Written by Scott Allen

Queen Creek AZ IRS Settlement Help

Stacie’s Second Chance: How Family Business Tax Debt Advisors Helped Her get an IRS Settlement in Queen Creek, AZ

Do you live in Queen Creek, Arizona, and owe back taxes to the IRS? The situation can feel overwhelming, but you’re not alone. Many individuals and families struggle with tax debt, and the IRS offers various solutions to help taxpayers get back on track. Here at Family Business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., we understand the complexities of IRS tax settlements and are dedicated to helping our clients in Queen Creek and surrounding areas find the best possible resolution.

This blog post details a recent success story where we assisted Stacie, a resident of Queen Creek, AZ, in resolving her tax debt with the IRS. Stacie came to us with a significant tax burden, owing back taxes for tax years 2016 through 2022. This meant she had several years of unfiled tax returns and a hefty amount of accumulated penalties and interest.

Stacie’s case was assigned to a local IRS revenue officer in Arizona. Revenue officers are IRS representatives responsible for collecting outstanding taxes. Often, the initial contact with a revenue officer can be stressful, but it’s crucial to remember they are there to find a solution.

Understanding the Problem: Back Taxes and Penalties

Stacie’s situation was typical of many taxpayers who fall behind on filing tax returns. Life happens, and sometimes tax filing gets pushed aside. However, neglecting to file tax returns leads to serious consequences. The IRS imposes failure-to-file penalties that accrue monthly until the return is filed. Additionally, interest on unpaid taxes continues to accumulate, further increasing the overall tax debt.

The Path to Resolution: Filing Back Tax Returns and Negotiating a Settlement

At Family Business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., we take a comprehensive approach to resolving tax debt. Our first step was to gather all of Stacie’s financial information for the relevant tax years. With this information, we meticulously prepared and filed Stacie’s delinquent tax returns. This process ensured the IRS had an accurate picture of her income and tax liability for each year.

Once the back tax returns were filed, we negotiated with the assigned IRS revenue officer on Stacie’s behalf. Our goal was to secure a manageable and affordable installment agreement for Stacie. We emphasized the financial hardship Stacie was facing and worked diligently to demonstrate her willingness to comply with a payment plan.

Positive Outcome: A Favorable Settlement for Stacie

Our negotiations with the IRS revenue officer were successful. We were able to secure a favorable settlement for Stacie, resulting in a reduced tax debt and a manageable monthly payment plan of $564. This significant reduction in her monthly obligation provided Stacie with much-needed financial relief. Below is her Queen Creek AZ IRS Settlement negotiated by Scott Allen EA in her behalf.

Queen Creek IRS Settlement Help

We Can Help You Too!

Stacie’s story is a testament to the power of seeking professional help with IRS tax debt. If you live in Queen Creek, AZ, or the surrounding areas and are facing a similar situation needing IRS settlement help, family business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can help. We have a proven track record of successfully resolving tax debt issues for our clients and can guide you through the entire process.

Here’s what we can do for you:

  • Review your tax situation: We’ll analyze your tax filings and identify any errors or missed deductions that could reduce your tax liability.
  • File delinquent tax returns: We’ll take care of preparing and filing your back tax returns on your behalf.
  • Negotiate with the IRS: We’ll advocate for you with the IRS and fight for the most favorable settlement possible.
  • Help you stay compliant: We’ll ensure you understand your tax obligations and guide you to avoid future tax problems.

Don’t wait any longer! The longer you wait to address your tax debt, the more it will grow. Contact the family business Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. today for a free consultation. We’re here to help you find a solution to your Queen Creek AZ IRS Settlement and get back on solid financial ground.

Additional Resources:


The information contained in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or tax advice. Please consult with a qualified tax professional for personalized advice regarding your specific tax situation.

Written by Scott Allen

Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc: Relief with IRS Fresh Start in Phoenix, AZ

Phoenix AZ IRS Fresh Start

In the crazy world of tax debt resolution, where the weight of IRS obligations can bear down heavily on individuals and businesses alike, finding a trustworthy guide becomes paramount. Enter Scott Allen EA, a seasoned Enrolled Agent and the driving force behind Tax Debt Advisors Inc. His expertise and commitment to clients have earned him a reputation as a beacon of relief for IRS debtors in Phoenix, Arizona seeting a fresh start from the IRS.

Eric, a resident of Phoenix, found himself ensnared in a daunting predicament—a staggering $636,000 IRS debt looming over him like a specter. Faced with the daunting prospect of financial ruin and relentless IRS collections efforts, Eric sought solace and a solution. Little did he know that Scott Allen EA would emerge as his saving grace.

