Written by Scott Allen

Local Enrolled Agent stops IRS levy in Mesa Arizona

Stop IRS Levy in Mesa, Arizona: Get Help From a Local Enrolled Agent

Living in Mesa, Arizona, and facing an IRS levy? You’re not alone. Thousands of residents deal with tax debt and the threat of IRS collection actions. But there’s good news: you have options to stop an IRS levy in Mesa AZ and get back on track with the IRS.

This blog post is about Scott Allen EA, a licensed Enrolled Agent at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a family-owned business serving Mesa and the surrounding area. As an Enrolled Agent (EA), Scott is a federally authorized tax professional with the same rights and privileges as CPAs and attorneys when representing taxpayers before the IRS https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/enrolled-agents/enrolled-agent-information.

Understanding IRS Levies

An IRS levy is a serious collection action. It allows the IRS to seize your wages, bank accounts, or other assets to satisfy your tax debt. Receiving an IRS levy notice can be a frightening experience, but it’s important to stay calm and take action immediately.

Case Study: How Scott Allen EA Helped Chris Stop an IRS Levy in Mesa

Chris, a resident of Mesa, recently contacted Tax Debt Advisors in a panic. He had received an IRS levy notice threatening to seize his wages. Chris hadn’t filed his tax returns for several years and owed a significant amount of back taxes. He needed help fast to stop the levy and avoid further financial hardship.

Scott Allen EA took charge of Chris’s case. Here’s what he did to help:

  • Filed Missing Tax Returns: The first step was to file all of Chris’s missing tax returns. This ensured accuracy in the tax debt amount and opened the door for negotiation.
  • Negotiated an Installment Agreement: Scott negotiated with the IRS on Chris’s behalf. He was able to secure a favorable installment agreement, allowing Chris to pay off his back taxes in manageable monthly installments of $170.
  • Stopped the IRS Levy: With the installment agreement in place, Scott successfully stopped the IRS levy. This meant Chris’s wages and bank accounts were safe from seizure.

The letter from the IRS on the settlement approval for Chris is below for you to view. This is a real testimonial!

Stop IRS Levy Mesa Arizona

How Scott Allen EA Can Help You Stop an IRS Levy in Mesa

If you’re facing an IRS levy in Mesa, Arizona, Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., can help. With his extensive experience and proven track record, Scott can handle all aspects of your case, including:

  • Understanding Your Tax Situation: Scott will thoroughly review your tax records and analyze your options.
  • Filing Delinquent Tax Returns: He will ensure all your missing tax returns are filed accurately.
  • Negotiating with the IRS: Scott will advocate for you with the IRS to explore solutions like installment agreements or offers in compromise.
  • Stopping IRS Collection Actions: His goal is to stop the IRS levy and prevent further collection actions.
  • Protecting Your Assets: Scott will work tirelessly to protect your wages, bank accounts, and other assets from seizure.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Don’t wait until the IRS takes more aggressive action. Taking control of your tax situation now can save you significant stress and financial hardship.

Scott Allen EA offers a free consultation to discuss your specific situation and answer any questions you may have. He can be reached at 480-926-9300 or by visiting the Tax Debt Advisors website at www.TaxDebtAdvisors.com.

Remember, you are not alone. With the help of a qualified Enrolled Agent like Scott Allen EA, you can stop IRS levy in Mesa, Arizona, and get back on track with the IRS.

This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered tax advice. Every tax situation is unique, and it’s crucial to consult with a qualified tax professional to discuss your specific circumstances.

Written by Scott Allen

Resolving Back Tax Return Problems in Mesa, AZ

Resolving Back Tax Return Problems in Mesa, AZ: A Success Story with Scott Allen EA

Unfiled tax returns and back taxes owed can become a significant burden, leading to stress, financial strain, and potential legal consequences. For residents of Mesa, AZ, finding an effective solution to these tax issues is crucial. This blog will discuss how to resolve back tax return problems in Mesa, AZ, highlighting the success story of Richard, a client who used the services of Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

The Importance of Addressing Back Tax Returns

Unfiled tax returns can lead to severe penalties, interest, and even legal actions from the IRS. The longer the delay, the more significant the consequences. Addressing back tax returns promptly is essential to avoid these issues and regain financial stability.

Residents of Mesa, AZ, facing such problems should seek professional help to navigate the complex tax regulations and find the best resolution strategy. One such professional is Scott Allen EA, who has a proven track record of helping clients resolve their back tax return issues effectively.

Richard’s Journey: From Tax Chaos to Financial Relief

Richard, a resident of Mesa, AZ, had not filed his tax returns for seven years. Like many others, he found himself overwhelmed by the prospect of dealing with the IRS and unsure where to start. The mounting pressure and fear of potential repercussions made it challenging for him to take the first step.

