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has been helping Mesa Arizona individuals like you with IRS tax problems since 1977.  You will only work with Scott Allen E.A. from start to finish.  He will only take your case if it is in your best interest.  That is why our family business is enjoying its 46th year.  Scott Allen E.A. promises straight answers and follow through service and guarantees the most aggressive Mesa AZ back tax return preparation and IRS settlements allowed by law.  Call Scott to schedule your free initial consultation at 480-926-9300.  Let him make today a great day for you!

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc


Written by Scott Allen

Hiring Scott Allen EA over a Chandler, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

The Wise Choice: Hiring Scott Allen EA over a Chandler, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

In the complex world of taxes and financial regulations, taxpayers often find themselves seeking professional assistance to navigate the intricate web of laws, forms, and deadlines. For those residing in Chandler, Arizona, the decision between hiring a tax attorney or enlisting the expertise of Scott Allen EA can be a pivotal one. While both professionals offer valuable services, this blog aims to shed light on why hiring Scott Allen EA might be the more advantageous option for taxpayers in need of IRS tax assistance.

Comprehensive Tax Knowledge and Expertise

Scott Allen EA, an Enrolled Agent, possesses a deep understanding of tax codes, regulations, and procedures. His extensive expertise is specifically tailored to IRS matters, making him an ideal choice for taxpayers dealing with tax-related issues. Enrolled Agents are authorized by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before the IRS, demonstrating Scott Allen’s EA ability to proficiently handle tax matters. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc has been representing taxpayers before the IRS for over 45 years.

In contrast, a Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorney’s expertise is often spread across various legal areas, making their focus less specialized. While tax attorneys are qualified legal professionals, they may not possess the same level of in-depth knowledge and practical experience in IRS-specific tax matters that Scott Allen EA does.

Personalized Attention and Approachability

One of the standout advantages of hiring Scott Allen EA is the personalized attention he offers to his clients. He takes the time to understand each client’s unique financial situation and tax concerns. This personalized approach allows him to craft customized solutions that best address the individual needs of his clients. From start to finish you will work with Scott Allen EA. He is who you will meet with, who will represent you before the IRS, and who will prepare and tax return filings.

On the other hand, some Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorneys may have a higher caseload, leading to less individualized attention for each client. This could result in a less tailored strategy for resolving tax issues, potentially overlooking important details that Scott Allen EA would be more likely to catch due to his focused expertise.


Tax matters often involve complex procedures, and legal representation can come at a significant cost. Hiring a Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorney may lead to higher fees due to the attorney’s broader legal scope. Scott Allen EA, on the other hand, offers a more cost-effective solution without compromising the quality of service. Clients can benefit from his specialized expertise without incurring the higher costs often associated with legal representation.

Direct Communication and Accessibility

Effective communication between a taxpayer and their representative is crucial in resolving tax matters efficiently. Scott Allen EA is known for his approachable demeanor and clear calm communication style. Clients can directly interact with him, discuss concerns, and receive timely updates on the progress of their cases. This direct line of communication fosters transparency and trust between Scott Allen EA and his clients.

Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorneys may have a hierarchical structure that requires clients to communicate through intermediaries, such as paralegals or assistants. This indirect communication can lead to misunderstandings and delays in obtaining information about the status of a case.

Proven Track Record of Success

Scott Allen EA has a proven track record of successfully assisting taxpayers with various IRS-related issues. His expertise has helped clients navigate through audits, negotiate settlements, and resolve complex tax problems. This consistent success demonstrates his proficiency and commitment to achieving favorable outcomes for his clients.

While Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorneys can also tout their achievements, their expertise may be spread across a wider spectrum of legal matters, potentially diluting their effectiveness in handling IRS-specific challenges.

The decision to hire Scott Allen EA over a Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorney offers taxpayers a specialized, cost-effective, and personalized approach to resolving their tax concerns. Scott Allen EA’s deep knowledge of IRS procedures, direct communication style, and proven track record of success make him an excellent choice for taxpayers seeking effective assistance with their IRS-related matters. By opting for Scott Allen EA’s services, taxpayers can navigate the complex world of taxes with confidence and peace of mind.

Below is a great example of how Scott Allen EA was able to help his client Craig and his wife. Struggling to deal with the IRS on six years of back taxes owed Scott was able to step in and work out a new and better payment arrangement. All six years of IRS taxes owed is now settled into one nice low monthly payment of $425. May you also consider Scott Allen EA over a Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorney and get your tax matter handled right the first time!

Written by Scott Allen

Facts about IRS tax liens for Arizona Residents: IRS help from Scott Allen, E.A.

