Written by Scott Allen

Queen Creek AZ IRS Settlement Help

Stacie’s Second Chance: How Family Business Tax Debt Advisors Helped Her get an IRS Settlement in Queen Creek, AZ

Do you live in Queen Creek, Arizona, and owe back taxes to the IRS? The situation can feel overwhelming, but you’re not alone. Many individuals and families struggle with tax debt, and the IRS offers various solutions to help taxpayers get back on track. Here at Family Business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., we understand the complexities of IRS tax settlements and are dedicated to helping our clients in Queen Creek and surrounding areas find the best possible resolution.

This blog post details a recent success story where we assisted Stacie, a resident of Queen Creek, AZ, in resolving her tax debt with the IRS. Stacie came to us with a significant tax burden, owing back taxes for tax years 2016 through 2022. This meant she had several years of unfiled tax returns and a hefty amount of accumulated penalties and interest.

Stacie’s case was assigned to a local IRS revenue officer in Arizona. Revenue officers are IRS representatives responsible for collecting outstanding taxes. Often, the initial contact with a revenue officer can be stressful, but it’s crucial to remember they are there to find a solution.

Understanding the Problem: Back Taxes and Penalties

Stacie’s situation was typical of many taxpayers who fall behind on filing tax returns. Life happens, and sometimes tax filing gets pushed aside. However, neglecting to file tax returns leads to serious consequences. The IRS imposes failure-to-file penalties that accrue monthly until the return is filed. Additionally, interest on unpaid taxes continues to accumulate, further increasing the overall tax debt.

The Path to Resolution: Filing Back Tax Returns and Negotiating a Settlement

At Family Business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., we take a comprehensive approach to resolving tax debt. Our first step was to gather all of Stacie’s financial information for the relevant tax years. With this information, we meticulously prepared and filed Stacie’s delinquent tax returns. This process ensured the IRS had an accurate picture of her income and tax liability for each year.

Once the back tax returns were filed, we negotiated with the assigned IRS revenue officer on Stacie’s behalf. Our goal was to secure a manageable and affordable installment agreement for Stacie. We emphasized the financial hardship Stacie was facing and worked diligently to demonstrate her willingness to comply with a payment plan.

Positive Outcome: A Favorable Settlement for Stacie

Our negotiations with the IRS revenue officer were successful. We were able to secure a favorable settlement for Stacie, resulting in a reduced tax debt and a manageable monthly payment plan of $564. This significant reduction in her monthly obligation provided Stacie with much-needed financial relief. Below is her Queen Creek AZ IRS Settlement negotiated by Scott Allen EA in her behalf.

Queen Creek IRS Settlement Help

We Can Help You Too!

Stacie’s story is a testament to the power of seeking professional help with IRS tax debt. If you live in Queen Creek, AZ, or the surrounding areas and are facing a similar situation needing IRS settlement help, family business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can help. We have a proven track record of successfully resolving tax debt issues for our clients and can guide you through the entire process.

Here’s what we can do for you:

  • Review your tax situation: We’ll analyze your tax filings and identify any errors or missed deductions that could reduce your tax liability.
  • File delinquent tax returns: We’ll take care of preparing and filing your back tax returns on your behalf.
  • Negotiate with the IRS: We’ll advocate for you with the IRS and fight for the most favorable settlement possible.
  • Help you stay compliant: We’ll ensure you understand your tax obligations and guide you to avoid future tax problems.

Don’t wait any longer! The longer you wait to address your tax debt, the more it will grow. Contact the family business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. today for a free consultation. We’re here to help you find a solution to your Queen Creek AZ IRS Settlement and get back on solid financial ground.

Additional Resources:


The information contained in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or tax advice. Please consult with a qualified tax professional for personalized advice regarding your specific tax situation.

Written by Scott Allen

Daniel’s Payment Plan for Mesa AZ IRS Settlement

Finding Relief: How Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Settled Mesa Resident’s 8 Years of Back Taxes

Tax season can be stressful for everyone, but imagine facing the burden of unfiled tax returns for years on end. This was the reality for Daniel, a Mesa, Arizona resident and father of three, who found himself drowning in a sea of back taxes desperately needed a Mesa AZ IRS Settlement. For eight long years, the weight of unaddressed tax debt loomed large, casting a shadow over his financial security. Fortunately, Daniel discovered Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a local Mesa firm specializing in helping taxpayers navigate the complexities of IRS issues.

