Written by Scott Allen

IRS Tax Lien in Phoenix, Arizona: Get a Resolution

Navigating an IRS Tax Lien in Phoenix, Arizona: A Path to Resolution with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

If you’re a taxpayer in Phoenix, Arizona facing a daunting IRS tax lien for unpaid taxes from back taxes owed you’re not alone. Tax problems can be overwhelming, but there is help available. This blog post explores the situation of a Phoenix resident, Ruben, who successfully navigated an IRS tax lien with the assistance of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a local, family-owned business established in 1977.

Understanding the IRS Tax Lien in Phoenix

An IRS tax lien is a serious matter. It signifies the government’s legal claim to your property to satisfy unpaid taxes, penalties, and interest. A lien filed against you can severely impact your financial situation by hindering your ability to obtain loans, sell assets, or even renew your passport.

In Ruben’s case, the IRS filed a tax lien for unpaid taxes from multiple years (2016, 2017, & 2018). This likely resulted from a combination of factors, such as missed tax filings, underpayment of taxes owed, or unexpected income changes.

Seeking Help from a Phoenix Tax Resolution Specialist

Faced with the burden of an IRS tax lien in Phoenix Arizona, Ruben knew he needed professional guidance. A quick Google search for “phoenix arizona irs tax lien help” led him to Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. (https://taxdebtadvisors.com/). He scheduled a free consultation with Scott Allen, EA (Enrolled Agent), a tax resolution specialist at the firm.

The Power of Attorney and Negotiation Process

During the consultation, Scott explained to Ruben the various options available to resolve the IRS tax lien. One crucial step involved Ruben granting Scott a Power of Attorney (https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-2848). This authorization empowers the tax professional to represent Ruben before the IRS, handle all communication, and negotiate a favorable outcome on his behalf.

Scott, leveraging his expertise and experience, was able to achieve the following for Ruben:

  • Halt IRS Collection Activity: Scott stopped the IRS from further collection efforts on the tax lien. This provided Ruben with much-needed breathing room to focus on resolving the underlying tax debt.
  • Negotiate Currently Non-Collectible (CNC) Status: Through effective negotiation with the IRS, Scott was able to secure a “currently non-collectible” (CNC) status for Ruben’s tax debt. This means that, based on Ruben’s current financial situation, the IRS cannot actively collect the tax debt. It’s important to note that a CNC status is not debt forgiveness; the tax obligation remains, but collection efforts are temporarily suspended. A copy of Ruben’s IRS settlement is below. This is evidence that Scott Allen EA provides honest follow thru service, not just faulty promises.

Phoenix AZ Help IRS Tax Lien

A Path Forward for Phoenix Taxpayers

Ruben’s case highlights the importance of seeking professional help from a qualified tax resolution specialist when facing an IRS tax lien in Phoenix, Arizona. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., with its team of experienced EAs like Scott Allen, can guide you through the complex process of navigating IRS regulations and finding the best solution for your specific situation.

Here’s what Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can offer you:

  • Free Consultation: Discuss your tax problems with a qualified EA during a free, no-obligation consultation.
  • Personalized Strategy: Develop a tailored plan to resolve your IRS tax lien based on your unique circumstances.
  • Experienced Representation: Benefit from the expertise of EAs who handle IRS matters daily.
  • Communication and Transparency: Stay informed throughout the process with clear and consistent communication.

If you’re a taxpayer in Phoenix or surrounding cities struggling with an IRS tax lien, don’t hesitate to contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Schedule your free consultation today and take the first step towards resolving your tax burden. Scott Allen EA can represent you from start to finish.

Additional Resources:

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as tax advice. Please consult with a qualified tax professional to discuss your specific tax situation.