Arizona IRS Tax Liens

  • If the IRS ignored proper procedures, your tax lien can be removed.
  • If the statute of limitations has passed the lien becomes invalid.
  • Filing a bankruptcy before the lien is filed will protect exempt property forever.
  • Post a bond.
  • File an Offer in Compromise and making the Offer payment will remove the lien
  • Get a Certificate of Subordination
  • Obtain a Certificate of Release

Obviously, the best solution will resolve your tax debt before an Arizona IRS tax lien is filed.  Call me today for a free initial confidential consultation to see specifically what options apply to your situation. For Andrew, (a current client of Scott Allen EA) it was an aggressive payment plan negotiation that prevented the IRS from ever filing an Arizona IRS tax lien in the first place. By being proactive, Scott was able to get Andrew on a $135 per month payment plan and keep the IRS off his back and make sure the IRS does not slap a tax lien on him. View the IRS agreement letter below.

Prevent Arizona IRS Tax Liens

Scott Allen, E.A. – Tax Debt Advisors, Inc

Facts about Arizona IRS tax liens for Arizona Residents:  IRS help from Scott Allen, E.A.

Mesa, Apache Junction, Avondale, Buckeye, Carefree, Cave Creek, Chandler, El Mirage, Fountain Hills, Gila Bend, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Komatke, Litchfield Park, Luke AFB, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, Sun City, Sun Lakes, Surprise, Tempe, Tolleson, Waddell, Whitman, Wickenburg, Youngstown, Flagstaff, Tucson, Payson, Winslow, Sierra Vista, Page, Prescott, Globe, Yuma, AZ

Apache County, Cochise County, Coconino County, Gila County, Graham County, Greenlee County, La Paz County, Maricopa County, Mohave County, Navajo County, Pima County, Pinal County, Santa Cruz County, Yavapai County, Yuma County


Written by Scott Allen

Addressing IRS Tax Lien in Scottsdale, AZ

Let Tax Debt Advisors, Inc help address your IRS Tax Lien in Scottsdale, AZ

A dark cloud hovers over your financial stability when you receive a notice of a tax lien from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If you’re in Scottsdale, AZ, and find yourself in this situation, don’t fret. Let’s demystify an IRS tax lien in Scottsdale, AZ and explore how you can effectively address it, with the help of a trusted ally like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

What is an IRS Tax Lien?

A tax lien is the government’s legal claim against your property when you neglect or fail to pay a tax debt. This lien encumbers all your assets (like property, securities, vehicles) and could even extend to future assets acquired during the lien’s duration.

An IRS tax lien in Scottsdale, AZ can create substantial financial challenges, including negative impacts on your credit score, making it harder to secure loans or lines of credit. The lien remains until you pay your tax debt in full, or until the IRS is no longer legally able to collect the debt.

A Five-Step Action Plan to Address IRS Tax Liens

1. Don’t Ignore the Notice

Ignoring the IRS notice can lead to severe repercussions, like the IRS seizing your property to settle the debt. Always respond promptly.

2. Verify the Lien

Start by understanding the tax lien notice. Ensure the debt amount is accurate, and if you believe there’s an error, contact the IRS immediately. You can request a copy of the lien document from the county recorder’s office in Maricopa County, if necessary.

3. Evaluate Your Options

After verifying the debt, you should explore available options to address the lien. These could include:

  • Paying the tax debt in full: This is the most straightforward method, but it’s often not feasible for those with significant debts.
  • Setting up a payment plan with the IRS: Installment agreements allow you to pay your debt over time.
  • Applying for a Offer in Compromise (OIC): An OIC allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount you owe.
  • Discharge of property: This removes the lien from specific property.
  • Subordination: Although it doesn’t remove the lien, subordination allows other creditors to move ahead of the IRS, which can make it easier to get a loan or mortgage.
  • Withdrawal: Withdrawal removes the public Notice of Federal Tax Lien and assures the IRS is not competing with other creditors for your property.

4. Develop a Plan

Once you’ve identified your options, the next step is to create an action plan. This might include negotiating with the IRS, setting up a payment plan, or disputing the lien if you believe it’s incorrect.

5. Hire a Tax Professional

Tax matters can be complex, and the stakes are high. Hiring an experienced tax professional like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can make the process more manageable and increase your chances of success.

Why Should You Hire Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.?

Located near Scottsdale, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has been successfully resolving IRS tax liens and other tax-related issues since 1977. Here are some reasons to consider their expertise:

1. Experience and Knowledge: With over four decades of experience, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. knows the ins and outs of the IRS. They can help identify the best strategies to manage your IRS tax lien in Scottsdale, AZ, given your unique financial situation.