Scott Allen EA’s approach to resolving tax debt is holistic, grounded in deep knowledge of IRS protocols and a genuine desire to alleviate the burden on his clients. With Eric’s case, Scott embarked on a meticulous assessment, leaving no stone unturned in crafting a strategy tailored to Eric’s specific circumstances.

The cornerstone of Scott’s strategy for Eric lay in leveraging the IRS’s Fresh Start program, specifically targeting the Currently Non-Collectible (CNC) status. This program, designed to provide relief to taxpayers facing financial hardship, offers a respite from IRS collection efforts by deeming the taxpayer unable to pay their tax debt at the current time.

Navigating the intricacies of the CNC status requires finesse and expertise, qualities that Scott Allen EA possesses in abundance. He meticulously gathered and analyzed Eric’s financial documentation, leaving no detail overlooked. Scott understood that presenting a compelling case to the IRS was paramount to securing CNC status for Eric and getting him the Phoenix AZ IR fresh start that he needed.

With Scott Allen EA at the helm, Eric’s journey towards relief from his IRS debt began in earnest. Scott’s proactive approach involved open lines of communication with the IRS, ensuring that Eric’s case remained at the forefront of their attention. His negotiation skills came to the fore as he advocated fiercely on Eric’s behalf, presenting his financial hardship with clarity and conviction.

The IRS, often perceived as an impenetrable bureaucracy, yielded to Scott’s expertise and Eric’s genuine financial hardship. Through Scott’s efforts, Eric’s $636,000 IRS debt found its way into the sanctuary of Currently Non-Collectible status—a significant milestone in his path towards financial freedom.

The significance of achieving CNC status cannot be overstated. For Eric, it meant a reprieve from IRS collection actions, including levies, and wage garnishments. It provided him with breathing room to regroup, rebuild, and chart a course towards long-term financial stability.

Scott Allen EA’s success in resolving Eric’s IRS debt epitomizes his commitment to his clients’ well-being. Beyond securing CNC status, Scott’s guidance empowers clients like Eric to reclaim control of their financial futures. His approach extends beyond mere resolution of tax debt, encompassing financial education and proactive planning to prevent future pitfalls.

Phoenix, Arizona, and indeed, taxpayers nationwide, owe a debt of gratitude to professionals like Scott Allen EA, who champion the cause of those burdened by IRS obligations. His tireless advocacy and unwavering dedication serve as a beacon of hope for individuals and businesses navigating the treacherous waters of tax debt.

Scott Allen EA’s exemplary handling of Eric’s case underscores the pivotal role he plays in the realm of tax debt resolution. His mastery of IRS protocols, coupled with a genuine commitment to client welfare, distinguishes him as a luminary in his field. As Eric’s journey illustrates, Scott’s expertise transforms IRS debtors’ despair into hope, offering a pathway to financial freedom and peace of mind. Check out his Phoenix AZ IRS fresh start CNC atteptance letter below. That is a true and honest testimony of a job well done.

Phoenix AZ IRS Fresh Start

Written by Scott Allen

Stop IRS Levy in Tempe, Arizona

Scott Allen EA: Your Trusted Representative to Stop IRS Levy in Tempe, Arizona

In the bustling city of Tempe, Arizona, where countless individuals and businesses thrive, financial struggles can become all too common. As if managing taxes wasn’t challenging enough, dealing with an IRS levy can add overwhelming stress to anyone’s life. Fortunately, there’s a beacon of hope for those seeking to navigate the treacherous waters of tax troubles – Scott Allen EA. In this blog, we will explore how Scott Allen EA can represent you before the IRS and help you stop an IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona, bringing peace of mind and financial stability back into your life.

Understanding IRS Levy: A Nightmare for Taxpayers

An IRS levy is a severe legal action taken by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to seize a taxpayer’s property or assets to satisfy unpaid tax debts. When facing a levy, taxpayers can find themselves in an extremely vulnerable position, fearing the loss of their homes, bank accounts, wages, and other essential assets. It is essential to act promptly and seek professional assistance to stop an IRS levy before it wreaks havoc on one’s financial stability.

Meet Scott Allen EA: The Trusted Tax Expert Near Tempe

Scott Allen EA is a seasoned Enrolled Agent (EA) with years of experience in providing tax representation and resolution services to individuals and businesses in Tempe, Arizona. As an EA, Scott Allen possesses the unique advantage of being federally authorized by the Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before the IRS. This designation sets him apart as a trustworthy and competent professional capable of navigating complex tax issues effectively.

