Written by Scott Allen

Mesa AZ IRS Fresh Start Program: Hope for Taxpayers

Navigating the Mesa AZ IRS Fresh Start Program: A Beacon of Hope for Taxpayers

Tax season can be a stressful period for many, but for those who have fallen behind on their tax filings or owe back taxes, the stress can be overwhelming. The IRS Fresh Start Program in Mesa AZ offers a lifeline for taxpayers providing them with a pathway to resolve their tax issues. One family-owned business, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., has been at the forefront of helping Mesa residents navigate this program, achieving remarkable success in settling over 114,000 IRS debts since its inception in 1977.

Understanding the IRS Fresh Start Program

The IRS Fresh Start Program, initiated in 2011, aims to make it easier for individuals and small businesses to pay back taxes and avoid tax liens. The program has evolved over the years, enhancing options for taxpayers to manage their debt, including extended installment agreements, expanded eligibility for Offers in Compromise (OIC), and leniency for taxpayers experiencing financial hardship.

For taxpayers in Mesa, Arizona, understanding the nuances of this program is crucial. The Fresh Start Program offers several key components:

  1. Installment Agreements: Taxpayers can spread their tax debt over a period of up to six years, making manageable monthly payments.
  2. Offer in Compromise: This allows taxpayers to settle their tax debt for less than the full amount owed, based on their ability to pay.
  3. Tax Liens: The program increased the threshold for when the IRS would file a tax lien, helping taxpayers avoid the negative impacts on their credit scores.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.: A Legacy of Service

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a family-owned business based in Mesa, Arizona, has been a pillar of support for taxpayers since 1977. Their deep-rooted commitment to the community is reflected in their impressive track record of settling over 114,000 IRS debts. The company, known for its personal touch and dedication, understands that each client’s situation is unique and requires a tailored approach. Scott Allen EA will represent you from start to finish as your IRS Power of Attorney

A Recent Success Story: Peter’s Journey

One of the many success stories from Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. involves a client named Peter. Peter, a Mesa resident, found himself overwhelmed with his tax debt and unsure of how to proceed. Facing the potential for severe financial repercussions, he turned to Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for help.

Representing Peter as his power of attorney, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. negotiated with the IRS on his behalf. Their expertise and strategic approach culminated in securing a low monthly payment plan of $266 for Peter. This agreement not only alleviated Peter’s immediate financial burden but also provided him with a clear path to resolving his tax issues. See his Mesa AZ Fresh Start Program settlement below.

Mesa AZ IRS Fresh Start Program Settlement


Steps to Enroll in the IRS Fresh Start Program

Taxpayers in Mesa looking to enroll in the IRS Fresh Start Program can benefit from the guidance and support of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Assessing Eligibility: The first step is to determine eligibility for the program. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. conducts a thorough evaluation of the taxpayer’s financial situation to identify the best available options.
  2. Filing Outstanding Returns: All tax returns must be up-to-date. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. assists clients in filing any outstanding returns, ensuring compliance with IRS requirements.
  3. Negotiating with the IRS: With power of attorney, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. handles all communications with the IRS, negotiating terms that are in the best interest of the client.
  4. Implementing the Agreement: Once an agreement is reached, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. ensures that all necessary paperwork is completed and submitted, and they provide ongoing support to help clients stay on track with their payment plans.

The Benefits of Professional Representation

Navigating the IRS Fresh Start Program can be complex and intimidating. Having a knowledgeable and experienced advocate like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can make a significant difference. Their services offer several benefits:

  1. Expertise: With over four decades of experience, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. possesses an in-depth understanding of IRS processes and regulations.
  2. Negotiation Skills: Their team is skilled in negotiating favorable terms, leveraging their experience to achieve the best possible outcomes for their clients.
  3. Peace of Mind: Clients can focus on their daily lives, knowing that their tax issues are being handled by professionals.
  4. Personalized Service: As a family-owned business, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. prides itself on offering personalized service and treating each client as a part of their extended family.

Common Challenges and How Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Overcomes Them

While the IRS Fresh Start Program in Mesa AZ provides significant relief, there are common challenges that taxpayers may face. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is well-equipped to handle these obstacles:

  1. Complex Financial Situations: Taxpayers with complex financial situations may struggle to demonstrate their inability to pay. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. meticulously prepares financial documentation to present a clear and accurate picture to the IRS.
  2. Communication Barriers: Direct communication with the IRS can be daunting. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. acts as a buffer, ensuring that all correspondence is professional and effective.
  3. Maintaining Compliance: Keeping up with IRS requirements during the repayment period is crucial. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. provides ongoing support to help clients maintain compliance and avoid additional penalties.

