Written by Scott Allen

Daniel’s Payment Plan for Mesa AZ IRS Settlement

Finding Relief: How Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Settled Mesa Resident’s 8 Years of Back Taxes

Tax season can be stressful for everyone, but imagine facing the burden of unfiled tax returns for years on end. This was the reality for Daniel, a Mesa, Arizona resident and father of three, who found himself drowning in a sea of back taxes desperately needed a Mesa AZ IRS Settlement. For eight long years, the weight of unaddressed tax debt loomed large, casting a shadow over his financial security. Fortunately, Daniel discovered Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a local Mesa firm specializing in helping taxpayers navigate the complexities of IRS issues.

This blog post delves into Daniel’s story, highlighting how Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. secured him a favorable settlement with the IRS, offering a beacon of hope for Mesa residents facing similar challenges. We’ll explore the intricate world of unfiled back taxes, settlement options, and the importance of seeking local expertise when dealing with the IRS.

The Maze of Unfiled Back Taxes

Failing to file tax returns, even unintentionally, can lead to a snowball effect of penalties and interest accumulating over time. The IRS takes unfiled returns seriously, and the consequences can be significant. Late filing penalties can be as high as 25% of the unpaid tax liability, and late payment penalties can add another 1% per month, on top of accruing interest. This can quickly compound the original tax debt, making it even more difficult to manage.

Understanding Your Options: Key to Finding Relief

Thankfully, the IRS offers various solutions for taxpayers facing back tax burdens. These include:

  • Filing Delinquent Returns: The first step is to file all outstanding tax returns. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can guide you through this process, ensuring accuracy and maximizing deductions to minimize your tax liability.
  • Payment Plans: The IRS allows taxpayers to establish installment agreements to pay off back taxes in manageable monthly installments. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can negotiate these plans on your behalf, advocating for a low monthly payment that fits your financial situation.
  • Offers in Compromise (OIC): An OIC allows you to settle your tax debt for a lump sum payment significantly lower than the total amount owed. Qualifying for an OIC requires a financial hardship demonstration. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can assess your eligibility and handle the entire OIC application process.

The Power of Local Expertise: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. to the Rescue

While national 1-800 companies may advertise IRS settlements, their success rates can be underwhelming. These impersonal services often lack the in-depth understanding of local tax laws and nuances that can significantly impact your case. Here’s where a local Mesa firm like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. shines:

  • Personalized Attention: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is dedicated to building relationships with their clients. They take the time to understand your unique circumstances and tailor their approach accordingly.
  • Local Knowledge: Their experience working with Mesa residents allows them to navigate the local IRS landscape with ease, ensuring the best possible outcome for your case.
  • Proven Track Record: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. boasts a history of successful settlements for Mesa taxpayers. Their dedicated team leverages their expertise to achieve optimal results.

Daniel’s Success Story: A Path to Financial Freedom

Daniel, burdened by eight years of unfiled returns and mounting tax debt, felt overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn. Fortunately, he connected with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. After a thorough review of his financial situation, Scott Allen EA determined a payment plan was the most suitable option.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. meticulously prepared and submitted a comprehensive application, complete with the required IRS Form 433A, “Collection Information Statement.” This form details your income, expenses, and assets, providing the IRS with a clear picture of your financial hardship.

Thanks to Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.’s meticulous approach and in-depth knowledge of local tax regulations, the IRS accepted Daniel’s payment plan proposal offer. His crippling tax debt was settled for a significantly low payment amount, paving the way for a brighter financial future. Remarkably, his monthly payment plan was set at a manageable $131, allowing him to finally breathe a sigh of relief and focus on supporting his family. See his letter of acceptance below from the IRS. This was Daniel’s Mesa AZ IRS Settlement!

Mesa AZ IRS Settlement Payment Plan

Empowering Mesa Taxpayers: Taking Control of Your Financial Future

Daniel’s story serves as an inspiring example of how working with a local tax resolution specialist like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can transform a seemingly insurmountable situation. If you’re a Mesa resident facing unfiled returns or tax debt, don’t let the burden weigh you down. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is here to help you with you Mesa AZ IRS Settlement too.