Realizing the urgency of his situation, Richard decided to seek professional help. He reached out to Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a reputable family owned firm in Mesa, AZ, known for its expertise in resolving back tax return issues.

The Initial Consultation with Scott Allen EA

During his initial consultation, Richard shared his concerns and the extent of his unfiled tax returns. Scott Allen EA listened attentively, providing a safe and non-judgmental environment for Richard to explain his situation. Scott’s approach is always client-focused, ensuring that each individual’s unique circumstances are thoroughly understood.

Scott Allen EA conducted a comprehensive review of Richard’s tax history and financial situation. This initial assessment is crucial in determining the most effective strategy to address back tax returns and any outstanding IRS debt.

Developing a Customized Plan

Based on the detailed review, Scott Allen EA developed a customized plan tailored to Richard’s needs. The plan involved several key steps:

  1. Gathering Information: Scott assisted Richard in obtaining all necessary documents and information required to file the unfiled tax returns. This step is often daunting for clients, but Scott’s expertise made the process manageable and efficient through getting Power of Attorney authorizatrion.
  2. Filing Unfiled Tax Returns: Scott prepared and filed Richard’s tax returns for the past seven years. Accurate and timely filing is essential to prevent further penalties and interest from accruing.
  3. Negotiating with the IRS: With the tax returns filed, Scott Allen EA took on the task of negotiating with the IRS. His extensive experience and knowledge of IRS procedures were instrumental in reaching a favorable outcome.
  4. Setting Up a Payment Plan: Understanding Richard’s financial constraints, Scott negotiated a low monthly payment plan with the IRS. This plan allowed Richard to pay off his back taxes in manageable installments without compromising his financial stability.

The Outcome: A Fresh Start for Richard

Thanks to Scott Allen EA’s expertise and dedication, Richard’s back tax return problems were resolved efficiently. Richard was placed on a very low $73 per month payment plan, making it feasible for him to manage his IRS debt without significant strain on his finances.

The relief was immediate. With his tax returns filed and a manageable payment plan in place, Richard could finally breathe easy. The constant fear of IRS actions was lifted, allowing him to focus on rebuilding his financial health and future. See the actual letter of settlement approval from the IRS below. Mission accomplished!

Resolve Back Tax Returns Mesa AZ

Why Choose Scott Allen EA?

Scott Allen EA and Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. have built a reputation in Mesa, AZ, for their exceptional service and success in resolving back tax return issues. Here are some reasons why residents of Mesa, AZ, should consider Scott Allen EA for their tax problems:

  1. Expertise in Tax Laws: Scott Allen EA has an in-depth understanding of tax laws and IRS procedures, ensuring that clients receive accurate and effective solutions.
  2. Client-Centered Approach: Scott’s approach is always client-focused. He takes the time to understand each client’s unique situation and develops customized plans to address their specific needs.
  3. Proven Track Record: With numerous success stories like Richard’s, Scott Allen EA has demonstrated his ability to resolve even the most complex tax issues.
  4. Negotiation Skills: Scott’s negotiation skills are a significant asset in dealing with the IRS. He works diligently to secure the best possible outcomes for his clients, whether through payment plans, offers in compromise, or other IRS programs.
  5. Comprehensive Services: From filing unfiled tax returns to negotiating with the IRS and setting up payment plans, Scott Allen EA offers a full range of services to help clients regain financial stability.

Steps to Resolve Back Tax Returns in Mesa, AZ

For residents of Mesa, AZ, facing back tax return issues, taking the first step can be the most challenging part. Here are some steps to help resolve back tax returns:

  1. Seek Professional Help: Contact a reputable tax professional like Scott Allen EA to discuss your situation. Professional guidance can make a significant difference in navigating the complexities of tax issues.
  2. Gather Necessary Documents: Work with your tax professional to gather all required documents and information. This step is crucial for accurately filing unfiled tax returns.
  3. File Unfiled Tax Returns: Ensure that all unfiled tax returns are prepared and filed promptly. This action stops further penalties and interest from accruing.
  4. Negotiate with the IRS: Allow your tax professional to negotiate with the IRS on your behalf. Their expertise can help secure favorable terms and manageable payment plans.
  5. Set Up a Payment Plan: If you owe back taxes, work with your tax professional to set up a payment plan that fits your financial situation. This plan will allow you to pay off your debt without compromising your financial stability. There are also other options to negotiate your IRS debt as well and Scott Allen EA will go over all of those options with you.
  6. Stay Compliant: After resolving your back tax issues, it’s essential to stay compliant with future tax obligations. Regularly file your tax returns and make timely payments to avoid future problems.

