Written by Scott Allen

Queen Creek AZ IRS Settlement Help

Stacie’s Second Chance: How Family Business Tax Debt Advisors Helped Her get an IRS Settlement in Queen Creek, AZ

Do you live in Queen Creek, Arizona, and owe back taxes to the IRS? The situation can feel overwhelming, but you’re not alone. Many individuals and families struggle with tax debt, and the IRS offers various solutions to help taxpayers get back on track. Here at Family Business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., we understand the complexities of IRS tax settlements and are dedicated to helping our clients in Queen Creek and surrounding areas find the best possible resolution.

This blog post details a recent success story where we assisted Stacie, a resident of Queen Creek, AZ, in resolving her tax debt with the IRS. Stacie came to us with a significant tax burden, owing back taxes for tax years 2016 through 2022. This meant she had several years of unfiled tax returns and a hefty amount of accumulated penalties and interest.

Stacie’s case was assigned to a local IRS revenue officer in Arizona. Revenue officers are IRS representatives responsible for collecting outstanding taxes. Often, the initial contact with a revenue officer can be stressful, but it’s crucial to remember they are there to find a solution.

Understanding the Problem: Back Taxes and Penalties

Stacie’s situation was typical of many taxpayers who fall behind on filing tax returns. Life happens, and sometimes tax filing gets pushed aside. However, neglecting to file tax returns leads to serious consequences. The IRS imposes failure-to-file penalties that accrue monthly until the return is filed. Additionally, interest on unpaid taxes continues to accumulate, further increasing the overall tax debt.

The Path to Resolution: Filing Back Tax Returns and Negotiating a Settlement

At Family Business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., we take a comprehensive approach to resolving tax debt. Our first step was to gather all of Stacie’s financial information for the relevant tax years. With this information, we meticulously prepared and filed Stacie’s delinquent tax returns. This process ensured the IRS had an accurate picture of her income and tax liability for each year.

Once the back tax returns were filed, we negotiated with the assigned IRS revenue officer on Stacie’s behalf. Our goal was to secure a manageable and affordable installment agreement for Stacie. We emphasized the financial hardship Stacie was facing and worked diligently to demonstrate her willingness to comply with a payment plan.

Positive Outcome: A Favorable Settlement for Stacie

Our negotiations with the IRS revenue officer were successful. We were able to secure a favorable settlement for Stacie, resulting in a reduced tax debt and a manageable monthly payment plan of $564. This significant reduction in her monthly obligation provided Stacie with much-needed financial relief. Below is her Queen Creek AZ IRS Settlement negotiated by Scott Allen EA in her behalf.

Queen Creek IRS Settlement Help

We Can Help You Too!

Stacie’s story is a testament to the power of seeking professional help with IRS tax debt. If you live in Queen Creek, AZ, or the surrounding areas and are facing a similar situation needing IRS settlement help, family business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can help. We have a proven track record of successfully resolving tax debt issues for our clients and can guide you through the entire process.

Here’s what we can do for you:

  • Review your tax situation: We’ll analyze your tax filings and identify any errors or missed deductions that could reduce your tax liability.
  • File delinquent tax returns: We’ll take care of preparing and filing your back tax returns on your behalf.
  • Negotiate with the IRS: We’ll advocate for you with the IRS and fight for the most favorable settlement possible.
  • Help you stay compliant: We’ll ensure you understand your tax obligations and guide you to avoid future tax problems.

Don’t wait any longer! The longer you wait to address your tax debt, the more it will grow. Contact the family business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. today for a free consultation. We’re here to help you find a solution to your Queen Creek AZ IRS Settlement and get back on solid financial ground.

Additional Resources:


The information contained in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or tax advice. Please consult with a qualified tax professional for personalized advice regarding your specific tax situation.

Written by Scott Allen

Jennifer navigated her IRS tax challenges with Mesa’s Tax Debt Advisors, Inc

Navigating Tax Challenges with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ

In the heart of Mesa, Arizona, there exists a beacon of financial hope for individuals and businesses grappling with tax challenges – Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Established in 1977, this family-owned business has been a trusted ally for those burdened by delinquent tax returns and back taxes owed. Over the years, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has built a reputation as a reliable partner in navigating the complexities of IRS settlements and providing comprehensive tax solutions. This blog delves into the journey of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., shedding light on their services, expertise, and commitment to helping clients achieve financial freedom.

A Legacy of Trust and Expertise:

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is not just a business; it’s a family legacy that spans a couple generations. Since its inception in 1977, the company has been a cornerstone in the community, helping countless individuals and businesses find relief from tax-related challenges. The longevity of their establishment is a testament to the trust and confidence clients place in their services.

Delving into Services:

One of the key services offered by Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is the filing of delinquent tax returns. Many individuals find themselves in a predicament where past tax returns have not been filed, leading to a myriad of issues with the IRS. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. steps in to address these concerns, guiding clients through the process of filing overdue returns and bringing them into compliance with tax regulations.

IRS Settlements on Back Taxes:

Dealing with back taxes can be an overwhelming experience, and this is where Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. truly excels. The company specializes in negotiating with the IRS on behalf of its clients to reach settlements on back taxes owed. The expertise of their team ensures that clients can explore options such as installment agreements or even offers in compromise, tailored to their unique financial situations.

Free Initial Consultations:

Understanding the financial stress that often accompanies tax issues, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. offers free initial consultations to prospective clients. This provides an opportunity for individuals and businesses to discuss their specific circumstances with seasoned professionals, gaining insights into potential strategies for resolution. The commitment to an initial consultation without financial obligation reflects the company’s dedication to transparency and client empowerment.

Becoming Your IRS Power of Attorney:

One distinctive feature of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is their ability to act as the IRS Power of Attorney on behalf of clients. By completing Form 2848, clients can authorize Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. to represent them before the IRS throughout the entire resolution process. This level of representation not only streamlines communication with the IRS but also ensures that clients have a knowledgeable advocate guiding them from start to finish.

The IRS can be an intimidating entity to face alone. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. understands the complexities of dealing with the IRS and takes on the responsibility of comprehensive representation. From addressing communication with IRS agents to negotiating settlements and navigating the intricacies of tax laws, their team is equipped to handle every aspect of the process.

Client Success Stories:

Throughout its long history, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has accumulated numerous success stories. Clients who once faced insurmountable tax challenges have found relief and financial stability through the dedicated efforts of the company. These success stories not only reflect the efficacy of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.’s services but also underscore the positive impact they have had on the lives of individuals and families in Mesa and beyond. One of those recent success stories was Jennifer. Jennifer had an exaggerated balance due on her 2017 tax return with the IRS. This was not a correct reflection. Upon preparing and submitting a proper 2017 tax return, Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc was able to protest and reduce her IRS debt by $23,985. See the changes to her account by viewing the IRS notice below.

IRS Delinquent Tax Returns Mesa AZ

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. stands as a pillar of support for those navigating the complex landscape of tax debt and IRS-related challenges. With a rich legacy dating back to 1977, this family-owned business has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to its clients’ financial well-being. From filing delinquent tax returns to negotiating settlements on back taxes owed, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has proven itself as a reliable partner in the journey to financial freedom. As they continue to evolve and adapt to changing tax landscapes, one thing remains constant – their dedication to empowering clients and guiding them toward a brighter financial future.

Written by Scott Allen

Save Thousands if You Owe IRS Back Taxes Mesa AZ

How Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ, Can Save You Thousands if You Owe Back Taxes

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the weight of back tax returns owed to the IRS? Struggling to find a solution while the debt continues to grow? Look no further—Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ, specializes in navigating the complex terrain of tax debt and helping clients like you find relief from burdensome IRS obligations.

One success story that stands out among the many is our recent achievement in assisting a client who owed over $33,000 in back tax returns to the IRS on his 2020 tax return. Through our tailored strategies and expertise, we not only alleviated his stress but also significantly reduced his tax liabilities. Here’s how we did it and how we can help you too. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc saved him over $19,000. (VIEW THE IRS APPROVAL NOTICE BELOW).