Next Steps: Get the Help You Deserve

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. offers a free consultation, allowing you to discuss your specific tax situation and explore potential settlement options.

Written by Scott Allen

Save Thousands if You Owe IRS Back Taxes Mesa AZ

How Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ, Can Save You Thousands if You Owe Back Taxes

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the weight of back tax returns owed to the IRS? Struggling to find a solution while the debt continues to grow? Look no further—Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ, specializes in navigating the complex terrain of tax debt and helping clients like you find relief from burdensome IRS obligations.

One success story that stands out among the many is our recent achievement in assisting a client who owed over $33,000 in back tax returns to the IRS on his 2020 tax return. Through our tailored strategies and expertise, we not only alleviated his stress but also significantly reduced his tax liabilities. Here’s how we did it and how we can help you too. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc saved him over $19,000. (VIEW THE IRS APPROVAL NOTICE BELOW).

Understanding Your Situation:

The first step in resolving tax debt is gaining a comprehensive understanding of your unique circumstances. At Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., our team of seasoned professionals begins by conducting a thorough analysis of your financial situation and the details of your tax liabilities. We leave no stone unturned in assessing your case, ensuring we’re equipped with all the necessary information to strategize effectively on your behalf.

Exploring IRS Settlement Options:

The IRS offers various settlement options to taxpayers burdened with tax debt. These include:

  1. Offer in Compromise (OIC): An OIC allows qualifying taxpayers to settle their tax debt for less than the full amount owed. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. works diligently to negotiate favorable terms with the IRS, considering factors such as your income, expenses, asset equity, and overall ability to pay.
  2. Installment Agreements: For those unable to pay their tax debt in full, an installment agreement can be established to make monthly payments. Our team assists in negotiating reasonable installment terms, easing the financial strain and ensuring compliance with IRS regulations.
  3. Penalty Abatement: In certain cases, the IRS may agree to reduce or remove penalties associated with unpaid taxes. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. leverages its expertise to advocate for penalty abatement, potentially saving you substantial amounts on accrued penalties.

Our Approach in Action:

In the case of our client facing a daunting $33,000 in back tax returns owed to the IRS, our meticulous approach led to a favorable outcome. Through strategic negotiation and careful examination of their bank statements and profit and loss statements, we were able to pursue filing of a proper amended tax return on his behalf before negotiationg an installment agreement.

Scott Allen EA meticulously prepared and submitted the amendment, highlighting our client’s tax return changes. Leveraging our expertise in navigating the intricate IRS procedures, we negotiated diligently to secure a significantly reduced tax amount owed, ultimately saving our client thousands of dollars.

Why Choose Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.?

When it comes to resolving tax debt, expertise and experience matter. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ, boasts a track record of success in aiding clients burdened by IRS obligations. Here’s why you should choose us:

Expertise: Our team comprises tax professionals well-versed in IRS protocols and settlement options, ensuring tailored strategies for each client’s unique situation.

Personalized Approach: We understand the stress and anxiety caused by tax debt. That’s why we offer personalized attention, guiding you through every step of the resolution process.

Proven Results: Our success stories speak volumes about our commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients, as evidenced by the substantial savings secured for our $33,000 tax debt case.

Peace of Mind: Partnering with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. means gaining peace of mind. Let us handle the complexities while you focus on moving forward toward financial stability.

Take Control of Your Tax Debt Today:

Don’t let tax debt continue to weigh you down. Take the first step toward financial freedom by contacting Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ. Our dedicated team is ready to assess your situation, chart a course of action, and work tirelessly to alleviate your tax burdens, just as we did for our client with a $33,000 tax debt.

Reach out to us today for a consultation and discover how we can help you save thousands while resolving your IRS back taxes owed Mesa AZ. You deserve a fresh start—let Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. pave the way for your brighter financial future.

IRS Back Taxes Mesa AZ


Written by Scott Allen

Scott Allen EA for Back Tax Returns over a Mesa, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Why Taxpayers Should Consider Hiring Scott Allen EA for Back Tax Returns and IRS Debt Settlement over a Mesa, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

When it comes to handling back tax returns and navigating the complexities of IRS debt settlement, taxpayers often find themselves facing a crucial decision: whether to hire a Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney or enlist the services of a seasoned professional like Scott Allen EA. While both options offer potential solutions, this blog explores the reasons why taxpayers might opt for Scott Allen EA over a traditional tax attorney for effective resolution of their tax-related issues.