Written by Scott Allen

Daniel’s Payment Plan for Mesa AZ IRS Settlement

Finding Relief: How Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Settled Mesa Resident’s 8 Years of Back Taxes

Tax season can be stressful for everyone, but imagine facing the burden of unfiled tax returns for years on end. This was the reality for Daniel, a Mesa, Arizona resident and father of three, who found himself drowning in a sea of back taxes desperately needed a Mesa AZ IRS Settlement. For eight long years, the weight of unaddressed tax debt loomed large, casting a shadow over his financial security. Fortunately, Daniel discovered Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a local Mesa firm specializing in helping taxpayers navigate the complexities of IRS issues.

This blog post delves into Daniel’s story, highlighting how Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. secured him a favorable settlement with the IRS, offering a beacon of hope for Mesa residents facing similar challenges. We’ll explore the intricate world of unfiled back taxes, settlement options, and the importance of seeking local expertise when dealing with the IRS.

The Maze of Unfiled Back Taxes

Failing to file tax returns, even unintentionally, can lead to a snowball effect of penalties and interest accumulating over time. The IRS takes unfiled returns seriously, and the consequences can be significant. Late filing penalties can be as high as 25% of the unpaid tax liability, and late payment penalties can add another 1% per month, on top of accruing interest. This can quickly compound the original tax debt, making it even more difficult to manage.

Understanding Your Options: Key to Finding Relief

Thankfully, the IRS offers various solutions for taxpayers facing back tax burdens. These include:

  • Filing Delinquent Returns: The first step is to file all outstanding tax returns. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can guide you through this process, ensuring accuracy and maximizing deductions to minimize your tax liability.
  • Payment Plans: The IRS allows taxpayers to establish installment agreements to pay off back taxes in manageable monthly installments. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can negotiate these plans on your behalf, advocating for a low monthly payment that fits your financial situation.
  • Offers in Compromise (OIC): An OIC allows you to settle your tax debt for a lump sum payment significantly lower than the total amount owed. Qualifying for an OIC requires a financial hardship demonstration. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can assess your eligibility and handle the entire OIC application process.

The Power of Local Expertise: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. to the Rescue

While national 1-800 companies may advertise IRS settlements, their success rates can be underwhelming. These impersonal services often lack the in-depth understanding of local tax laws and nuances that can significantly impact your case. Here’s where a local Mesa firm like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. shines:

  • Personalized Attention: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is dedicated to building relationships with their clients. They take the time to understand your unique circumstances and tailor their approach accordingly.
  • Local Knowledge: Their experience working with Mesa residents allows them to navigate the local IRS landscape with ease, ensuring the best possible outcome for your case.
  • Proven Track Record: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. boasts a history of successful settlements for Mesa taxpayers. Their dedicated team leverages their expertise to achieve optimal results.

Daniel’s Success Story: A Path to Financial Freedom

Daniel, burdened by eight years of unfiled returns and mounting tax debt, felt overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn. Fortunately, he connected with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. After a thorough review of his financial situation, Scott Allen EA determined a payment plan was the most suitable option.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. meticulously prepared and submitted a comprehensive application, complete with the required IRS Form 433A, “Collection Information Statement.” This form details your income, expenses, and assets, providing the IRS with a clear picture of your financial hardship.

Thanks to Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.’s meticulous approach and in-depth knowledge of local tax regulations, the IRS accepted Daniel’s payment plan proposal offer. His crippling tax debt was settled for a significantly low payment amount, paving the way for a brighter financial future. Remarkably, his monthly payment plan was set at a manageable $131, allowing him to finally breathe a sigh of relief and focus on supporting his family. See his letter of acceptance below from the IRS. This was Daniel’s Mesa AZ IRS Settlement!

Mesa AZ IRS Settlement Payment Plan

Empowering Mesa Taxpayers: Taking Control of Your Financial Future

Daniel’s story serves as an inspiring example of how working with a local tax resolution specialist like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can transform a seemingly insurmountable situation. If you’re a Mesa resident facing unfiled returns or tax debt, don’t let the burden weigh you down. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is here to help you with you Mesa AZ IRS Settlement too.