Understanding Your Situation:

The first step in resolving tax debt is gaining a comprehensive understanding of your unique circumstances. At Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., our team of seasoned professionals begins by conducting a thorough analysis of your financial situation and the details of your tax liabilities. We leave no stone unturned in assessing your case, ensuring we’re equipped with all the necessary information to strategize effectively on your behalf.

Exploring IRS Settlement Options:

The IRS offers various settlement options to taxpayers burdened with tax debt. These include:

  1. Offer in Compromise (OIC): An OIC allows qualifying taxpayers to settle their tax debt for less than the full amount owed. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. works diligently to negotiate favorable terms with the IRS, considering factors such as your income, expenses, asset equity, and overall ability to pay.
  2. Installment Agreements: For those unable to pay their tax debt in full, an installment agreement can be established to make monthly payments. Our team assists in negotiating reasonable installment terms, easing the financial strain and ensuring compliance with IRS regulations.
  3. Penalty Abatement: In certain cases, the IRS may agree to reduce or remove penalties associated with unpaid taxes. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. leverages its expertise to advocate for penalty abatement, potentially saving you substantial amounts on accrued penalties.

Our Approach in Action:

In the case of our client facing a daunting $33,000 in back tax returns owed to the IRS, our meticulous approach led to a favorable outcome. Through strategic negotiation and careful examination of their bank statements and profit and loss statements, we were able to pursue filing of a proper amended tax return on his behalf before negotiationg an installment agreement.

Scott Allen EA meticulously prepared and submitted the amendment, highlighting our client’s tax return changes. Leveraging our expertise in navigating the intricate IRS procedures, we negotiated diligently to secure a significantly reduced tax amount owed, ultimately saving our client thousands of dollars.

Why Choose Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.?

When it comes to resolving tax debt, expertise and experience matter. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ, boasts a track record of success in aiding clients burdened by IRS obligations. Here’s why you should choose us:

Expertise: Our team comprises tax professionals well-versed in IRS protocols and settlement options, ensuring tailored strategies for each client’s unique situation.

Personalized Approach: We understand the stress and anxiety caused by tax debt. That’s why we offer personalized attention, guiding you through every step of the resolution process.

Proven Results: Our success stories speak volumes about our commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients, as evidenced by the substantial savings secured for our $33,000 tax debt case.

Peace of Mind: Partnering with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. means gaining peace of mind. Let us handle the complexities while you focus on moving forward toward financial stability.

Take Control of Your Tax Debt Today:

Don’t let tax debt continue to weigh you down. Take the first step toward financial freedom by contacting Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ. Our dedicated team is ready to assess your situation, chart a course of action, and work tirelessly to alleviate your tax burdens, just as we did for our client with a $33,000 tax debt.

Reach out to us today for a consultation and discover how we can help you save thousands while resolving your IRS back taxes owed Mesa AZ. You deserve a fresh start—let Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. pave the way for your brighter financial future.

IRS Back Taxes Mesa AZ


Written by Scott Allen

Unfiled Tax Returns in Queen Creek, AZ: What to Do and How to Proceed

Stressed over Unfiled Tax Returns in Queen Creek, AZ?

Do you have unfiled tax returns in Queen Creek, AZ? If so, you’re not alone. Each year, many Americans find themselves in a similar predicament, which can be both stressful and overwhelming. And if you’re in Queen Creek, Arizona, you might be particularly concerned, given the specific state tax regulations you need to follow. Fortunately, there is a pathway forward that can help you to navigate this complex situation effectively, and Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. comes highly recommended.

Why Address Unfiled Tax Returns

Unfiled tax returns in Queen Creek, AZ are a serious issue that can lead to a series of problems. From hefty penalties and accruing interest to potential legal action from the IRS, neglecting to file your tax returns can turn into a financial nightmare. However, the IRS usually does not want to punish taxpayers but to encourage them to fulfill their tax obligations. If you find yourself in this situation, taking prompt action is crucial.