Scott Allen EA brings a wealth of specialized expertise to the table. As an Enrolled Agent (EA), he is a federally-authorized tax practitioner empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This specialized status allows him to represent taxpayers in dealings with the IRS, making him exceptionally qualified to address tax concerns. On the other hand, while IRS tax attorneys are equipped with legal knowledge, their expertise may be more generalized and not as focused on the intricacies of taxation.

Scott Allen’s role as an Enrolled Agent signifies his mastery of tax-related matters. He is well-versed in tax codes, regulations, and IRS procedures, giving him a unique edge in crafting effective strategies for back tax returns and debt settlement. While IRS tax attorneys possess legal acumen, they might not possess the same depth of knowledge when it comes to navigating the intricate world of tax codes and regulations.

One of the distinct advantages of hiring Scott Allen EA lies in his ability to provide tailored solutions to taxpayers’ specific circumstances. He takes the time to understand individual financial situations, allowing him to devise personalized approaches that address the root causes of back taxes and IRS debt. In contrast, some Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorneys might take a more general approach, lacking the in-depth understanding necessary to develop highly effective strategies.

Finances often play a pivotal role in decisions surrounding professional services. Enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA can often be more cost-effective compared to hiring a traditional Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney. Tax attorneys, with their legal background, might charge higher fees for their services. Scott Allen EA, however, offers specialized assistance at a potentially more affordable rate, making quality tax expertise accessible to a wider range of taxpayers.

Scott Allen EA prioritizes direct client interaction, fostering a strong sense of trust and transparency. You will always meet with him from beginning to end. Clients appreciate his hands-on approach and the personalized attention he provides throughout the tax resolution process. In contrast, IRS tax attorneys might have a more formal approach, potentially creating a barrier between the client and the attorney. Scott Allen EA’s approachability and willingness to explain complex tax concepts can significantly alleviate the stress associated with back taxes and IRS debt.

Scott Allen EA’s track record speaks volumes about his expertise and effectiveness in resolving tax-related issues. Numerous success stories from satisfied clients highlight his ability to secure favorable outcomes in challenging tax situations. This level of demonstrated expertise can provide taxpayers with the confidence they need to entrust their back tax returns and IRS debt settlement to his capable hands.

While the choice between hiring a Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney and enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA may seem daunting, considering the specialized expertise, in-depth tax knowledge, tailored solutions, cost-effectiveness, direct client interaction, and proven track record that Scott Allen EA brings to the table can make the decision clearer. Taxpayers seeking a well-rounded professional with a deep understanding of tax matters and a dedication to achieving optimal results may find that Scott Allen EA is the ideal partner for handling their back tax returns and settling IRS debt.

View the image below and you will see a recent example of how David was able to utilize Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc to prepare his back tax returns and settle his IRS debt into one manageable payment plan. If fear is leading you to believe that your case requires a Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney may I suggest that you give Scott a call instead at 480-926-9300 and he will put your mind as ease.

Written by Scott Allen

Resolving Unfiled Tax Returns in Mesa, AZ

Resolving Unfiled Tax Returns in Mesa, AZ: Why Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is the Right Choice

When it comes to unfiled tax returns in Mesa, AZ, taxpayers are often burdened with stress and uncertainty. The complexities of navigating tax laws can be overwhelming, leading to the accumulation of tax debt and potential legal consequences. In such situations, hiring a reliable and knowledgeable tax representation firm is essential to resolve these issues effectively. This blog explores how Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. emerges as the go-to company for representation in Mesa, AZ. Led by the licensed tax professional, Scott Allen, EA, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. offers comprehensive services to prepare unfiled back tax returns and represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Understanding Unfiled Tax Returns in Mesa, AZ

Unfiled tax returns can quickly escalate from minor oversights to significant problems if left unresolved. Many taxpayers in Mesa, AZ, might find themselves facing this issue due to various reasons, such as lack of time, financial difficulties, or simply not understanding their obligations. Regardless of the reason, it is crucial to address unfiled tax returns promptly.

