Written by Scott Allen

IRS Tax Lien in Phoenix, Arizona: Get a Resolution

Navigating an IRS Tax Lien in Phoenix, Arizona: A Path to Resolution with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

If you’re a taxpayer in Phoenix, Arizona facing a daunting IRS tax lien for unpaid taxes from back taxes owed you’re not alone. Tax problems can be overwhelming, but there is help available. This blog post explores the situation of a Phoenix resident, Ruben, who successfully navigated an IRS tax lien with the assistance of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a local, family-owned business established in 1977.

Understanding the IRS Tax Lien in Phoenix

An IRS tax lien is a serious matter. It signifies the government’s legal claim to your property to satisfy unpaid taxes, penalties, and interest. A lien filed against you can severely impact your financial situation by hindering your ability to obtain loans, sell assets, or even renew your passport.

In Ruben’s case, the IRS filed a tax lien for unpaid taxes from multiple years (2016, 2017, & 2018). This likely resulted from a combination of factors, such as missed tax filings, underpayment of taxes owed, or unexpected income changes.

Seeking Help from a Phoenix Tax Resolution Specialist

Faced with the burden of an IRS tax lien in Phoenix Arizona, Ruben knew he needed professional guidance. A quick Google search for “phoenix arizona irs tax lien help” led him to Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. (https://taxdebtadvisors.com/). He scheduled a free consultation with Scott Allen, EA (Enrolled Agent), a tax resolution specialist at the firm.

The Power of Attorney and Negotiation Process

During the consultation, Scott explained to Ruben the various options available to resolve the IRS tax lien. One crucial step involved Ruben granting Scott a Power of Attorney (https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-2848). This authorization empowers the tax professional to represent Ruben before the IRS, handle all communication, and negotiate a favorable outcome on his behalf.

Scott, leveraging his expertise and experience, was able to achieve the following for Ruben:

  • Halt IRS Collection Activity: Scott stopped the IRS from further collection efforts on the tax lien. This provided Ruben with much-needed breathing room to focus on resolving the underlying tax debt.
  • Negotiate Currently Non-Collectible (CNC) Status: Through effective negotiation with the IRS, Scott was able to secure a “currently non-collectible” (CNC) status for Ruben’s tax debt. This means that, based on Ruben’s current financial situation, the IRS cannot actively collect the tax debt. It’s important to note that a CNC status is not debt forgiveness; the tax obligation remains, but collection efforts are temporarily suspended. A copy of Ruben’s IRS settlement is below. This is evidence that Scott Allen EA provides honest follow thru service, not just faulty promises.

Phoenix AZ Help IRS Tax Lien

A Path Forward for Phoenix Taxpayers

Ruben’s case highlights the importance of seeking professional help from a qualified tax resolution specialist when facing an IRS tax lien in Phoenix, Arizona. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., with its team of experienced EAs like Scott Allen, can guide you through the complex process of navigating IRS regulations and finding the best solution for your specific situation.

Here’s what Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can offer you:

  • Free Consultation: Discuss your tax problems with a qualified EA during a free, no-obligation consultation.
  • Personalized Strategy: Develop a tailored plan to resolve your IRS tax lien based on your unique circumstances.
  • Experienced Representation: Benefit from the expertise of EAs who handle IRS matters daily.
  • Communication and Transparency: Stay informed throughout the process with clear and consistent communication.

If you’re a taxpayer in Phoenix or surrounding cities struggling with an IRS tax lien, don’t hesitate to contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Schedule your free consultation today and take the first step towards resolving your tax burden. Scott Allen EA can represent you from start to finish.

Additional Resources:

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as tax advice. Please consult with a qualified tax professional to discuss your specific tax situation.

Written by Scott Allen

Resolving IRS Tax Debt near Phoenix, AZ

Resolving IRS Tax Debt: The Expertise of Scott Allen, EA, of Tax Debt Advisors near Phoenix, AZ

In the heart of the Valley of the Sun, where the complexities of tax obligations often cast a shadow on financial stability, resides a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with IRS tax debt. Meet Scott Allen, an Enrolled Agent renowned for his expertise and unwavering commitment to helping clients navigate the intricate labyrinth of tax debt. Recently, Scott spearheaded a remarkable success story in Phoenix, Arizona, with his client Eric, illustrating how his guidance transformed an overwhelming tax burden into a manageable solution.