Next Steps: Get the Help You Deserve

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. offers a free consultation, allowing you to discuss your specific tax situation and explore potential settlement options.

Written by Scott Allen

IRS Fresh Start Program in Gilbert AZ with Scott Allen EA

Helping People with Tax Problems: An IRS Fresh Start Program in Gilbert, AZ

Hello, I’m Scott Allen EA, the owner of Tax Debt Advisors Inc. Our family business has over 40 years of experience in helping individuals and businesses resolve their IRS tax problems, I have seen firsthand the stress and anxiety that tax issues can cause. Today, I want to share a success story about a client of mine, Roger from Gilbert, AZ, who faced significant back taxes owed from 2016-2019. Through our expertise, we were able to negotiate his IRS debt into a Currently Non-Collectible (CNC) status. I’ll explain what CNC status is, how taxpayers can qualify for it, and why local, personalized tax assistance is critical, especially when compared to out-of-state tax resolution companies. CNC status is one of a handle of ways to settle an IRS debt with the IRS’s Fresh Start Program.

Understanding Currently Non-Collectible Status

What is Currently Non-Collectible Status?

Currently Non-Collectible (CNC) status is a temporary status that the IRS grants to taxpayers who are unable to pay their tax debt due to financial hardship. When a taxpayer is placed in CNC status, the IRS suspends all collection activities, including levies and garnishments. This does not mean the debt is forgiven; instead, it acknowledges that the taxpayer cannot pay at this time without causing significant financial distress.

Qualifying for CNC Status

To qualify for CNC status, a taxpayer must demonstrate financial hardship. This involves showing that paying the tax debt would leave them unable to meet basic living expenses. The IRS considers various factors, including:

  • Income: All sources of income are considered, including wages, business income, social security benefits, and pensions.
  • Expenses: Necessary living expenses such as housing, utilities, food, transportation, and medical costs are evaluated.
  • Assets: The IRS will review the taxpayer’s assets to determine if any could be liquidated to pay the debt.
  • Equity in Assets: The IRS also considers the equity in a taxpayer’s assets. If the taxpayer has substantial equity in assets, they may be required to liquidate some of those assets to pay the tax debt.

The Story of Roger from Gilbert, AZ

Roger came to Tax Debt Advisors Inc. with a significant tax debt from the years 2016 to 2019. He was overwhelmed and unsure of how to manage his situation. Here is how we helped him:

Initial Consultation and Financial Analysis

Our process began with a thorough consultation to understand Roger’s financial situation. We reviewed his income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. It was clear that Roger was struggling to make ends meet, and paying off his tax debt in full was not feasible without severe financial consequences.

Negotiating with the IRS

With a detailed understanding of Roger’s financial hardship, we contacted the IRS on his behalf. We provided all the necessary documentation to demonstrate that Roger’s financial situation qualified him for CNC status. This included:

  • Income Statements: Pay stubs, social security statements, and any other income documentation.
  • Expense Documentation: Receipts and bills for all necessary living expenses.
  • Asset Information: Details about any assets Roger owned, including their current value and any outstanding debts associated with them.

Achieving CNC Status

After reviewing the documentation, the IRS agreed that Roger’s financial situation warranted CNC status. This was a significant relief for Roger, as it meant that the IRS would not pursue any collection actions, allowing him to focus on meeting his basic living expenses without the constant fear of IRS levies or garnishments. See Roger’s letter of approval below. He does not have to pay a dime towards his $46,000 IRS debt.

IRS Fresh Start Program Gilbert AZ

The IRS Fresh Start Program

One of the tools we utilized in Roger’s case is part of the broader IRS Fresh Start Program. This initiative was designed to help struggling taxpayers get back on their feet by providing more flexible options for resolving tax debts.

Key Features of the IRS Fresh Start Program

  • Increased Thresholds for Tax Liens: The program raised the minimum amount owed before the IRS would file a lien, helping taxpayers avoid additional financial strain.
  • Expanded Installment Agreements: More taxpayers are now eligible for streamlined installment agreements, making it easier to pay off tax debts over time.
  • Offer in Compromise (OIC): This allows eligible taxpayers to settle their tax debt for less than the full amount owed if they can demonstrate an inability to pay.
  • CNC Status: As discussed, this suspends collection activities for those facing significant financial hardship.

IRS Fresh Start Program in Gilbert, AZ

For residents of Gilbert, AZ, and the surrounding areas, the IRS Fresh Start Program offers a lifeline to those struggling with tax debt. However, navigating the complexities of this program requires expertise and experience. At Tax Debt Advisors Inc., we specialize in leveraging the Fresh Start Program to help our clients achieve the best possible outcomes.

The Pitfalls of Out-of-State Tax Resolution Companies

When dealing with tax problems, it’s crucial to be cautious about whom you trust. Many out-of-state tax resolution companies advertise aggressively, promising quick fixes and guaranteed results. However, these companies often provide misleading information about the IRS Fresh Start Program in Gilbert AZ and other tax resolution options.

Why Choose Local Expertise?

  • Personalized Service: As a local firm, we offer face-to-face consultations and personalized service tailored to your specific needs. We understand the unique financial landscape of Gilbert, AZ, and the surrounding areas.
  • Experience and Knowledge: With decades of experience, we have an in-depth understanding of IRS procedures and the intricacies of the tax code. This allows us to provide accurate and effective solutions.
  • Accountability: Local firms are more accountable to their clients. Our reputation in the community is built on trust and successful outcomes. We are here to support you every step of the way, unlike out-of-state companies that may disappear after collecting their fees.

Beware of False Promises

Out-of-state companies often make promises that sound too good to be true, such as:

  • Guaranteed Results: No reputable tax professional can guarantee specific outcomes, as every case is unique.
  • Quick Resolutions: Resolving tax issues takes time and careful negotiation with the IRS. Be wary of promises for instant results.
  • One-Size-Fits-All Solutions: Effective tax resolution requires a customized approach based on your financial situation. Avoid companies that offer generic solutions without understanding your specific needs.

How Tax Debt Advisors Inc. Can Help

At Tax Debt Advisors Inc., near Gilbert AZ we are committed to helping our clients navigate the complexities of tax debt resolution with confidence and peace of mind. Our services include:

Comprehensive Tax Debt Analysis

We start with a thorough analysis of your tax debt and financial situation. This includes reviewing all relevant documents, understanding your financial constraints, and identifying the best resolution strategies.

Personalized Resolution Plans

Based on our analysis, we develop a personalized plan tailored to your specific needs. Whether it’s negotiating CNC status, setting up an installment agreement, or exploring an Offer in Compromise, we ensure that you understand all your options and the potential outcomes.

Expert Negotiation with the IRS

Our extensive experience in dealing with the IRS enables us to effectively negotiate on your behalf. We present your case in the best possible light, backed by comprehensive documentation and a clear demonstration of your financial hardship.

Ongoing Support and Guidance

Tax debt resolution is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. We provide continuous support to ensure that you remain in compliance with IRS requirements and avoid future tax problems. Our goal is to help you achieve long-term financial stability.

Facing tax problems can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to go through it alone. At Tax Debt Advisors Inc., we are dedicated to helping you find the best solutions for your tax debt issues. Our success story with Roger from Gilbert, AZ, is just one example of how we can help you achieve financial relief through the IRS Fresh Start Program in Gilbert AZ and other resolution options.

If you’re struggling with tax debt, especially if you’re considering the IRS Fresh Start Program in Gilbert, AZ, contact Scott Allen EA today for a consultation. Let us put our expertise to work for you and help you regain control of your financial future.

Written by Scott Allen

Jennifer navigated her IRS tax challenges with Mesa’s Tax Debt Advisors, Inc

Navigating Tax Challenges with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ

In the heart of Mesa, Arizona, there exists a beacon of financial hope for individuals and businesses grappling with tax challenges – Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Established in 1977, this family-owned business has been a trusted ally for those burdened by delinquent tax returns and back taxes owed. Over the years, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has built a reputation as a reliable partner in navigating the complexities of IRS settlements and providing comprehensive tax solutions. This blog delves into the journey of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., shedding light on their services, expertise, and commitment to helping clients achieve financial freedom.

A Legacy of Trust and Expertise:

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is not just a business; it’s a family legacy that spans a couple generations. Since its inception in 1977, the company has been a cornerstone in the community, helping countless individuals and businesses find relief from tax-related challenges. The longevity of their establishment is a testament to the trust and confidence clients place in their services.

Delving into Services:

One of the key services offered by Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is the filing of delinquent tax returns. Many individuals find themselves in a predicament where past tax returns have not been filed, leading to a myriad of issues with the IRS. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. steps in to address these concerns, guiding clients through the process of filing overdue returns and bringing them into compliance with tax regulations.

IRS Settlements on Back Taxes:

Dealing with back taxes can be an overwhelming experience, and this is where Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. truly excels. The company specializes in negotiating with the IRS on behalf of its clients to reach settlements on back taxes owed. The expertise of their team ensures that clients can explore options such as installment agreements or even offers in compromise, tailored to their unique financial situations.

Free Initial Consultations:

Understanding the financial stress that often accompanies tax issues, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. offers free initial consultations to prospective clients. This provides an opportunity for individuals and businesses to discuss their specific circumstances with seasoned professionals, gaining insights into potential strategies for resolution. The commitment to an initial consultation without financial obligation reflects the company’s dedication to transparency and client empowerment.

Becoming Your IRS Power of Attorney:

One distinctive feature of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is their ability to act as the IRS Power of Attorney on behalf of clients. By completing Form 2848, clients can authorize Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. to represent them before the IRS throughout the entire resolution process. This level of representation not only streamlines communication with the IRS but also ensures that clients have a knowledgeable advocate guiding them from start to finish.

The IRS can be an intimidating entity to face alone. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. understands the complexities of dealing with the IRS and takes on the responsibility of comprehensive representation. From addressing communication with IRS agents to negotiating settlements and navigating the intricacies of tax laws, their team is equipped to handle every aspect of the process.

Client Success Stories:

Throughout its long history, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has accumulated numerous success stories. Clients who once faced insurmountable tax challenges have found relief and financial stability through the dedicated efforts of the company. These success stories not only reflect the efficacy of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.’s services but also underscore the positive impact they have had on the lives of individuals and families in Mesa and beyond. One of those recent success stories was Jennifer. Jennifer had an exaggerated balance due on her 2017 tax return with the IRS. This was not a correct reflection. Upon preparing and submitting a proper 2017 tax return, Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc was able to protest and reduce her IRS debt by $23,985. See the changes to her account by viewing the IRS notice below.

IRS Delinquent Tax Returns Mesa AZ

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. stands as a pillar of support for those navigating the complex landscape of tax debt and IRS-related challenges. With a rich legacy dating back to 1977, this family-owned business has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to its clients’ financial well-being. From filing delinquent tax returns to negotiating settlements on back taxes owed, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has proven itself as a reliable partner in the journey to financial freedom. As they continue to evolve and adapt to changing tax landscapes, one thing remains constant – their dedication to empowering clients and guiding them toward a brighter financial future.

Written by Scott Allen

Helping Residents with Mesa AZ Back Tax Returns

Scott Allen EA – Helping Residents with Mesa AZ Back Tax Returns: A Trusted Enrolled Agent with a Proven Track Record of Success

A Client’s Success Story

In recent years, Scott had the opportunity to assist a client named Tim, whose tax situation had become a major source of stress and anxiety. Tim had a number of Mesa AZ unfiled back tax returns, and the amount of debt he owed to the IRS had grown to a daunting $65,000.