This blog post delves into Daniel’s story, highlighting how Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. secured him a favorable settlement with the IRS, offering a beacon of hope for Mesa residents facing similar challenges. We’ll explore the intricate world of unfiled back taxes, settlement options, and the importance of seeking local expertise when dealing with the IRS.

The Maze of Unfiled Back Taxes

Failing to file tax returns, even unintentionally, can lead to a snowball effect of penalties and interest accumulating over time. The IRS takes unfiled returns seriously, and the consequences can be significant. Late filing penalties can be as high as 25% of the unpaid tax liability, and late payment penalties can add another 1% per month, on top of accruing interest. This can quickly compound the original tax debt, making it even more difficult to manage.

Understanding Your Options: Key to Finding Relief

Thankfully, the IRS offers various solutions for taxpayers facing back tax burdens. These include:

  • Filing Delinquent Returns: The first step is to file all outstanding tax returns. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can guide you through this process, ensuring accuracy and maximizing deductions to minimize your tax liability.
  • Payment Plans: The IRS allows taxpayers to establish installment agreements to pay off back taxes in manageable monthly installments. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can negotiate these plans on your behalf, advocating for a low monthly payment that fits your financial situation.
  • Offers in Compromise (OIC): An OIC allows you to settle your tax debt for a lump sum payment significantly lower than the total amount owed. Qualifying for an OIC requires a financial hardship demonstration. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can assess your eligibility and handle the entire OIC application process.

The Power of Local Expertise: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. to the Rescue

While national 1-800 companies may advertise IRS settlements, their success rates can be underwhelming. These impersonal services often lack the in-depth understanding of local tax laws and nuances that can significantly impact your case. Here’s where a local Mesa firm like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. shines:

  • Personalized Attention: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is dedicated to building relationships with their clients. They take the time to understand your unique circumstances and tailor their approach accordingly.
  • Local Knowledge: Their experience working with Mesa residents allows them to navigate the local IRS landscape with ease, ensuring the best possible outcome for your case.
  • Proven Track Record: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. boasts a history of successful settlements for Mesa taxpayers. Their dedicated team leverages their expertise to achieve optimal results.

Daniel’s Success Story: A Path to Financial Freedom

Daniel, burdened by eight years of unfiled returns and mounting tax debt, felt overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn. Fortunately, he connected with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. After a thorough review of his financial situation, Scott Allen EA determined a payment plan was the most suitable option.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. meticulously prepared and submitted a comprehensive application, complete with the required IRS Form 433A, “Collection Information Statement.” This form details your income, expenses, and assets, providing the IRS with a clear picture of your financial hardship.

Thanks to Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.’s meticulous approach and in-depth knowledge of local tax regulations, the IRS accepted Daniel’s payment plan proposal offer. His crippling tax debt was settled for a significantly low payment amount, paving the way for a brighter financial future. Remarkably, his monthly payment plan was set at a manageable $131, allowing him to finally breathe a sigh of relief and focus on supporting his family. See his letter of acceptance below from the IRS. This was Daniel’s Mesa AZ IRS Settlement!

Mesa AZ IRS Settlement Payment Plan

Empowering Mesa Taxpayers: Taking Control of Your Financial Future

Daniel’s story serves as an inspiring example of how working with a local tax resolution specialist like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can transform a seemingly insurmountable situation. If you’re a Mesa resident facing unfiled returns or tax debt, don’t let the burden weigh you down. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is here to help you with you Mesa AZ IRS Settlement too.

Next Steps: Get the Help You Deserve

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. offers a free consultation, allowing you to discuss your specific tax situation and explore potential settlement options.

Written by Scott Allen

Phillip’s IRS Settlement in Chandler Arizona

From Burdensome Back Taxes to Relief: A Chandler Resident’s Success Story with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

Tax time can be stressful for everyone, but for those facing significant back tax debt, the anxiety can be overwhelming. Philip, a resident of Chandler, Arizona, found himself in this very situation. With a daunting sum of $71,675 owed on four years of unfiled tax returns, he wasn’t sure where to turn. Thankfully, Philip discovered Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a local firm specializing in helping individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of IRS issues needing an IRS settlement in Chandler Arizona.

Scott Allen, EA, the owner of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., is a licensed Enrolled Agent with extensive experience representing taxpayers before the IRS. Enrolled agents are federally authorized tax professionals granted the same rights as attorneys and CPAs when it comes to representing taxpayers before the IRS https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/enrolled-agents. This expertise proved invaluable for Philip’s case.

Understanding the Problem: A Deep Dive into Philip’s Tax Situation

Scott’s first step involved a thorough analysis of Philip’s tax situation. This included reviewing any available financial records, understanding the reasons for the unfiled returns, and assessing Philip’s current financial hardship. Through open communication, Scott discovered that a combination of factors, including a job loss and unexpected medical expenses, had contributed to Philip’s inability to file his returns on time and pay the resulting tax liability.

Crafting a Strategy: Exploring Solutions for Philip

Armed with this information, Scott explored different avenues to resolve Philip’s IRS tax debt. Here’s where Scott’s local expertise in Chandler, Arizona, proved crucial. Understanding the specific needs and resources available in the area allowed him to tailor a strategy that would be most beneficial for Philip in getting a proper IRS settlement in Chandler Arizona.

Here are some of the potential solutions Scott might have considered:

  • IRS Payment Plans: For taxpayers who can afford manageable monthly payments, the IRS offers various installment agreement options https://www.irs.gov/payments/payment-plans-installment-agreements.
  • Offer in Compromise (OIC): This program allows taxpayers to settle their tax debt for a lump sum payment that’s significantly less than the amount owed. However, qualification for an OIC requires meeting specific criteria set by the IRS https://www.irs.gov/payments/offer-in-compromise.
  • Currently Not Collectible (CNC) Status: In situations where a taxpayer’s current financial hardship makes it impossible for them to make any payments, the IRS may consider a Currently Not Collectible (CNC) designation. This status does not erase the tax debt, but it temporarily suspends collection efforts.

The Path to Relief: Achieving Currently Not Collectible Status

After careful consideration of Philip’s specific circumstances, Scott determined that pursuing Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status would be the most favorable outcome. This strategy involved presenting a compelling case to the IRS that demonstrated Philip’s inability to pay due to his financial hardship. Scott meticulously prepared a comprehensive package documenting Philip’s financial situation, including income statements, expense reports, and hardship explanations.

The Benefits of Local Representation

Throughout the process, Scott Allen EA’s local presence near Chandler proved advantageous. He maintained clear communication with Philip, addressing his concerns and keeping him updated on the progress. This personal touch is often missing when dealing directly with the IRS, where navigating the complexities of the system can be daunting.

Furthermore, Scott’s understanding of the local economic landscape and the resources available near Chandler allowed him to strengthen Philip’s case. He could demonstrate, for instance, the average cost of living in Chandler and how it impacted Philip’s financial ability to repay the IRS debt.

A Successful Outcome: Relief from Back Taxes

The culmination of Scott’s expertise and Philip’s cooperation resulted in a remarkable outcome. The IRS granted Philip Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status, effectively relieving him from the burden of immediate tax debt payments. While the debt remains on record, as long as Philip remains compliant with future tax filing and payment obligations, the IRS will not pursue collection efforts. Check out his approval letter below from the IRS confirming his IRS settlement in Chandler Arizona.

IRS Settlement in Chandler Arizona

Moving Forward with Confidence

This successful resolution allowed Philip to breathe a sigh of relief. He can now focus on rebuilding his financial stability without the constant worry of looming IRS debt. Scott’s guidance also helped Philip develop a plan for future tax compliance to avoid similar situations in the future.

Why Choose a Local Enrolled Agent?

Philip’s story highlights the importance of seeking help from a qualified Enrolled Agent, especially one who is local to your area. Here’s why:

  • Local Expertise: An enrolled agent familiar with your specific area understands the local economic landscape and cost-of-living factors that may impact your case.
  • Personalized Service: Local representation allows for a more personal connection and better communication with your tax advocate.
Written by Scott Allen

Stop the Stress: IRS Payment Plan Chandler AZ

Scott Allen EA for IRS Payment Plan Chandler AZ

In the insane world of tax laws and regulations, individuals often find themselves entangled in the web of IRS debt, unsure of how to proceed. Such was the predicament of Michael, a resident of Chandler, Arizona, who found himself burdened with tax liabilities for the years 2020, 2022, and 2023. However, amidst the complexities of tax debt, he found a guiding light in Tax Debt Advisors Inc., a trusted family-owned business since 1977 led by Scott Allen, an enrolled agent with a sterling reputation in Chandler and beyond.

Michael’s journey toward financial solvency began when he reached out to Tax Debt Advisors Inc. Seeking assistance in resolving his IRS tax debt, he was greeted with professionalism and empathy, qualities emblematic of the company’s ethos. With Scott Allen at the helm, Michael embarked on a structured process aimed at alleviating his tax burden and charting a course toward financial freedom.

The first step in representing Michael involved a meticulous assessment of his tax situation. Tax Debt Advisors Inc. conducted a comprehensive review of Michael’s financial records with an IRS Power of Attorney, identifying areas of concern and formulating a strategy tailored to his specific needs. Central to this strategy was the preparation of missing tax returns for the years in question. Under Scott Allen’s guidance, the team at Tax Debt Advisors Inc. painstakingly compiled the necessary documentation, ensuring compliance with IRS requirements and deadlines.

With Michael’s tax returns prepared and his financial landscape illuminated, Tax Debt Advisors Inc. initiated negotiations with the IRS on his behalf. Armed with a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of IRS protocols, Scott Allen navigated the intricate maze of bureaucracy, advocating for Michael’s interests every step of the way. Through strategic dialogue and unwavering persistence, Tax Debt Advisors Inc. succeeded in securing a favorable outcome: a $350 per month payment plan to settle Michael’s IRS tax debt (a copy of the approved IRS payment plan Chandler AZ is available to view below).

The establishment of the payment plan marked a pivotal moment in Michael’s journey toward financial stability. With a manageable monthly obligation in place, he could breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that his tax liabilities were being addressed in a structured and sustainable manner. Moreover, the resolution of his IRS debt provided him with a renewed sense of confidence and peace of mind, enabling him to focus on building a brighter future for himself and his loved ones.

Michael’s experience with Tax Debt Advisors Inc. serves as a testament to the company’s unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. Under Scott Allen’s guidance, individuals facing IRS tax debt can rest assured knowing that they are in capable hands. By delivering personalized solutions and advocating tirelessly on behalf of their clients, Tax Debt Advisors Inc. has earned a reputation as a beacon of hope in the realm of tax resolution.

For taxpayers in Chandler, Arizona, grappling with IRS debt, Tax Debt Advisors Inc. offers a lifeline to financial stability. Whether facing unpaid taxes, wage garnishments, or IRS audits, individuals can trust in the expertise and integrity of Scott Allen and his team. With a track record of success and a dedication to excellence, Tax Debt Advisors Inc. stands ready to assist Chandler residents in navigating the complexities of IRS tax debt.

Michael’s journey with Tax Debt Advisors Inc. exemplifies the transformative power of proactive tax resolution. Through diligent representation, meticulous preparation, and skillful negotiation, Tax Debt Advisors Inc. facilitated a favorable outcome for Michael, paving the way for a brighter financial future. As other Chandler, Arizona taxpayers confront their own IRS challenges, they are invited to follow in Michael’s footsteps and enlist the support of Tax Debt Advisors Inc. in their pursuit of financial freedom.


IRS payment plan Chandler AZ


Written by Scott Allen

Jennifer navigated her IRS tax challenges with Mesa’s Tax Debt Advisors, Inc

Navigating Tax Challenges with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ

In the heart of Mesa, Arizona, there exists a beacon of financial hope for individuals and businesses grappling with tax challenges – Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Established in 1977, this family-owned business has been a trusted ally for those burdened by delinquent tax returns and back taxes owed. Over the years, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has built a reputation as a reliable partner in navigating the complexities of IRS settlements and providing comprehensive tax solutions. This blog delves into the journey of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., shedding light on their services, expertise, and commitment to helping clients achieve financial freedom.

A Legacy of Trust and Expertise:

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is not just a business; it’s a family legacy that spans a couple generations. Since its inception in 1977, the company has been a cornerstone in the community, helping countless individuals and businesses find relief from tax-related challenges. The longevity of their establishment is a testament to the trust and confidence clients place in their services.

Delving into Services:

One of the key services offered by Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is the filing of delinquent tax returns. Many individuals find themselves in a predicament where past tax returns have not been filed, leading to a myriad of issues with the IRS. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. steps in to address these concerns, guiding clients through the process of filing overdue returns and bringing them into compliance with tax regulations.

IRS Settlements on Back Taxes:

Dealing with back taxes can be an overwhelming experience, and this is where Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. truly excels. The company specializes in negotiating with the IRS on behalf of its clients to reach settlements on back taxes owed. The expertise of their team ensures that clients can explore options such as installment agreements or even offers in compromise, tailored to their unique financial situations.

Free Initial Consultations:

Understanding the financial stress that often accompanies tax issues, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. offers free initial consultations to prospective clients. This provides an opportunity for individuals and businesses to discuss their specific circumstances with seasoned professionals, gaining insights into potential strategies for resolution. The commitment to an initial consultation without financial obligation reflects the company’s dedication to transparency and client empowerment.

Becoming Your IRS Power of Attorney:

One distinctive feature of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is their ability to act as the IRS Power of Attorney on behalf of clients. By completing Form 2848, clients can authorize Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. to represent them before the IRS throughout the entire resolution process. This level of representation not only streamlines communication with the IRS but also ensures that clients have a knowledgeable advocate guiding them from start to finish.

The IRS can be an intimidating entity to face alone. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. understands the complexities of dealing with the IRS and takes on the responsibility of comprehensive representation. From addressing communication with IRS agents to negotiating settlements and navigating the intricacies of tax laws, their team is equipped to handle every aspect of the process.

Client Success Stories:

Throughout its long history, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has accumulated numerous success stories. Clients who once faced insurmountable tax challenges have found relief and financial stability through the dedicated efforts of the company. These success stories not only reflect the efficacy of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.’s services but also underscore the positive impact they have had on the lives of individuals and families in Mesa and beyond. One of those recent success stories was Jennifer. Jennifer had an exaggerated balance due on her 2017 tax return with the IRS. This was not a correct reflection. Upon preparing and submitting a proper 2017 tax return, Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc was able to protest and reduce her IRS debt by $23,985. See the changes to her account by viewing the IRS notice below.

IRS Delinquent Tax Returns Mesa AZ

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. stands as a pillar of support for those navigating the complex landscape of tax debt and IRS-related challenges. With a rich legacy dating back to 1977, this family-owned business has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to its clients’ financial well-being. From filing delinquent tax returns to negotiating settlements on back taxes owed, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has proven itself as a reliable partner in the journey to financial freedom. As they continue to evolve and adapt to changing tax landscapes, one thing remains constant – their dedication to empowering clients and guiding them toward a brighter financial future.

Written by Scott Allen

Resolving IRS Tax Debt near Phoenix, AZ

Resolving IRS Tax Debt: The Expertise of Scott Allen, EA, of Tax Debt Advisors near Phoenix, AZ

In the heart of the Valley of the Sun, where the complexities of tax obligations often cast a shadow on financial stability, resides a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with IRS tax debt. Meet Scott Allen, an Enrolled Agent renowned for his expertise and unwavering commitment to helping clients navigate the intricate labyrinth of tax debt. Recently, Scott spearheaded a remarkable success story in Phoenix, Arizona, with his client Eric, illustrating how his guidance transformed an overwhelming tax burden into a manageable solution.

Eric, a hardworking Phoenix resident, found himself ensnared in a distressing situation, facing a mounting pile of back IRS tax debt. Burdened by the weight of financial uncertainty, he sought refuge and guidance in Scott Allen, EA, and Tax Debt Advisors. Scott, armed with years of experience and a profound understanding of tax laws, immediately delved into Eric’s case.

Scott Allen’s approach hinges on personalized attention and a meticulous understanding of each client’s predicament. With Eric, he conducted a comprehensive assessment, meticulously examining the intricate details of his tax history and financial standing. This meticulous scrutiny allowed Scott to tailor a strategic plan crafted to alleviate Eric’s IRS tax debt burden in Phoenix AZ.

Scott’s proficiency in negotiating with the IRS served as a catalyst for Eric’s case. He meticulously formulated a negotiation strategy, leveraging his expertise to communicate with the IRS on Eric’s behalf. Through adept negotiation tactics and an in-depth understanding of IRS protocols, Scott navigated the complexities of the system, advocating for Eric’s best interests every step of the way.

One of the pivotal moments in Eric’s journey was when Scott Allen, EA, succeeded in negotiating Eric’s eight years of back IRS tax debt into a “Currently Non-Collectible” status. This achievement, a testament to Scott’s prowess, provided Eric with a much-needed respite from immediate financial strain. By securing this status, Scott ensured that the IRS halts active collection actions against Eric, granting him the breathing room to stabilize his financial situation. To view the other IRS settlemet options click here.