Resolving back tax return problems can be a daunting task, but with the right professional help, it is entirely possible. Richard’s story is a testament to the effectiveness of seeking expert assistance from professionals like Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ. By addressing his unfiled tax returns and negotiating a manageable payment plan, Richard was able to regain control of his finances and find peace of mind.

For residents of Mesa, AZ, facing similar issues, taking action today can lead to a brighter financial future. With the expertise of Scott Allen EA, resolving back tax returns Mesa AZ and managing IRS debt is not only possible but also achievable with minimal stress. Don’t let back tax return problems weigh you down—seek professional help and start your journey towards financial freedom.

Written by Scott Allen

Scott with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc saved Jay in Mesa Arizona from his back taxes owed

How Tax Debt Advisors Inc. in Mesa, Arizona, Rescued Jay from a Decade of Tax Debt Nightmare

In the sprawling landscape of financial woes, few troubles weigh as heavily on an individual as unresolved tax debt. When Jay, a resident of Mesa, Arizona, found himself entangled in a ten-year saga of back taxes owed to the IRS, the burden seemed insurmountable. Sleepless nights, relentless creditor calls, and the constant fear of looming penalties cast a shadow over his life. However, in the midst of despair, Jay discovered a local beacon of hope: Tax Debt Advisors Inc., a family-owned business nestled in the heart of Mesa. In this blog post, we delve into Jay’s journey and how Tax Debt Advisors transformed his financial landscape, offering valuable insights into resolving tax debt and the pitfalls of out-of-state companies.

The Plight of Jay: A Decade of Tax Debt

Jay’s story is not uncommon. Despite his best intentions, life’s twists and turns had led him down a path of accumulating tax debt over the course of ten years. As the burden mounted, Jay found himself drowning in a sea of paperwork and legal complexities, unsure of where to turn for help as a small business owner. With each passing year, the specter of IRS penalties and interest only compounded his stress, leaving him feeling trapped and hopeless.

Discovering Tax Debt Advisors Inc.: A Local Lifeline

Amidst the chaos, Jay stumbled upon Tax Debt Advisors Inc., a local family owned firm with a reputation for compassionate and effective tax resolution services. Unlike impersonal, out-of-state companies, Tax Debt Advisors boasted deep roots in the Mesa community, offering personalized attention and a genuine commitment to their clients’ well-being.

The Power of Local Expertise

Upon contacting Tax Debt Advisors, Jay was immediately struck by their professionalism and depth of knowledge. Led by Scott Allen EA, an enrolled agent, the firm quickly assessed Jay’s situation and outlined a tailored strategy for resolution. Rather than resorting to cookie-cutter solutions, Tax Debt Advisors took the time to understand Jay’s unique circumstances, offering a range of options to address his tax debt and get his financial life back on track.

Navigating the IRS Maze: Settling Back Taxes and Establishing a Payment Plan

With Tax Debt Advisors by his side, Jay embarked on a journey towards financial freedom. The firm’s experts meticulously combed through Jay’s tax history, identifying areas for negotiation and potential relief. Through skillful negotiation with the IRS, Tax Debt Advisors secured a favorable settlement, allowing Jay to resolve his ten years of back taxes for a fraction of the original amount. Moreover, the firm helped Jay establish a manageable payment plan, with monthly installments as low as $312—a far cry from the suffocating burden he had faced before.

Beware of Out-of-State Companies: The Risks of Outsourcing Tax Resolution

Jay’s experience serves as a cautionary tale against entrusting one’s financial future to out-of-state companies promising quick fixes and unrealistically low fees. While these firms may advertise flashy solutions, they often lack the local expertise and personalized approach needed to navigate the complexities of IRS negotiations effectively. Moreover, entrusting sensitive financial information to remote entities carries inherent risks, ranging from data security concerns to potential scams.

In contrast, Tax Debt Advisors embodies the ethos of local excellence and community stewardship. As a family-owned business deeply rooted in Mesa, the firm prioritizes building long-term relationships with clients, offering unwavering support and guidance every step of the way. From the initial consultation to the final resolution, Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors remains steadfast in their commitment to delivering results that exceed expectations.

Empowering Clients with Knowledge and Support

Beyond resolving tax debt, Tax Debt Advisors empowers clients like Jay with the knowledge and resources needed to regain control of their financial destinies. Whether it’s filing back tax returns, exploring alternative settlement options, or providing ongoing tax planning advice, the firm remains a trusted ally in navigating the ever-changing landscape of tax law and compliance. Jay is looing forward to coming in next year to do his taxes and filing and paying them on time!

A Brighter Future with Tax Debt Advisors Inc.

