Written by Scott Allen

GET IRS OFF MY BACK – How long after I get a notice from the IRS will they take action?

Can I get the IRS off my back?

It depends upon the type of letter you get.  Generally, most letters from the IRS give you 30 days to take some corrective action before the IRS will lower the boom.  Many letters mention 10 days.  This usually means you have 10 days to pay the amount due or additional interest or penalties will be added to the balance.  Clients read the words 10 days and stop there.  If they read further they would read that they have 30 days in most cases to take action.  But even though the IRS can take action in 30 days, it may be much longer before they actually do.  However, it is a poor bet to take any chances.  If you are uncertain as to what should be your next step, seek the advice of an IRS resolution specialist.  Call Scott Allen EA of Mesa Arizona at 480-926-9300.

Scott Allen E. A.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc



Written by Scott Allen

Can the IRS file a lien in Arizona when I am in Appeals?

IRS file a Lien in Arizona?

If the IRS files a tax lien in Arizona, you have the right to ask for a collection due process hearing before Appeals, to give your reasons why a tax lien should be filed. So to have a lien filed when you are in appeals really should not occur. If it does, it is usually a matter of timing. If you request to have your tax matter go to Appeals after the 30 day grace period to file an appeal, it is likely the IRS will filed a tax lien even though you decided to go to appeals after the 30 day grace period. It is only if you file a request to have your tax dispute reconsidered at appeals within the 30 grace period that a tax lien should not have been filed.

Nonetheless, if a tax lien has been filed and your case is in Appeals, when it comes time to plead your cause, if you are successful, it would also be prudent to ask them to release the tax lien in Arizona that was filed.

Scott Allen E. A

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc



Written by Scott Allen

TAX DEBT ADVISORS INC – Does the IRS accept a divorce decree on who is responsible for the payment of taxes?

Tax Debt Advisors Inc Mesa

Here is a typical scenario. The husband is self-employed and never paid any taxes on jointly filed tax returns. The divorce decree says that the husband is responsible for paying all the back taxes. The IRS is coming after the wife. Will the divorce decree stop IRS action against the wife?

First, if you are an innocent spouse you might first seek relief under the innocent spouse relief rules. The IRS will consider factors like your knowledge of the unpaid taxes, spousal abuse claims and whether you received some benefit from the unpaid taxes.

Second, the divorce decree does not limit the IRS from taking action against you. When you signed a jointly filed tax return you accepted responsibility for the accuracy of the return and payment of the taxes owed.

Third, if your signature was forged or you signed the return under fraud or duress, the IRS will convert your joint liability to married filing separately. You will be responsible for paying taxes only on your income.

Fourth, you have several options available to settle with the IRS if you are held responsible for the taxes owed on the jointly filed return. These include: filing for discharge of taxes due with a bankruptcy, an offer in compromise, qualifying for non collectible status or the statute of limitations on collection.

Scott Allen E. A.

Tax Debt Advisors Inc Mesa



Written by Scott Allen

taxdebtadvisors.com – IRS Myths…

Mesa AZ Help With IRS Myths

Many clients in Mesa AZ come in with strange ideas about what the IRS can and will do to them once they “catch up with them.”  Most of the information has come from  friends, family and work associates that are just passing on myths that they were told.

Two of the most common questions:

Am I going to be thrown in jail?  Over 99% of the clients we meet with are negligent not criminal.  Their tax problems are more like bad parking tickets not a hit and run.  As long as you are willing to file back tax returns and agree to a settlement on what you can pay on the back taxes and agree to pay your taxes in the future, the problem goes from a terrible crisis to something you can manage.  Close to 30% of our clients qualify to make no payment on their historical tax liability if they stay current on their filings and payments in the future.

Are they going to take my house or car?  The IRS wants money not assets.  If you are living in an expensive home, the IRS will allow you time to put the house up for sale and downsize into a reasonably priced home.  With the current housing crisis the IRS has extended the time from six months to a year and now they are agreeing to give even more time if the taxpayers are staying current on their taxes.

You cannot control what happens in life.  Most clients were faithful taxpayers until a death, divorce, illness, or a business failure put them in a situation where they could not pay their taxes.  Even the IRS understands that this happens.  The IRS is less tolerant with the failure to file tax returns.  The IRS primarily punishes because you don’t file, not because you don’t pay.  The penalty for failing to file is 5% per month, while the penalty for failing to pay is only ½% per month.  So it is initially ten times more expensive to not file than it is to not pay.

The reality is that most clients are surprised at the results we get.  Mostly because their imagination is mixed with a lot of Mesa AZ IRS myths that create a paranoid attitude towards what the government actually expects.  Why not come in and find out today what the your options are.  I have heard many clients say, “If I had know it was going to be this easy, I would have come in long ago.”

Scott Allen E. A.



Written by Scott Allen


Chances are the IRS will not put you in Jail

The IRS has almost unlimited power but the times that it resorts to severe action are very rare and never without giving you many opportunities to correct the problem.  Try to remember that in almost every case you are negligent not criminal.  Your IRS matter is like a bad parking ticket, not a hit and run crime.

We have never had a client lose their house or vehicle.  The IRS doesn’t want your house or car.  In fact they are required to allow you to have adequate housing and transportation.  You may have to trade in you Ferrari for a Toyota but you can still have a good safe vehicle.  If you live in a home that was paid for with your unpaid taxes, you may have to downside but the IRS gives you adequate time to make the transition.  But in most cases the client has previously decided that they cannot afford the home they are living in.

Unless you are guilty of income tax evasion, which means that you did not report significant amounts of income on your filed tax returns, you do not need the services of an attorney.  On over 113,000 tax debts settled over 45 years, we have only referred six clients to seek legal help and none of them were ever incarcerated.

The IRS does publicly advertise a few cases a year that get your attention.  Fear of criminal action is one of the best ways the IRS motivates the public into compliance of filing and paying their taxes.


Fear of IRS action is one of the main reasons clients procrastinate taking positive action to put their tax debts in a settlement and moving on with their lives.  Once you know what needs to be done to fix your IRS problem, your fear factor will be greatly reduced.  So stop living in fear and start living with purpose.  Call me for no cost consultation to see what settlement options are available to you.

Scott Allen E. A.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.


Written by Scott Allen


Stop IRS Action help in Mesa AZ

This phase can mean many things for different IRS problems.  If your wages are being levied, you want the IRS to stop taking your money from you wages.  If your bank account is being levied, you want that to stop or the money to be returned.  If you have a tax lien filed by the IRS you want your credit to be restored by having the lien removed.  If you have assets that under threat of being seized, you want to be able to sleep tonight knowing that the IRS has stopped seizure action.

The list could go on and on and a blog on this subject can only give you some general guidelines to follow.  If you want a specific course of action, schedule a free one hour consultation to find out exactly what needs to be done to Stop IRS Action.   This is more involved than it appears.  For instance if you own more than $25,000 to the IRS, there is much more work needed to get a monthly installment arrangement than if you owe less than $25,000.  And if you owe more than $100,000, the IRS will expect a few more hoops to jump through before giving you an agreement.

Here are some actions that will be necessary to Stop IRS action in Mesa AZ regardless of your problem:

First, make sure that all tax returns have been filed.  The IRS will require you to be in compliance before action can be stopped.  If the IRS filed a tax return for you, have a professional review it to see if filing a correct return would bring the balance owed down.  This first step is to first reduce the liability before trying to reach a settlement with the IRS.

Second, compliance also means that you are currently having the right amount taken out of your pay check if you are an employee or you are current on payment of your estimated taxes if you are self employed.

Third, make sure you have a representative who understands how to posture your finances before providing financial information to the IRS.  This may mean getting medical insurance or an automobile before negotiations begin.  Afterwards, the amount of money left over after your settlement might now allow for these type of purchases to be made once you are locked in with the IRS.

Fourth, know all of your options to settle with the IRS.  That means understanding the pros and cons of each option.  Make sure you evaluate all the options at the same time.  If you are married, whether your spouse is responsible for the tax debt or not, be a part of the decision process.  What ever affects you affects your spouse indirectly.  Especially if it pertains to money and finances.

Finally, get some professional help to stop IRS action in Mesa AZ.  The IRS personnel are not bad people.  But they are trained bill collectors and are not there to make you knowledgeable of your options that can make your settlement easier for you.

Scott Allen E. A.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. – Since 1977



Written by Scott Allen


What if you have an IRS Problem in Mesa AZ

Owing the IRS money sometimes cannot be avoided but avoiding a crisis because you owe the IRS is always possible.  Just making the decision to face the IRS problem and take the first step is literally half the battle.  I have heard many times, “If I knew it was going to be this easy, I could have avoided a lot of stress and sleepless nights.”

Even the IRS knows that they may never collect all the back taxes you owe, and are willing to agree to a settlement that acknowledges that fact, conditioned upon your commitment and willingness to stay current on taxes in the future.  Keep in mind though that if you have the ability to pay your back taxes in full, the IRS will not let you off the “hook.”

The psychological challenge with paying back taxes is that we trick ourselves into thinking that we are paying for something without getting something in return.  In a very real sense that is true.  When you finish paying your car loan or mortgage you have a car or home to show for your efforts.  Paying taxes is the price we pay for living in a relatively benevolent democracy.  It is easy to take for granted the roads and military benefits we receive but still we have nothing tangible in our hands.  We all have disagreements politically with how our tax dollars are spent and that can sometimes be the mental block we all have to overcome—even those who are current and pay their fair share of taxes each year.

The simple fact remains that death and taxes are something we just can’t escape.  The financial, emotional, physical costs of having an IRS debt always hanging over our heads is simply just not worth it.  Carrying this burden around with us 24/7 is like having a 50 or a 100 pound weight always on our back.  The true benefits of having your tax matter behind you cannot be fully appreciated until it is gone.  Food will taste better, your ability to move forward financially is greatly improved, family relationships become more meaningful, your ability to enjoy activities that use to be fun returns, and best of all you can think more clearly.

Take a moment to consider the psychological benefits of getting your IRS problems behind you.  Make the decision today to call for a consultation to see exactly what you need to do to make this a reality in your life.

Scott Allen E. A.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.



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