The transformation of Eric’s predicament from an overwhelming burden to a manageable solution stands as a testament to Scott Allen’s dedication and expertise. His client-centric approach, coupled with his profound understanding of tax laws and IRS procedures, positioned him as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with similar tax debt woes in Phoenix, Arizona.

For those currently facing IRS tax debt challenges in and around Phoenix, Arizona, Scott Allen, EA, and Tax Debt Advisors emerge as a ray of hope. His track record of success, demonstrated through Eric’s case, speaks volumes about the tangible relief and resolutions he offers to individuals weighed down by IRS tax debt. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc is a family owned business that has been solving IRS problems for over 47 years.

Scott Allen, EA, encourages delinquent taxpayers in Phoenix to seek professional guidance without delay. Procrastination only exacerbates the situation, potentially leading to severe financial consequences. By engaging Scott Allen’s expertise, individuals can proactively address their tax debt concerns, navigating the complexities with confidence and securing a path towards financial stability.

Lastly, the success story of Eric, facilitated by the expertise and unwavering dedication of Scott Allen, EA, stands as a testament to the transformative impact of seeking professional guidance for IRS tax debt. For those facing similar challenges in Phoenix, Arizona, Scott Allen EA, and Tax Debt Advisors offer a beacon of hope and a pathway towards resolving tax debt woes, ensuring a brighter and more stable financial future.

View Eric’s success story below. It is an actualy letter of approval from the IRS.

IRS Tax Debt Phoenix AZ

Written by Scott Allen

Kimberly’s Journey to Settle IRS Debt in Mesa AZ

Kimberly’s Journey to IRS Debt Resolution: A Cautionary Tale of Choosing the Right Tax Advisor to Settle IRS Debt in Mesa AZ

Managing Mesa AZ IRS debts can be overwhelming and daunting for any individual. Kimberly found herself in such a predicament, facing unresolved back tax returns and looming IRS debts. Faced with mounting anxiety and uncertainty, she sought the expertise of Scott Allen, E.A., from Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., situated in Mesa, Arizona. Her experience sheds light on the importance of selecting a reliable tax advisor and avoiding the pitfalls of larger, out-of-state companies promising miraculous debt settlement solutions.

Kimberly’s IRS Debt Challenge

Kimberly’s tax woes were not uncommon. Unfiled tax returns and unsettled IRS debts in Mesa AZ had left her in a state of constant worry. Upon realizing the gravity of her situation, Kimberly embarked on a quest to find a solution that would alleviate her tax burden and offer a viable path to financial stability.

Choosing Scott Allen, E.A., of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

Amidst the myriad of options available for resolving IRS debts, Kimberly’s choice to work with Scott Allen, E.A., was pivotal. His local presence and expertise stood out among the larger, out-of-state companies bombarding her with promises of settling IRS debts for pennies on the dollar.

The Role of Scott Allen, E.A., as Kimberly’s IRS Power of Attorney

One of the key aspects that set Scott Allen apart was his role as Kimberly’s IRS Power of Attorney (form 2848). This designation allowed him to represent her before the IRS, enabling direct communication and negotiation on her behalf. Scott’s comprehensive understanding of IRS protocols and tax laws empowered him to navigate Kimberly’s case efficiently and effectively.

The Pitfalls of Out-of-State Companies Promising Unrealistic Settlements

Kimberly’s cautionary tale serves as a warning against entrusting IRS debt resolution to larger, out-of-state companies making extravagant promises of settling debts for negligible amounts. Many such companies often advertise misleadingly, claiming they can magically resolve IRS debts for pennies on the dollar. These promises, however, often fall short or lead to even more complicated and protracted situations.

Scott Allen’s Approach: Honesty, Expertise, and Realistic Solutions

Scott Allen, E.A., took a methodical and realistic approach to Kimberly’s case. Instead of making lofty promises, he offered a transparent and structured plan. His expertise and local presence allowed him to understand Kimberly’s specific circumstances and devise a tailored strategy to resolve her IRS debts.

Settlement of IRS Debt: A Low $385 Monthly Payment Plan

Scott’s diligent efforts culminated in a favorable resolution for Kimberly. By negotiating directly with the IRS, he managed to secure a settlement that significantly eased Kimberly’s financial burden. The outcome—a manageable $385 monthly payment plan—highlighted the efficacy of a well-thought-out approach led by a knowledgeable and dedicated tax advisor.