Eric, a hardworking Phoenix resident, found himself ensnared in a distressing situation, facing a mounting pile of back IRS tax debt. Burdened by the weight of financial uncertainty, he sought refuge and guidance in Scott Allen, EA, and Tax Debt Advisors. Scott, armed with years of experience and a profound understanding of tax laws, immediately delved into Eric’s case.

Scott Allen’s approach hinges on personalized attention and a meticulous understanding of each client’s predicament. With Eric, he conducted a comprehensive assessment, meticulously examining the intricate details of his tax history and financial standing. This meticulous scrutiny allowed Scott to tailor a strategic plan crafted to alleviate Eric’s IRS tax debt burden in Phoenix AZ.

Scott’s proficiency in negotiating with the IRS served as a catalyst for Eric’s case. He meticulously formulated a negotiation strategy, leveraging his expertise to communicate with the IRS on Eric’s behalf. Through adept negotiation tactics and an in-depth understanding of IRS protocols, Scott navigated the complexities of the system, advocating for Eric’s best interests every step of the way.

One of the pivotal moments in Eric’s journey was when Scott Allen, EA, succeeded in negotiating Eric’s eight years of back IRS tax debt into a “Currently Non-Collectible” status. This achievement, a testament to Scott’s prowess, provided Eric with a much-needed respite from immediate financial strain. By securing this status, Scott ensured that the IRS halts active collection actions against Eric, granting him the breathing room to stabilize his financial situation. To view the other IRS settlemet options click here.

The transformation of Eric’s predicament from an overwhelming burden to a manageable solution stands as a testament to Scott Allen’s dedication and expertise. His client-centric approach, coupled with his profound understanding of tax laws and IRS procedures, positioned him as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with similar tax debt woes in Phoenix, Arizona.

For those currently facing IRS tax debt challenges in and around Phoenix, Arizona, Scott Allen, EA, and Tax Debt Advisors emerge as a ray of hope. His track record of success, demonstrated through Eric’s case, speaks volumes about the tangible relief and resolutions he offers to individuals weighed down by IRS tax debt. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc is a family owned business that has been solving IRS problems for over 47 years.

Scott Allen, EA, encourages delinquent taxpayers in Phoenix to seek professional guidance without delay. Procrastination only exacerbates the situation, potentially leading to severe financial consequences. By engaging Scott Allen’s expertise, individuals can proactively address their tax debt concerns, navigating the complexities with confidence and securing a path towards financial stability.

Lastly, the success story of Eric, facilitated by the expertise and unwavering dedication of Scott Allen, EA, stands as a testament to the transformative impact of seeking professional guidance for IRS tax debt. For those facing similar challenges in Phoenix, Arizona, Scott Allen EA, and Tax Debt Advisors offer a beacon of hope and a pathway towards resolving tax debt woes, ensuring a brighter and more stable financial future.

View Eric’s success story below. It is an actualy letter of approval from the IRS.

IRS Tax Debt Phoenix AZ

Written by Scott Allen

Don’t stress: Get a Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan

Stop threatening letters and get a Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan.

May I suggest you consider doing what Michael and his wife did which is work with Scott Allen EA as your IRS power of attorney.  He will get you a Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan negotiated.  However, if there is a better option out there for you he will advise you on all available settlement options.  Based upon the financial information of Michael and his wife, Scott Allen EA was able to get the lowest IRS payment plan allowable by law.  Click on the image below to view an actual IRS approval letter.  Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors prides himself on getting results and doing what he is paid to do.  He will not bring on your case unless he knows you can benefits from his services.

Phoenx AZ IRS payment plan

Phoenx AZ IRS payment plan

Yes, the IRS does work out reasonable payment plans.  The IRS will let you have regular normal expenditures.  They are not in the business of kicking you out of your home.  They want to establish a reasonable payment plan which will still allow you to live a “regular” life.   On the flip side, if you are a single individual and have a $3,000 house payment they would (in most cases) consider that extravagant and ask you to sell your home within a reasonable period of time and lower your housing costs.  This rule allows all taxpayers with an IRS debt to be on a more equal playing field.  Scott Allen EA will be able to go through all the “do’s and don’ts” with you expenditures.  It is Scott Allen EA’s recommendation to use a licensed tax professional to represent you before the IRS especially if you have not been successful in the past or if you owe the IRS over $25,000.  Don’t delay.  There is no better time to deal with the IRS then the present.  Schedule and appointment today at 480-926-9300.  Have Phoenix AZ back tax returns that needs to be filed?  Let Scott Allen EA be your new “tax guy”.

