Written by Scott Allen

IRS much more aggressive on filing Tax Liens

IRS Tax Liens

The IRS has aggressively increased the number of liens issue in 2009 over 1999—475% more.  Even Nina Olson, the national tax payer advocate concedes that it is causing unnecessary harm to some taxpayers and even reducing the amount the IRS is able to collect.  Olson told CNNMoney, “Taxpayers are being greatly harmed for very little benefit to the government.”  Nina says that tax lien issuance is one of the top five problems that Congress must deal with to help taxpayers.

When you are under threat of a tax lien being filed, it is important to consider arguing, with professional help, the disadvantages a tax lien will cause to delay the payment of delinquent taxes.  The IRS allows taxpayers an opportunity to argue their case before the Office of Appeals.  Serious consideration of filing an appeal should be made so that you are not limited in your ability to pay off your tax debt due to a tax lien.

Scott Allen E. A.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc
