Written by Scott Allen

Phoenix Arizona IRS Levy Release: Get Back on Track

Phoenix Arizona IRS Levy Release: Stop IRS Action and Get Back on Track

Facing IRS tax problems can be incredibly stressful. Unpaid taxes can quickly snowball with penalties and interest, leading to serious consequences like wage garnishments, bank levies, and even asset seizures. If you’re a resident of Phoenix, Arizona, and find yourself dealing with an IRS levy notice, you don’t have to face it alone. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a team of experienced tax professionals, can help you navigate the complexities of IRS regulations and achieve a Phoenix Arizona IRS levy release just like they did for their client Michael. Below is Tax Debt Advisors, Inc getting a levy stopped for Michael on his social security income. Yes, the IRS can even levy social security income.

Phoenix AZ IRS Levy Release

What is an IRS Levy?

An IRS levy is a legal seizure of your assets to satisfy outstanding tax debt. The IRS can levy your wages, bank accounts, or even retirement funds. This can have a devastating impact on your financial stability.

Taking Action to Stop an IRS Levy

There are ways to stop an IRS levy, but acting quickly is crucial. Here’s what you can do:

  • Request a Collection Due Process Hearing: You have the right to request a hearing within 30 days of receiving the levy notice. At this hearing, you can explain your financial hardship and negotiate a payment plan or even an offer in compromise (OIC) to settle the debt.

  • File Form 911, Application for Relief from Levy: This form allows you to request a delay or release of the levy. You’ll need to demonstrate financial hardship or that releasing the levy will allow you to pay the debt in full more quickly.

  • Negotiate a Payment Plan: Working with the IRS to establish a manageable monthly payment plan can prevent further collection actions, including a levy.

Why You Need Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

Navigating the complex IRS bureaucracy and successfully stopping a levy can be daunting. Hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. puts a team of experienced tax professionals on your side. Here’s how they can assist you:

  • Review Your Case: Tax Debt Advisors will take the time to understand your specific tax situation, including the amount of debt owed, penalties, and past communication with the IRS.

  • Handle All Communication with the IRS: Tax Debt Advisors will become your primary point of contact with the IRS. They’ll handle all communication, ensuring deadlines are met and paperwork is filed correctly.

  • Negotiate on Your Behalf: Skilled negotiators, Tax Debt Advisors will work tirelessly with the IRS to explore options like installment agreements, penalty abatements, or OICs, significantly reducing your overall tax burden.

  • Represent You at Collection Due Process Hearings: If a hearing is necessary, Tax Debt Advisors will represent you before the IRS. They will present your case persuasively and advocate for a favorable outcome.

  • Develop a Tax Compliance Plan: Getting you back on track requires a solid plan. Tax Debt Advisors will help you understand your future tax obligations and guide you in implementing strategies to avoid future issues.

Benefits of Working with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

The benefits of hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. extend far beyond stopping an IRS levy. Here are some key advantages:

  • Reduced Stress: Knowing you have a team of experienced professionals handling your tax problems allows you to focus on your life and business.

  • Increased Savings: Tax Debt Advisors will aggressively pursue options to minimize your overall tax liability, potentially saving you thousands of dollars.

  • Improved Tax Compliance: By creating a personalized tax compliance plan, you’ll be equipped to avoid future problems with the IRS.

  • Faster Resolution: Tax Debt Advisors’ expertise can accelerate the process of resolving your tax issue, allowing you to move forward with peace of mind.

Getting Started with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

If you’re a resident of Phoenix, Arizona dealing with an IRS levy, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can help. Their team understands the complexities of IRS regulations and is committed to achieving a successful Phoenix AZ IRS levy release for you.

Call Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. today for a free consultation. Don’t let IRS problems control your life. Take control and get back on track with the help of experienced tax professionals.

Written by Scott Allen

Local Enrolled Agent stops IRS levy in Mesa Arizona

Stop IRS Levy in Mesa, Arizona: Get Help From a Local Enrolled Agent

Living in Mesa, Arizona, and facing an IRS levy? You’re not alone. Thousands of residents deal with tax debt and the threat of IRS collection actions. But there’s good news: you have options to stop an IRS levy in Mesa AZ and get back on track with the IRS.

This blog post is about Scott Allen EA, a licensed Enrolled Agent at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a family-owned business serving Mesa and the surrounding area. As an Enrolled Agent (EA), Scott is a federally authorized tax professional with the same rights and privileges as CPAs and attorneys when representing taxpayers before the IRS https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/enrolled-agents/enrolled-agent-information.

Understanding IRS Levies

An IRS levy is a serious collection action. It allows the IRS to seize your wages, bank accounts, or other assets to satisfy your tax debt. Receiving an IRS levy notice can be a frightening experience, but it’s important to stay calm and take action immediately.

Case Study: How Scott Allen EA Helped Chris Stop an IRS Levy in Mesa

Chris, a resident of Mesa, recently contacted Tax Debt Advisors in a panic. He had received an IRS levy notice threatening to seize his wages. Chris hadn’t filed his tax returns for several years and owed a significant amount of back taxes. He needed help fast to stop the levy and avoid further financial hardship.