Jay’s journey from despair to financial freedom serves as a testament to the transformative power of local expertise and personalized service. With the guidance of Tax Debt Advisors Inc., Jay not only resolved his decade-long tax debt nightmare but also gained invaluable peace of mind and a renewed sense of hope for the future. As Mesa’s premier tax resolution specialists, Tax Debt Advisors continues to stand as a beacon of light for individuals and families facing IRS challenges in Mesa AZ, offering a lifeline of support and expertise when it’s needed most. So, if you find yourself drowning in tax debt, remember: help is closer than you think, right here in Mesa, Arizona, with Tax Debt Advisors Inc.

View the case settlement from the IRS below that Jay recevied. Call Scott Allen EA today at 480-926-9300 and let him represent you before the IRS.

Mesa AZ Back Taxes Owed

Written by Scott Allen

Save Thousands if You Owe IRS Back Taxes Mesa AZ

How Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ, Can Save You Thousands if You Owe Back Taxes

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the weight of back tax returns owed to the IRS? Struggling to find a solution while the debt continues to grow? Look no further—Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ, specializes in navigating the complex terrain of tax debt and helping clients like you find relief from burdensome IRS obligations.

One success story that stands out among the many is our recent achievement in assisting a client who owed over $33,000 in back tax returns to the IRS on his 2020 tax return. Through our tailored strategies and expertise, we not only alleviated his stress but also significantly reduced his tax liabilities. Here’s how we did it and how we can help you too. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc saved him over $19,000. (VIEW THE IRS APPROVAL NOTICE BELOW).

Understanding Your Situation:

The first step in resolving tax debt is gaining a comprehensive understanding of your unique circumstances. At Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., our team of seasoned professionals begins by conducting a thorough analysis of your financial situation and the details of your tax liabilities. We leave no stone unturned in assessing your case, ensuring we’re equipped with all the necessary information to strategize effectively on your behalf.

Exploring IRS Settlement Options:

The IRS offers various settlement options to taxpayers burdened with tax debt. These include:

  1. Offer in Compromise (OIC): An OIC allows qualifying taxpayers to settle their tax debt for less than the full amount owed. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. works diligently to negotiate favorable terms with the IRS, considering factors such as your income, expenses, asset equity, and overall ability to pay.
  2. Installment Agreements: For those unable to pay their tax debt in full, an installment agreement can be established to make monthly payments. Our team assists in negotiating reasonable installment terms, easing the financial strain and ensuring compliance with IRS regulations.
  3. Penalty Abatement: In certain cases, the IRS may agree to reduce or remove penalties associated with unpaid taxes. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. leverages its expertise to advocate for penalty abatement, potentially saving you substantial amounts on accrued penalties.

Our Approach in Action:

In the case of our client facing a daunting $33,000 in back tax returns owed to the IRS, our meticulous approach led to a favorable outcome. Through strategic negotiation and careful examination of their bank statements and profit and loss statements, we were able to pursue filing of a proper amended tax return on his behalf before negotiationg an installment agreement.

Scott Allen EA meticulously prepared and submitted the amendment, highlighting our client’s tax return changes. Leveraging our expertise in navigating the intricate IRS procedures, we negotiated diligently to secure a significantly reduced tax amount owed, ultimately saving our client thousands of dollars.

Why Choose Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.?

When it comes to resolving tax debt, expertise and experience matter. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ, boasts a track record of success in aiding clients burdened by IRS obligations. Here’s why you should choose us:

Expertise: Our team comprises tax professionals well-versed in IRS protocols and settlement options, ensuring tailored strategies for each client’s unique situation.

Personalized Approach: We understand the stress and anxiety caused by tax debt. That’s why we offer personalized attention, guiding you through every step of the resolution process.

Proven Results: Our success stories speak volumes about our commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients, as evidenced by the substantial savings secured for our $33,000 tax debt case.

Peace of Mind: Partnering with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. means gaining peace of mind. Let us handle the complexities while you focus on moving forward toward financial stability.

Take Control of Your Tax Debt Today:

Don’t let tax debt continue to weigh you down. Take the first step toward financial freedom by contacting Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ. Our dedicated team is ready to assess your situation, chart a course of action, and work tirelessly to alleviate your tax burdens, just as we did for our client with a $33,000 tax debt.

Reach out to us today for a consultation and discover how we can help you save thousands while resolving your IRS back taxes owed Mesa AZ. You deserve a fresh start—let Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. pave the way for your brighter financial future.

IRS Back Taxes Mesa AZ


Written by Scott Allen

Helping Residents with Mesa AZ Back Tax Returns

Scott Allen EA – Helping Residents with Mesa AZ Back Tax Returns: A Trusted Enrolled Agent with a Proven Track Record of Success

A Client’s Success Story

In recent years, Scott had the opportunity to assist a client named Tim, whose tax situation had become a major source of stress and anxiety. Tim had a number of Mesa AZ unfiled back tax returns, and the amount of debt he owed to the IRS had grown to a daunting $65,000.

Tim was overwhelmed by the situation and didn’t know where to turn. He was afraid of facing the IRS and potentially facing penalties or even legal action. However, he knew that he couldn’t ignore the problem any longer.

That’s when Tim decided to seek help from Scott Allen EA. Scott immediately took charge of Tim’s case and began working on a plan to resolve his tax debt. Scott’s expertise and dedication were evident from the start. He was able to quickly identify the best course of action for Tim and began working tirelessly to implement it.

Thanks to Scott’s efforts, Tim was able to settle his tax debt for a fraction of the amount he originally owed. In fact, Scott was able to save Tim over $65,000 in back taxes! Check out the IRS acceptance below. This is an actualy letter from the IRS.

Mesa AZ Back Tax Returns

The Importance of Hiring an Enrolled Agent

It is important to note that not all tax professionals are created equal. Only Enrolled Agents like Scott Allen EA are authorized by the IRS to represent taxpayers before the agency. This means that Enrolled Agents have the necessary training and experience to deal with even the most complex tax cases.

If you are facing a tax debt issue or back Mesa AZ back tax returns to file you should strongly consider hiring an Enrolled Agent. An Enrolled Agent can help you understand your options and negotiate a favorable settlement with the IRS. In many cases, an Enrolled Agent can save you thousands of dollars in back taxes and penalties. That Enrolled Agent is Scott Allen.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc: A Local Family Owned Company

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc offers a wide range of tax resolution services, including:

  • Negotiation of IRS settlements
  • Preparation of back tax returns
  • Offer in Compromise
  • Innocent Spouse Relief
  • Audit representation
  • Penalty abatement
  • Lien and levy release

Contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc Today

If you are facing a tax debt issue, don’t hesitate to contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc today. Scott Allen EA is here to help you resolve your tax debt and get back on track with your finances.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc 3155 E Southern Ave #101 Mesa AZ 85204 (480) 926-9300 website: www.taxdebtadvisors.com

Scott Allen EA and Tax Debt Advisors, Inc are committed to helping taxpayers in Mesa, AZ resolve their tax debt issues. With their extensive experience and expertise, they can help you find the best solution for your unique situation.

If you are facing a tax debt issue, don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc in Mesa AZ today for a free consultation.

Written by Scott Allen

Ashlee’s Monthly IRS Payment Plan Mesa AZ

How Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Helped Ashlee Resolve IRS Back Tax Debt on a $120 Monthly Payment Plan in Mesa, Arizona

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a Mesa-based family owned firm specializing in assisting individuals with tax-related issues, recently accomplished a significant breakthrough in resolving the IRS back tax debt of their client, Ashlee. Facing a daunting amount in back taxes owed to the IRS, Ashlee turned to Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for guidance and support in navigating this challenging situation.

Ashlee’s predicament stemmed from accumulating tax debt over several years, creating a substantial financial burden. Fearing the mounting penalties and the IRS’s relentless pursuit, she sought professional help to find a feasible solution and gain control over her finances once again.

Upon her initial consultation with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., Ashlee was immediately met with Scott Allen EA, a seasoned tax professional committed to understanding her situation and crafting a personalized strategy. The firm’s adept advisors meticulously assessed Ashlee’s financial records, evaluating her tax liabilities, income, and expenses to devise a viable resolution plan.

Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. worked diligently on Ashlee’s case, leveraging their expertise and deep understanding of tax laws and IRS procedures to negotiate on her behalf. Their primary goal was to reach an agreement with the IRS that would alleviate Ashlee’s financial strain and provide her with a sustainable repayment plan.

Through persistent negotiations and meticulous advocacy, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. successfully secured an agreement with the IRS to settle Ashlee’s substantial back tax debt. The achievement was remarkable as the negotiated resolution allowed Ashlee to pay a reduced amount of $120 per month towards her tax debt until it gets paid off.

The tailored payment plan not only alleviated the immediate financial burden but also provided Ashlee with a structured pathway towards clearing her tax obligations. The team at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. continued to support and guide Ashlee throughout the implementation of the payment plan, ensuring compliance and adherence to the agreed terms.

The success story of Ashlee’s tax resolution with the help of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. underscores the importance of seeking professional assistance when dealing with IRS back tax debt. Their comprehensive approach, expertise in negotiation, and dedication to client success played a pivotal role in achieving this favorable outcome.

Furthermore, beyond the financial relief, Ashlee expressed her gratitude for the compassionate and personalized support she received throughout the process. Scott Allen EA not only provided expert guidance but also reassured Ashlee, alleviating the stress and anxiety associated with her tax debt predicament.