2. Representation: The team at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can represent you before the IRS, reducing stress and ensuring that your rights are protected.

3. Negotiation Skills: Whether you’re considering an installment agreement or an offer in compromise, having a seasoned negotiator on your side can make a significant difference.

4. Peace of Mind: Knowing a professional is handling your tax matters allows you to focus on other areas of your life without constant worry about the looming tax debt.

5. Proven Results: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has a strong track record of resolving tax liens and other tax issues for their clients. Their success stories are testament to their dedication and expertise.

The thought of dealing with an IRS tax lien can be daunting. But, with the right assistance and careful planning, you can navigate this challenge effectively. If you find yourself facing an IRS tax lien in Scottsdale, AZ, consider partnering with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Their experience, professionalism, and personalized approach can make a world of difference as you work towards resolving your tax debts. Your peace of mind is worth it.

Written by Scott Allen

Unraveling the Intricacies of IRS Tax Liens in Mesa, AZ

Step by Step Guide to addressing IRS Tax Liens in Mesa, AZ

Navigating the labyrinth of IRS tax liens in Mesa, AZ can be quite intimidating for the uninitiated. When the IRS places a lien against your property because of unpaid taxes, it can create an upheaval in your personal and financial life. If you are in Mesa, AZ, grappling with an IRS tax lien, this blog post aims to provide you with actionable information on how to handle this predicament and why hiring a professional tax debt advisor might be the best course of action for you.

First, let’s understand what an IRS tax lien is. In simple terms, a federal tax lien is the government’s legal claim against your property when you neglect or fail to pay a tax debt. The lien protects the government’s interest in all your property, including real estate, personal property, and financial assets.

The steps to address an IRS tax lien in Mesa, AZ involve understanding the tax lien notice, verifying the tax liability, analyzing your options for resolution, and effectively communicating with the IRS.

  1. Understanding Your Tax Lien Notice:

    The journey to resolving an IRS tax lien begins with the receipt of a Notice of Federal Tax Lien from the IRS. This notice informs you that a lien has been filed against you due to outstanding tax debt. It’s crucial to read this document carefully and understand its implications. Note the amount you owe, the tax years involved, and the deadline to respond.

  2. Verifying Your Tax Liability:

    Before you start negotiating with the IRS or making payments, ensure the accuracy of the tax lien. Mistakes can happen, and you have the right to challenge any discrepancies. You can request a copy of your tax account information from the IRS to verify your liability.

  3. Analyzing Your Options:

    There are multiple ways to address an IRS tax lien. Some of them include:

    • Payment in Full: The most straightforward option is to pay your tax debt in full. Once the IRS has received the payment and it’s cleared, the lien will be released within 30 days. However, this option may not be feasible if your tax debt is substantial.
    • Installment Agreement: This involves making monthly payments towards your tax debt. Once the installment agreement is in place, the IRS will not levy your assets or wages, although the lien may remain until the debt is fully paid.
    • Offer in Compromise: In this scenario, you negotiate with the IRS to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount you owe. However, approval for an offer in compromise is not guaranteed and depends on your financial situation.
  4. Communicating Effectively with the IRS:

    Navigating the IRS’s bureaucracy can be a daunting task. It’s crucial to keep all communications with the IRS documented and stay calm, patient, and persistent. The IRS is a massive entity, and resolving a tax lien may take time.

While these steps can give you a roadmap to address your IRS tax lien in Mesa AZ, the complexity of tax laws and the intensity of IRS processes cannot be understated. Therefore, hiring a professional service like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., can be invaluable.

Why Hire Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ?

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has a proven track record in tax debt resolution. With over 45 years of experience, their professional team is equipped to guide you through the process, helping you make the most informed decisions and developing the best strategy to address your tax lien.

  1. Personalized Service: At Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., you are not just a number. They take time to understand your situation, answer your questions, and offer personalized solutions to your tax debt issues.
  2. Expert Negotiation: Scott Allen, EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has extensive experience negotiating with the IRS. He can help secure the best possible payment plans or offers in compromise based on your financial situation.
  3. Protection: With Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. by your side, you can rest assured that your interests are protected. They will guide you through the complexities of the tax system, reducing your stress and the potential for errors.
  4. Prevention of Future Issues: Beyond resolving your current tax lien, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. provides education and advice to help you understand tax laws and avoid future tax issues.

The path to addressing an IRS tax lien can seem steep, but with professional help from Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., it becomes a journey you don’t have to walk alone. If you’re in Mesa, AZ, and are facing the burden of an IRS tax lien, don’t wait. Act now, and let Scott Allen EA help you regain control over your financial life.

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