Written by Scott Allen

STOPIRSACTION.COM – Can the IRS take my money if my spouse is the one who owes the IRS?

stopIRSaction.com Mesa Arizona Help

The IRS will never take money from a spouse who is not liable for the taxes owed.  However, if you are married and your spouse has income, more of your money will be considered available for payment to the IRS.

Many clients come in who find out that their spouse owes on taxes prior to their marriage.  The IRS will not hold the new spouse responsible for any taxes due prior to the marriage.  The IRS will not take any separate assets like real estate or vehicles.  If you owe the IRS and the innocent spouse puts your name on the title of any property, the IRS can pursue the property for taxes owed.

Sometimes the spouse owing taxes will quickly change title into the name of the new spouse or some other family member.  The IRS will be able to void out the transfer unless the asset was transferred for fair market value.

Scott Allen E. A.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc
