Written by Scott Allen

Call Scott Allen E.A. if you need Scottsdale AZ IRS Tax Relief

The variety of IRS tax problems are almost as many as the number of individuals that have come into our family IRS resolution practice since 1977.  That represents 36 years and over 102,000 IRS tax debts that have been settled many from Scottsdale AZ.  The most important thing is to meet with Scott Allen E.A. and you will either know that you have come to the right place or need to find someone else.  Obviously, almost all of the free consultations that Scott offers results in a client for the simple fact that people are comfortable with Scott and trust him with their IRS matter.  Take the time to meet with Scott Allen E.A.  face to face, preferable with your spouse if you are married and—kids are welcome too.  Scott can be reached at 480-926-9300.  He will make that appointment a great day for you!


Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors knows IRS Audit Procedures for Peoria AZ taxpayers

Remember that a Peoria AZ IRS audit means that you are being investigated for filing a return and not paying the taxes according to IRS Code.  One must always be truthful with information disclosed to an auditor; but you are not under obligation to give more information than what is requested.

Retaining professional assistance on an audit from someone who is not local is like paying a dentist to do dental work who isn’t available to represent you before an auditor unless you pay for them to fly or travel to your appointment.  It just isn’t financially practical.

Schedule a free consultation with Scott Allen E.A. of Tax Debt Advisors and meet with someone you can talk to face to face.  Scott can be reached at 480-926-9300.  Tax Debt Advisors has been representing taxpayers in IRS audits since 1977.


Written by Scott Allen

Call Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for IRS Audit Defense in Tempe AZ

One of the most common areas the IRS is auditing is errors in claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).  If you are being audited for the EITC claimed on your return, you need a consultation with an IRS professional other than the person who prepared your return.  Many taxpayers and tax preparers have taken credits incorrectly either intentionally or unintentionally.

Before you meet with an IRS auditor in Tempe AZ for EITC or any other deductions or expenses taken on your return, call Scott Allen E. A. of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc for a free consultation.  He can be reached at 480-926-9300.  Scott will put your mind at ease.  He will give you straight answers and follow through service.



Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors—What is the Collection Appeals Program (CAP)?

The Collection Appeals Program or CAP offers you a chance to have a hearing with the Phoenix AZ IRS Office of Appeals.  You will get this opportunity before the IRS files a tax lien in Phoenix AZ.  The IRS knows the impact filing a tax lien will have on your finances and your ability to borrow.  Your credit score will be significantly lower once the IRS files a tax lien.  This program can also protect you from wage garnishments, bank levies, IRS seizures and other IRS enforcement actions.  The IRS gives you the right to have your side of the story heard and to have an impartial person, an Appeals Officer, determine what kind of action should be taken by the IRS or not taken by the IRS.  The Appeals Officers has much more latitude to compromise or set up a settlement that is easier to comply with compared to an IRS Revenue Officer or IRS Agent.

Scott Allen E.A. of Tax Debt Advisors offers a free initial consultation.  Tax Debt Advisors has been representing clients before the Phoenix AZ IRS Appeals Office since 1977.  Call today at 480-926-9300 to schedule your appointment.



Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.—I successfully filed a bankruptcy, why is there still a tax lien against my home in Chandler AZ?

A chapter 7 bankruptcy does remove the tax debt but the IRS tax lien will survive the bankruptcy.  Unless further action is taken the lien will stay on the home until the statute of limitations runs out.  This can be as long as ten years.  If you sell the Chandler AZ home with a lien still attached, then if there is anything left over after the mortgage is paid, the IRS will get the rest up to the amount of the tax lien.

However, if you have zero equity in the home after the lien has been filed and the bankruptcy discharged and you can prove with certified appraisals, there is a way to get the lien removed.  If you are seeking to have your Chandler AZ IRS tax lien removed from your home, you need to contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.  Scott offers a free initial consultation and will discuss your chance of succeeding in the process.  You can schedule an appointment with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. calling 480-926-9300.



Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors—How does an IRS tax lien affect my credit score?

You will notice your credit score nosedive significantly once the IRS files a tax lien against you in Scottsdale AZ.  It is much easier to prevent a tax lien than getting one removed after the fact.  Also, once a tax lien is filed your credit will be damaged even if the IRS releases your tax lien.  If you are seeking a loan and you have a Scottsdale AZ certificate of IRS lien release, most banks will give you a loan but you may still have to pay a higher interest rate simply because the lien was filed in the first place.

Once a lien has been filed, your only real option is to take the matter to the IRS Office of Appeals.  The first question the Appeals Office will ask you is why you didn’t you file an appeal before the tax lien was filed.  And you better have a good reason.  Ignoring IRS notices until you want something is not the best way to win friends and influence people at the IRS.