The Consequences of Unfiled Tax Returns

Unfiled tax returns can lead to severe consequences for taxpayers. Firstly, they might face penalties for late filing, which can accrue interest over time, exacerbating the financial burden. Secondly, failure to file tax returns can result in the IRS taking enforcement actions, including garnishing wages or placing liens on assets. To avoid such situations, it is imperative to seek professional assistance from tax experts who can navigate the complexities of tax regulations effectively.

Introducing Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

In the realm of tax representation firms in Mesa, AZ, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. stands out as a reputable and reliable option. Their team of experts is well-versed in handling various tax issues, particularly unfiled tax returns. By understanding the individual circumstances of each taxpayer, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. tailors their approach to provide personalized solutions.

Meet Scott Allen, EA – The Licensed Tax Professional

At the core of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is Scott Allen, an Enrolled Agent (EA) with extensive experience and knowledge in tax matters. As an EA, Scott is authorized by the IRS to represent taxpayers in Mesa, AZ, and across the United States. His expertise allows him to address a wide range of tax-related problems, including the preparation of unfiled back tax returns, tax debt settlement, and IRS audit representation.

Unfiled Back Tax Returns: A Specialized Service

One of the key areas where Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. excels is in the preparation of unfiled back tax returns. The process of filing back taxes can be complex and time-consuming, but with Scott Allen’s guidance, clients can rest assured that their tax returns will be accurately prepared and submitted in a timely manner. By engaging Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for this service, taxpayers can mitigate the risk of facing harsh penalties and reduce their overall tax debt.

Representing Taxpayers before the IRS

Navigating the IRS can be a daunting task, especially for those with unfiled tax returns or outstanding tax debts. Scott Allen’s expertise as an Enrolled Agent allows him to effectively represent clients before the IRS. Whether it’s negotiating an installment agreement, submitting an Offer in Compromise, or handling IRS audits, Scott’s proficiency ensures a smooth and efficient process for clients seeking resolution with the IRS.

The Advantages of Choosing Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

  1. Proven Track Record: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has a proven track record of successfully assisting numerous taxpayers in Mesa, AZ, with their unfiled tax returns and other tax-related issues.
  2. Personalized Approach: Each client’s situation is unique, and Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. understands the importance of personalized solutions tailored to meet individual needs.
  3. Legal Expertise: As an Enrolled Agent, Scott Allen possesses the necessary qualifications and knowledge to handle a broad range of tax matters, providing clients with confidence in their represebackntation.
  4. Timely Resolution: With Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., taxpayers can expect prompt and efficient resolution of their unfiled tax returns, helping them regain control of their financial situation.

Nathan is a client of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. and had Scott Allen EA represent him before the IRS with his unfiled tax returns in Mesa AZ. By properly protesting his 2018 tax year with the IRS, Scott Allen EA was able to file and save Nathan $30,223 in taxes, interest, and penalties. Check out the IRS notice below with the udpated changes to his account.

Unfiled Tax Returns in Mesa AZ 

In conclusion, unfiled tax returns can have significant ramifications on taxpayers in Mesa, AZ, but they need not face these challenges alone. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. emerges as the ideal representation firm, offering professional and personalized services to prepare unfiled back tax returns and negotiate with the IRS on behalf of clients. With Scott Allen, EA, at the helm, clients can trust in his expertise and experience to provide effective solutions and alleviate the burden of tax debt. Don’t let unfiled tax returns overwhelm you; take the first step towards resolution by hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for expert guidance and representation.