Stop IRS Levy – Scott Allen EA to the Rescue

  1. Comprehensive Tax Analysis: When facing an IRS levy, the first step is to assess the taxpayer’s financial situation thoroughly. Scott Allen EA employs a comprehensive approach, meticulously analyzing the taxpayer’s tax history, income, expenses, and assets. This in-depth analysis helps identify the most suitable strategy to halt the levy and resolve the underlying tax issues.
  2. Communication with the IRS: Navigating the intricacies of IRS communication can be daunting for any taxpayer. However, with Scott Allen EA by your side, you can breathe a sigh of relief. He acts as a proficient intermediary between the IRS and the taxpayer, handling all communication on their behalf. This ensures that all vital information is conveyed accurately and that the taxpayer’s rights are protected throughout the process. This is done by signing an IRS Power of Attorney to give him full access to represent you.
  3. Seeking Levy Release: One of the primary objectives of Scott Allen EA is to secure the release of the IRS levy. He diligently negotiates with the IRS to reach a favorable resolution, aiming to release the levy and put an end to the taxpayer’s financial distress. Whether it involves arranging an installment agreement, proposing an offer in compromise, or exploring other suitable alternatives, Scott Allen EA pursues the best possible outcome for his clients.
  4. Expert Legal Representation: In situations where the IRS levy may not be justified or appropriate, Scott Allen EA is prepared to provide expert legal representation. He has a deep understanding of tax laws, regulations, and IRS procedures, allowing him to build strong cases to defend the taxpayer’s rights and assets. Having Scott Allen EA on your side empowers you with the confidence to face the IRS with a robust defense.
  5. Long-term Tax Planning: While stopping an IRS levy is a critical short-term goal, Scott Allen EA goes above and beyond by providing long-term tax planning. By implementing strategic tax planning strategies, he helps taxpayers prevent future tax problems and ensures compliance with tax laws, keeping financial troubles at bay.

In times of financial distress caused by an impending IRS levy, Scott Allen EA emerges as a beacon of hope for taxpayers in Tempe, Arizona. His vast experience, comprehensive tax analysis, expert representation, and dedication to resolving tax issues make him a trusted ally for anyone facing IRS problems. Whether he is hired to stop IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona, negotiating with the IRS, or providing long-term tax planning, Scott Allen EA is a reliable partner to reclaim financial stability and peace of mind.

If you find yourself in the throes of an IRS levy, don’t hesitate to seek the services of Scott Allen EA. With his expertise and determination, you can be confident in your ability to navigate the complexities of tax troubles and emerge victorious. Remember, the path to financial freedom starts with a single step towards Scott Allen EA’s guidance and representation. Stop the IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona, and pave the way to a brighter financial future. He does not charge for an initial consultation to meet with you.

See how Scott Allen EA was about his represent his client Donna. Faced with an aggressive IRS agent, he was able to stop IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona nd negotaite all nine years of her $88,799.53 debt into a currently non collectible status. Dont believe it!? View the approval from the IRS below.

Stop IRS Levy in Tempe, Arizona

Written by Scott Allen

Back Tax Returns in Chandler

Do you have back tax returns in Chandler to file?

If you are reading this blog you may be in a similar situation that Jason was in recently. He had four years of back tax returns in Chandler to file with the Internal Revenue Service. One of those tax years was 2017. 2017 was a year the IRS decided to file for him (because he had not) What was the result? Just took at the IRS letter below. He had an account balance due of $75,762. Unbelievable right? Especially when you look lower and see what the result was after Scott Allen EA represented Jason and protested the IRS’s decision.

Back Tax Returns in Chandler

In addition to protesting the 2017 tax year for Jason, Scott Allen EA also got him caught up with his 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 back tax returns in Chandler. The IRS requires a taxpayer to be completely filing compliant in order to negotiate or work through a settlement. The $13,733 refund was able to be applied to taxes owed on other years as well helping out Jason greatly. With the remaining tax debt owed, Scott Allen EA was able to successfully wrap it all into one monthly payment plan that Jason could afford to do on a monthly basis.

This is just one of many examples Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors could show you. He is representing clients before the IRS on a daily basis. This is his niche and all that he does. He can represent you from start to finish in preparing your back tax returns in Chandler and settling any IRS debt into one of their many settlement options available.

Beware of out of state companies advertising this type of work online, on the TV or radio, or by mail. Usually they are making promises that just aren’t true especially without knowing anything about your overall tax debt or your current financial status and assets. It is always best to work locally with someone who does with work full time to receive the best representation. Scott Allen EA will meet with you for a consultation for no charge and no obligation. If he cannot see himself being an asset to you he will either give you a referral or let you know how you can tackle it best on your own.

Thank you.

Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors reviews you can trust

These Tax Debt Advisors Reviews saved Colvin $517,192.

Tax Debt Advisors Reviews

Tax Debt Advisors Reviews

Tax Debt Advisors Reviews

Tax Debt Advisors Reviews










Click and view the two images above to see the work accomplished by Tax Debt Advisors of Mesa AZ.

Before Colvin met with Scott Allen EA he was buried in IRS debt and an IRS Revenue Officer contacting him to collect the debt.  He had tried to get the matter resolved a year prior unsuccessfully with an out-of-state company paying them over $6,000.00 and receiving nothing in return.  Colvin heard a local radio ad for Tax Debt Advisors earlier this year and knew at that moment that he needed to meet with them to get his IRS problem fixed once and for all.  Tax Debt Advisors is a local Arizona company that promises follow through service.  This is the best way to get a handle on an IRS problem. You have to be able to meet with your hired representative face-to-face.  Also, only pay for services as they are being accomplished.  If anybody is requiring a large upfront retainer that means its time to find someone else.

Colvin had several years of unfiled tax returns along with the two pictured above that needed to be fixed through the audit reconsideration unit in Ogden Utah. Now that his IRS debt has been reduced to a manageable amount Scott Allen EA can now negotiate a reasonable payment plan for the client.  This is what he is doing for Colvin as we speak.  This is the difference getting the right representation can mean.  For Colvin is was a $517,192 decision.

Tax Debt Advisors Reviews saved Vickie over $11,000

Vickie had old IRS debt from 2011 and 2012 that had been hanging over her head for quite some time. She met with Scott Allen EA to see what options were available to her. She heard about him thru his online reviews she read about him and had in her mind taking advantage of the “fresh start program” with the IRS that she hears advertised all the time. Yes, it is a viable option but it is time consuming and is expensive to hire the right representation. After a careful evaluation Scott Allen EA found a better solution. Let’s pay nothing back to the IRS and let it expire. Yes, IRS debts expire and for Vickie the expirations are less than two years away. All she has to do it not incur any future debts on the account and the IRS will put her in a currently not collectible status based upon her financial situation. Paying nothing is always better then paying something.  Again, before you rush into a settlement idea its important to look at all the options available first. Scott Allen EA will help you do just that! See the settlement agreement Scott Allen EA negotiated for Vickie below.

Tax Debt Advisors Reviews

Call and meet with Scott Allen EA today regarding your IRS problem.  Find out what IRS settlement option is right for you. There is no fluff with Scott Allen EA. He will lead you to the path of greatest success.  Tax Debt Advisors reviews are proof of previous results; not solicited statements.  Contact Scott Allen EA at 480-926-9300.

Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors Inc Reviews

You can’t have your cake and eat it too, sorry!  IRS Help from Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

Virtually every prospective client believes that we are telling them the truth when it come to fixing their tax problem.  Yet many will go to get a second opinion.  That is fine, even expected.  Then the most amazing thing happens.  The client says, “I like you guys, trust you guys, but I like the other guy’s solution more than I like your solution.  Will you do the other guy’s solution?  If you will, I will use you.”

The big problem is that if the other guy’s solution would work, we would have advised you that in the first place.  We know the best solution that will work.  We will not take your money to do another guy’s solution that will not work.

So you know what happens, the prospective client goes to the other guy, and they are ripped off, then they come back and want us to do what we advised in the first place.  Many times the window of opportunity has been lost, or it is not as good because of changes in their financial ability to pay, or their bank accounts or wages have been levied.

Go with the guy you trust.  Believe the solution of the guy you trust instead of what you want to hear or believe.  Perhaps that is why the client got in trouble with the IRS in the first place.  Tax Debt Advisors Inc Reviews are actual notices of completed work for their clients they represent.

Scott Allen E. A.