Some IRS options will either eliminate the tax lien (Offer in Compromise), or eliminate the tax debt and possibly the tax lien (Chapter 7 Bankruptcy).  Scott Allen E.A. of Tax Debt Advisors has the expertise to minimize the negatives of having an IRS problem.  He is available for a free initial consultation and can be reached at 480-926-9300.


Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors—Do I qualify for Tempe AZ Innocent Spouse Relief?

Most Tempe AZ taxpayers who are married file jointly to get many tax benefits denied to married filing separate returns.  Both taxpayers who file jointly are liable for the tax debt including any interest or penalties—jointly and severally even if they later divorce.  Joint and several liability means that each taxpayer is liable for the entire debt.  This is true even if one spouse earned all of the income or claimed improper deductions and credits.  Even if a divorce decree states that a former spouse is responsible for any taxes due on joint returns previously filed, the IRS will come after both spouses for the entire amount.

There are three types of relief from joint and several liability:

  • Innocent Spouse Relief—will protect you from the additional tax over and above what you owed on your originally filed return, from under reported income or improper deductions and credits taken on original return.
  • Separation of Liability Relief—allocates the additional tax owed between your and a former spouse that was not reported on your originally filed joint return.  The allocated amount is what you are responsible for.
  • Equitable Relief—may apply when you do not qualify for innocent spouse relief or separation of liability relief for an improperly filed joint return which is attributable to your spouse.

You must apply for Tempe AZ innocent spouse relief or separation of liability relief not later than 2 years after the date the IRS first attempted to collect the tax from you.  For equitable relief, you must apply for relief during the statute of limitation period the IRS has to collect the tax.

If you are seeking a free initial consultation for these types of relief from taxes owed, contact Scott Allen E.A. of Tax Debt Advisors.  Schedule your appointment by calling 480-926-9300.



Written by Scott Allen

If you need assistance with Innocent Spouse Relief in Phoenix AZ call Scott Allen, E.A.

Phoenix AZ Innocent Spouse Relief is a complicated program that usually requires the services of a professional with expertise in this area of IRS relief.  If granted the taxpayer can be relieved of tax, interest and penalties on a jointly filed return.  When the “innocent spouse” gets a notice from the IRS asking for money on a return that was previously filed it is a big surprise.  The IRS will determine if it is unfair to hold a spouse liable for taxes as a result of improper filing(s).  The innocent spouse must not be aware that their spouse knowingly committed tax fraud.

There are three type of Innocent Spouse Relief with different requirements for qualification.  They are: 1) Typical Innocent Spouse Relief requirements, 2) Relief by Separation of Liability requirements and 3) Equitable Relief requirements.  Scott Allen E.A. offers a free consultation to review your chances of seeking and getting relief.  Scott can be reached at 480-926-9300 and he will make that appointment a great day for you!

Phoenix Arizona’s Premier IRS Resolution Specialist

Written by Scott Allen

Call Scott Allen E.A. to do your Tempe AZ IRS Offer in Compromise

On May 21, 2012, the IRS came out with another option to its “Fresh Start” initiative called the Offer in Compromise (OIC) program.  The purpose of this program is to give taxpayers that have little or no hope of catching up on past taxes, eliminate their IRS problem by paying a fraction owed and staying in compliance afterwards.

Changes were made to the calculations to determine a taxpayer’s future income, allowing taxpayers the ability to pay back their student loans, delinquent state taxes and allowing more living expenses.  All of these changes reduce the amount the IRS will expect to be paid to eliminate your tax liability.  During the last five years, 258,000 offers were submitted and only 68,000 accepted.  That’s only about 1 in 4.  Most of the problems were errors in calculating the amount of the offer and maintaining constant communication with the IRS personnel assigned to your case.

The IRS estimates that these revisions will result in a 75% reduction in the amount of the OIC paid back within 5 months and a 60% reduction if paid back within 2 years.  Scott Allen E.A. near Tempe AZ has the expertise to advise, file and get acceptance of your Offer in Compromise.  He offers a free initial consultation and can be reached at 480-926-9300.



Written by Scott Allen

Consider Scott Allen E.A. if you have Chandler AZ IRS Payroll Tax Problems

One of the biggest surprises to new business owners in Chandler AZ is the huge cost of payroll taxes.  The second surprise is the amount added to that bill when they fail to file and pay on time.  Most businesses that fail, owe payroll taxes on their last day in business.  But it doesn’t stop there.   IRS payroll tax liabilities transfer over to the business owner after they go out of business.  They are not even dischargeable in a bankruptcy.  So they have to be dealt with sooner or later and soon is much better than later.

Scott Allen E.A. near Chandler AZ has the ability to not only deal effective representing you before the IRS but he has the expertise to advise you in dealing with the realities of your IRS payroll tax debt.  Scott Allen E.A. offers a free consultation.  He can be reached at 480-926-9300.  He will only take your case when it is in your best interest.  That’s why Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has been in business for over 36 years.


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