Below is just another IRS settlement case resolved by Scott Allen EA. He helped Mark negotiate his Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan. All four tax years were rolled into a nice $175 per month payment plan. Click on it for a larger view.

Phoenix AZ IRS Payment Plan

Written by Scott Allen

Scott Allen E.A. for Extension of Time to Pay Phoenix AZ IRS Taxes.

Phoenix AZ IRS Taxes

IRS form 4868 extends the time to file your return.  IRS form 1127 extends the time to pay your taxes.  The IRS will automatically approve an extension of time to file your return.  However, you must prove that you would suffer an “undue hardship,” to get approval for additional time to pay Phoenix AZ IRS taxes.

IRS form 1127 in most instances requires Phoenix AZ professional tax assistance.  Scott Allen E.A. has the expertise to put together a package that gives you the best chance of getting your request approved.  One must way the cost of filing form 1127 with the interest cost of paying late.

When considering both forms, remember that the IRS penalties are 5% per month initially for failing to file on time and 1/2% per month for failing to pay on time.  For that reason, filing IRS form 4868 is much more critical than filing IRS form 1127.  Call Scott Allen E.A. at 480-926-9300 for a free consultation to see what options you should consider.  Scott is licensed to represent you before the IRS in all 50 states but specializes in the Phoenix Arizona area for tax issues.


Written by Scott Allen

Should You Opt for Scott Allen EA Over a Phoenix, AZ IRS Tax Attorney?

Why Taxpayers Should Opt for Scott Allen EA Over a Phoenix, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

In the realm of taxation and financial matters, taxpayers often find themselves in challenging situations, such as dealing with IRS levies and garnishments. These circumstances require expert assistance to navigate the complexities of tax regulations and legal proceedings. When facing such challenges in Phoenix, AZ, taxpayers have two primary options: hiring a tax attorney or enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA. While both choices have their merits, this blog delves into why taxpayers should seriously consider Scott Allen EA over a traditional Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney when seeking to halt IRS levies and garnishments.

Scott Allen EA, a seasoned Enrolled Agent, possesses an in-depth understanding of tax codes and regulations. With years of experience specializing in IRS matters, including levies and garnishments, Scott Allen EA has developed a deep expertise that is tailored specifically to the needs of taxpayers facing these issues. In contrast, while a Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney may have a broader legal background, their specialization might not be solely centered on tax matters. This distinction makes Scott Allen EA a superior choice for those requiring precise and efficient assistance in resolving IRS levies and garnishments.

Hiring an IRS tax attorney in Phoenix, AZ, can be an expensive endeavor due to the hourly rates and legal fees associated with legal representation. On the other hand, Scott Allen EA offers a more cost-effective solution. Enrolled Agents typically charge lower fees than tax attorneys, making their services accessible to a wider range of taxpayers. For individuals and businesses seeking to halt IRS levies and garnishments without breaking the bank, Scott Allen EA presents an attractive alternative. He will always quote you a fixed fee for each step that needs to be done and you will know that up front so there are not any surprises.

One of the key advantages of choosing Scott Allen EA lies in the personalized approach to each client’s case. Scott Allen EA takes the time to understand the unique circumstances of every taxpayer facing IRS levies or garnishments. This personalized attention allows for a tailored strategy that addresses the specific aspects of the case, potentially leading to quicker and more favorable resolutions. While a Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney may have a more formalized approach, it might lack the individualized touch that can make a significant difference in resolving complex tax matters. Scott Allen EA will represent you before the IRS from start to finish.

Scott Allen EA boasts a proven track record of successfully helping clients stop IRS levies and garnishments in Phoenix, AZ. With a reputation for delivering results, he has garnered trust and respect within the local community. Clients often share positive testimonials highlighting his dedication, responsiveness, and ability to navigate the intricacies of IRS procedures. While a Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney may also have a solid record, Scott Allen EA’s specific focus on tax-related issues gives him an edge when it comes to the nuances of halting IRS levies and garnishments. The image below is an example of Scott Allen EA helping his client be compliant with the IRS and also reducing his overall tax liability. His proven track record is the thousands and thousands of tax liabilities settled and resolved just like this one. Let him to the same for you!

Tax laws and regulations are subject to frequent changes, requiring professionals in the field to stay updated with the latest developments. Scott Allen EA prioritizes ongoing education and training to ensure that his knowledge remains current and accurate. This commitment to staying abreast of changes in tax laws allows him to provide clients with accurate advice and strategies that align with the most recent legal provisions. While IRS tax attorneys also stay informed, their broader legal scope may lead to a less specialized grasp of the evolving tax landscape.

In the realm of IRS levies and garnishments, the choice between hiring a Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney and enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA is a crucial one. While both options offer valuable expertise, the specialized focus, cost-effectiveness, personalized approach, proven track record, and up-to-date knowledge that Scott Allen EA brings to the table make him an exceptional choice for taxpayers in need of efficient and effective assistance. Making the decision to work with Scott Allen EA could be the key to resolving IRS levies and garnishments with confidence and success. Give him a call today and setup a free consultation at 480-926-9300.

Written by Scott Allen

Assistance with Unfiled Tax Returns Phoenix AZ

The Importance of Filing Your Tax Returns

Filing your tax returns is a legal obligation for all taxpayers in the United States. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires taxpayers to file their returns each year, even if they do not owe any taxes. Filing your returns helps the IRS to track your income and expenses, and it can also help you to claim certain tax deductions and credits.

The Consequences of Not Filing Your Tax Returns

If you have unfiled tax returns Phoenix AZ, you may be subject to a number of penalties and consequences. These penalties can include:

  • Late filing penalties
  • Interest on unpaid taxes
  • Back taxes
  • Audits
  • Wage garnishments
  • Bank levies
  • Asset seizures

The Benefits of Hiring a Tax Professional

If you are facing unfiled tax returns Phoenix AZ, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible. A tax professional can help you to file your back taxes, negotiate a payment plan with the IRS, and avoid the penalties and consequences of not filing.

Why Hire Scott Allen EA?

Scott Allen EA is a licensed Enrolled Agent (EA) with over 20 years of experience in tax resolution.

Scott Allen EA has a proven track record of success in helping taxpayers resolve their tax problems. He has helped hundreds of taxpayers get back on track with the IRS, including those with unfiled tax returns.

Scott Allen EA offers a free consultation to discuss your specific tax situation. During the consultation, he will assess your needs and develop a plan to help you resolve your tax problems.

Scott Allen EA is committed to providing his clients with the highest level of service. He is available to answer your questions and provide you with updates on your case.

To Schedule a Free Consultation

To schedule a free consultation with Scott Allen EA, call (480) 926-9300.

Here are some additional benefits of hiring Scott Allen EA:

  • Scott Allen EA is familiar with the IRS’s procedures and requirements. He can help you avoid making mistakes that could further complicate your situation.
  • Scott Allen EA can represent you in negotiations with the IRS. This can help you get a more favorable outcome.
  • Scott Allen EA can help you protect your assets from seizure by the IRS.
  • Scott Allen EA can help you get back on track financially. He can help you develop a budget and create a plan to pay off your tax debt.

If you are facing unfiled tax returns Phoenix AZ, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to resolve your situation. Scott Allen EA can help you get back on track with the IRS and start rebuilding your financial future.

Here are some additional details about the benefits of hiring Scott Allen EA:

  • Familiarity with the IRS’s procedures and requirements: Scott Allen EA is very familiar with the IRS’s procedures and requirements. This means that he can help you avoid making mistakes that could further complicate your situation. For example, he can help you to make sure that you are filing your returns correctly and that you are taking advantage of all of the deductions and credits that you are entitled to.
  • Representation in negotiations with the IRS: Scott Allen EA can represent you in negotiations with the IRS. This can help you get a more favorable outcome. For example, he can help you to negotiate a payment plan that you can afford or to get the IRS to waive penalties.
  • Protection of assets from seizure by the IRS: Scott Allen EA can help you protect your assets from seizure by the IRS. For example, he can help you to create a plan to pay off your tax debt or to negotiate with the IRS to place a lien on your assets instead of seizing them.
  • Help with getting back on track financially: Scott Allen EA can help you get back on track financially. He can help you develop a budget and create a plan to pay off your tax debt. He can also help you to identify other financial problems that you may be facing and to develop solutions for those problems.

If you are facing unfiled tax returns Phoenix AZ, I encourage you to contact Scott Allen EA for a free consultation. He can help you to get back on track with the IRS and start rebuilding your financial future.

Written by Scott Allen

Unfiled Back Tax Returns Phoenix in 2023

Have Back Tax Returns Phoenix to file?

Most of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc’s time is spent dealing with back tax returns Phoenix and other surrounding cities in Arizona. This is their niche and what they specialize in. Their average client has not filed in five or more years and/or owes the IRS more than $50,000. With that being said, they can represent taxpayers in their tax problem whether large or small. Just because someone has back tax return Phoenix to take care of does not make them a criminal or even a bad person. Get rid of any embarrassment and meet with Scott Allen EA and receive proper help with zero judgement.  All he cares about is getting you the best possible VICTORY that the law allows. He will be aggressive and fight in your behalf.

Once a taxpayers is fully caught up with their back tax returns Phoenix the IRS will consider them compliant. Compliance is required in order for the IRS to negotiate a settlement on the back taxes owed.  Negotiating a settlement with the IRS will insure that your bank accounts, retirement accounts, wages, and other assets are free from levy or seizure

What type of options does the IRS have available to settle back taxes owed? View the six options below.

1. Let it expire
2. Suspend it
3. Adjust it
4. Pay it
5. Compromise it
6. Discharge it

Scott Allen EA with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc near Phoenix Arizona will be able to advise and represent you on all the options mentioned above. Every option comes with various pros and cons so its important to review all those before making a decision. Also note that not every taxpayers qualifies for every option. Scott will be able to let you know what you qualify for and what you do not qualify for (and the reason why).

Marvin was a client to recently hired Scott to represent him with his back tax returns Phoenix. He owed the IRS for multiple years. After the evaluation phase it was determined that the best option for him was option #4. All three years were settled into a low monthly payment plan of $640 per month. View the acceptance notice below.

Back Tax Returns Phoenix

Tax Debt Advisors offers a free consultation to discuss your tax matter. 480-926-9300

Written by Scott Allen

Offer in Compromise in Arizona: IRS help from Tax Debt Advisors, Inc

IRS Offer in Compromise in Arizona —The sad truth.

The sad truth about Offers is that fraudulent tax representatives have benefited more from this program than the IRS.  If you have any question as to who I am referring to, here is the list—any company on TV, any company who has a centralized office in another state and operate with satellite offices filled with sales people, and any company that uses the phrase, “settle for pennies on the dollar.”

This is what we have learned over the last 45 years of tax representation.

  • Only 2-3% of the individuals we have met qualified for an Offer in Compromise that could pay the amount of a legitimate Offer.  If you insist on pursuing your Offer at least get a second opinion.
  • Of the 1000’s of rejected Offers we have reviewed that were prepared by fraudulent representatives over the last 45 years, less than 100 were legitimate and worthy of taking to the Office of Appeals.
  • Within 10 minutes I can tell you if your IRS offer in compromise in Arizona amount is reasonable.  But to do so, let me know two facts.  One, what amount do you qualify for as an installment arrangement and two, how much equity do you have in any assets such as a home, vehicles, retirement plans or cash in the bank.  Your Offer amount must be 12 times your monthly payment plan plus any equity you have in any assets.  If you still need a more professional opinion—Call me for a free initial confidential consultation.
  • If you qualify for an IRS offer in compromise in Arizona, we can file it and get it accepted as long as you provide us with accurate and complete information.

Finally, why do an Offer if it isn’t going to work?  I will calculate the amount of your Offer and provide you with all of your other settlement options.  Don’t be defrauded because you hear something you want to believe.  Get the truth from someone that will give you all of your options that will work.

Offer in Compromise in Arizona:  IRS help from Tax Debt Advisors, Inc

Mesa, Apache Junction, Avondale, Buckeye, Carefree, Cave Creek, Chandler, El Mirage, Fountain Hills, Gila Bend, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Komatke, Litchfield Park, Luke AFB, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, Sun City, Sun Lakes, Surprise, Tempe, Tolleson, Waddell, Whitman, Wickenburg, Youngstown, Flagstaff, Tucson, Payson, Winslow, Sierra Vista, Page, Prescott, Globe, Yuma


Written by Scott Allen

IRS Tax Attorney in Arizona: When should I NOT use an attorney?