The resolution of Ashlee’s case stands as a testament to the commitment of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. to assist individuals in overcoming complex tax challenges effectively. By tailoring solutions to individual circumstances and advocating on behalf of their clients, they empower individuals like Ashlee to regain control of their financial futures.

The successful resolution of Ashlee’s back tax debt to a manageable IRS payment plan Mesa AZ of only $120/month through Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. exemplifies the firm’s dedication, expertise, and commitment to providing comprehensive solutions for clients grappling with IRS tax debt issues. This case study serves as a beacon of hope for individuals facing similar challenges, showcasing that with the right guidance and advocacy, daunting tax debts can be effectively managed and resolved.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.’s unwavering commitment to client success and their ability to navigate complex tax matters continues to make a meaningful impact on individuals striving to overcome IRS tax debt challenges in Mesa, Arizona, and beyond. Below is a copy of the agreement letter from the IRS with the approved payment plan. See for yourself!

IRS Payment Plan Mesa AZ

Written by Scott Allen

Unraveling the Intricacies of IRS Tax Liens in Mesa, AZ

Step by Step Guide to addressing IRS Tax Liens in Mesa, AZ

Navigating the labyrinth of IRS tax liens in Mesa, AZ can be quite intimidating for the uninitiated. When the IRS places a lien against your property because of unpaid taxes, it can create an upheaval in your personal and financial life. If you are in Mesa, AZ, grappling with an IRS tax lien, this blog post aims to provide you with actionable information on how to handle this predicament and why hiring a professional tax debt advisor might be the best course of action for you.

First, let’s understand what an IRS tax lien is. In simple terms, a federal tax lien is the government’s legal claim against your property when you neglect or fail to pay a tax debt. The lien protects the government’s interest in all your property, including real estate, personal property, and financial assets.

The steps to address an IRS tax lien in Mesa, AZ involve understanding the tax lien notice, verifying the tax liability, analyzing your options for resolution, and effectively communicating with the IRS.

  1. Understanding Your Tax Lien Notice:

    The journey to resolving an IRS tax lien begins with the receipt of a Notice of Federal Tax Lien from the IRS. This notice informs you that a lien has been filed against you due to outstanding tax debt. It’s crucial to read this document carefully and understand its implications. Note the amount you owe, the tax years involved, and the deadline to respond.

  2. Verifying Your Tax Liability:

    Before you start negotiating with the IRS or making payments, ensure the accuracy of the tax lien. Mistakes can happen, and you have the right to challenge any discrepancies. You can request a copy of your tax account information from the IRS to verify your liability.

  3. Analyzing Your Options:

    There are multiple ways to address an IRS tax lien. Some of them include:

    • Payment in Full: The most straightforward option is to pay your tax debt in full. Once the IRS has received the payment and it’s cleared, the lien will be released within 30 days. However, this option may not be feasible if your tax debt is substantial.
    • Installment Agreement: This involves making monthly payments towards your tax debt. Once the installment agreement is in place, the IRS will not levy your assets or wages, although the lien may remain until the debt is fully paid.
    • Offer in Compromise: In this scenario, you negotiate with the IRS to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount you owe. However, approval for an offer in compromise is not guaranteed and depends on your financial situation.
  4. Communicating Effectively with the IRS:

    Navigating the IRS’s bureaucracy can be a daunting task. It’s crucial to keep all communications with the IRS documented and stay calm, patient, and persistent. The IRS is a massive entity, and resolving a tax lien may take time.

While these steps can give you a roadmap to address your IRS tax lien in Mesa AZ, the complexity of tax laws and the intensity of IRS processes cannot be understated. Therefore, hiring a professional service like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., can be invaluable.

Why Hire Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ?

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has a proven track record in tax debt resolution. With over 45 years of experience, their professional team is equipped to guide you through the process, helping you make the most informed decisions and developing the best strategy to address your tax lien.

  1. Personalized Service: At Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., you are not just a number. They take time to understand your situation, answer your questions, and offer personalized solutions to your tax debt issues.
  2. Expert Negotiation: Scott Allen, EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has extensive experience negotiating with the IRS. He can help secure the best possible payment plans or offers in compromise based on your financial situation.
  3. Protection: With Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. by your side, you can rest assured that your interests are protected. They will guide you through the complexities of the tax system, reducing your stress and the potential for errors.
  4. Prevention of Future Issues: Beyond resolving your current tax lien, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. provides education and advice to help you understand tax laws and avoid future tax issues.

The path to addressing an IRS tax lien can seem steep, but with professional help from Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., it becomes a journey you don’t have to walk alone. If you’re in Mesa, AZ, and are facing the burden of an IRS tax lien, don’t wait. Act now, and let Scott Allen EA help you regain control over your financial life.