Written by Scott Allen

Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney or Scott Allen EA for back tax returns

Why Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc is the right chose instead of a Mesa Az IRS Tax Attorney for filing back tax returns

Choosing a professional to assist you with filing back taxes is a personal decision that should be based on your specific needs, comfort level, and financial situation. However, there are several factors that might make Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a potentially good choice over a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney.
First, here are some general factors to consider when choosing between an Enrolled Agent (EA) and a Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney:
  1. Scope of Practice: Both EAs and tax attorneys are federally authorized tax practitioners who have technical expertise in the field of taxation. However, the scope of their work differs. EAs generally focus more on preparing tax returns and representing clients before the IRS. Tax attorneys, on the other hand, often handle more legal matters like tax controversies, tax fraud cases, and business/corporate issues.
  2. Cost: Typically, EAs tend to charge less for their services than tax attorneys. If cost is a concern, choosing an EA may be a more economical choice.
  3. Specialization: EAs are focused on delinquent tax matters, while attorneys may have a broader base of knowledge that includes other areas of law as well. If your primary need is help with filing back tax returns, the specialized knowledge of an EA may be more beneficial.

As for Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., specific advantages may include:

  1. Experience: If Scott Allen EA has many years of experience, this can be beneficial because he’s likely dealt with a variety of tax situations similar to yours. His family tax practice has been solving IRS problems since 1977.
  2. Local Knowledge: Being based in Mesa, AZ, Scott Allen EA may have a strong understanding of local and state tax laws in addition to federal ones, which could be advantageous if your tax situation involves state as well as federal issues.
  3. Reputation: If Scott Allen EA has a strong reputation for helping clients successfully navigate their tax issues, this could suggest he is effective in his work and able to provide good service to his clients.
  4. Personalized Service: Smaller practices such as Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., may be able to offer more personalized service compared to larger out of state firms or attorneys.

However, these are general considerations. The right choice will ultimately depend on the complexity of your tax situation, the specific expertise and experience of the professionals you are considering, and your comfort level with them. Always conduct your own research, ask questions, and meet with the professional before making a decision. It may be worth consulting with both Scott Allen EA and a Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney to see who you feel more comfortable with and who seems best equipped to handle your specific needs. Scott Allen EA offers a free consultation to sit down and meet with him for 30-60 minutes to discuss your specitive needs to filing back tax returns or settling IRS debts.

Below is just one recent example of a local Arizona resident hiring Scott Allen EA over a Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney and receiving an excellent outcome. By filing a protest to his 2017 tax return Nathan saved $32,009 in back taxes.

Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Written by Scott Allen

Mesa AZ Notice of Federal Tax lien?

Can Scott Allen EA help with a Mesa AZ  Notice of Federal Tax Lien?

Yes, Scott Allen EA can help you with a Mesa AZ notice of federal tax lien. He is an enrolled agent (EA) with over 15 years of experience in tax resolution. His firm Tax Debt Advisors, Inc has been solving tax problems for over 45 years. He has helped thousands of clients resolve their tax problems, including IRS tax liens.

If you have received a Mesa AZ notice of federal tax lien, it is important to act quickly. A tax lien is a public record that shows that the IRS has a claim against your property. This can make it difficult to get a loan, buy a house, or even get a job.

Scott Allen EA can help you understand your tax lien and develop a plan to resolve it. He can negotiate with the IRS on your behalf to reduce your debt or let you know your options in getting the lien removed. He can also help you file back tax returns and get on an installment plan to pay off your debt.

If you are facing a Mesa AZ notice of federal tax lien from the IRS, contact Scott Allen EA today for a free consultation. He will help you understand your options and develop a plan to resolve your specific tax problem.

Here are some of the services that Scott Allen EA can provide to help you with a notice of federal tax lien:

  • Negotiate with the IRS: Scott Allen EA can negotiate with the IRS on your behalf to reduce your debt or get the lien removed if you qualify. He has a long history of success in negotiating with the IRS and has helped thousands of clients resolve their tax problems.
  • File back tax returns: If you have not filed your tax returns in a while, Scott Allen EA can help you file them. Scott’s average client that comes in has not filed in 4-7 years. This is important because the IRS will not be able to negotiate your debt if you have not filed all your tax returns.
  • Get on an installment plan: If you cannot afford to pay off your tax debt in full, Scott Allen EA can help you get on an installment plan. This will allow you to pay off your debt over time.

If you are facing a Mesa AZ notice of federal tax lien, contact Scott Allen EA today for a free consultation. He will help you understand your options and develop a plan to resolve your tax problem.

Scott Allen EA was able to help his client Ann out with negotiating an installment plan for her IRS back taxes owed. This is just one of thousands of examples of successful settlement negotiations that Scott has done. With this agreement the IRS will NOT file a Mesa AZ notice of federal tax lien on Ann.

Mesa AZ Notice of Federal Tax Lien Help

Written by Scott Allen

We are Mesa Arizona’s Top IRS Problem Solvers for Installment Arrangements

Mesa Arizona’s Top IRS Problem Solvers

Since 1977 Tax Debt Advisors in Mesa AZ has settled over 113,000 IRS tax debts.  One of the options to settle a tax debt is the IRS installment arrangement or IRS payment plan.  This option requires that all IRS back tax returns be filed and assessed.  Financial information will need to be collected and analyzed to determine what actions to take before going to the IRS.  For example, if you are driving an older car with lots of problems, it would be prudent to purchase better transportation before locking yourself into an IRS payment plan that doesn’t allow you that option afterwards.  In this instance you will want to keep your monthly car payment below the amount the IRS allows.

Other areas of planning might include purchasing a home before an IRS tax lien in Mesa Arizona prevents you from getting a mortgage or taking care of overdue dental or medical procedures that the IRS will allow as deductions to reduce your IRS installment arrangement or payment plan.  There are many considerations that will apply specifically to your situation that require the expertise of a Mesa AZ IRS resolution professional.  Scott Allen E.A. offers a free initial consultation and can explain how to posture yourself before committing to an IRS payment plan or installment arrangement.  Scott will also advise you of the pros and cons of all applicable IRS settlement options.  Call Scott Allen E.A. at 480-926-9300 to schedule an appointment.

John (a current client) received help from Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors to settle his IRS back taxes into a low monthly payment plan. All four years that he owed for were negotiated into a $290 per month payment plan.  This is just one of thousands of examples that could be shown. View John’s approval agreement letter from the IRS below.

Mesa Arizona’s Top IRS Problem Solvers


Written by Scott Allen

Do I Need an IRS Attorney in Mesa AZ if I get an Installment Agreement Default Notice?

IRS Attorney in Mesa AZ

No, this is not a legal matter.  However, you will need to provide all of your financial information to determine if you IRS payment plan should remain the same, go up or go down.  The IRS will likely require you to have your payments come directly out of your checking account or if you have had a track record of default the IRS may want the payments to come directly from your pay check.

You have 30 days to respond to this notice or levy action will follow.  My suggestion is to have a free consultation with Scott Allen E.A. rather than with an IRS Attorney in Mesa AZ.   Scott can determine the lowest amount allowed by law that you should pay the IRS.  If your financial situation has worsen since the time you entered into your installment arrangement you may qualify for non-collectible status and not be required to make any monthly payment. He will also review all the other settlement options to determine if an IRS installment arrangement is the best option for you.  You can reach Scott Allen E.A. at 480-926-9300.

RECENT SETTLEMENT ACCEPTANCE: See how Cooper settled his IRS tax debt without hiring an IRS Attorney in Mesa AZ (view letter below).  Scott Allen E.A. was able to represent him before the IRS and negotiate a low $200 per month payment plan on his 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2021 taxes owed. The IRS was being a bit tough with him initially, wanting nearly $400 per month but after Scott evaluated his current financial situation he knew Cooper would qualify for a monthly payment of nearly half of that.

IRS Attorney in Mesa AZ

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. – Since 1977

Written by Scott Allen

No more Mesa AZ IRS Garnishment

How to stop a Mesa AZ IRS Garnishment

Yes, a Mesa AZ IRS garnishment can be stopped and in many cases it can be stopped before your next paycheck. The IRS will issue garnishment notice to your employer when you owe them for unpaid back taxes and/or behind on filing your tax returns. Your employer is required by law to withhold a chunk of your paycheck and send it to the IRS. Often times it can be as much as 30-40% of your take home pay. Your employer will respond to the Mesa AZ IRS garnishment notice until the debt is fully satisfied or they receive a notice of release of levy. Its always better to get compliant with the IRS before a garnishment notice is sent out but if that isn’t the case you still have options.

How to get the IRS to send out a notice of release of levy to an employer?

In one sentence, you need to get compliant! Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc can help you do so. To get the IRS to issue a notice of release on the Mesa AZ IRS garnishment an agreement needs to be negotiated and approved by the IRS. An agreement could be a currently non collectible status, a payment plan, or an agreement to full pay in 90 days to give you some examples. Once the IRS approves an agreement they have to send out a release of levy to your employer. Scott Allen EA will typically do most of this work over the phone with the IRS to expedite the process. By mail, things can take weeks to happen. Most taxpayers do not have weeks to wait as their next paycheck may only be a few days away. Time is of the essence and Scott Allen EA understands this. He will work into the evening if it means you have a shot as getting 100% of your next paycheck.

Have Mesa AZ back tax returns to file?

Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc also specializes in the filing of back tax returns. Whether you need one return or seven tax returns filed Scott can help. As your IRS power of attorney in this process he will represent you from start to finish to make sure everything is done right, and right the first time! Feel free to give him a call and schedule a free initial consultation. That is exactly what David did and he was thrilled with the result. He received a Mesa AZ IRS garnishment notice but rather than having the IRS suck 32% of his take home pay Scott was able to negotiate his back taxes into a very manageable $390/month payment plan. This was all negotiated before his next payday and David’s wages were never garnished. Both years he owes for are included into that arrangement. Take a look as the IRS approval notice below. No more Mesa AZ IRS garnishment to worry about for David!

No More Mesa AZ IRS Garnishment

Written by Scott Allen

Idioms to Remember if you need to STOP a Mesa AZ IRS Levy

Scott will stop Mesa AZ IRS Levy

An idiom is an expression that in and of itself makes no sense when translated into another language.  Knowing the literal meaning of idioms does not enable you to understand them unless you also know what they allude to. I have listed below the most important idioms that everyone should know if you are in need to stopping a Mesa AZ IRS levy.  It is important to understand how they apply to your situation.
  • Ace in the hole—A hidden advantage.  “The coach was certain that his new trick play would turn out to be his ace in the hole.” This term comes from the game of stud poker, in which one or more cards are turned face down, or “in the hole,” as bets are placed.  The ace is the card with the highest value.
  • Act of God—An event beyond human control like an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.
  • Albatross around one’s neck—An annoying burden: “That old car is an albatross around my neck.”
  • Bite the bullet—To adjust to unpleasant circumstances.  “The severe drought is forcing everybody to bit the bullet and use less water.”  Before anesthesia, surgeons operating on the wounded gave them a bullet to bite to help withstand the pain.
  • Burn the candle at both ends—To do more than one ought to: to overextend oneself: “Working three jobs is burning the candle at both ends.”
  • Chip on one’s shoulder—To “have a chip on one’s shoulder” is to invite conflict by being extremely touchy.  In the past, a young boy would place a wood chip on his shoulder and dare anyone to knock it off as a way of showing how tough he was.
  • Chutzpah—Yiddish term for courage bordering on arrogance.

There is more then one way to stop a Mesa AZ IRS levy.  It is important to make a plan of attack for your specific circumstances to be sure to stop the IRS levy in Mesa AZ as soon as possible.  Many times is can be accomplished within a 24 hour period of first contact with the IRS.  On occasions we can get the IRS to give a temporary or partial stop to a Mesa AZ IRS levy with commitments to get accomplished as is needed (i.e. file back tax returns, provide financial information) to make it a permanent stop to the IRS levy in Mesa AZ.

There are several ways to settle and IRS debt.  Each settlement options has pros and cons—something good about it as wells as something not so good.  However, one is always better that the rest and is usually quite obvious once the facts have been presented to you without prejudice towards any one solution.  That is why Tax Debt Advisors, Inc should be your choice when confronted with a serious IRS problem.  Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc was able to stop Mesa AZ IRS levy for a client by negotiating his debt into a low monthly payment plan. Yes, it was that simple. He put an end of the IRS levy by putting Jason on a $155 per month payment plan for his two years of back taxes owed. See the IRS approval letter below.

Mesa AZ IRS Levy


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