Tim was overwhelmed by the situation and didn’t know where to turn. He was afraid of facing the IRS and potentially facing penalties or even legal action. However, he knew that he couldn’t ignore the problem any longer.

That’s when Tim decided to seek help from Scott Allen EA. Scott immediately took charge of Tim’s case and began working on a plan to resolve his tax debt. Scott’s expertise and dedication were evident from the start. He was able to quickly identify the best course of action for Tim and began working tirelessly to implement it.

Thanks to Scott’s efforts, Tim was able to settle his tax debt for a fraction of the amount he originally owed. In fact, Scott was able to save Tim over $65,000 in back taxes! Check out the IRS acceptance below. This is an actualy letter from the IRS.

Mesa AZ Back Tax Returns

The Importance of Hiring an Enrolled Agent

It is important to note that not all tax professionals are created equal. Only Enrolled Agents like Scott Allen EA are authorized by the IRS to represent taxpayers before the agency. This means that Enrolled Agents have the necessary training and experience to deal with even the most complex tax cases.

If you are facing a tax debt issue or back Mesa AZ back tax returns to file you should strongly consider hiring an Enrolled Agent. An Enrolled Agent can help you understand your options and negotiate a favorable settlement with the IRS. In many cases, an Enrolled Agent can save you thousands of dollars in back taxes and penalties. That Enrolled Agent is Scott Allen.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc: A Local Family Owned Company

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc offers a wide range of tax resolution services, including:

  • Negotiation of IRS settlements
  • Preparation of back tax returns
  • Offer in Compromise
  • Innocent Spouse Relief
  • Audit representation
  • Penalty abatement
  • Lien and levy release

Contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc Today

If you are facing a tax debt issue, don’t hesitate to contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc today. Scott Allen EA is here to help you resolve your tax debt and get back on track with your finances.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc 3155 E Southern Ave #101 Mesa AZ 85204 (480) 926-9300 website: www.taxdebtadvisors.com

Scott Allen EA and Tax Debt Advisors, Inc are committed to helping taxpayers in Mesa, AZ resolve their tax debt issues. With their extensive experience and expertise, they can help you find the best solution for your unique situation.

If you are facing a tax debt issue, don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc in Mesa AZ today for a free consultation.

Written by Scott Allen

Don’t stress: Get a Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan

Stop threatening letters and get a Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan.

May I suggest you consider doing what Michael and his wife did which is work with Scott Allen EA as your IRS power of attorney.  He will get you a Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan negotiated.  However, if there is a better option out there for you he will advise you on all available settlement options.  Based upon the financial information of Michael and his wife, Scott Allen EA was able to get the lowest IRS payment plan allowable by law.  Click on the image below to view an actual IRS approval letter.  Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors prides himself on getting results and doing what he is paid to do.  He will not bring on your case unless he knows you can benefits from his services.

Phoenx AZ IRS payment plan

Phoenx AZ IRS payment plan

Yes, the IRS does work out reasonable payment plans.  The IRS will let you have regular normal expenditures.  They are not in the business of kicking you out of your home.  They want to establish a reasonable payment plan which will still allow you to live a “regular” life.   On the flip side, if you are a single individual and have a $3,000 house payment they would (in most cases) consider that extravagant and ask you to sell your home within a reasonable period of time and lower your housing costs.  This rule allows all taxpayers with an IRS debt to be on a more equal playing field.  Scott Allen EA will be able to go through all the “do’s and don’ts” with you expenditures.  It is Scott Allen EA’s recommendation to use a licensed tax professional to represent you before the IRS especially if you have not been successful in the past or if you owe the IRS over $25,000.  Don’t delay.  There is no better time to deal with the IRS then the present.  Schedule and appointment today at 480-926-9300.  Have Phoenix AZ back tax returns that needs to be filed?  Let Scott Allen EA be your new “tax guy”.