Steps to Take

First and foremost, it’s essential to acknowledge the issue. Unfiled tax returns in Queen Creek, AZ won’t simply disappear. Gather all your income statements, deductions, and credits for each unfiled year. If you lack any document, Scott Allen EA can assisnt in requesting income information from the IRS, which will provide you with a summary of your income for a particular year.

If your calculations reveal that you owe more tax than you can pay, don’t panic. There are options available to you, including payment plans and an Offer in Compromise. These options allow you to pay your tax debt over time or negotiate a lower amount to pay.

Throughout the entire process, it’s crucial to stay in communication with the IRS. Ignoring notices or failing to respond to them will only make matters worse. Instead, it’s better to keep the IRS informed about your progress in filing your overdue returns and making arrangements to pay any tax due. By hiring Scott Allen EA as your IRS power of Attorney he will handle all communications between you and them.

Getting Professional Help

While it’s possible to address unfiled tax returns in Queen Creek, AZ on your own, it’s often beneficial to seek professional help. Tax laws can be complicated, and the consequences for errors can be severe. An enrolled agent (EA), a tax professional licensed by the federal government, can provide the expert assistance you need.

Near Queen Creek, AZ, Scott Allen of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is a highly recommended enrolled agent. He specializes in solving tax problems and has a proven track record of success. His company has decades of experience dealing with the IRS, and understand the intricacies of tax laws and can help you navigate the complex process of filing overdue returns and resolving tax debt.

Why Scott Allen EA?

Choosing the right professional to guide you through your tax concerns is a critical decision. You need someone knowledgeable, reliable, and empathetic to your situation. Here are a few reasons why Scott Allen EA is a solid choice:

  1. Experience: With over 45 years in the business, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has settled over 100,000 delinquent tax debts. Scott Allen’s extensive experience allows him to handle any tax issue confidently.
  2. Specialization: Scott Allen focuses specifically on resolving tax issues. This specialization means he’s well-versed in the latest laws, strategies, and negotiation tactics.
  3. Personal Service: Scott believes in providing personalized service. He meets directly with clients, offering understanding and guidance tailored to their specific situations.
  4. Track Record: Scott has a history of successful negotiations with the IRS. He has helped numerous individuals reduce their tax debt and avoid severe IRS action. Below you will see one of he recent success cases.
  5. Local Understanding: As a local Arizona professional, Scott has a strong understanding of Arizona’s specific tax context, making him an ideal advisor for locals.

With Scott Allen EA at your side, unfiled tax returns don’t have to be a source of stress. His professional assistance can help you file your overdue returns, handle any owed tax in a manageable way, and relieve the anxiety of dealing with the IRS.

In Conclusion

Queen Creek, AZ unfiled tax returns can seem daunting, but remember, you have options and resources. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s best to act promptly and seek professional help to navigate through the complexities of tax laws and regulations. Near Queen Creek, AZ, Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is a reliable, experienced professional who can guide you through the process and help you regain your peace of mind.

Take the first step today towards resolving your unfiled tax returns and achieving financial freedom. With expert guidance, patience, and prompt action, you can resolve your tax problems and avoid future ones.

Patricia was a taxpayer in Queen Creek, AZ who owed over $23,000 to the IRS for tax year 2018. Thru extensive research Scott Allen EA prepared an amended tax return for that year to file with the IRS. Long story short, it reduced her taxes by over $33,000 and the IRS sent her a $10,666.95 refund check.

Unfiled Tax Returns in Queen Creek AZ



Written by Scott Allen

Call Scott Allen E.A. of Chandler AZ if you received an IRS CP-2000 Letter/Notice

Chandler AZ IRS CP-2000 Notice

The Chandler AZ IRS CP-2000 notice is to inform you that certain income items were reported to the IRS but not included on your tax return.  Scott Allen E.A. near Chandler AZ will evaluate each of these items to see if you reported them on your tax return where the IRS computers did not look.  Scott will also determine if there are deductions to minimize or eliminate the additional tax on the IRS CP-2000 notice.  Let me give you one good example of this.  A client came in to Scott Allen E.A. that did not report his stock sales because he lost money on each of the sales.  The CP-2000 calculated a large tax liability with interest and penalties based on the sales with no cost basis.  When Scott reported the cost basis of each of the stock sales, the result was a refund of several thousand dollars.

Scott Allen E. A. near Chandler AZ offers a free initial consultation on IRS CP-2000 notices.  Call Scott today at 480-926-9300 to make an appointment.  Scott will make today a great day for you!

Recent Success by Scott Allen EA on IRS CP-2000 Notice

Melissa received an IRS CP-2000 Notice on her 2020 tax return she prepared herself. Some information was not reported correctly on her taxes and the IRS sent her a notice of adjustment. She either needed to accept it or protest it. After a discussion with Scott Allen EA he determined that he could protest the IRS notice with an amendment tax return filing. This would correct the issue and remove the additional $10,000 of taxes they were assessing. See the IRS approval letter below of them accepting the amended tax return and removing their assessment.

Chandler AZ IRS CP-2000 Notice

Receiving an IRS can be scary and rightfully so. But always know that you have options and that is why it is important to meet with an Enrolled Agent professional who deals with the IRS on a daily bases. Scott Allen EA deals with IRS problems and IRS notices on a daily basis. Give him a call if you live in or near Chandler AZ.



Written by Scott Allen

Back Tax Returns in Chandler

Do you have back tax returns in Chandler to file?

If you are reading this blog you may be in a similar situation that Jason was in recently. He had four years of back tax returns in Chandler to file with the Internal Revenue Service. One of those tax years was 2017. 2017 was a year the IRS decided to file for him (because he had not) What was the result? Just took at the IRS letter below. He had an account balance due of $75,762. Unbelievable right? Especially when you look lower and see what the result was after Scott Allen EA represented Jason and protested the IRS’s decision.

Back Tax Returns in Chandler

In addition to protesting the 2017 tax year for Jason, Scott Allen EA also got him caught up with his 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 back tax returns in Chandler. The IRS requires a taxpayer to be completely filing compliant in order to negotiate or work through a settlement. The $13,733 refund was able to be applied to taxes owed on other years as well helping out Jason greatly. With the remaining tax debt owed, Scott Allen EA was able to successfully wrap it all into one monthly payment plan that Jason could afford to do on a monthly basis.

This is just one of many examples Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors could show you. He is representing clients before the IRS on a daily basis. This is his niche and all that he does. He can represent you from start to finish in preparing your back tax returns in Chandler and settling any IRS debt into one of their many settlement options available.

Beware of out of state companies advertising this type of work online, on the TV or radio, or by mail. Usually they are making promises that just aren’t true especially without knowing anything about your overall tax debt or your current financial status and assets. It is always best to work locally with someone who does with work full time to receive the best representation. Scott Allen EA will meet with you for a consultation for no charge and no obligation. If he cannot see himself being an asset to you he will either give you a referral or let you know how you can tackle it best on your own.

Thank you.

Written by Scott Allen

Scott Allen EA helps with IRS Audit Reconsideration in Phoenix AZ

Audit Reconsideration in Phoenix AZ

If you are considering audit reconsideration in Phoenix AZ may I suggest you make a call to Scott Allen EA. Click on the following image to view a recent success he had with a current client in an IRS a similar situation.  Scott Allen EA saved this client $18,451 simply by challenging the IRS auditor through audit reconsideration in Phoenix Arizona.

phoenix az irs audit reconsideration 1

Just because the IRS says its so does not make it correct.  If you feel your audit did not go as you has hoped and you have a new position for the IRS to consider you may want to consider IRS audit reconsideration in Phoenix AZ.  Audit reconsideration can also be an effective tool if you have unfiled tax returns.  The IRS can “audit” you on that unfiled tax return and asses you on the tax debt that they come up with.  Its up to the taxpayer to file and protest their findings.  One thing to always remember with Phoenix AZ audit reconsideration though is that they are not quick fixes.  As we all know the IRS can be slow and patience has to be used throughout the process. Scott Allen EA has seen IRS audit reconsideration take 2 months and he has seen them take 18 months.  Because of this it is important to have an IRS power of attorney like Scott Allen EA to work aggressively for you. Schedule an appointment to meet with him today for an in office visit.

If you have an IRS assessment that you have zero idea on how they came up with that amount its probably because the IRS filed what they call a SFR return.  SFR stands for substitute for return. What does this mean? It means you had an unfiled tax return so they filed in your behalf. These are returns that you want to take to audit reconsideration. Scott Allen EA has the experience to get that done for you.

Another Case Update for Audit Reconsideration in Phoenix AZ

Christie went through a CP-2000 underreporting audit by the IRS because of some errors made by them and also their previous preparer who prepared their 2016 tax return.  Due to inaction, the IRS assessed Christie over $88,000 in tax, interest and penalty. She met with Scott and hired him to be her power of attorney and investigate the matter. It was discovered that the IRS was erroneously doubling her K1 income. An amended business return was filed and the IRS took both K1’s as income to her rather then removing the original and only assessing the amended K1.  It was nearly a 9 month long fight with the IRS to get this explained and correct; but the result made it all worth it. Over $79,000 of tax, interest and penalty was removed from her account. Click and view the IRS audit reconsideration Phoenix AZ letter below.

IRS Audit Reconsideration Phoenix AZ


Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors—What do I do when the IRS says I owe more money?

Help From Tax Debt Advisors in Mesa

More than likely you received an IRS CP-2000 notice.  This came because you did not report income items that were reported to the IRS.  Most of the time the IRS records are correct but often the tax due is not.  There are situations where a taxpayer reported the income but didn’t report it where the IRS computers expected to see it reported, or it was reported incorrectly on the IRS tax form.  Often there are tax deductions that were not taken that will appropriately off set the taxable income.  So don’t give up hope that you are going to owe the IRS.  Many times these notices come from stock sales not reported.  When the IRS sends you a notice that you did not report a sale of stock of $100 which is true, they do not know that you paid $300 for the stock.  Instead of owing more taxes, you have a refund due to your $200 loss.

Scott Allen E.A. of Tax Debt Advisors in Mesa has the expertise to advise you on all IRS problem areas.  Tax Debt Advisors in Mesa offers a free initial consultation for Mesa Arizona residents and can be reached by calling 480-926-9300.

www.taxdebtadvisors.com – Your Mesa Arizona IRS negotiator for CP-2000 notices.

Recent Success by Tax Debt Advisors in Mesa AZ

Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors in Mesa AZ was able to help out Laurie with her CP-2000 notice. Upon correcting some taxable income documents we were able to reduce her tax bill from nearly $11,000 down to $1,800. This was also on a tax year that was from six years prior.

Tax Debt Advisors in Mesa CP-2000 notice


Written by Scott Allen

Call Scott Allen E.A. to file your IRS Audit Reconsideration in Scottsdale Arizona

IRS Audit Reconsideration in Scottsdale Arizona

If you have been audited and afterwards come across information that will substantiate your deductions, you are allowed to request an IRS audit reconsideration in Scottsdale Arizona.  This procedure also applies to audits that were not attended and the IRS disallowed all deductions.  An audit reconsideration can take considerable time for the IRS to review the paper work that must accompany the request.

If you have an IRS matter that you feel qualifies for an IRS audit reconsideration in Scottsdale Arizona, call Scott Allen for a free consultation.  He has the expertise to file and get your tax liability reduced or eliminated through this program.  Contact Scott Allen E.A. at 480-926-9300 to schedule your appointment.  Scott will only take your case if it will benefit you.