Written by Scott Allen

Filing Back Tax Returns in Mesa, Arizona

Navigating the Back-Tax Jungle: Scott Allen EA, Your Trusted Guide in Mesa, Arizona

Nearly forty years of life experience has taught Scott Allen EA a valuable lesson: it’s easier to be prepared than to fix an oversight. In particular, Filing back tax returns in Mesa, Arizona – a process that sends shivers down many a spine – epitomizes this wisdom. It’s an essential responsibility, yes, but often a complicated one, especially when we must delve into the treacherous territory of Mesa, Arizona back tax returns. Luckily, for those of us residing in Mesa, Arizona, there’s a torchbearer in the darkness of tax complexities: Scott Allen EA.

Let me begin by providing some context. Enrolled Agents (EAs) are federally-authorized tax practitioners who have technical expertise in the field of taxation. They are empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers for audits, collections, and appeals before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Scott Allen, an EA with significant experience and expertise, is a prime choice for dealing with both business and personal taxes.

Now, why should you trust Scott Allen EA to be your champion for filing back tax returns in Mesa, Arizona?

Experience and Expertise

Scott Allen is not just an Enrolled Agent, he’s a seasoned veteran in the battlefield of tax returns, with years of practical experience under his belt. He’s been helping businesses and individuals in Mesa, Arizona, unravel their tax puzzles, demonstrating an understanding of tax laws that is both deep and wide. Back taxes? Late filings? IRS audits? Scott has seen it all, dealt with it all, and guided his clients to safe harbor every time.

Personalized Approach

No two taxpayers are the same. Each one has unique circumstances, obligations, and entitlements. Scott Allen EA understands this and takes a tailored approach for each client. He spends time understanding your specific situation, your goals, and your concerns. His personalized strategies are aimed not just at solving immediate tax issues but also at setting you on a path for long-term tax health.

Representation before the IRS

As an EA, Scott Allen can represent you from start to finish as a power of attorney before the IRS. This is no small matter. Facing the IRS can be intimidating for the uninitiated. The tax codes are intricate, and the processes can be labyrinthine. Having Scott Allen EA as your representative before the IRS ensures that you have someone who understands the language of tax laws, the processes, and the bureaucracy. With an authorized power of attorney (Form 2848) he can be your voice, your advocate, and your defender.

Local Expertise

As a Mesa, Arizona-based practitioner, Scott Allen EA understands the local nuances of taxation better than most. His local presence allows him to provide a level of service that distant, impersonal tax services just can’t match. Need face-to-face consultation? Scott’s available. Got an urgent tax problem? Scott’s just a call away. This local advantage, coupled with his expertise, puts him in a unique position to provide unmatched tax services to Mesa residents.

Reliability and Ethics

Above all, Scott Allen EA’s track record exudes reliability and a commitment to ethical conduct. When dealing with something as sensitive as filing back tax returns in Mesa, Arizona, trust is paramount. With Scott, you can be confident that your tax matters are in safe, ethical, and competent hands.

The process of filing back taxes in Mesa, Arizona can feel like being stuck in a dense jungle with no clear path. However, with Scott Allen EA as your guide, you have a seasoned professional who knows the territory, understands the pitfalls, and is equipped to lead you out of the wilderness and into clarity.

Whether you’re an individual who’s missed a couple of tax filing deadlines or a business owner wrestling with complex tax issues, Scott Allen EA can make the difference between a stressful tax problem and a successful resolution. His professionalism, expertise, and personal approach to each case make him the best choice for managing your back tax returns in Mesa, Arizona.

In my four decades of life, I’ve learned that smart decisions and trusted partners make the journey smoother. When it comes to handling your taxes, especially the tricky terrain of back taxes, choosing Scott Allen EA is indeed a smart decision – one that I assure will bring you peace of mind and positive outcomes. Your tax journey need not be a harrowing one. Trust Scott Allen EA, and let the expert guide the way.

Written by Scott Allen

The Taxpayer’s Game: Relating a Mesa, AZ IRS Problem to Baseball

Relating a Mesa, AZ IRS Problem to Baseball

In the world of sports, baseball has always been synonymous with America. Similarly, in the realm of finance, dealing with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is an integral part of the American taxpayer’s life. In this blog, we will explore the intriguing parallels between a hypothetical Mesa, AZ IRS problem faced by a struggling taxpayer, and the game of baseball. By drawing comparisons and highlighting key aspects, we can gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by taxpayers and the strategies they can employ to navigate the complex tax system. So, grab your glove and let’s dive into the diamond of taxation!