Settle IRS Debts Mesa AZ

Warning to Taxpayers: Beware of Unrealistic Claims by Out-of-State Companies

Kimberly’s experience serves as a stark reminder for taxpayers to exercise caution when considering services from large, out-of-state companies claiming they can settle IRS debts in Mesa AZ  unrealistically. Choosing a local, qualified tax advisor like Scott Allen, E.A., provided Kimberly with personalized attention, expertise, and a realistic resolution plan that aligned with her financial situation.

Conclusion: Choosing Wisely for IRS Debt Resolution

Resolving IRS debts requires a strategic and informed approach. Kimberly’s success story with Scott Allen, E.A., emphasizes the importance of selecting a trustworthy and knowledgeable tax advisor. Opting for local expertise over flashy, out-of-state promises can make a world of difference in achieving a feasible and sustainable resolution to IRS debt challenges.

In conclusion, Kimberly’s journey to resolving her IRS debts underscores the significance of making informed decisions when selecting a tax advisor. Scott Allen, E.A., exemplified the qualities of a reliable professional, steering Kimberly toward a manageable solution without succumbing to unrealistic promises. Taxpayers navigating similar challenges should heed this cautionary tale and seek qualified local professionals for their IRS debt resolution needs.

For individuals like Kimberly, finding the right tax advisor can be a game-changer in their quest for financial stability and peace of mind amidst IRS debt concerns. It’s crucial to approach this task with care, diligence, and an understanding of the pitfalls to avoid when selecting a tax advisor.

Remember, the road to IRS debt resolution may be challenging, but with the right guidance from a qualified professional like Scott Allen, E.A., it’s possible to achieve a favorable outcome that aligns with your financial situation and sets you on the path to a brighter financial future. Call Scott today at 480-926-9300.

Written by Scott Allen

Ashlee’s Monthly IRS Payment Plan Mesa AZ

How Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Helped Ashlee Resolve IRS Back Tax Debt on a $120 Monthly Payment Plan in Mesa, Arizona

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a Mesa-based family owned firm specializing in assisting individuals with tax-related issues, recently accomplished a significant breakthrough in resolving the IRS back tax debt of their client, Ashlee. Facing a daunting amount in back taxes owed to the IRS, Ashlee turned to Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for guidance and support in navigating this challenging situation.

Ashlee’s predicament stemmed from accumulating tax debt over several years, creating a substantial financial burden. Fearing the mounting penalties and the IRS’s relentless pursuit, she sought professional help to find a feasible solution and gain control over her finances once again.

Upon her initial consultation with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., Ashlee was immediately met with Scott Allen EA, a seasoned tax professional committed to understanding her situation and crafting a personalized strategy. The firm’s adept advisors meticulously assessed Ashlee’s financial records, evaluating her tax liabilities, income, and expenses to devise a viable resolution plan.

Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. worked diligently on Ashlee’s case, leveraging their expertise and deep understanding of tax laws and IRS procedures to negotiate on her behalf. Their primary goal was to reach an agreement with the IRS that would alleviate Ashlee’s financial strain and provide her with a sustainable repayment plan.

Through persistent negotiations and meticulous advocacy, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. successfully secured an agreement with the IRS to settle Ashlee’s substantial back tax debt. The achievement was remarkable as the negotiated resolution allowed Ashlee to pay a reduced amount of $120 per month towards her tax debt until it gets paid off.

The tailored payment plan not only alleviated the immediate financial burden but also provided Ashlee with a structured pathway towards clearing her tax obligations. The team at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. continued to support and guide Ashlee throughout the implementation of the payment plan, ensuring compliance and adherence to the agreed terms.

The success story of Ashlee’s tax resolution with the help of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. underscores the importance of seeking professional assistance when dealing with IRS back tax debt. Their comprehensive approach, expertise in negotiation, and dedication to client success played a pivotal role in achieving this favorable outcome.

Furthermore, beyond the financial relief, Ashlee expressed her gratitude for the compassionate and personalized support she received throughout the process. Scott Allen EA not only provided expert guidance but also reassured Ashlee, alleviating the stress and anxiety associated with her tax debt predicament.

The resolution of Ashlee’s case stands as a testament to the commitment of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. to assist individuals in overcoming complex tax challenges effectively. By tailoring solutions to individual circumstances and advocating on behalf of their clients, they empower individuals like Ashlee to regain control of their financial futures.

