If you have an IRS Tax Lien in Tempe Arizona call Scott Allen E.A.
Tempe AZ IRS Tax Lien
A Tempe AZ IRS tax lien can wreak havoc with your credit and your life. There are many situations where a tax lien problem in Tempe AZ can be resolved or minimized. The best advice I can give you if you have an IRS tax lien is to schedule a free consultation with Scott Allen E.A.
Many clients have the misunderstanding that they have a tax lien when in fact the statute of limitations has passed. IRS tax liens are self-releasing but unless you have paid the tax, the IRS will not notify a credit bureau that the liens have been released. At this point, you can inform the credit bureau that the lien is self-releasing and are no longer in force. Scott Allen E.A. can guide you through this process.
There are many other situations that you can either remove or subordinate a Tempe AZ IRS tax lien and allow you to move on with your life. If you live in or near Tempe AZ call Scott Allen E.A. at 480-926-9300 and see what options are available to you. Scott will make your appointment a great day for you!