IRS Tax Attorney in Arizona: When should I NOT use an attorney?

Tax Attorney Phoenix | Mesa, Tempe, Chandler Scottsdale

If you are searching for “tax attorney“, “tax lawyer“, “IRS tax lawyer“, “IRS attorney“, “tax attorneys“, “IRS tax attorney“, “tax attorney near me” or “best tax attorney” in PhoenixMesaChandlerGilbert, Tempe or Scottsdale, Arizona, Scott Allen E. A. from Tax Debt Advisors can help!

Even the best tax lawyers & attorneys can’t compare to what Scott Allen E. A. can offer to help settle your problems with the IRS. First of all, lets take a look at what a tax attorney does.

What Is A Tax Attorney?

A tax attorney is a layer who specializes in tax law. They can help solve legal, technical and complex problems with the IRS.

What Does A Tax Attorney Do?

A tax attorney solves legal, technical and complex problems with the IRS. Tax attorneys can also help with:

  • Filing appeals of tax court decisions
  • Communication with the IRS
  • Help businesses save money
  • Help people take advantage of tax credits

However, these are all things a tax debt advisor could do for less money! Read more about why you need a tax debt advisor instead of hiring a tax attorney.

Can A Tax Attorney Really Help?

Yes, a tax attorney can really help if you want to pay more money for the same services a tax debt advisor can do for cheaper.

Why You Should I Tax Debt Advisor Vs. Hiring a Tax Attorney?

Tax Debt Advisors have great experience in settling debts with the IRS. Choosing a tax debt advisor instead of a tax attorney offers many benefits including:

  • More affordable services
  • Tax attorney typically charge 100-400% more for the same services a tax debt advisor could do
  • Tax debt advisors don’t use fear tactics to make you think the situation is worse than it is
  • Settle debt faster with simple tax debt solutions

We are not a tax attorney firm, rather, a tax debt specialist with expert knowledge in tax law that can help you solve complicated IRS problems & tax debt issues that would normally require a tax lawyer.  Contact Scott Allen with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. 480-926-9300 to help you get right with the IRS today! Don’t hire a tax attorney! Instead, why not hire an affordable Tax Debt Advisor who has been helping customers dealing with tax issues since 1977, and has helped solve over 113,000 tax debts.

Why Hire A Tax Attorney In Arizona?

Believe it or not, you actually don’t have to hire a tax attorney in Arizona when dealing with the IRS. Instead why not hire a Tax Debt Advisor who can do the same thing as a tax lawyer and who has been helping customers dealing with tax issues since 1977. His father and Scott Allen E.A. from Tax Debt Advisors has helped over 113,000 people settle their problems with the IRS and can help guide you through any tax situation you may be dealing with, including:

Why You Don’t Need A Tax Attorney

Here are the reasons of why you don’t need a tax attorney:

  • If you are making a decision full of fear and think you need a tax attorney for other than criminal or fraudulently filed returns, you will be seriously disappointed.  Attorneys are able to generate income by perpetuating fear.  Most of our clients who started with an attorney and switched to us mentioned always being intimidated with fear that something bad would happen if… and that if always is followed by another big retainer fee.
  • IRS resolution work is not rocket science.  It is common sense work that improves over time because of relationships established with the IRS and understanding their idiosyncrasies.  Attorneys will often scare clients into thinking that their legal training is necessary for a successful resolution.
  • Many clients think that they will get what they pay for and base the quality of the work on the amount they pay.  In most cases, an attorney will charge anywhere from 25% to over 400% more for the same exact service.  If you go for a consultation with an attorney consider getting a second opinion by calling me for a free initial consultation.  I love these appointments.

When To Hire A Tax Attorney?

A Tax debt advisor can help with almost everything a tax attorney can except criminal charges. If the IRS is pursuing criminal charges against you, you will need to hire a tax attorney.  Tax fraud and tax evasion are 2 of the most common reasons for an IRS investigation. IRS investigations are serious: 80% of defendants that go through a criminal investigation are sentenced to prison. This is one situation where a tax debt advisor cannot help you, you will have to hire a tax attorney.

