Written by Scott Allen

Queen Creek AZ IRS Settlement Help

Stacie’s Second Chance: How Family Business Tax Debt Advisors Helped Her get an IRS Settlement in Queen Creek, AZ

Do you live in Queen Creek, Arizona, and owe back taxes to the IRS? The situation can feel overwhelming, but you’re not alone. Many individuals and families struggle with tax debt, and the IRS offers various solutions to help taxpayers get back on track. Here at Family Business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., we understand the complexities of IRS tax settlements and are dedicated to helping our clients in Queen Creek and surrounding areas find the best possible resolution.

This blog post details a recent success story where we assisted Stacie, a resident of Queen Creek, AZ, in resolving her tax debt with the IRS. Stacie came to us with a significant tax burden, owing back taxes for tax years 2016 through 2022. This meant she had several years of unfiled tax returns and a hefty amount of accumulated penalties and interest.

Stacie’s case was assigned to a local IRS revenue officer in Arizona. Revenue officers are IRS representatives responsible for collecting outstanding taxes. Often, the initial contact with a revenue officer can be stressful, but it’s crucial to remember they are there to find a solution.

Understanding the Problem: Back Taxes and Penalties

Stacie’s situation was typical of many taxpayers who fall behind on filing tax returns. Life happens, and sometimes tax filing gets pushed aside. However, neglecting to file tax returns leads to serious consequences. The IRS imposes failure-to-file penalties that accrue monthly until the return is filed. Additionally, interest on unpaid taxes continues to accumulate, further increasing the overall tax debt.

The Path to Resolution: Filing Back Tax Returns and Negotiating a Settlement

At Family Business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., we take a comprehensive approach to resolving tax debt. Our first step was to gather all of Stacie’s financial information for the relevant tax years. With this information, we meticulously prepared and filed Stacie’s delinquent tax returns. This process ensured the IRS had an accurate picture of her income and tax liability for each year.

Once the back tax returns were filed, we negotiated with the assigned IRS revenue officer on Stacie’s behalf. Our goal was to secure a manageable and affordable installment agreement for Stacie. We emphasized the financial hardship Stacie was facing and worked diligently to demonstrate her willingness to comply with a payment plan.

Positive Outcome: A Favorable Settlement for Stacie

Our negotiations with the IRS revenue officer were successful. We were able to secure a favorable settlement for Stacie, resulting in a reduced tax debt and a manageable monthly payment plan of $564. This significant reduction in her monthly obligation provided Stacie with much-needed financial relief. Below is her Queen Creek AZ IRS Settlement negotiated by Scott Allen EA in her behalf.

Queen Creek IRS Settlement Help

We Can Help You Too!

Stacie’s story is a testament to the power of seeking professional help with IRS tax debt. If you live in Queen Creek, AZ, or the surrounding areas and are facing a similar situation needing IRS settlement help, family business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can help. We have a proven track record of successfully resolving tax debt issues for our clients and can guide you through the entire process.

Here’s what we can do for you:

  • Review your tax situation: We’ll analyze your tax filings and identify any errors or missed deductions that could reduce your tax liability.
  • File delinquent tax returns: We’ll take care of preparing and filing your back tax returns on your behalf.
  • Negotiate with the IRS: We’ll advocate for you with the IRS and fight for the most favorable settlement possible.
  • Help you stay compliant: We’ll ensure you understand your tax obligations and guide you to avoid future tax problems.

Don’t wait any longer! The longer you wait to address your tax debt, the more it will grow. Contact the family business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. today for a free consultation. We’re here to help you find a solution to your Queen Creek AZ IRS Settlement and get back on solid financial ground.

Additional Resources:


The information contained in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or tax advice. Please consult with a qualified tax professional for personalized advice regarding your specific tax situation.