Recent case:

Scott Allen EA was able to assist David with his IRS audit reconsideration in Scottsdale Arizona. The IRS made an assessment against his 2018 tax return. This assessment resulted in an account balance due of $6,641.50. David had put this off and didn’t schedule an appointment to meet with Scott until 2022. After a careful review of his account and investigating the IRS records and also the taxpayers records Scott Allen EA knew he could save David some money and get the account balance reduced. He was exactly right. If you view the IRS adjustment letter below you can see that the account balance was reduced by $2,882.55. Never believe it is too late to resolve problems with the IRS. Some things are subject to a statute of limitations but many things are not. Always consult with an Enrolled Agent (E.A) if you are experiencing IRS problems.

David’s IRS Audit reconsideration in Scottsdale Arizona


Written by Scott Allen

IRS Tax Attorney in Arizona: When should I NOT use an attorney?

IRS Tax Attorney in Arizona: When should I NOT use an attorney?

Tax Attorney Phoenix | Mesa, Tempe, Chandler Scottsdale

If you are searching for “tax attorney“, “tax lawyer“, “IRS tax lawyer“, “IRS attorney“, “tax attorneys“, “IRS tax attorney“, “tax attorney near me” or “best tax attorney” in PhoenixMesaChandlerGilbert, Tempe or Scottsdale, Arizona, Scott Allen E. A. from Tax Debt Advisors can help!

Even the best tax lawyers & attorneys can’t compare to what Scott Allen E. A. can offer to help settle your problems with the IRS. First of all, lets take a look at what a tax attorney does.

What Is A Tax Attorney?

A tax attorney is a layer who specializes in tax law. They can help solve legal, technical and complex problems with the IRS.

What Does A Tax Attorney Do?

A tax attorney solves legal, technical and complex problems with the IRS. Tax attorneys can also help with:

  • Filing appeals of tax court decisions
  • Communication with the IRS
  • Help businesses save money
  • Help people take advantage of tax credits

However, these are all things a tax debt advisor could do for less money! Read more about why you need a tax debt advisor instead of hiring a tax attorney.

Can A Tax Attorney Really Help?

Yes, a tax attorney can really help if you want to pay more money for the same services a tax debt advisor can do for cheaper.

Why You Should I Tax Debt Advisor Vs. Hiring a Tax Attorney?

Tax Debt Advisors have great experience in settling debts with the IRS. Choosing a tax debt advisor instead of a tax attorney offers many benefits including:

  • More affordable services
  • Tax attorney typically charge 100-400% more for the same services a tax debt advisor could do
  • Tax debt advisors don’t use fear tactics to make you think the situation is worse than it is
  • Settle debt faster with simple tax debt solutions

We are not a tax attorney firm, rather, a tax debt specialist with expert knowledge in tax law that can help you solve complicated IRS problems & tax debt issues that would normally require a tax lawyer.  Contact Scott Allen with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. 480-926-9300 to help you get right with the IRS today! Don’t hire a tax attorney! Instead, why not hire an affordable Tax Debt Advisor who has been helping customers dealing with tax issues since 1977, and has helped solve over 113,000 tax debts.

Why Hire A Tax Attorney In Arizona?

Believe it or not, you actually don’t have to hire a tax attorney in Arizona when dealing with the IRS. Instead why not hire a Tax Debt Advisor who can do the same thing as a tax lawyer and who has been helping customers dealing with tax issues since 1977. His father and Scott Allen E.A. from Tax Debt Advisors has helped over 113,000 people settle their problems with the IRS and can help guide you through any tax situation you may be dealing with, including:

Why You Don’t Need A Tax Attorney

Here are the reasons of why you don’t need a tax attorney:

  • If you are making a decision full of fear and think you need a tax attorney for other than criminal or fraudulently filed returns, you will be seriously disappointed.  Attorneys are able to generate income by perpetuating fear.  Most of our clients who started with an attorney and switched to us mentioned always being intimidated with fear that something bad would happen if… and that if always is followed by another big retainer fee.
  • IRS resolution work is not rocket science.  It is common sense work that improves over time because of relationships established with the IRS and understanding their idiosyncrasies.  Attorneys will often scare clients into thinking that their legal training is necessary for a successful resolution.
  • Many clients think that they will get what they pay for and base the quality of the work on the amount they pay.  In most cases, an attorney will charge anywhere from 25% to over 400% more for the same exact service.  If you go for a consultation with an attorney consider getting a second opinion by calling me for a free initial consultation.  I love these appointments.

