Written by Scott Allen

2017 Phoenix IRS Settlement

Another 2017 Phoenix IRS Settlement

There are may different options when it comes to a Phoenix IRS settlement.  Most taxpayers are usually under the impression there is only one.  To read about what some of those options are click below.

1. Let it expire
2. Suspend it
3. Adjust it
4. Pay it
5. Compromise it
6. Discharge it

For a recent taxpayer option #2 was successfully completed by Scott Allen EA.  All of his back tax debt was suspended and put into a Currently Non Collectible Status.  Click on the image below to see the actual letter of success from the Internal Revenue Service.  As long as he does not default the agreement by not filing and paying his future tax obligations timely he will remain in that status.  A big component to keeping in compliance for self employed individuals is to pay quarterly estimated tax payments.  If you are self employed you too need to get started making estimated tax payments.

2017 Phoenix IRS Settlement

2017 Phoenix IRS Settlement

Tax Debt Advisors has been resolving IRS debts, IRS liens, and unfiled tax returns since 1977. If you are in need of a Phoenix IRS settlement please contact and speak with Scott Allen EA today.

Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors Reviews: March 2017

Excellent Tax Debt Advisors Reviews

It isn’t hard to find Tax Debt Advisors Reviews because they have a proven track record of follow through service. You won’t read about fancy stats or what percentage you can expect to settle your IRS debt for that cannot be guaranteed But, what you will see is a recent notice directly from the IRS on a taxpayer that was helped by Tax Debt Advisors. There is no better proof! The IRS was claiming that Blake owed over $40,000 to the IRS on his 2008 tax return. As you can view by clicking on the image below is that after proper evaluation and preparation the tax debt was reduced to zero, yes zero.


Tax Debt Advisors Reviews

Tax Debt Advisors Reviews

This is just one recent success out of thousands performed by Scott Allen EA.  He isn’t saying that he can take your $40,000 debt and reduce it to zero but what he will promise is getting you the best negotiation allowable by law.  Every client and every case is unique in its own. Click here to see other Tax Debt Advisors Review. If you feel you could use the services of Scott Allen EA call his office today at 480-926-9300 to schedule a consultation.

Written by Scott Allen

Tax Preparation in Phoenix AZ

Where to go for Tax Preparation in Phoenix AZ ?

There are hundreds of options for tax preparation in Phoenix AZ; but only a small fraction of those are options for back tax preparation.  Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors is a premier choice when it comes to back tax preparation.  His company, that he purchased from his father 10 years ago has been specializing in just that for 41 years now. If you are behind on your tax filings whether you have your records or not, meet with Scott Allen EA today. He can guide you step by step during the entire process. View the image below to see a recent success he had for his client Frank. Some might not even bother to try and fix an issue dating back to 2004 but upon proper research within the IRS it was determined that we could in fact prepare the back tax return and actually have the IRS refund money back to the taxpayer. What could you do with over $6,000 of your own money that the IRS owed you?


Tax Preparation in Phoenix AZ

Tax Preparation in Phoenix AZ

With Tax Debt Advisors you will explore all available option when it comes to tax preparation in Phoenix AZ. Don’t delay as options can become limited the more time that passes.

Written by Scott Allen

Glendale AZ Back Tax Returns

Glendale AZ Back Tax Returns

There are many options when it comes to Glendale AZ back tax returns and getting them properly prepared. Tax Debt Advisors is a local company that specializes in this field.  Their average client has not filed back tax returns in 4-7 years.  If you find yourself in a similar situation contact Tax Debt Advisors today.

View the notice below to see a recent success by a client of Scott Allen EA. They were in a situation that needed back tax returns amended due to being prepared incorrectly the first time around. The notice below shows the amount of tax savings on this one year. It never hurts to get a second opinion if you feel your taxes were not prepared by an experienced professional.

Glendale AZ Back Tax Returns

Glendale AZ Back Tax Returns

Be represented before the IRS properly. Scott Allen EA can be your advocate before the Internal Revenue Service. Act now and remove the stress from your life and give him Power of Attorney access to deal with the IRS for you.

Written by Scott Allen

2017 Mesa IRS Offer in Compromise accepted

Is a Mesa IRS Offer in Compromise right for you?

Tax Debt Advisors just finished up a Mesa IRS Offer in Compromise for a client. View the acceptance letter below.

Mesa IRS Offer in Compromise

Mesa IRS Offer in Compromise

Mr. Morris came in about two years ago to meet with Scott Allen EA. He was behind on a couple years of tax returns. He was in a rut with a tax debt from a previous business gone bad.  Due to not being able to pay the payroll taxes the debt was transferred to him personally as civil penalties. In addition to the civil penalty debt there were also two years of 1040 tax debt. Upon a detailed evaluation of his tax matter it was determined that Mr. Morris qualified for a Mesa IRS Offer in Compromise. Before submitting the Offer he first had to get him into compliance with his tax filings.  It took over a year to complete and get it approved but it was approved.  The worst thing you can do is submit an offer in compromise if it does not have a chance to get accepted.  Meet with Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors to determine if you are a viable candidate to settle your IRS debt in a lump sum agreement. He will meet with you for a free initial consultation.