Written by Scott Allen

Navigating Back Tax Returns in Queen Creek, AZ

Navigating Back Tax Returns in Queen Creek, AZ: How TaxDebtAdvisors.com Can Be Your Ally Before the IRS

In the picturesque town of Queen Creek, Arizona, nestled amid the stunning Sonoran Desert landscape, taxpayers have always taken pride in their strong sense of community. However, like any other place, Queen Creek residents may encounter financial challenges, leading some to fall behind on their tax obligations. Whether due to unforeseen circumstances or complex financial situations, filing back tax returns can be a daunting task for many individuals. Thankfully, the knowledgeable and dedicated team at TaxDebtAdvisors.com is ready to assist Queen Creek taxpayers in navigating this process and representing them before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Understanding Back Tax Returns in Queen Creek, AZ:

Filing tax returns is an essential responsibility for every taxpayer in the United States. Unfortunately, life’s unpredictability sometimes leads individuals to overlook this obligation, inadvertently accumulating back taxes. As taxpayers in Queen Creek, AZ, grapple with this predicament, the consequences of unpaid taxes can loom heavily over their heads.

When taxpayers neglect to file their returns on time or accurately report their income, they might face penalties, interest charges, and even IRS audits. Moreover, unresolved tax debt can lead to wage garnishments, bank levies, and property liens, further compounding the financial strain on Queen Creek residents.

Enter TaxDebtAdvisors.com:

In times of distress, seeking expert advice and assistance becomes crucial, and this is where TaxDebtAdvisors.com shines as a reliable solution for Queen Creek taxpayers. As a local family owned and operated business since 1977, they are well-equipped to handle even the most complex tax situations.

  1. Expert Guidance:

The tax code is a labyrinth of rules and regulations, often confusing for the average taxpayer. TaxDebtAdvisors.com boasts a team of tax experts well-versed in the intricacies of tax law. They understand the nuances of the tax system and keep abreast of any changes in IRS policies. Armed with this knowledge, they can provide tailored guidance to Queen Creek taxpayers to help them navigate the process of filing back tax returns with ease.

  1. Thorough Assessment:

Every taxpayer’s situation is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t suffice. TaxDebtAdvisors.com conducts a thorough assessment of each client’s financial circumstances, including income, assets, and outstanding tax liabilities. This meticulous examination enables them to devise a personalized strategy to resolve back tax return issues effectively.

  1. Negotiating with the IRS:

Facing the intimidating IRS alone can be a daunting prospect. TaxDebtAdvisors.com acts as a buffer between Queen Creek taxpayers and the IRS, handling all communication and negotiations on their clients’ behalf. Their expertise in dealing with the IRS ensures that taxpayers’ rights are protected while exploring options for resolving back taxes in a manner that suits their financial situation.

  1. Minimizing Penalties and Interest:

Accrued penalties and interest on back taxes can quickly snowball into an overwhelming burden. TaxDebtAdvisors.com diligently works to minimize these additional costs, helping Queen Creek taxpayers find relief and a feasible path towards resolving their tax debt.

  1. Setting Up Payment Plans:

For taxpayers facing financial constraints, TaxDebtAdvisors.com assists in setting up manageable payment plans with the IRS. These plans allow individuals to pay off their back taxes in affordable installments, reducing the strain on their finances and paving the way to a debt-free future.

Taxpayers struggling with back tax returns in Queen Creek, AZ need not face the IRS alone. TaxDebtAdvisors.com offers a guiding light in these challenging times, providing expert assistance to navigate the complexities of tax debt resolution. By offering personalized solutions, minimizing penalties, and negotiating on behalf of their clients, TaxDebtAdvisors.com aims to help Queen Creek residents regain their financial footing and find peace of mind. So, if you find yourself facing back tax challenges, don’t hesitate to seek the support of TaxDebtAdvisors.com, your trusted ally near Queen Creek, AZ. If you need a tax organizer/checklist to help you organize you information feel free to go ahead and get started.

Check out the IRS letter below on how Scott Allen, EA with TaxDebtAdvisors.com helped Steve in Queen Creek, AZ with his back tax return filings. With Scott Allen, EA’s representation he reduced his tax bill by about $15,000. This is just one example of 1000’s of successful cases they have handeled.

Back Tax Returns Queen Creek AZ

Written by Scott Allen

Unfiled Tax Returns in Queen Creek, AZ: What to Do and How to Proceed

Stressed over Unfiled Tax Returns in Queen Creek, AZ?