Scott Allen EA took charge of Chris’s case. Here’s what he did to help:

  • Filed Missing Tax Returns: The first step was to file all of Chris’s missing tax returns. This ensured accuracy in the tax debt amount and opened the door for negotiation.
  • Negotiated an Installment Agreement: Scott negotiated with the IRS on Chris’s behalf. He was able to secure a favorable installment agreement, allowing Chris to pay off his back taxes in manageable monthly installments of $170.
  • Stopped the IRS Levy: With the installment agreement in place, Scott successfully stopped the IRS levy. This meant Chris’s wages and bank accounts were safe from seizure.

The letter from the IRS on the settlement approval for Chris is below for you to view. This is a real testimonial!

Stop IRS Levy Mesa Arizona

How Scott Allen EA Can Help You Stop an IRS Levy in Mesa

If you’re facing an IRS levy in Mesa, Arizona, Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., can help. With his extensive experience and proven track record, Scott can handle all aspects of your case, including:

  • Understanding Your Tax Situation: Scott will thoroughly review your tax records and analyze your options.
  • Filing Delinquent Tax Returns: He will ensure all your missing tax returns are filed accurately.
  • Negotiating with the IRS: Scott will advocate for you with the IRS to explore solutions like installment agreements or offers in compromise.
  • Stopping IRS Collection Actions: His goal is to stop the IRS levy and prevent further collection actions.
  • Protecting Your Assets: Scott will work tirelessly to protect your wages, bank accounts, and other assets from seizure.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Don’t wait until the IRS takes more aggressive action. Taking control of your tax situation now can save you significant stress and financial hardship.

Scott Allen EA offers a free consultation to discuss your specific situation and answer any questions you may have. He can be reached at 480-926-9300 or by visiting the Tax Debt Advisors website at www.TaxDebtAdvisors.com.

Remember, you are not alone. With the help of a qualified Enrolled Agent like Scott Allen EA, you can stop IRS levy in Mesa, Arizona, and get back on track with the IRS.

This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered tax advice. Every tax situation is unique, and it’s crucial to consult with a qualified tax professional to discuss your specific circumstances.

Written by Scott Allen

IRS Fresh Start Program in Gilbert AZ with Scott Allen EA

Helping People with Tax Problems: An IRS Fresh Start Program in Gilbert, AZ

Hello, I’m Scott Allen EA, the owner of Tax Debt Advisors Inc. Our family business has over 40 years of experience in helping individuals and businesses resolve their IRS tax problems, I have seen firsthand the stress and anxiety that tax issues can cause. Today, I want to share a success story about a client of mine, Roger from Gilbert, AZ, who faced significant back taxes owed from 2016-2019. Through our expertise, we were able to negotiate his IRS debt into a Currently Non-Collectible (CNC) status. I’ll explain what CNC status is, how taxpayers can qualify for it, and why local, personalized tax assistance is critical, especially when compared to out-of-state tax resolution companies. CNC status is one of a handle of ways to settle an IRS debt with the IRS’s Fresh Start Program.

Understanding Currently Non-Collectible Status

What is Currently Non-Collectible Status?

Currently Non-Collectible (CNC) status is a temporary status that the IRS grants to taxpayers who are unable to pay their tax debt due to financial hardship. When a taxpayer is placed in CNC status, the IRS suspends all collection activities, including levies and garnishments. This does not mean the debt is forgiven; instead, it acknowledges that the taxpayer cannot pay at this time without causing significant financial distress.

Qualifying for CNC Status

To qualify for CNC status, a taxpayer must demonstrate financial hardship. This involves showing that paying the tax debt would leave them unable to meet basic living expenses. The IRS considers various factors, including:

  • Income: All sources of income are considered, including wages, business income, social security benefits, and pensions.
  • Expenses: Necessary living expenses such as housing, utilities, food, transportation, and medical costs are evaluated.
  • Assets: The IRS will review the taxpayer’s assets to determine if any could be liquidated to pay the debt.
  • Equity in Assets: The IRS also considers the equity in a taxpayer’s assets. If the taxpayer has substantial equity in assets, they may be required to liquidate some of those assets to pay the tax debt.

The Story of Roger from Gilbert, AZ

Roger came to Tax Debt Advisors Inc. with a significant tax debt from the years 2016 to 2019. He was overwhelmed and unsure of how to manage his situation. Here is how we helped him:

Initial Consultation and Financial Analysis

Our process began with a thorough consultation to understand Roger’s financial situation. We reviewed his income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. It was clear that Roger was struggling to make ends meet, and paying off his tax debt in full was not feasible without severe financial consequences.

Negotiating with the IRS

With a detailed understanding of Roger’s financial hardship, we contacted the IRS on his behalf. We provided all the necessary documentation to demonstrate that Roger’s financial situation qualified him for CNC status. This included:

  • Income Statements: Pay stubs, social security statements, and any other income documentation.
  • Expense Documentation: Receipts and bills for all necessary living expenses.
  • Asset Information: Details about any assets Roger owned, including their current value and any outstanding debts associated with them.

Achieving CNC Status

After reviewing the documentation, the IRS agreed that Roger’s financial situation warranted CNC status. This was a significant relief for Roger, as it meant that the IRS would not pursue any collection actions, allowing him to focus on meeting his basic living expenses without the constant fear of IRS levies or garnishments. See Roger’s letter of approval below. He does not have to pay a dime towards his $46,000 IRS debt.