When To Hire A Tax Attorney?

A Tax debt advisor can help with almost everything a tax attorney can except criminal charges. If the IRS is pursuing criminal charges against you, you will need to hire a tax attorney.  Tax fraud and tax evasion are 2 of the most common reasons for an IRS investigation. IRS investigations are serious: 80% of defendants that go through a criminal investigation are sentenced to prison. This is one situation where a tax debt advisor cannot help you, you will have to hire a tax attorney.

Why You Should Hire An Enrolled Agent Vs. Hiring A Tax Attorney

View our recent blog postWhen is an IRS tax attorney in Phoenix necessary and when isn’t it?

1. Your tax problems might not be that bad – It doesn’t take a tax lawyer or rocket scientist to work with the IRS. Furthermore, legal training isn’t a necessity to handle most tax issues. Also, tax attorney’s will try to scare you into thinking that legal representation is necessary. That is not true! Let Tax Debt Advisors help solve your tax problems without instilling fear or requesting huge retainer fees for our services.

2. Get a 2nd Opinion – Some tax customers think that paying a higher fee will give them a higher quality services. That is false! Tax attorney commonly charge 400% more for the same services a tax debt expert can handle. There is literally no difference in the process besides you paying more money. We are not saying it is a bad idea to talk to a tax attorney but you should get a second opinion as well. At Tax Debt Advisors we offer free tax consultations.

3. Don’t Make A Decision Based On Fear – Do you think you need a tax attorney because you filed fraudulent tax returns, you might be disappointed. Tax lawyers generate income based off of fear. Most of our tax clients started with a tax attorney, only to find out that they try to intimidate you into thinking you have a bigger tax problem than you do. And, that’s almost always followed by a big retainer fee.

Feel Confident With Experienced Tax Representation

When I have looked back over the years, the one common factor in bad decision making on my part, is when I was overly influence due to fear.  I love the quote from one of the Star Wars movies that explains how Anakin became the evil Darth Vader—the quote, “It was fear that pushed me to the dark side.”  If you have already had a consultation with an attorney ask yourself one question, “Did he reduce my level of fear or just use it to get what he or she wanted?”  A good representative will always leave you feeling better, not fearful.  A great representative will focus on the 99% that can go right and the wrong ones will focus on the 1% that almost never happens.  When you are trying to decide if you need representation from an attorney consider taking the time to get a second opinion from me.  I know you will be glad you did!

Schedule A Free Tax Consultation In Arizona

Schedule your free tax consultation with Tax Debt Advisors today by giving us a call today at 480-926-9300

5 Star Review: “Scott is professional and real. He looks out for me and is so thorough. He waived an IRS penalty for me that a different accountant said couldn’t be waived. And it was so simple. He is so kind and really works with you. I now have multiple family members who use him and each of us all love him!” Rebecca O.

5 Star Review: “Scott did an outstanding job helping my parents on their back due taxes. When I met him he was very professional and knowledgeable about how to approach the problem. Our issue took 9 months to resolve because of problems with how our taxes were filed (not his fault), but he stayed engaged and helpful the whole time even though we were very small clients for him. My parents don’t have to pay anything back to the IRS. It just amazing, it was a burden and now it’s such a relieve, such peace of mind. My dad comments that now he can sleep better without thinking about it. Thank you Scott!” Pilar L.

Our Service area includes: Mesa, Apache Junction, Avondale, Buckeye, Carefree, Cave Creek, Chandler, El Mirage, Fountain Hills, Gila Bend, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Komatke, Litchfield Park, Luke AFB, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, Sun City, Sun Lakes, Surprise, Tempe, Tolleson, Waddell, Whitman, Wickenburg, Youngstown, Flagstaff, Tucson, Payson, Winslow, Sierra Vista, Page, Prescott, Globe, Yuma, Arizona. 

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