Why Mesa Residents Choose Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

Mesa residents have a trusted ally in Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. The firm’s long-standing presence in the community and commitment to client success have earned them a stellar reputation. Here are a few reasons why Mesa taxpayers continue to choose Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.:

  1. Proven Track Record: Over 114,000 settled IRS debts speak volumes about their capability and reliability.
  2. Family Values: As a family-owned business, they emphasize trust, integrity, and personalized service.
  3. Local Expertise: Being based in Mesa, they have a unique understanding of the local community and its specific needs.
  4. Comprehensive Services: From filing delinquent returns to negotiating payment plans, they offer a full spectrum of services to address every aspect of tax debt resolution.

Peter’s Experience: A Testimonial of Success

Peter’s case is a testament to the effectiveness of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. His journey from uncertainty to relief highlights the crucial role that professional representation can play. Peter’s low $266 monthly payment plan not only brought immediate financial relief but also set him on a path to becoming debt-free.

Peter’s testimonial underscores the importance of seeking professional help when dealing with tax debt. His success story is one of many, reflecting the dedication and expertise that Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. brings to every client’s situation.

The IRS Fresh Start Program offers a valuable opportunity for Mesa taxpayers to regain control of their financial futures. However, the complexities involved necessitate expert guidance. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., with its rich history and proven success, stands out as a beacon of hope for those struggling with tax debt.

For over four decades, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has been helping Mesa residents navigate their way out of tax debt, providing personalized, professional, and effective solutions. Whether it’s through low monthly payment plans or negotiated settlements, their commitment to client success is unwavering. As Peter’s story illustrates, the right support can make all the difference, turning a daunting tax debt situation into a manageable and hopeful journey.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. continues to build on its legacy, offering Mesa taxpayers the expertise and personalized care they need to successfully utilize the IRS Fresh Start Program and achieve financial peace of mind.

Written by Scott Allen

Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc: Relief with IRS Fresh Start in Phoenix, AZ

Phoenix AZ IRS Fresh Start

In the crazy world of tax debt resolution, where the weight of IRS obligations can bear down heavily on individuals and businesses alike, finding a trustworthy guide becomes paramount. Enter Scott Allen EA, a seasoned Enrolled Agent and the driving force behind Tax Debt Advisors Inc. His expertise and commitment to clients have earned him a reputation as a beacon of relief for IRS debtors in Phoenix, Arizona seeting a fresh start from the IRS.

Eric, a resident of Phoenix, found himself ensnared in a daunting predicament—a staggering $636,000 IRS debt looming over him like a specter. Faced with the daunting prospect of financial ruin and relentless IRS collections efforts, Eric sought solace and a solution. Little did he know that Scott Allen EA would emerge as his saving grace.

Scott Allen EA’s approach to resolving tax debt is holistic, grounded in deep knowledge of IRS protocols and a genuine desire to alleviate the burden on his clients. With Eric’s case, Scott embarked on a meticulous assessment, leaving no stone unturned in crafting a strategy tailored to Eric’s specific circumstances.

The cornerstone of Scott’s strategy for Eric lay in leveraging the IRS’s Fresh Start program, specifically targeting the Currently Non-Collectible (CNC) status. This program, designed to provide relief to taxpayers facing financial hardship, offers a respite from IRS collection efforts by deeming the taxpayer unable to pay their tax debt at the current time.

Navigating the intricacies of the CNC status requires finesse and expertise, qualities that Scott Allen EA possesses in abundance. He meticulously gathered and analyzed Eric’s financial documentation, leaving no detail overlooked. Scott understood that presenting a compelling case to the IRS was paramount to securing CNC status for Eric and getting him the Phoenix AZ IR fresh start that he needed.

With Scott Allen EA at the helm, Eric’s journey towards relief from his IRS debt began in earnest. Scott’s proactive approach involved open lines of communication with the IRS, ensuring that Eric’s case remained at the forefront of their attention. His negotiation skills came to the fore as he advocated fiercely on Eric’s behalf, presenting his financial hardship with clarity and conviction.

The IRS, often perceived as an impenetrable bureaucracy, yielded to Scott’s expertise and Eric’s genuine financial hardship. Through Scott’s efforts, Eric’s $636,000 IRS debt found its way into the sanctuary of Currently Non-Collectible status—a significant milestone in his path towards financial freedom.

The significance of achieving CNC status cannot be overstated. For Eric, it meant a reprieve from IRS collection actions, including levies, and wage garnishments. It provided him with breathing room to regroup, rebuild, and chart a course towards long-term financial stability.

Scott Allen EA’s success in resolving Eric’s IRS debt epitomizes his commitment to his clients’ well-being. Beyond securing CNC status, Scott’s guidance empowers clients like Eric to reclaim control of their financial futures. His approach extends beyond mere resolution of tax debt, encompassing financial education and proactive planning to prevent future pitfalls.

Phoenix, Arizona, and indeed, taxpayers nationwide, owe a debt of gratitude to professionals like Scott Allen EA, who champion the cause of those burdened by IRS obligations. His tireless advocacy and unwavering dedication serve as a beacon of hope for individuals and businesses navigating the treacherous waters of tax debt.

Scott Allen EA’s exemplary handling of Eric’s case underscores the pivotal role he plays in the realm of tax debt resolution. His mastery of IRS protocols, coupled with a genuine commitment to client welfare, distinguishes him as a luminary in his field. As Eric’s journey illustrates, Scott’s expertise transforms IRS debtors’ despair into hope, offering a pathway to financial freedom and peace of mind. Check out his Phoenix AZ IRS fresh start CNC atteptance letter below. That is a true and honest testimony of a job well done.

Phoenix AZ IRS Fresh Start

Written by Scott Allen

Why Tax Debt Advisors Inc. Is Your Best Choice for IRS Offer in Compromise in Chandler AZ

Unlocking Financial Freedom: Why Tax Debt Advisors Inc. Is Your Best Choice for IRS Offer in Compromise in Chandler AZ

Taxation is an inevitable part of our lives, and every citizen has the responsibility to fulfill their tax obligations. However, unexpected financial challenges can lead to tax debt, leaving individuals and businesses struggling to meet their IRS obligations. If you’re facing tax debt issues in Chandler, AZ, there’s a trusted ally you can turn to – Tax Debt Advisors Inc., led by the experienced Scott Allen EA. In this blog post, we will delve into the essential reasons why hiring Tax Debt Advisors Inc. is your best choice for resolving IRS offer in compromise matters in Chandler, AZ.

The Complexity of IRS Offer in Compromise

Before we dive into the reasons to hire Tax Debt Advisors Inc., let’s first understand the complexity of an IRS offer in compromise. An offer in compromise (OIC) is a debt settlement option that allows taxpayers to settle their tax liabilities for less than the total amount owed. However, this process is intricate and involves meticulous documentation, calculations, and negotiations with the IRS.

Here’s why OICs are challenging:

  1. Eligibility Requirements: Not everyone qualifies for an OIC. The IRS assesses your income, expenses, asset equity, and ability to pay when determining eligibility.
  2. Complex Financial Analysis: Accurate financial disclosures are crucial. The IRS scrutinizes your financial details to determine the reasonable collection potential (RCP), which forms the basis for your OIC.
  3. Negotiations with the IRS: Negotiating with the IRS can be daunting. They have stringent rules and regulations that need to be followed precisely.

Given the intricacies involved, seeking professional help is not just advisable; it’s often necessary to navigate the OIC process successfully.

Meet Scott Allen EA

In Chandler, AZ, you’ll find a reliable expert in tax debt resolution – Scott Allen EA. As an Enrolled Agent (EA), Scott Allen is authorized by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before the IRS. He specializes in handling IRS offer in compromise cases, making him your go-to choice for resolving tax debt issues in Chandler.

Here are compelling reasons to choose Scott Allen EA and Tax Debt Advisors Inc. for your IRS offer in compromise needs:

1. Expertise in IRS Offer in Compromise

Scott Allen EA has a wealth of experience in handling IRS offer in compromise cases. His in-depth understanding of IRS regulations, tax laws, and negotiation strategies ensures that you have a seasoned expert by your side to navigate the complex OIC process effectively.

2. Tailored Solutions

No two tax debt cases are the same. Scott Allen EA and Tax Debt Advisors Inc. understand this and provide personalized solutions that cater to your specific financial situation. They assess your unique circumstances and craft a tailored OIC proposal that maximizes your chances of acceptance.

3. Maximizing Your Chances of Acceptance

One of the primary reasons to hire a professional like Scott Allen EA is to increase your chances of OIC acceptance. The IRS has strict criteria for approving OICs, and any errors or omissions in your application can lead to rejection. Scott Allen EA ensures that your OIC submission is accurate, complete, and optimized for success.

4. Comprehensive Financial Analysis

Determining the reasonable collection potential (RCP) is a critical aspect of OIC preparation. Scott Allen EA conducts a thorough financial analysis, including income, expenses, and asset equity, to accurately calculate your RCP. This ensures that your OIC reflects your true ability to pay.

5. Effective Negotiations

Negotiating with the IRS can be intimidating, but with Scott Allen EA on your side, you have a skilled negotiator who understands the IRS’s processes and protocols. He will represent you professionally, advocating for the best possible outcome.

6. Stress Reduction

Dealing with tax debt can be incredibly stressful, affecting your overall well-being. Hiring Tax Debt Advisors Inc. allows you to offload the burden of dealing with the IRS, giving you peace of mind and the opportunity to focus on your financial recovery.

7. Save Time and Money

While hiring professional assistance comes with a cost, it can ultimately save you time and money in the long run. By expediting the OIC process and increasing the likelihood of acceptance, you may end up settling your tax debt for a fraction of what you owe.

8. Compliance Assurance

Tax regulations are constantly evolving, and compliance is crucial to avoid future tax issues. Scott Allen EA and Tax Debt Advisors Inc. ensure that your OIC submission and financial disclosures are in compliance with the latest tax laws, reducing the risk of future disputes with the IRS.

Recent Chandler AZ IRS Office in Compromise Acceptance

Robert owed the IRS back taxes from 2016 thru 2022. He was basically living paycheck to paycheck now to make ends meet. Paying for rent and gas for his car was a struggle let along trying to pay back the IRS on delinquest taxes. To sum up pretty simply what Scott Allen EA did for him was he settled his $26,000 of back taxes owed into a lump sum settlemetn agreement of $760 (see approval letter below). Yes, you read that correctly. His tax debt was settled for 2.9 cents on the dollar. Every case is unique and different but if you are in a financial hardship it might be worth it to see if Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc can negotiate an IRS offer in compromise or some other settlement option for you.

Chandler AZ IRS Offer in Compromise


Resolving tax debt issues through a Chandler AZ IRS offer in compromise is a viable solution for individuals and businesses facing financial hardship. However, the intricacies of the process demand professional expertise, and that’s where Scott Allen EA and Tax Debt Advisors Inc. shine. By choosing them, you are not just hiring a tax professional; you are investing in your financial future.

Don’t let tax debt weigh you down in Chandler, AZ. Reach out to Tax Debt Advisors Inc. and Scott Allen EA to take the first step toward financial freedom. With their experience, personalized solutions, and dedication, you can trust them to guide you through the IRS offer in compromise process successfully. Your path to a debt-free future starts here.

Written by Scott Allen

Scott Allen E.A. has Expertise in Filing your Offer in Compromise in Mesa AZ

Mesa AZ IRS Offer in Compromise

Our family tax business in has been filing Mesa AZ IRS Offers in Compromise since 1977—that is over 45 years expertise in what will be accepted and what will not.  One of the biggest mistakes taxpayers make is using a company that “sells” an Offer in Compromise and then finding out a year later that their Offer never had a chance.  Then on top of that other options may not be possible or at least delayed because you filed a denied Offer in Compromise.  While denied Offers are in process, your tax liability is building up interest, penalties and extending the statute of limitations, which is the time the IRS can collect the Mesa AZ tax debt owed.

Why not schedule a free consultation to get a straight answer about what your Offer amount is.  Many Offer amounts are far more than what taxpayers can afford to pay or more than the tax debt owed.  And if you do not qualify to file a Mesa AZ IRS Offer in Compromise Scott Allen E.A. will review other settlement options which very often are better than what the Offer in Compromise program will do for you.

If you will provide accurate and timely information, Scott Allen E.A. has expertise in filing and getting your Mesa AZ IRS Offer in Compromise accepted by the IRS.  However, if while the IRS is considering your Offer, if your financial situation improves, your Offer amount will be adjusted upward.  Remember that in our 45 years filing Offers only about 2% of clients that we have met qualify and can pay the Offer amount the IRS will accept.  That is why considering all your options when you visit Scott Allen E.A. makes sense.  Call Scott today at 480-926-9300 and let him make today a great day for you.

To learn more about IRS Offer in Compromise in Mesa AZ please visit Scott Allen EA’s company website.

Written by Scott Allen

Resolving Unfiled Tax Returns in Mesa, AZ

Resolving Unfiled Tax Returns in Mesa, AZ: Why Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is the Right Choice

When it comes to unfiled tax returns in Mesa, AZ, taxpayers are often burdened with stress and uncertainty. The complexities of navigating tax laws can be overwhelming, leading to the accumulation of tax debt and potential legal consequences. In such situations, hiring a reliable and knowledgeable tax representation firm is essential to resolve these issues effectively. This blog explores how Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. emerges as the go-to company for representation in Mesa, AZ. Led by the licensed tax professional, Scott Allen, EA, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. offers comprehensive services to prepare unfiled back tax returns and represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Understanding Unfiled Tax Returns in Mesa, AZ

Unfiled tax returns can quickly escalate from minor oversights to significant problems if left unresolved. Many taxpayers in Mesa, AZ, might find themselves facing this issue due to various reasons, such as lack of time, financial difficulties, or simply not understanding their obligations. Regardless of the reason, it is crucial to address unfiled tax returns promptly.

The Consequences of Unfiled Tax Returns

Unfiled tax returns can lead to severe consequences for taxpayers. Firstly, they might face penalties for late filing, which can accrue interest over time, exacerbating the financial burden. Secondly, failure to file tax returns can result in the IRS taking enforcement actions, including garnishing wages or placing liens on assets. To avoid such situations, it is imperative to seek professional assistance from tax experts who can navigate the complexities of tax regulations effectively.

Introducing Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

In the realm of tax representation firms in Mesa, AZ, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. stands out as a reputable and reliable option. Their team of experts is well-versed in handling various tax issues, particularly unfiled tax returns. By understanding the individual circumstances of each taxpayer, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. tailors their approach to provide personalized solutions.

Meet Scott Allen, EA – The Licensed Tax Professional

At the core of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is Scott Allen, an Enrolled Agent (EA) with extensive experience and knowledge in tax matters. As an EA, Scott is authorized by the IRS to represent taxpayers in Mesa, AZ, and across the United States. His expertise allows him to address a wide range of tax-related problems, including the preparation of unfiled back tax returns, tax debt settlement, and IRS audit representation.

Unfiled Back Tax Returns: A Specialized Service

One of the key areas where Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. excels is in the preparation of unfiled back tax returns. The process of filing back taxes can be complex and time-consuming, but with Scott Allen’s guidance, clients can rest assured that their tax returns will be accurately prepared and submitted in a timely manner. By engaging Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for this service, taxpayers can mitigate the risk of facing harsh penalties and reduce their overall tax debt.

Representing Taxpayers before the IRS

Navigating the IRS can be a daunting task, especially for those with unfiled tax returns or outstanding tax debts. Scott Allen’s expertise as an Enrolled Agent allows him to effectively represent clients before the IRS. Whether it’s negotiating an installment agreement, submitting an Offer in Compromise, or handling IRS audits, Scott’s proficiency ensures a smooth and efficient process for clients seeking resolution with the IRS.

The Advantages of Choosing Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

  1. Proven Track Record: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has a proven track record of successfully assisting numerous taxpayers in Mesa, AZ, with their unfiled tax returns and other tax-related issues.
  2. Personalized Approach: Each client’s situation is unique, and Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. understands the importance of personalized solutions tailored to meet individual needs.
  3. Legal Expertise: As an Enrolled Agent, Scott Allen possesses the necessary qualifications and knowledge to handle a broad range of tax matters, providing clients with confidence in their represebackntation.
  4. Timely Resolution: With Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., taxpayers can expect prompt and efficient resolution of their unfiled tax returns, helping them regain control of their financial situation.

Nathan is a client of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. and had Scott Allen EA represent him before the IRS with his unfiled tax returns in Mesa AZ. By properly protesting his 2018 tax year with the IRS, Scott Allen EA was able to file and save Nathan $30,223 in taxes, interest, and penalties. Check out the IRS notice below with the udpated changes to his account.

Unfiled Tax Returns in Mesa AZ 

In conclusion, unfiled tax returns can have significant ramifications on taxpayers in Mesa, AZ, but they need not face these challenges alone. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. emerges as the ideal representation firm, offering professional and personalized services to prepare unfiled back tax returns and negotiate with the IRS on behalf of clients. With Scott Allen, EA, at the helm, clients can trust in his expertise and experience to provide effective solutions and alleviate the burden of tax debt. Don’t let unfiled tax returns overwhelm you; take the first step towards resolution by hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for expert guidance and representation.


Written by Scott Allen

Do I Need a Glendale IRS Tax Attorney to do a Hardship Offer in Compromise?

Glendale IRS Tax Attorney?

No, this is not a legal matter and you don’t need to hire the first Glendale IRS Tax Attorney you talk to.  However, it will take an IRS resolution specialist who has expertise in applying and getting approval from the IRS to accept your hardship case.  Hardship means that it would cause you to suffer a severe hardship even though you can pay the tax liability.  There must be unusual circumstances before one can expect the IRS to consider the taxpayer a hardship candidate.  For this reason, hardship offers are rare compared to offers based on the ability to pay the full amount of the tax debt.

Some of the valid hardship situations would include:

  • All of the taxpayer’s assets would be required to provide adequate medical care for an illness or physical disability.
  • Payment of the tax debt owed would leave the taxpayer without means to cover necessary living expenses including housing, food, medical care, clothing and utilities.
  • The taxpayer does not have the ability to liquidate or borrow against assets to pay the tax debt.

Sometimes seeking a currently non-collectible status (CNC can provide the same protection needed by the taxpayer.   A CNC status is much easier to get approved by the IRS and is not difficult, in many situations, to be maintained until the statute of limitations for the collection of the taxes owed to the IRS has passed.

May I suggest you contact Scott Allen E.A. who has expertise in these matters and can navigate you towards the best settlement option at the lowest cost to you?  Scott is available for a free consultation at 480-926-9300.  Put your mind at ease and contact Scott Allen E.A. today instead of a Glendale IRS Tax Attorney. Below is an example of Scott Allen EA representing his Client Norman and negotiating all ten years of back taxes owed into a currently non collectible status. Always explore all options avaiable to you before submitting an IRS offer in compromise or any other tax settlement solution.

Glendale IRS Tax Attorney


Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.: Your Phoenix AZ IRS Tax Relief Specialists

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for Phoenix AZ IRS Tax Relief

If you’re struggling with IRS debt, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans owe money to the IRS, and the stress of dealing with this debt can be overwhelming. But there is help available. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is a Phoenix AZ IRS tax relief company that has been helping taxpayers get out of debt for over 45 years.

What is Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.?

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is a family-owned and operated company that specializes in helping taxpayers resolve their IRS debt. Scott Allen EA is a licensed tax professional who can help you understand your options and develop a personalized plan to get you out of debt.

What services do we offer?

We offer a variety of IRS tax relief services, including:

  • Tax debt settlement: We can negotiate with the IRS on your behalf to reach a settlement that you can afford.
  • Offer in Compromise: We can help you qualify for an Offer in Compromise, which is a way to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount owed.
  • Installment Agreement: We can help you set up an installment agreement with the IRS so that you can pay your debt off over time.
  • Penalty Abatement: We can help you get penalties waived on your tax debt.
  • Audit Representation: We can represent you in an IRS audit to help protect your rights.

Why choose Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.?

There are many reasons to choose Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. as your Phoenix AZ IRS tax relief company. Here are just a few:

  • We’re experienced: We’ve been helping taxpayers resolve their IRS debt for over 45 years. We have the knowledge and expertise to get the job done right.
  • We’re affordable: The fees we charge are always offered at a competitive rate if not less expensve then most Phoenix AZ IRS tax relief companies.
  • We’re trustworthy: We’re a family-owned and operated company with a reputation for honesty and integrity.

How do we get started?

To get started, simply contact us for a free consultation. We’ll review your situation and discuss your options. If you decide to work with us, we’ll get started right away on developing a specific plan to get the IRS off your back.

If you’re struggling with IRS debt, don’t wait any longer. Contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. today for a free consultation. We’ll help you get the Phoenix AZ IRS tax refilef you deserve and start living your life again.

Example Case: Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. was able to represent Teresa and get her some much needed Phoenix AZ IRS tax relief on her 2017 tax return filing. By protesting and making some corrections on her 2017 taxes saved her nearly $3,500 in back taxes owed. You will see the correction and approal letter from the IRS below. Again, if you need help resolving back taxes owed or filing of back tax returns give Scott Allen EA a call.

Phoenix AZ IRS Tax Relief

Written by Scott Allen

Tempe, AZ Unfiled Tax Returns

Hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for Tempe, AZ Unfiled Tax Returns: A Comprehensive Guide


Managing your taxes can be a complex and overwhelming task, especially when faced with Tempe, AZ unfiled tax returns. When you find yourself in such a situation, seeking professional help becomes crucial to navigate through the intricacies of tax debt. In Tempe, Arizona, one notable company that specializes in tax debt relief is Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for unfiled tax returns in Tempe, AZ, and shed light on their expertise, services, and approach to resolving tax-related issues.

1. Understanding Tax Debt and Unfiled Tax Returns:

Before delving into the specifics of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., let’s first grasp the significance of unfiled tax returns and tax debt. Unfiled tax returns refer to situations where an individual or business fails to submit their tax returns to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) within the designated time frame. This can lead to a multitude of complications, such as penalties, interest charges, and even legal consequences.

2. The Importance of Professional Assistance:

When dealing with Tempe, AZ unfiled tax returns, seeking the assistance of a professional tax debt advisor is highly recommended. These experts possess the knowledge, experience, and understanding of tax laws and regulations to help individuals and businesses navigate their way out of tax debt and resolve their unfiled tax return issues efficiently.

3. Introducing Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.:

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is a reputable tax relief company based near Tempe, AZ. They specialize in assisting individuals and businesses facing tax debt problems, including unfiled tax returns. Their team of experienced tax professionals strives to provide personalized solutions to their clients’ tax-related issues, helping them regain financial stability and peace of mind.

4. Expertise and Services Provided:

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. boasts a wide range of expertise and services tailored to address tax debt concerns. Some of the key services they offer include:

a) Tempe, AZ Unfiled Tax Return Assistance: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. assists clients in resolving their unfiled tax return issues by guiding them through the process of filing outstanding tax returns accurately and efficiently. They understand the complexities involved and work diligently to ensure compliance with IRS requirements.

b) Tax Debt Settlement: The company helps individuals and businesses negotiate and settle their tax debts with the IRS. Their team of experts examines the unique financial circumstances of each client and devises a strategic plan to achieve the most favorable outcome possible, whether it be an installment agreement, an offer in compromise, or another suitable resolution option.

c) IRS Audit Representation: In the unfortunate event of an IRS audit, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. provides professional representation to ensure the client’s rights are protected. Their experienced tax professionals navigate through the audit process, handle communication with the IRS, and work towards a fair and reasonable resolution.

d) Penalties and Interest Abatement: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. also assists clients in reducing or eliminating penalties and interest charges imposed by the IRS. By leveraging their expertise and knowledge of tax laws, they pursue avenues for penalty abatement and interest reduction, potentially saving clients a substantial amount of money.

5. The Process of Hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.:

To engage the services of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., interested individuals and businesses can follow a straightforward process:

a) Initial Consultation: The first step involves scheduling an initial consultation with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. During this meeting, clients can discuss their specific tax debt issues, including unfiled tax returns, and gain valuable insights into how the company can assist them.

b) Case Evaluation: After the initial consultation, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. conducts a thorough case

evaluation. They examine the client’s financial situation, outstanding tax returns, and other relevant factors to devise a personalized plan of action.

c) Service Proposal: Following the case evaluation, the company presents a service proposal outlining the recommended strategies, associated costs, and potential outcomes. This proposal provides clients with a clear understanding of the steps involved and allows them to make an informed decision.

d) Implementation and Resolution: Once the client approves the service proposal, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. commences the implementation phase. Their team of experts works diligently to resolve the tax debt issues, taking care of the necessary paperwork, negotiations with the IRS, and any other required actions.

6. The Benefits of Hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.:

Engaging the services of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for unfiled tax returns in Tempe, AZ, offers several benefits, including:

a) Expertise and Experience: The company’s team of tax professionals possesses extensive knowledge and experience in dealing with tax debt and unfiled tax returns. They are well-versed in IRS regulations and can leverage their expertise to provide tailored solutions.

b) Tailored Solutions: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. understands that each client’s situation is unique. Therefore, they craft personalized strategies to address their specific tax debt issues, ensuring the best possible outcome for their clients.

c) Reduced Stress and Time Savings: Handling unfiled tax returns and tax debt matters can be incredibly stressful and time-consuming. By hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., individuals and businesses can alleviate this burden and focus on their core responsibilities while the professionals handle the complexities of tax resolution.

d) Improved Compliance and Legal Protection: By working with a reputable tax debt relief company, clients can ensure compliance with IRS regulations and protect themselves from potential legal consequences associated with unfiled tax returns.


When faced with unfiled tax returns in Tempe, AZ, seeking professional assistance is essential to navigate the complexities of tax debt and find a viable resolution. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. offers expertise, personalized solutions, and comprehensive services to help individuals and businesses overcome their tax-related challenges. By partnering with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., clients can regain financial stability, achieve peace of mind, and move forward with confidence towards a more secure financial future. They can be reached at 480-926-9300

Written by Scott Allen

How to Avoid a Phoenix AZ IRS Tax Problem Like Pete Rose

How to Avoid a Phoenix AZ IRS Tax Problem 

In 1989, Pete Rose was banned from baseball for life for betting on games. The scandal rocked the baseball world and led to a major investigation by the IRS. The investigation revealed that Rose had failed to report millions of dollars in income from gambling and other sources. As a result, he was hit with a $1 million tax bill and ordered to pay back taxes and interest.