  1. The Opening Pitch: An Unexpected IRS Audit: Imagine you’re a resident of Mesa, Arizona, diligently going about your financial affairs when, out of the blue, you receive an IRS audit notice. This scenario is akin to a pitcher receiving an unexpected call to start a game. Both situations require immediate attention and preparation to ensure success.
  2. The Infield Defense: Tax Documentation: In baseball, a strong infield defense is crucial for making outs. Similarly, when dealing with the IRS, maintaining meticulous tax documentation acts as your defense. Just as a shortstop swiftly collects and throws the ball, you must gather and organize your financial records to support your claims during an audit. Accuracy and completeness are key for both infielders and taxpayers.
  3. The Outfield Catch: Deductions and Credits: In the outfield, players rely on their ability to catch fly balls. Taxpayers, on the other hand, can catch deductions and credits to their advantage. Just like a skilled outfielder who anticipates the trajectory of the ball, taxpayers need to identify and capture all eligible deductions and credits to reduce their tax liability. It’s a race against the clock in both baseball and taxes!
  4. The Batter’s Box: Negotiating with the IRS: When a batter steps into the box, they face a pitcher who will try to strike them out. Similarly, when negotiating with the IRS, taxpayers need to be prepared to defend their positions. Just as a batter studies the pitcher’s tendencies, taxpayers must research and understand IRS rules and regulations to effectively present their case. Patience, strategy, and knowledge play a crucial role in both scenarios.
  5. The Home Run Swing: Appeals and Settlements: In baseball, a home run swing can turn the tide of a game. In taxation, a successful appeal or settlement can be a taxpayer’s equivalent to hitting one out of the park. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, a dispute with the IRS may arise. This is where taxpayers need to understand their rights and explore options for appeals or settlements to resolve the issue. A well-timed negotiation or a favorable compromise can provide the ultimate relief, just like a grand slam in baseball. Scott Allen EA with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc can be your grand slam choice to resolve your Mesa, AZ IRS problem.
  6. The Ninth Inning: Compliance and Planning: As a baseball game nears its end, the pressure mounts for both teams. Similarly, as the tax year comes to a close, taxpayers must focus on compliance and planning. Timely filing, paying taxes owed, and engaging in strategic tax planning can ensure a smooth ninth inning in your financial game. Consistency and attention to detail are vital for both pitchers and taxpayers in these crucial moments.

Conclusion: Baseball and taxes may seem like vastly different subjects, but they share several striking similarities. Both require preparation, attention to detail, and strategic decision-making. By relating a hypothetical Mesa, AZ IRS problem to the beloved game of baseball, we have explored the various stages and challenges of dealing with the IRS. Remember, just like a baseball player, you can overcome any IRS obstacle with practice, knowledge, and a bit of perseverance. So, play the game of taxes like a seasoned ballplayer, and you’ll be well on your way to financial success!

Written by Scott Allen

No more Mesa AZ IRS Garnishment

How to stop a Mesa AZ IRS Garnishment

Yes, a Mesa AZ IRS garnishment can be stopped and in many cases it can be stopped before your next paycheck. The IRS will issue garnishment notice to your employer when you owe them for unpaid back taxes and/or behind on filing your tax returns. Your employer is required by law to withhold a chunk of your paycheck and send it to the IRS. Often times it can be as much as 30-40% of your take home pay. Your employer will respond to the Mesa AZ IRS garnishment notice until the debt is fully satisfied or they receive a notice of release of levy. Its always better to get compliant with the IRS before a garnishment notice is sent out but if that isn’t the case you still have options.

How to get the IRS to send out a notice of release of levy to an employer?

In one sentence, you need to get compliant! Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc can help you do so. To get the IRS to issue a notice of release on the Mesa AZ IRS garnishment an agreement needs to be negotiated and approved by the IRS. An agreement could be a currently non collectible status, a payment plan, or an agreement to full pay in 90 days to give you some examples. Once the IRS approves an agreement they have to send out a release of levy to your employer. Scott Allen EA will typically do most of this work over the phone with the IRS to expedite the process. By mail, things can take weeks to happen. Most taxpayers do not have weeks to wait as their next paycheck may only be a few days away. Time is of the essence and Scott Allen EA understands this. He will work into the evening if it means you have a shot as getting 100% of your next paycheck.

Have Mesa AZ back tax returns to file?

Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc also specializes in the filing of back tax returns. Whether you need one return or seven tax returns filed Scott can help. As your IRS power of attorney in this process he will represent you from start to finish to make sure everything is done right, and right the first time! Feel free to give him a call and schedule a free initial consultation. That is exactly what David did and he was thrilled with the result. He received a Mesa AZ IRS garnishment notice but rather than having the IRS suck 32% of his take home pay Scott was able to negotiate his back taxes into a very manageable $390/month payment plan. This was all negotiated before his next payday and David’s wages were never garnished. Both years he owes for are included into that arrangement. Take a look as the IRS approval notice below. No more Mesa AZ IRS garnishment to worry about for David!

No More Mesa AZ IRS Garnishment

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