Written by Scott Allen

File Back Tax Return Scottsdale

In need to file back tax return Scottsdale ?

Where is there a good option to file back tax return Scottsdale? Might I recommend Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors. For over 41 years now this “Father-Son Team” have been filing back tax returns and negotiating IRS debts. Put the experience of dealing and talking with the IRS on a daily basis to your advantage. Ben made the choice to hire Scott Allen EA to represent him as his IRS Power of Attorney.  He was behind on several years of back tax returns and even had three years to protest IRS filed returns.

File Back Tax Return Scottsdale

File Back Tax Return Scottsdale

View the notice above to see the three years with taxes owed and the settlement that was negotiated on his behalf. Ben can now work and sleep without the stress of the IRS and potential negative action.

The three action items to file back tax return Scottsdale are:




Written by Scott Allen

IRS SFR Protest Mesa AZ

IRS SFR Protest Mesa AZ: Back Tax Return filing

You may have reason for an IRS SFR Protest Mesa AZ.  First of all, what is an SFR Protest?  When a taxpayer fails to file a tax return timely the IRS may file a tax return for him or her.  They call this a SFR (or Substitute For Return).  They usually occur 3-4 years after the due date.  When the IRS decides to do this they do it in the easiest most simple way possible.  They cannot give or assume a taxpayer has any exemptions, dependents, deductions, expenses, or credits to claim.  In most cases, this result in a VERY high balance due with added interest and penalties. Just view the notice below and you can see the balance of tax the IRS asset was over $32,000 for Richard.

IRS SFR Protest Mesa AZ

IRS SFR Protest Mesa AZ

Richard came in and met with Tax Debt Advisors to discuss his options.  After doing some necessary legwork an IRS SFR Protest Mesa AZ was prepared.  We challenged the IRS’s tax return filing. As you can also see by looking at the notice attached is that Richard DID NOT OWE THE IRS A DIME! They actually owed him money. Talk about getting IRS relief.

Meet with Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors to explore your available options.

Written by Scott Allen

Settle IRS Debts Phoenix: December 2016

Settle IRS Debts Phoenix the right way

Do you have to settle IRS debts Phoenix and don’t know how to get started? May I suggest to you to call Tax Debt Advisors at 480-926-9300.  Just see what they did for their client Jared. View the notice below and see the savings of over $253,000 in taxes, interest, and penalties.  Everyone’s results are different, but why not speak with Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors and see what he can do for you. If you are currently using someone to help with your tax matter but are unsure if you are being represented properly, speak with Scott Allen EA and get knowledge of all available options to you.  Don’t just hope you have the right guy, know you have the right guy. Meet with Scott Allen EA for a free consultation. He will not take your case unless it is in your best interest…guaranteed!

Settle IRS Debts Phoenix

Settle IRS Debts Phoenix

Written by Scott Allen

Abate IRS Taxes Mesa

Abate IRS Taxes Mesa today

You may be bale to abate IRS taxes Mesa as well.  Firstly, everyone thinks that everyone can abate back taxes, interest, and/or penalties. The truth (I may be the only one to say this) is most people don’t. But for those that do it is a terrific option.

What avenues are there to abate IRS taxes? Below is a list of a few.

  • File and IRS Offer in Compromise
  • File for an audit reconsideration
  • File a form 843 to eliminate incorrect penalties
  • File a corrected tax return against an IRS “SFR return”
  • Prepare and file an amended tax return

For William (A client of Tax Debt Advisors in Mesa) he qualified to file a corrected tax return against an IRS “SFR return”. This is exactly what they did for him. The final result: a tax savings of $21,593. View the notice below. This is just one of thousands of successful results by Tax Debt Advisors.

Abate IRS Taxes Mesa

Abate IRS Taxes Mesa

Written by Scott Allen

IRS Tax Help Mesa: Call today

IRS Tax Help Mesa by Scott Allen EA

Over the last ten years thousands of taxpayers have used Scott Allen EA for IRS Tax Help Mesa. Keith had not filed tax returns in about ten years. Due to his failure to file, the IRS filed and made their own assessment against him. They refer to this as a SFR tax return filings.  This happens more often then one would think. By viewing the notice below you can see the taxed owed from the IRS’s numbers: over $17,000 in taxes, interest, and penalties.  Scott Allen EA prepared and properly filed the tax return to protest the IRS’s numbers. When the taxpayer was given the proper deductions, expenses, and filing status the taxed owed were reduced to less then $2,000 in total.  This is an amazing example of a common result when protesting IRS SFR tax returns.

IRS Tax Help Mesa

IRS Tax Help Mesa

If the IRS is assessing “crazy” tax balances owed contact Scott Allen EA to see if you qualify to protest. He specializes in representing taxpayers before the IRS, filing back tax returns, and negotiating IRS debts.  Schedule a free initial consultation today.


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