Rose’s story is a cautionary tale about the importance of filing and paying your taxes. If you don’t pay your taxes, the IRS will come after you. And if you’re a professional athlete, the consequences can be even more severe.

Here are some tips on how to avoid a Phoenix AZ IRS tax problem like Pete Rose:

  1. Get professional help. If you’re not sure how to file your taxes, it’s important to get help from a qualified tax professional. A tax professional can help you understand the tax laws and make sure you’re filing your taxes correctly. Make Scott Allen EA your professional choice
  2. Keep good records. It’s important to keep good records of all your income and expenses. This will make it easier to file your taxes and avoid any problems with the IRS.
  3. File your taxes on time. The IRS has a strict deadline for filing your taxes. If you don’t file your taxes by the deadline, you could be subject to penalties and interest.
  4. Pay your taxes in full. If you can’t pay your taxes in full, you should make arrangements to pay the IRS in installments. The IRS may be willing to work with you if you’re having financial difficulties.

By following these tips, you can help avoid a Phoenix AZ IRS tax problem like Pete Rose.

How to Get Help with a Phoenix AZ IRS Tax Problem

If you’re already facing an IRS tax problem, there are a few things you can do to get help.

  1. Contact the IRS. The IRS has a toll-free number that you can call to get help with your tax problem. The number is 1-800-829-1040. However, good luck getting through to them.
  2. Get a tax professional. If you’re not sure how to handle your tax problem, you should get a tax professional to help you. A tax professional can help you negotiate with the IRS and resolve your tax problem. Again, make Scott Allen EA your first choice.
  3. File for bankruptcy. If you’re unable to pay your taxes, you may want to consider filing for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can help you get out of debt and start fresh. Scott Allen EA can help qualify your taxes for bankruptcy and refer you to an attorney if you decide to go that route.


A Phoenix AZ IRS tax problem can be a major headache. But by following the tips in this blog, you can help avoid a tax problem like Pete Rose. And if you’re already facing a tax problem, there are resources available to help you get through it.

Written by Scott Allen

Is IRS resolution in Mesa AZ just a sales pitch?

IRS resolution in Mesa AZ 85204

The answer is no.  It is a reality.  But to make sure, let’s define resolution.  Some clients think that if they pay us a fee the whole tax matter will magically go away.  There is no magical disappearing trick with IRS taxes.  IRS Resolution in Mesa AZ involves one of the following:

A monthly payment plan until the taxes are fully paid or the statute of limitations runs out.

A non-collectible tax status which means that you do not have to pay on the taxes owe as long as you meet certain conditions.  Interest and penalties continue to accrue on the taxes owed.

An offer in compromise, if accepted this option will allow you to pay less than you owe on all of the past taxes, including interest and penalties. This is a relatively rare occurrence despite the fact that you have heard many commercials on TV and radio making it sound as if you will get one as certain as weeds grow in your yard.  Any company that uses this “carrot” to get you to pay them a large fee up front will more than likely be scamming you out of your money and just make your IRS situation worse.  This type of “sales pitch” is a reality and you should avoid it.  These companies are usually out of state and also out of your reach when they don’t perform.  Although we have seen more law firms locally use this tactic and getting away with it.

A discharge of the tax liability for individual income taxes under the Chapter 7 rules of the bankruptcy code will allow you to avoid paying the tax liability under certain conditions.  Payroll taxes are never dischargeable with bankruptcy.

If you are uncertain as to the best IRS resolution in Mesa AZ option, contact me for a consultation to see which option is best for you.  Each option has a pro and a con to it—something good and something not so good.  However, one of the options is better than the others and you need to know that before pursuing a resolution of your tax debt.

Scott Allen E. A.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc



Successful IRS Resolution in Mesa AZ

Harry enjoyed a nice IRS resolution in Mesa AZ by Scott Allen EA. His IRS debt was reduced by over 100%. Instead of him owing the IRS $39,482 the IRS actually owed him money!  Imagine that! Hard to believe isn’t it? Well if you look at the IRS CP21B letter below you can believe it. Everyone’s IRS case is unique and different but its important to be thorough in you research in making sure you are getting the best possible outcome.

IRS Resolution in Mesa AZ


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