Do you have unfiled tax returns in Queen Creek, AZ? If so, you’re not alone. Each year, many Americans find themselves in a similar predicament, which can be both stressful and overwhelming. And if you’re in Queen Creek, Arizona, you might be particularly concerned, given the specific state tax regulations you need to follow. Fortunately, there is a pathway forward that can help you to navigate this complex situation effectively, and Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. comes highly recommended.

Why Address Unfiled Tax Returns

Unfiled tax returns in Queen Creek, AZ are a serious issue that can lead to a series of problems. From hefty penalties and accruing interest to potential legal action from the IRS, neglecting to file your tax returns can turn into a financial nightmare. However, the IRS usually does not want to punish taxpayers but to encourage them to fulfill their tax obligations. If you find yourself in this situation, taking prompt action is crucial.

Steps to Take

First and foremost, it’s essential to acknowledge the issue. Unfiled tax returns in Queen Creek, AZ won’t simply disappear. Gather all your income statements, deductions, and credits for each unfiled year. If you lack any document, Scott Allen EA can assisnt in requesting income information from the IRS, which will provide you with a summary of your income for a particular year.

If your calculations reveal that you owe more tax than you can pay, don’t panic. There are options available to you, including payment plans and an Offer in Compromise. These options allow you to pay your tax debt over time or negotiate a lower amount to pay.

Throughout the entire process, it’s crucial to stay in communication with the IRS. Ignoring notices or failing to respond to them will only make matters worse. Instead, it’s better to keep the IRS informed about your progress in filing your overdue returns and making arrangements to pay any tax due. By hiring Scott Allen EA as your IRS power of Attorney he will handle all communications between you and them.

Getting Professional Help

While it’s possible to address unfiled tax returns in Queen Creek, AZ on your own, it’s often beneficial to seek professional help. Tax laws can be complicated, and the consequences for errors can be severe. An enrolled agent (EA), a tax professional licensed by the federal government, can provide the expert assistance you need.

Near Queen Creek, AZ, Scott Allen of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is a highly recommended enrolled agent. He specializes in solving tax problems and has a proven track record of success. His company has decades of experience dealing with the IRS, and understand the intricacies of tax laws and can help you navigate the complex process of filing overdue returns and resolving tax debt.

Why Scott Allen EA?

Choosing the right professional to guide you through your tax concerns is a critical decision. You need someone knowledgeable, reliable, and empathetic to your situation. Here are a few reasons why Scott Allen EA is a solid choice:

  1. Experience: With over 45 years in the business, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has settled over 100,000 delinquent tax debts. Scott Allen’s extensive experience allows him to handle any tax issue confidently.
  2. Specialization: Scott Allen focuses specifically on resolving tax issues. This specialization means he’s well-versed in the latest laws, strategies, and negotiation tactics.
  3. Personal Service: Scott believes in providing personalized service. He meets directly with clients, offering understanding and guidance tailored to their specific situations.
  4. Track Record: Scott has a history of successful negotiations with the IRS. He has helped numerous individuals reduce their tax debt and avoid severe IRS action. Below you will see one of he recent success cases.
  5. Local Understanding: As a local Arizona professional, Scott has a strong understanding of Arizona’s specific tax context, making him an ideal advisor for locals.

With Scott Allen EA at your side, unfiled tax returns don’t have to be a source of stress. His professional assistance can help you file your overdue returns, handle any owed tax in a manageable way, and relieve the anxiety of dealing with the IRS.

In Conclusion

Queen Creek, AZ unfiled tax returns can seem daunting, but remember, you have options and resources. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s best to act promptly and seek professional help to navigate through the complexities of tax laws and regulations. Near Queen Creek, AZ, Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is a reliable, experienced professional who can guide you through the process and help you regain your peace of mind.

Take the first step today towards resolving your unfiled tax returns and achieving financial freedom. With expert guidance, patience, and prompt action, you can resolve your tax problems and avoid future ones.

Patricia was a taxpayer in Queen Creek, AZ who owed over $23,000 to the IRS for tax year 2018. Thru extensive research Scott Allen EA prepared an amended tax return for that year to file with the IRS. Long story short, it reduced her taxes by over $33,000 and the IRS sent her a $10,666.95 refund check.

Unfiled Tax Returns in Queen Creek AZ