IRS Fresh Start Program Gilbert AZ

The IRS Fresh Start Program

One of the tools we utilized in Roger’s case is part of the broader IRS Fresh Start Program. This initiative was designed to help struggling taxpayers get back on their feet by providing more flexible options for resolving tax debts.

Key Features of the IRS Fresh Start Program

  • Increased Thresholds for Tax Liens: The program raised the minimum amount owed before the IRS would file a lien, helping taxpayers avoid additional financial strain.
  • Expanded Installment Agreements: More taxpayers are now eligible for streamlined installment agreements, making it easier to pay off tax debts over time.
  • Offer in Compromise (OIC): This allows eligible taxpayers to settle their tax debt for less than the full amount owed if they can demonstrate an inability to pay.
  • CNC Status: As discussed, this suspends collection activities for those facing significant financial hardship.

IRS Fresh Start Program in Gilbert, AZ

For residents of Gilbert, AZ, and the surrounding areas, the IRS Fresh Start Program offers a lifeline to those struggling with tax debt. However, navigating the complexities of this program requires expertise and experience. At Tax Debt Advisors Inc., we specialize in leveraging the Fresh Start Program to help our clients achieve the best possible outcomes.

The Pitfalls of Out-of-State Tax Resolution Companies

When dealing with tax problems, it’s crucial to be cautious about whom you trust. Many out-of-state tax resolution companies advertise aggressively, promising quick fixes and guaranteed results. However, these companies often provide misleading information about the IRS Fresh Start Program in Gilbert AZ and other tax resolution options.

Why Choose Local Expertise?

  • Personalized Service: As a local firm, we offer face-to-face consultations and personalized service tailored to your specific needs. We understand the unique financial landscape of Gilbert, AZ, and the surrounding areas.
  • Experience and Knowledge: With decades of experience, we have an in-depth understanding of IRS procedures and the intricacies of the tax code. This allows us to provide accurate and effective solutions.
  • Accountability: Local firms are more accountable to their clients. Our reputation in the community is built on trust and successful outcomes. We are here to support you every step of the way, unlike out-of-state companies that may disappear after collecting their fees.

Beware of False Promises

Out-of-state companies often make promises that sound too good to be true, such as:

  • Guaranteed Results: No reputable tax professional can guarantee specific outcomes, as every case is unique.
  • Quick Resolutions: Resolving tax issues takes time and careful negotiation with the IRS. Be wary of promises for instant results.
  • One-Size-Fits-All Solutions: Effective tax resolution requires a customized approach based on your financial situation. Avoid companies that offer generic solutions without understanding your specific needs.

How Tax Debt Advisors Inc. Can Help

At Tax Debt Advisors Inc., near Gilbert AZ we are committed to helping our clients navigate the complexities of tax debt resolution with confidence and peace of mind. Our services include:

Comprehensive Tax Debt Analysis

We start with a thorough analysis of your tax debt and financial situation. This includes reviewing all relevant documents, understanding your financial constraints, and identifying the best resolution strategies.

Personalized Resolution Plans

Based on our analysis, we develop a personalized plan tailored to your specific needs. Whether it’s negotiating CNC status, setting up an installment agreement, or exploring an Offer in Compromise, we ensure that you understand all your options and the potential outcomes.

Expert Negotiation with the IRS

Our extensive experience in dealing with the IRS enables us to effectively negotiate on your behalf. We present your case in the best possible light, backed by comprehensive documentation and a clear demonstration of your financial hardship.

Ongoing Support and Guidance

Tax debt resolution is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. We provide continuous support to ensure that you remain in compliance with IRS requirements and avoid future tax problems. Our goal is to help you achieve long-term financial stability.

Facing tax problems can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to go through it alone. At Tax Debt Advisors Inc., we are dedicated to helping you find the best solutions for your tax debt issues. Our success story with Roger from Gilbert, AZ, is just one example of how we can help you achieve financial relief through the IRS Fresh Start Program in Gilbert AZ and other resolution options.

If you’re struggling with tax debt, especially if you’re considering the IRS Fresh Start Program in Gilbert, AZ, contact Scott Allen EA today for a consultation. Let us put our expertise to work for you and help you regain control of your financial future.

Written by Scott Allen

Stop the Stress: IRS Payment Plan Chandler AZ

Scott Allen EA for IRS Payment Plan Chandler AZ

In the insane world of tax laws and regulations, individuals often find themselves entangled in the web of IRS debt, unsure of how to proceed. Such was the predicament of Michael, a resident of Chandler, Arizona, who found himself burdened with tax liabilities for the years 2020, 2022, and 2023. However, amidst the complexities of tax debt, he found a guiding light in Tax Debt Advisors Inc., a trusted family-owned business since 1977 led by Scott Allen, an enrolled agent with a sterling reputation in Chandler and beyond.

Michael’s journey toward financial solvency began when he reached out to Tax Debt Advisors Inc. Seeking assistance in resolving his IRS tax debt, he was greeted with professionalism and empathy, qualities emblematic of the company’s ethos. With Scott Allen at the helm, Michael embarked on a structured process aimed at alleviating his tax burden and charting a course toward financial freedom.