Why You Should Hire An Enrolled Agent Vs. Hiring A Tax Attorney

View our recent blog postWhen is an IRS tax attorney in Phoenix necessary and when isn’t it?

1. Your tax problems might not be that bad – It doesn’t take a tax lawyer or rocket scientist to work with the IRS. Furthermore, legal training isn’t a necessity to handle most tax issues. Also, tax attorney’s will try to scare you into thinking that legal representation is necessary. That is not true! Let Tax Debt Advisors help solve your tax problems without instilling fear or requesting huge retainer fees for our services.

2. Get a 2nd Opinion – Some tax customers think that paying a higher fee will give them a higher quality services. That is false! Tax attorney commonly charge 400% more for the same services a tax debt expert can handle. There is literally no difference in the process besides you paying more money. We are not saying it is a bad idea to talk to a tax attorney but you should get a second opinion as well. At Tax Debt Advisors we offer free tax consultations.

3. Don’t Make A Decision Based On Fear – Do you think you need a tax attorney because you filed fraudulent tax returns, you might be disappointed. Tax lawyers generate income based off of fear. Most of our tax clients started with a tax attorney, only to find out that they try to intimidate you into thinking you have a bigger tax problem than you do. And, that’s almost always followed by a big retainer fee.

Feel Confident With Experienced Tax Representation

When I have looked back over the years, the one common factor in bad decision making on my part, is when I was overly influence due to fear.  I love the quote from one of the Star Wars movies that explains how Anakin became the evil Darth Vader—the quote, “It was fear that pushed me to the dark side.”  If you have already had a consultation with an attorney ask yourself one question, “Did he reduce my level of fear or just use it to get what he or she wanted?”  A good representative will always leave you feeling better, not fearful.  A great representative will focus on the 99% that can go right and the wrong ones will focus on the 1% that almost never happens.  When you are trying to decide if you need representation from an attorney consider taking the time to get a second opinion from me.  I know you will be glad you did!

Schedule A Free Tax Consultation In Arizona

Schedule your free tax consultation with Tax Debt Advisors today by giving us a call today at 480-926-9300

5 Star Review: “Scott is professional and real. He looks out for me and is so thorough. He waived an IRS penalty for me that a different accountant said couldn’t be waived. And it was so simple. He is so kind and really works with you. I now have multiple family members who use him and each of us all love him!” Rebecca O.

5 Star Review: “Scott did an outstanding job helping my parents on their back due taxes. When I met him he was very professional and knowledgeable about how to approach the problem. Our issue took 9 months to resolve because of problems with how our taxes were filed (not his fault), but he stayed engaged and helpful the whole time even though we were very small clients for him. My parents don’t have to pay anything back to the IRS. It just amazing, it was a burden and now it’s such a relieve, such peace of mind. My dad comments that now he can sleep better without thinking about it. Thank you Scott!” Pilar L.

Our Service area includes: Mesa, Apache Junction, Avondale, Buckeye, Carefree, Cave Creek, Chandler, El Mirage, Fountain Hills, Gila Bend, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Komatke, Litchfield Park, Luke AFB, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, Sun City, Sun Lakes, Surprise, Tempe, Tolleson, Waddell, Whitman, Wickenburg, Youngstown, Flagstaff, Tucson, Payson, Winslow, Sierra Vista, Page, Prescott, Globe, Yuma, Arizona. 

Written by Scott Allen

IRS Audit Myth Number 1: By Tax Debt Advisors of Phoenix AZ

IRS Audit Myths Phoenix AZ

If the IRS wants more money, I will pay them when I am able—the IRS is a formidable bill collector.  It has the power to garnish your wages, levy your bank accounts or seize your assets.  If you find you are on the wrong side of an audit assessment, consider a consultation with Scott Allen E.A. of Tax Debt Advisors.  Filing for a hearing before the IRS Office of Appeals is an excellent way to negotiate a compromise or elimination of the tax assessment.

Even better is to contact Tax Debt Advisors near Phoenix AZ when you get the audit notice from the IRS.  With a little planning and organization of your records, you may be able to avoid the assessment altogether.  Do not overlook the guidance of an IRS audit specialist.  Tax Debt Advisors has been representing taxpayers on Phoenix Arizona IRS audits for over 45 years.  Call today for a free initial consultation to see what Scott Allen E.A. can do for you.  Schedule an appointment by calling 480-926-9300.


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