Tax Debt Advisors Inc Reviews

Recent Tax Debt Advisors Inc Reviews: 2022

See how Tax Debt Advisors Inc solved Calvin’s IRS problem. He filed six years of back tax returns and settled them all into one low monthly payment plan of $675 per month. The key to having success with the IRS is being proactive. Far to often taxpayers become reactive when it comes to the IRS. Whether its because of their fear or due to other hardships being reactive puts you at a disadvantage. Don’t delay any longer and get a positive outcome just like Calvin did. A payment plan is just one of several options to settle an IRS debt. With Tax Debt Advisors Inc you will be aware of all available options.

Tax Debt Advisors Inc Reviews


Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. provides IRS help to the following Arizona cities:

Apache Junction, Avondale, Bisbee, Buckeye, Bullhead City, Camp Verde, Casa Grande,  Catalina, Chandler, Chinle, Chino Valley, Coolidge, Cottonwood, Dewey, Douglas, Eagar, El Mirage, Eloy, Flagstaff, Florence, Fountain Hills, Gilbert, Glendale, Globe, Goodyear, Green Valley, Kingman, Lake Havasu City, Lakeside, Marana, Mesa, Nogales, Oro Valley, Page, Paradise Valley, Payson, Peoria, Phoenix, Pinetop, Prescott, Prescott Valley, Safford, San Luis, Scottsdale, Sedona, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Somerton, Sun City, Sun City West, Sun Lakes, Surprise, Tempe, Thatcher, Tuba City, Tucson, Winslow, Yuma

Call Tax Debt Advisors, Inc  if you have questions about any of these issues:

IRS Help, IRS Representation, IRS Problem, Tax Problem, IRS Negotiations, IRS Settlements, IRS Tax Debt Settlements, IRS Tax Settlements, IRS Audit, Guarantee of IRS Services, IRS Attorney, IRS Tax Discharged, IRS Statute of Limitations, IRS Installment Arrangements, IRS Abatement of Interest, IRS Abatement of Penalties, IRS Offers, IRS OIC, IRS Offers in Compromise, IRS POA, IRS Power of Attorney, IRS Form 2848, IRS Forms, IRS Offices, IRS Phone Numbers, IRS Filing Back Taxes, IRS Back Taxes, Copies of Old Tax Returns, Filing Old Returns, Filing Amended Returns, Filing 1040X, Filing 140X, Arizona Department of Revenue, AZDOR, IRS Estimated Taxes, IRS Withholdings, IRS Form W-4, IRS Amnesty, IRS Tax Amnesty, Tax Amnesty, IRS Not Collectible Status, IRS Currently Not Collectible Status, Not Collectible Status, IRS Non-Collectible Status, IRS Currently Non-Collectible Status, Non-Collectible Status, IRS Bankruptcy, IRS Tax Bankruptcy, Tax Bankruptcy, IRS Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Tax Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, IRS Payment Plans, Defaulting IRS Payment Plans, Defaulting IRS Installment Arrangements, IRS Levy, Tax Levy, IRS Tax Levy, IRS garnishment, IRS Tax Garnishment, Tax Garnishment, IRS Wage Levy, IRS Bank Levy, IRS Wage Garnishment, Levy Bank Account, IRS Lien, Tax Lien, IRS Tax Lien, IRS Form 433-A, IRS Form 433-B, IRS Notices, IRS Form CP 501, IRS Form CP 503, IRS Form CP 504, IRS Form CP 2000, IRS Tax Court Petition, IRS Appeals, Tax Appeals, IRS Collection Due Process, IRS Collection Appeals Program, IRS CAP, IRS Collection Due Process Appeal, IRS Collection Due Process Hearing, IRS Audit Appeals, IRS Taxpayer Advocate Office, IRS Tax Preparation, IRS Help for Medical Professionals, IRS Help for Construction Workers

Written by Scott Allen

File Back Taxes Mesa just like Augustus did

File Back Taxes Mesa

If you are reading this blog page you have found yourself behind on filing your income taxes with the IRS and most likely the state of Arizona as well. There is no need to panic. Yes, you may have put yourself in a little bit of a pickle but there is an easy way out. Scott Allen EA has a simple three step process that helps taxpayers file back taxes Mesa and settle them into a reasonable payment plan option or other settlement solution. As you can see from the notice below, Augustus was six years delinquent with the IRS. He is a self employed truck driver and also receiving social security income. He had not been making his quarterly estimated tax payments on his business income either. Before he knew it he was stuck in this trap.

Scott Allen EA was able to dig him out of that trap. He contacted the IRS to put a stop of all collection activity and organized and prepared his six missing tax returns. Once the IRS processed all the tax returns a reasonable payment plan was negotiated based upon his financial capabilities. For him, this was $650 per month.