The first step in representing Michael involved a meticulous assessment of his tax situation. Tax Debt Advisors Inc. conducted a comprehensive review of Michael’s financial records with an IRS Power of Attorney, identifying areas of concern and formulating a strategy tailored to his specific needs. Central to this strategy was the preparation of missing tax returns for the years in question. Under Scott Allen’s guidance, the team at Tax Debt Advisors Inc. painstakingly compiled the necessary documentation, ensuring compliance with IRS requirements and deadlines.

With Michael’s tax returns prepared and his financial landscape illuminated, Tax Debt Advisors Inc. initiated negotiations with the IRS on his behalf. Armed with a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of IRS protocols, Scott Allen navigated the intricate maze of bureaucracy, advocating for Michael’s interests every step of the way. Through strategic dialogue and unwavering persistence, Tax Debt Advisors Inc. succeeded in securing a favorable outcome: a $350 per month payment plan to settle Michael’s IRS tax debt (a copy of the approved IRS payment plan Chandler AZ is available to view below).

The establishment of the payment plan marked a pivotal moment in Michael’s journey toward financial stability. With a manageable monthly obligation in place, he could breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that his tax liabilities were being addressed in a structured and sustainable manner. Moreover, the resolution of his IRS debt provided him with a renewed sense of confidence and peace of mind, enabling him to focus on building a brighter future for himself and his loved ones.

Michael’s experience with Tax Debt Advisors Inc. serves as a testament to the company’s unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. Under Scott Allen’s guidance, individuals facing IRS tax debt can rest assured knowing that they are in capable hands. By delivering personalized solutions and advocating tirelessly on behalf of their clients, Tax Debt Advisors Inc. has earned a reputation as a beacon of hope in the realm of tax resolution.

For taxpayers in Chandler, Arizona, grappling with IRS debt, Tax Debt Advisors Inc. offers a lifeline to financial stability. Whether facing unpaid taxes, wage garnishments, or IRS audits, individuals can trust in the expertise and integrity of Scott Allen and his team. With a track record of success and a dedication to excellence, Tax Debt Advisors Inc. stands ready to assist Chandler residents in navigating the complexities of IRS tax debt.

Michael’s journey with Tax Debt Advisors Inc. exemplifies the transformative power of proactive tax resolution. Through diligent representation, meticulous preparation, and skillful negotiation, Tax Debt Advisors Inc. facilitated a favorable outcome for Michael, paving the way for a brighter financial future. As other Chandler, Arizona taxpayers confront their own IRS challenges, they are invited to follow in Michael’s footsteps and enlist the support of Tax Debt Advisors Inc. in their pursuit of financial freedom.


IRS payment plan Chandler AZ


Written by Scott Allen

Local Professional Help in Filing Back Tax Returns in Gilbert AZ

Filing Back Tax Returns in Gilbert, AZ: A Professional Guide to Hiring Scott Allen EA

In the picturesque town of Gilbert, Arizona, residents often find themselves juggling their financial responsibilities. As tax season approaches, many individuals and businesses may realize that they have unfiled back tax returns, which can be a stressful situation to handle on their own. That’s where Scott Allen EA, a trusted Enrolled Agent, comes to the rescue. In this comprehensive blog, we will explore the process of filing back tax returns in Gilbert, AZ, and highlight the valuable services provided by Scott Allen EA.

Understanding Back Tax Returns

Before diving into the process of filing back tax returns in Gilbert AZ, it’s crucial to grasp the concept of back taxes. Back taxes are unpaid taxes from previous years, which may result from various reasons such as financial hardships, life events, or simple oversight. Filing back tax returns is essential, as it helps individuals and businesses come into compliance with tax laws and avoid potential penalties and legal actions.

The Importance of Filing Back Tax Returns

Failing to file back tax returns in Gilbert AZ can have severe consequences, including:

  1. Penalties: The IRS may impose penalties for each unfiled return, which can quickly accumulate into a substantial amount.
  2. Interest: Back taxes accrue interest over time, compounding the overall amount owed.
  3. Legal Consequences: In extreme cases, the IRS may pursue legal action, such as wage garnishment or asset seizure.
  4. Loss of Tax Refunds: Unfiled tax returns can result in the forfeiture of tax refunds.
  5. Borrowing Impact: Failure to address back taxes can negatively affect your credit report, making it difficult to secure loans or mortgages.

The Solution: Hiring Scott Allen EA

Scott Allen EA is a highly reputable Enrolled Agent who specializes in resolving tax-related issues in Gilbert, AZ. An Enrolled Agent is a federally-authorized tax practitioner empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before the IRS.

Here are some reasons why hiring Scott Allen EA is the best solution for handling back tax returns in Gilbert AZ:

  1. Expertise: Scott Allen EA possesses a deep understanding of tax laws, ensuring that your back tax returns are prepared accurately and in compliance with IRS regulations.
  2. Negotiation Skills: As an Enrolled Agent, Scott Allen is equipped to represent clients before the IRS, which is invaluable when dealing with complex tax issues.
  3. Relief from Stress: Dealing with back tax returns can be overwhelming, but Scott Allen EA takes the burden off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your life or business.
  4. Tailored Solutions: Scott Allen EA creates customized tax strategies to address your specific needs, ensuring the best possible outcome for your situation.
  5. Reduction of Penalties and Interest: Scott’s expertise can help you negotiate with the IRS to potentially reduce or eliminate penalties and interest on your back taxes.
  6. Protection of Assets: By enlisting Scott’s help, you can safeguard your assets from IRS collection actions.

The Process of Filing Back Tax Returns with Scott Allen EA

Here’s a step-by-step guide to how Scott Allen EA can assist you in filing your back tax returns:

1. Initial Consultation

The process begins with an initial consultation where you’ll meet with Scott Allen EA to discuss your situation. During this meeting, you’ll can provide all relevant financial documents and share your tax history. This information helps Scott assess the extent of your tax issues.

2. Analysis and Strategy Development

After a thorough examination of your financial situation, Scott Allen EA will develop a personalized strategy to address your back tax returns. This may include gathering missing financial records, organizing your financial history, and developing a plan to file back taxes. He will do this by being your Power of Attorney representitive before the IRS.

3. Back Tax Return Preparation

Scott Allen EA will meticulously prepare your back tax returns for submission. This process involves ensuring that all deductions, credits, and exemptions are applied accurately, maximizing your chances of a favorable outcome.

4. IRS Representation with Form 2848

Once your back tax returns are ready, Scott Allen EA will represent you before the IRS. This representation is invaluable in negotiating with the IRS, discussing payment plans, and working towards the best possible resolution for your situation.

5. Resolution and Follow-Up

Scott Allen EA will work diligently to achieve the best resolution for your back tax issues. Whether it involves setting up an installment agreement, an offer in compromise, or another IRS program, Scott will guide you through the process and follow up until your issues are resolved.

The Benefits of Choosing Scott Allen EA

  1. Experience and Expertise: Scott Allen EA has extensive experience in handling back tax issues and has a deep understanding of tax laws and regulations.
  2. Proven Track Record: Scott has a history of successfully helping individuals and businesses in Gilbert, AZ, resolve their back tax problems.
  3. Personalized Service: Scott takes a personalized approach to every case, ensuring that your specific needs are addressed effectively.
  4. Peace of Mind: Hiring Scott Allen EA provides you with the peace of mind that a qualified and experienced professional is handling your tax matters.
  5. Financial Relief: Scott’s expertise can often result in reduced tax liabilities and more manageable payment arrangements.

Filing back tax returns in Gilbert, AZ, can be a complex and daunting task. However, with the assistance of a skilled Enrolled Agent like Scott Allen EA, you can navigate the process with confidence and achieve the best possible outcome. Don’t let unfiled back taxes in Gilbert AZ continue to cause you stress and financial uncertainty. Reach out to Scott Allen EA today, and take the first step towards resolving your back tax issues and securing your financial future in Gilbert, AZ.

See how Scott Allen EA was able to help his client, Steve with filing back tax returns in Gilbert AZ. Over $27,000 was saved in back taxes owed by correctly filing his 2017 tax return. This is just one of thousands of successful cases Scott Allen EA has handled.  Call Scott today and schedule a free no obligation consultation with him.

Filing Back Tax Returns Gilbert AZ

Written by Scott Allen

Should You Opt for Scott Allen EA Over a Phoenix, AZ IRS Tax Attorney?

Why Taxpayers Should Opt for Scott Allen EA Over a Phoenix, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

In the realm of taxation and financial matters, taxpayers often find themselves in challenging situations, such as dealing with IRS levies and garnishments. These circumstances require expert assistance to navigate the complexities of tax regulations and legal proceedings. When facing such challenges in Phoenix, AZ, taxpayers have two primary options: hiring a tax attorney or enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA. While both choices have their merits, this blog delves into why taxpayers should seriously consider Scott Allen EA over a traditional Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney when seeking to halt IRS levies and garnishments.

Scott Allen EA, a seasoned Enrolled Agent, possesses an in-depth understanding of tax codes and regulations. With years of experience specializing in IRS matters, including levies and garnishments, Scott Allen EA has developed a deep expertise that is tailored specifically to the needs of taxpayers facing these issues. In contrast, while a Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney may have a broader legal background, their specialization might not be solely centered on tax matters. This distinction makes Scott Allen EA a superior choice for those requiring precise and efficient assistance in resolving IRS levies and garnishments.

Hiring an IRS tax attorney in Phoenix, AZ, can be an expensive endeavor due to the hourly rates and legal fees associated with legal representation. On the other hand, Scott Allen EA offers a more cost-effective solution. Enrolled Agents typically charge lower fees than tax attorneys, making their services accessible to a wider range of taxpayers. For individuals and businesses seeking to halt IRS levies and garnishments without breaking the bank, Scott Allen EA presents an attractive alternative. He will always quote you a fixed fee for each step that needs to be done and you will know that up front so there are not any surprises.

One of the key advantages of choosing Scott Allen EA lies in the personalized approach to each client’s case. Scott Allen EA takes the time to understand the unique circumstances of every taxpayer facing IRS levies or garnishments. This personalized attention allows for a tailored strategy that addresses the specific aspects of the case, potentially leading to quicker and more favorable resolutions. While a Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney may have a more formalized approach, it might lack the individualized touch that can make a significant difference in resolving complex tax matters. Scott Allen EA will represent you before the IRS from start to finish.

Scott Allen EA boasts a proven track record of successfully helping clients stop IRS levies and garnishments in Phoenix, AZ. With a reputation for delivering results, he has garnered trust and respect within the local community. Clients often share positive testimonials highlighting his dedication, responsiveness, and ability to navigate the intricacies of IRS procedures. While a Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney may also have a solid record, Scott Allen EA’s specific focus on tax-related issues gives him an edge when it comes to the nuances of halting IRS levies and garnishments. The image below is an example of Scott Allen EA helping his client be compliant with the IRS and also reducing his overall tax liability. His proven track record is the thousands and thousands of tax liabilities settled and resolved just like this one. Let him to the same for you!

Tax laws and regulations are subject to frequent changes, requiring professionals in the field to stay updated with the latest developments. Scott Allen EA prioritizes ongoing education and training to ensure that his knowledge remains current and accurate. This commitment to staying abreast of changes in tax laws allows him to provide clients with accurate advice and strategies that align with the most recent legal provisions. While IRS tax attorneys also stay informed, their broader legal scope may lead to a less specialized grasp of the evolving tax landscape.

In the realm of IRS levies and garnishments, the choice between hiring a Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney and enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA is a crucial one. While both options offer valuable expertise, the specialized focus, cost-effectiveness, personalized approach, proven track record, and up-to-date knowledge that Scott Allen EA brings to the table make him an exceptional choice for taxpayers in need of efficient and effective assistance. Making the decision to work with Scott Allen EA could be the key to resolving IRS levies and garnishments with confidence and success. Give him a call today and setup a free consultation at 480-926-9300.

Written by Scott Allen

Scott Allen EA for Back Tax Returns over a Mesa, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Why Taxpayers Should Consider Hiring Scott Allen EA for Back Tax Returns and IRS Debt Settlement over a Mesa, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

When it comes to handling back tax returns and navigating the complexities of IRS debt settlement, taxpayers often find themselves facing a crucial decision: whether to hire a Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney or enlist the services of a seasoned professional like Scott Allen EA. While both options offer potential solutions, this blog explores the reasons why taxpayers might opt for Scott Allen EA over a traditional tax attorney for effective resolution of their tax-related issues.

Scott Allen EA brings a wealth of specialized expertise to the table. As an Enrolled Agent (EA), he is a federally-authorized tax practitioner empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This specialized status allows him to represent taxpayers in dealings with the IRS, making him exceptionally qualified to address tax concerns. On the other hand, while IRS tax attorneys are equipped with legal knowledge, their expertise may be more generalized and not as focused on the intricacies of taxation.

Scott Allen’s role as an Enrolled Agent signifies his mastery of tax-related matters. He is well-versed in tax codes, regulations, and IRS procedures, giving him a unique edge in crafting effective strategies for back tax returns and debt settlement. While IRS tax attorneys possess legal acumen, they might not possess the same depth of knowledge when it comes to navigating the intricate world of tax codes and regulations.

One of the distinct advantages of hiring Scott Allen EA lies in his ability to provide tailored solutions to taxpayers’ specific circumstances. He takes the time to understand individual financial situations, allowing him to devise personalized approaches that address the root causes of back taxes and IRS debt. In contrast, some Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorneys might take a more general approach, lacking the in-depth understanding necessary to develop highly effective strategies.

Finances often play a pivotal role in decisions surrounding professional services. Enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA can often be more cost-effective compared to hiring a traditional Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney. Tax attorneys, with their legal background, might charge higher fees for their services. Scott Allen EA, however, offers specialized assistance at a potentially more affordable rate, making quality tax expertise accessible to a wider range of taxpayers.

Scott Allen EA prioritizes direct client interaction, fostering a strong sense of trust and transparency. You will always meet with him from beginning to end. Clients appreciate his hands-on approach and the personalized attention he provides throughout the tax resolution process. In contrast, IRS tax attorneys might have a more formal approach, potentially creating a barrier between the client and the attorney. Scott Allen EA’s approachability and willingness to explain complex tax concepts can significantly alleviate the stress associated with back taxes and IRS debt.

Scott Allen EA’s track record speaks volumes about his expertise and effectiveness in resolving tax-related issues. Numerous success stories from satisfied clients highlight his ability to secure favorable outcomes in challenging tax situations. This level of demonstrated expertise can provide taxpayers with the confidence they need to entrust their back tax returns and IRS debt settlement to his capable hands.

While the choice between hiring a Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney and enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA may seem daunting, considering the specialized expertise, in-depth tax knowledge, tailored solutions, cost-effectiveness, direct client interaction, and proven track record that Scott Allen EA brings to the table can make the decision clearer. Taxpayers seeking a well-rounded professional with a deep understanding of tax matters and a dedication to achieving optimal results may find that Scott Allen EA is the ideal partner for handling their back tax returns and settling IRS debt.

View the image below and you will see a recent example of how David was able to utilize Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc to prepare his back tax returns and settle his IRS debt into one manageable payment plan. If fear is leading you to believe that your case requires a Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney may I suggest that you give Scott a call instead at 480-926-9300 and he will put your mind as ease.

Written by Scott Allen

Facts about IRS tax liens for Arizona Residents: IRS help from Scott Allen, E.A.

Arizona IRS Tax Liens

  • If the IRS ignored proper procedures, your tax lien can be removed.
  • If the statute of limitations has passed the lien becomes invalid.
  • Filing a bankruptcy before the lien is filed will protect exempt property forever.
  • Post a bond.
  • File an Offer in Compromise and making the Offer payment will remove the lien
  • Get a Certificate of Subordination
  • Obtain a Certificate of Release

Obviously, the best solution will resolve your tax debt before an Arizona IRS tax lien is filed.  Call me today for a free initial confidential consultation to see specifically what options apply to your situation. For Andrew, (a current client of Scott Allen EA) it was an aggressive payment plan negotiation that prevented the IRS from ever filing an Arizona IRS tax lien in the first place. By being proactive, Scott was able to get Andrew on a $135 per month payment plan and keep the IRS off his back and make sure the IRS does not slap a tax lien on him. View the IRS agreement letter below.

Prevent Arizona IRS Tax Liens

Scott Allen, E.A. – Tax Debt Advisors, Inc

Facts about Arizona IRS tax liens for Arizona Residents:  IRS help from Scott Allen, E.A.

Mesa, Apache Junction, Avondale, Buckeye, Carefree, Cave Creek, Chandler, El Mirage, Fountain Hills, Gila Bend, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Komatke, Litchfield Park, Luke AFB, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, Sun City, Sun Lakes, Surprise, Tempe, Tolleson, Waddell, Whitman, Wickenburg, Youngstown, Flagstaff, Tucson, Payson, Winslow, Sierra Vista, Page, Prescott, Globe, Yuma, AZ

Apache County, Cochise County, Coconino County, Gila County, Graham County, Greenlee County, La Paz County, Maricopa County, Mohave County, Navajo County, Pima County, Pinal County, Santa Cruz County, Yavapai County, Yuma County


Written by Scott Allen

Stop IRS Levy in Tempe, Arizona

Scott Allen EA: Your Trusted Representative to Stop IRS Levy in Tempe, Arizona

In the bustling city of Tempe, Arizona, where countless individuals and businesses thrive, financial struggles can become all too common. As if managing taxes wasn’t challenging enough, dealing with an IRS levy can add overwhelming stress to anyone’s life. Fortunately, there’s a beacon of hope for those seeking to navigate the treacherous waters of tax troubles – Scott Allen EA. In this blog, we will explore how Scott Allen EA can represent you before the IRS and help you stop an IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona, bringing peace of mind and financial stability back into your life.

Understanding IRS Levy: A Nightmare for Taxpayers

An IRS levy is a severe legal action taken by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to seize a taxpayer’s property or assets to satisfy unpaid tax debts. When facing a levy, taxpayers can find themselves in an extremely vulnerable position, fearing the loss of their homes, bank accounts, wages, and other essential assets. It is essential to act promptly and seek professional assistance to stop an IRS levy before it wreaks havoc on one’s financial stability.

Meet Scott Allen EA: The Trusted Tax Expert Near Tempe

Scott Allen EA is a seasoned Enrolled Agent (EA) with years of experience in providing tax representation and resolution services to individuals and businesses in Tempe, Arizona. As an EA, Scott Allen possesses the unique advantage of being federally authorized by the Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before the IRS. This designation sets him apart as a trustworthy and competent professional capable of navigating complex tax issues effectively.

Stop IRS Levy – Scott Allen EA to the Rescue

  1. Comprehensive Tax Analysis: When facing an IRS levy, the first step is to assess the taxpayer’s financial situation thoroughly. Scott Allen EA employs a comprehensive approach, meticulously analyzing the taxpayer’s tax history, income, expenses, and assets. This in-depth analysis helps identify the most suitable strategy to halt the levy and resolve the underlying tax issues.
  2. Communication with the IRS: Navigating the intricacies of IRS communication can be daunting for any taxpayer. However, with Scott Allen EA by your side, you can breathe a sigh of relief. He acts as a proficient intermediary between the IRS and the taxpayer, handling all communication on their behalf. This ensures that all vital information is conveyed accurately and that the taxpayer’s rights are protected throughout the process. This is done by signing an IRS Power of Attorney to give him full access to represent you.
  3. Seeking Levy Release: One of the primary objectives of Scott Allen EA is to secure the release of the IRS levy. He diligently negotiates with the IRS to reach a favorable resolution, aiming to release the levy and put an end to the taxpayer’s financial distress. Whether it involves arranging an installment agreement, proposing an offer in compromise, or exploring other suitable alternatives, Scott Allen EA pursues the best possible outcome for his clients.
  4. Expert Legal Representation: In situations where the IRS levy may not be justified or appropriate, Scott Allen EA is prepared to provide expert legal representation. He has a deep understanding of tax laws, regulations, and IRS procedures, allowing him to build strong cases to defend the taxpayer’s rights and assets. Having Scott Allen EA on your side empowers you with the confidence to face the IRS with a robust defense.
  5. Long-term Tax Planning: While stopping an IRS levy is a critical short-term goal, Scott Allen EA goes above and beyond by providing long-term tax planning. By implementing strategic tax planning strategies, he helps taxpayers prevent future tax problems and ensures compliance with tax laws, keeping financial troubles at bay.

In times of financial distress caused by an impending IRS levy, Scott Allen EA emerges as a beacon of hope for taxpayers in Tempe, Arizona. His vast experience, comprehensive tax analysis, expert representation, and dedication to resolving tax issues make him a trusted ally for anyone facing IRS problems. Whether he is hired to stop IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona, negotiating with the IRS, or providing long-term tax planning, Scott Allen EA is a reliable partner to reclaim financial stability and peace of mind.

If you find yourself in the throes of an IRS levy, don’t hesitate to seek the services of Scott Allen EA. With his expertise and determination, you can be confident in your ability to navigate the complexities of tax troubles and emerge victorious. Remember, the path to financial freedom starts with a single step towards Scott Allen EA’s guidance and representation. Stop the IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona, and pave the way to a brighter financial future. He does not charge for an initial consultation to meet with you.

See how Scott Allen EA was about his represent his client Donna. Faced with an aggressive IRS agent, he was able to stop IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona nd negotaite all nine years of her $88,799.53 debt into a currently non collectible status. Dont believe it!? View the approval from the IRS below.

Stop IRS Levy in Tempe, Arizona

Written by Scott Allen

Stop IRS Levy in Phoenix, Arizona

Let Scott Allen EA Represent You: Stop IRS Levy in Phoenix, Arizona

Facing an IRS levy in Phoenix, Arizona can be an overwhelming and stressful experience for anyone. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has the power to seize your assets, garnish your wages, and freeze your bank accounts if you have outstanding tax debts. However, residents of Phoenix, Arizona, can find solace in the expertise of Scott Allen EA, an enrolled agent who specializes in representing taxpayers before the IRS. In this blog post, we will explore the process of stopping an IRS levy in Phoenix and how Scott Allen EA can assist you in navigating this complex situation.

Understanding IRS Levy and Its Consequences:

When a taxpayer fails to pay their tax debts, the IRS can resort to levying their assets. An IRS levy is a legal seizure of a taxpayer’s property to satisfy the outstanding debt. This can include bank accounts, wages, real estate, vehicles, and other assets of value. The consequences of an IRS levy can be severe, leading to financial distress, strained relationships, and significant disruptions to one’s life.

How to Stop an IRS Levy In Phoenix, Arizona:

Halting an IRS levy requires prompt action and a thorough understanding of the tax laws. The following steps can help individuals in Phoenix, Arizona, stop an IRS levy and protect their assets:

  1. Seek Professional Assistance: Handling an IRS levy situation can be complex, and it’s crucial to consult a tax professional like Scott Allen EA. As an enrolled agent, Scott Allen EA possesses the necessary knowledge and experience to navigate the intricacies of tax laws and negotiate with the IRS on your behalf.
  2. Communicate with the IRS: Open lines of communication with the IRS are essential. Scott Allen EA can serve as your representative, ensuring effective communication with the IRS agents. Through skillful negotiation, he can present your case and explore potential alternatives to levy, such as installment agreements, offers in compromise, or currently not collectible status.
  3. File for a Collection Due Process (CDP) Hearing: If the IRS has issued a Final Notice of Intent to Levy, you have the right to request a Collection Due Process hearing. This formal procedure allows you to present your case before an independent appeals officer. Scott Allen EA can guide you through this process, gather the necessary documentation, and represent you effectively at the hearing.
  4. Explore Legal Remedies: In some cases, legal remedies may be appropriate, such as filing for a tax bankruptcy or pursuing an innocent spouse relief claim. Scott Allen EA can assess your circumstances and provide guidance on the best course of action to stop the IRS levy while minimizing the impact on your financial situation.

The Benefits of Scott Allen EA’s Representation:

Scott Allen EA offers numerous advantages to individuals who need to Stop IRS levy in Phoenix, Arizona:

  1. Extensive Experience: With years of experience as an enrolled agent, Scott Allen EA possesses in-depth knowledge of tax laws, IRS procedures, and effective negotiation strategies. He has successfully represented numerous clients in resolving their tax issues and stopping levies since 2007. His family business, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc have been solving IRS problems since 1977.
  2. Personalized Guidance: Scott Allen EA understands that every case is unique. He provides personalized attention to each client, thoroughly assessing their financial situation, and devising tailored solutions to halt the IRS levy. His compassionate approach ensures that clients feel heard and supported throughout the process.
  3. Expert Negotiation Skills: Negotiating with the IRS requires skillful communication and a deep understanding of tax laws. Scott Allen EA’s expertise in this area allows him to effectively present your case, explore alternative options, and negotiate on your behalf to reach a favorable resolution.
  4. IRS Compliance and Tax Relief: Beyond stopping the immediate levy, Scott Allen EA can assist you in achieving long-term IRS compliance. He can guide you in implementing tax planning strategies, ensuring accurate filings, and exploring potential tax relief programs to minimize future tax liabilities.

Needing to stop IRS levy in Phoenix, Arizona, can be a daunting situation, but it’s important to remember that you don’t have to face it alone. Scott Allen EA is a trusted professional who specializes in representing taxpayers before the IRS. With his extensive knowledge, experience, and personalized approach, he can help you navigate the complexities of the tax system and stop an IRS levy. By seeking Scott Allen EA’s representation, you can gain peace of mind and protect your assets while working towards resolving your tax debt issues effectively.

A real Testimonial:

Veiw a recent example below of Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc was able to stop IRS levy in Phoenix, Arizona for Sylvia by negotiating seven years of back taxes owed into one low monthly payment plan.

Stop IRS Levy in Phoenix Arizona

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