The successful resolution of Ashlee’s back tax debt to a manageable IRS payment plan Mesa AZ of only $120/month through Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. exemplifies the firm’s dedication, expertise, and commitment to providing comprehensive solutions for clients grappling with IRS tax debt issues. This case study serves as a beacon of hope for individuals facing similar challenges, showcasing that with the right guidance and advocacy, daunting tax debts can be effectively managed and resolved.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.’s unwavering commitment to client success and their ability to navigate complex tax matters continues to make a meaningful impact on individuals striving to overcome IRS tax debt challenges in Mesa, Arizona, and beyond. Below is a copy of the agreement letter from the IRS with the approved payment plan. See for yourself!

IRS Payment Plan Mesa AZ

Written by Scott Allen

Don’t stress: Get a Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan

Stop threatening letters and get a Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan.

May I suggest you consider doing what Michael and his wife did which is work with Scott Allen EA as your IRS power of attorney.  He will get you a Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan negotiated.  However, if there is a better option out there for you he will advise you on all available settlement options.  Based upon the financial information of Michael and his wife, Scott Allen EA was able to get the lowest IRS payment plan allowable by law.  Click on the image below to view an actual IRS approval letter.  Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors prides himself on getting results and doing what he is paid to do.  He will not bring on your case unless he knows you can benefits from his services.

Phoenx AZ IRS payment plan

Phoenx AZ IRS payment plan

Yes, the IRS does work out reasonable payment plans.  The IRS will let you have regular normal expenditures.  They are not in the business of kicking you out of your home.  They want to establish a reasonable payment plan which will still allow you to live a “regular” life.   On the flip side, if you are a single individual and have a $3,000 house payment they would (in most cases) consider that extravagant and ask you to sell your home within a reasonable period of time and lower your housing costs.  This rule allows all taxpayers with an IRS debt to be on a more equal playing field.  Scott Allen EA will be able to go through all the “do’s and don’ts” with you expenditures.  It is Scott Allen EA’s recommendation to use a licensed tax professional to represent you before the IRS especially if you have not been successful in the past or if you owe the IRS over $25,000.  Don’t delay.  There is no better time to deal with the IRS then the present.  Schedule and appointment today at 480-926-9300.  Have Phoenix AZ back tax returns that needs to be filed?  Let Scott Allen EA be your new “tax guy”.

Below is just another IRS settlement case resolved by Scott Allen EA. He helped Mark negotiate his Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan. All four tax years were rolled into a nice $175 per month payment plan. Click on it for a larger view.

Phoenix AZ IRS Payment Plan

Written by Scott Allen

Facts about IRS tax liens for Arizona Residents: IRS help from Scott Allen, E.A.

Arizona IRS Tax Liens

  • If the IRS ignored proper procedures, your tax lien can be removed.
  • If the statute of limitations has passed the lien becomes invalid.
  • Filing a bankruptcy before the lien is filed will protect exempt property forever.
  • Post a bond.
  • File an Offer in Compromise and making the Offer payment will remove the lien
  • Get a Certificate of Subordination
  • Obtain a Certificate of Release

Obviously, the best solution will resolve your tax debt before an Arizona IRS tax lien is filed.  Call me today for a free initial confidential consultation to see specifically what options apply to your situation. For Andrew, (a current client of Scott Allen EA) it was an aggressive payment plan negotiation that prevented the IRS from ever filing an Arizona IRS tax lien in the first place. By being proactive, Scott was able to get Andrew on a $135 per month payment plan and keep the IRS off his back and make sure the IRS does not slap a tax lien on him. View the IRS agreement letter below.

Prevent Arizona IRS Tax Liens

Scott Allen, E.A. – Tax Debt Advisors, Inc

Facts about Arizona IRS tax liens for Arizona Residents:  IRS help from Scott Allen, E.A.

Mesa, Apache Junction, Avondale, Buckeye, Carefree, Cave Creek, Chandler, El Mirage, Fountain Hills, Gila Bend, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Komatke, Litchfield Park, Luke AFB, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, Sun City, Sun Lakes, Surprise, Tempe, Tolleson, Waddell, Whitman, Wickenburg, Youngstown, Flagstaff, Tucson, Payson, Winslow, Sierra Vista, Page, Prescott, Globe, Yuma, AZ

Apache County, Cochise County, Coconino County, Gila County, Graham County, Greenlee County, La Paz County, Maricopa County, Mohave County, Navajo County, Pima County, Pinal County, Santa Cruz County, Yavapai County, Yuma County


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