File Back Taxes Mesa

Don’t be afraid to make the first phone call. Call and speak with Scott Allen EA today. He will help you file back taxes Mesa and get the IRS off your back.  He will represent you as your Power of Attorney between you and the IRS from start to finish. Now is the time to get you compliant!

Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors Inc Reviews August 2020

Recent email from a client of Tax Debt Advisors Inc

Tax Debt Advisors Inc has been in business for over 40 years as a family owned and operated. They pride themselves in providing quality and honest service.  They understand the difficult situation taxpayers find themselves in when they are either behind on filing back tax returns or owed back taxes. Below is a recent email sent to Scott Allen EA as a quality and honest Tax Debt Advisors Inc Reviews August 2020.

Tax Debt Advisors Inc Reviews August 2020

If you find yourself in a situation similar to Mike’s please give Scott Allen EA a phone call today. He will put your mind at ease and walk you thru the process of solving your IRS nightmare. He does not charge to meet with you for a consultation. If you make that appointment you can be promised that it will be worth your time.

Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc can help you with:

Written by Scott Allen

Mesa Tax Debt Advisors Reviews

Your Choice for Mesa Tax Debt Advisors Reviews

Scott Allen EA is an expert in filings back tax returns and settling IRS debts.  Before you make a decision on who to hire to represent you before the IRS I challenge you to meet with Scott Allen EA first.  Here is a Mesa Tax Debt Advisors Reviews on something he did for one of his clients this year.  Let him negotiate the best settlement allowable by law for you. For Daniel that meant saving $22,013.26 in federal income taxes owed.

Mesa Tax Debt Advisors Reviews

Mesa Tax Debt Advisors Reviews

Click here to view other reviews and successes. With all this being said the best way to still evaluate Scott Allen EA is to meet with me for a free consultation.

Mesa Tax Debt Advisors Reviews 2019

If you are trapped in an IRS nightmare please understand that there is a way out. If you could speak with Robert about his tax nightmare he would say that before meeting with Scott Allen EA that there was not a way out and that the IRS was going to put him in jail. He owed the IRS over $140,000 in back taxes. Why would the IRS negotiate with him, he thought?

Let the actual approval letter below from the IRS do all the talking. Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors was able to settle Robert’s IRS debt into a currently non collectible status. What does this mean? It means Robert does not have to pay a penny on his back taxes as long as he remains in compliance with his current and future tax obligations. He is going to let the statute of limitations run out on this debt.

Mesa Tax Debt Advisors Reviews

Many people do not know this but the IRS only has a certain period of time to collect a debt from a taxpayer. This is why it is always important to file your tax returns on time even if you cannot pay them. The statute of limitations clock does not begin until the return is filed.

To speak with Scott Allen EA about your IRS nightmare give him a call today at 480-926-9300. He will meet with you for a free initial consultation.

Written by Scott Allen

Successful IRS Settlement by Tax Debt Advisors

Successful IRS settlement by Tax Debt Advisors yet again!

See the successful IRS settlement by Tax Debt Advisors by clicking on the notice below. William was years behind on filing his tax returns. On top of that the IRS assigned his case to be worked by a local Revenue Officer. This employee was assigned to the case until full resolution. Tax Debt Advisors represented William during this entire process. William never had to speak with or meet with the IRS Revenue Officer. This was a huge stress relief for him. After preparing all the back tax returns a settlement could be negotiated.  It was decided that the ultimate settlement option is to file a tax motivated Chapter 7 bankruptcy however his taxes did not qualify to be discharged for 9 more months.  To get William from now till 9 months out a payment plan was negotiated to prevent levy and garnishment action.

Successful IRS Settlement by Tax Debt Advisors

Successful IRS Settlement by Tax Debt Advisors

Call Tax Debt Advisors to file your back tax returns or to represent you before an IRS Revenue Officer. Scott will meet with you for a free consultation to evaluate your IRS matter.  Don’t delay, call now.

A November 2018 Case Update:

Frank saved over $31,000 in an IRS settlement by Tax Debt Advisors. If you received a large IRS bill and don’t know how the IRS came up with it have Scott take a look at it for you. Just by properly filing a tax return protest you can drastically reduce the amount owed. Check out the notice below!

IRS Settlement by Tax Debt Advisors

This is an actual result from an actual client that Scott Allen EA helped this year. Be represented the right way just like Frank did and make an appointment today. His office is conveniently located in Mesa, AZ.

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