Below is just another IRS settlement case resolved by Scott Allen EA. He helped Mark negotiate his Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan. All four tax years were rolled into a nice $175 per month payment plan. Click on it for a larger view.

Phoenix AZ IRS Payment Plan

Written by Scott Allen

Scottsdale AZ IRS Tax Attorney or Scott Allen EA for Filing Past Due Tax Returns

Scott Allen EA for Filing Past Due Tax Returns

In the realm of taxation, the complexities and intricacies of past due tax returns can be a source of immense stress for any taxpayer. It’s in this challenging scenario that individuals often find themselves pondering the crucial decision of who to entrust with the task – a Scottsdale AZ IRS tax attorney or Scott Allen EA. Delving into the options, it becomes evident that Scott Allen EA presents a compelling case for being the preferred choice. This blog explores the reasons why a taxpayer should opt for the services of Scott Allen EA over a Scottsdale AZ IRS tax attorney when it comes to filing past due tax returns.

Expertise and Specialization

Scott Allen EA is not just an ordinary tax professional. As an Enrolled Agent (EA), he possesses a unique specialization in taxation matters. Enrolled Agents are federally authorized tax practitioners empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before the IRS. This specialization provides Scott Allen EA with an in-depth understanding of tax laws, regulations, and procedures. On the other hand, while Scottsdale IRS tax attorneys possess a general legal background, they might not be as deeply versed in the nuances of tax laws as an EA like Scott Allen.

Focused Approach

When faced with past due tax returns, time is of the essence. Scott Allen EA is well-versed in swiftly assessing a taxpayer’s situation and strategizing the best course of action. His specialized expertise allows him to focus specifically on tax-related matters, ensuring that his approach is streamlined and efficient. In contrast, a Scottsdale IRS tax attorney might have a broader range of legal responsibilities, which could potentially divert their focus away from the intricacies of tax return filing.

Personalized Attention

One of the key advantages of opting for Scott Allen EA is the personalized attention he provides to each client. As an independent tax practitioner, he can dedicate ample time to understanding the unique financial situation of the taxpayer, ensuring that no detail is overlooked during the past due tax return filing process. This level of personalized attention might be harder to come by when working with a Scottsdale AZ IRS tax attorney, who could be juggling multiple cases simultaneously.


Cost considerations are always at the forefront of any taxpayer’s mind. Scott Allen EA’s services are often more cost-effective compared to those of Scottsdale AZ IRS tax attorneys. This is primarily due to the focused nature of his practice and his ability to offer specialized services without the overhead costs associated with larger law firms.

Direct Communication

Open and direct communication is pivotal when dealing with sensitive financial matters like past due tax returns. Scott Allen EA prides himself on maintaining clear and transparent communication with his clients. Clients can directly engage with him, ensuring that questions are answered promptly and concerns are addressed comprehensively. In contrast, communication with a Scottsdale AZ IRS tax attorney might go through intermediaries, leading to potential delays and misinterpretations.

Proven Track Record

Scott Allen EA boasts a proven track record of successfully assisting clients in resolving past due tax return issues. His reputation is built on a foundation of trust, professionalism, and positive outcomes. This is an essential factor to consider when comparing his services to those of a Scottsdale IRS tax attorney, whose track record might not be as explicitly tailored to taxation matters. Below is a great example of how Scott Allen EA represented Frank in his large tax liability. He was able to negotiate all seven years of back taxes owed into one low monthly payment plan of $450 per month. Again, before making the costly decision thinking your tax debt requires a Scottsdale AZ IRS tax attorney meet with Scott Allen EA. He can represent you just like he did for his client Frank.

The decision to choose between Scott Allen EA and a Scottsdale AZ IRS tax attorney for filing past due tax returns ultimately rests upon careful consideration of expertise, specialization, efficiency, cost-efficiency, communication, and track record. While both options offer valuable services, the tailored expertise and personal attention that Scott Allen EA brings to the table make him a compelling choice for taxpayers seeking to navigate the complex landscape of past due tax returns. By entrusting Scott Allen EA with the task, taxpayers can breathe easier, knowing they have a dedicated Enrolled Agent on their side, working tirelessly to ensure their financial matters are resolved effectively and efficiently. Contact Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc today. You will not regret that choice.

Written by Scott Allen

Scott Allen EA for Back Tax Returns over a Mesa, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Why Taxpayers Should Consider Hiring Scott Allen EA for Back Tax Returns and IRS Debt Settlement over a Mesa, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

When it comes to handling back tax returns and navigating the complexities of IRS debt settlement, taxpayers often find themselves facing a crucial decision: whether to hire a Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney or enlist the services of a seasoned professional like Scott Allen EA. While both options offer potential solutions, this blog explores the reasons why taxpayers might opt for Scott Allen EA over a traditional tax attorney for effective resolution of their tax-related issues.

Scott Allen EA brings a wealth of specialized expertise to the table. As an Enrolled Agent (EA), he is a federally-authorized tax practitioner empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This specialized status allows him to represent taxpayers in dealings with the IRS, making him exceptionally qualified to address tax concerns. On the other hand, while IRS tax attorneys are equipped with legal knowledge, their expertise may be more generalized and not as focused on the intricacies of taxation.

Scott Allen’s role as an Enrolled Agent signifies his mastery of tax-related matters. He is well-versed in tax codes, regulations, and IRS procedures, giving him a unique edge in crafting effective strategies for back tax returns and debt settlement. While IRS tax attorneys possess legal acumen, they might not possess the same depth of knowledge when it comes to navigating the intricate world of tax codes and regulations.

One of the distinct advantages of hiring Scott Allen EA lies in his ability to provide tailored solutions to taxpayers’ specific circumstances. He takes the time to understand individual financial situations, allowing him to devise personalized approaches that address the root causes of back taxes and IRS debt. In contrast, some Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorneys might take a more general approach, lacking the in-depth understanding necessary to develop highly effective strategies.

Finances often play a pivotal role in decisions surrounding professional services. Enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA can often be more cost-effective compared to hiring a traditional Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney. Tax attorneys, with their legal background, might charge higher fees for their services. Scott Allen EA, however, offers specialized assistance at a potentially more affordable rate, making quality tax expertise accessible to a wider range of taxpayers.

Scott Allen EA prioritizes direct client interaction, fostering a strong sense of trust and transparency. You will always meet with him from beginning to end. Clients appreciate his hands-on approach and the personalized attention he provides throughout the tax resolution process. In contrast, IRS tax attorneys might have a more formal approach, potentially creating a barrier between the client and the attorney. Scott Allen EA’s approachability and willingness to explain complex tax concepts can significantly alleviate the stress associated with back taxes and IRS debt.

Scott Allen EA’s track record speaks volumes about his expertise and effectiveness in resolving tax-related issues. Numerous success stories from satisfied clients highlight his ability to secure favorable outcomes in challenging tax situations. This level of demonstrated expertise can provide taxpayers with the confidence they need to entrust their back tax returns and IRS debt settlement to his capable hands.

While the choice between hiring a Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney and enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA may seem daunting, considering the specialized expertise, in-depth tax knowledge, tailored solutions, cost-effectiveness, direct client interaction, and proven track record that Scott Allen EA brings to the table can make the decision clearer. Taxpayers seeking a well-rounded professional with a deep understanding of tax matters and a dedication to achieving optimal results may find that Scott Allen EA is the ideal partner for handling their back tax returns and settling IRS debt.

View the image below and you will see a recent example of how David was able to utilize Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc to prepare his back tax returns and settle his IRS debt into one manageable payment plan. If fear is leading you to believe that your case requires a Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney may I suggest that you give Scott a call instead at 480-926-9300 and he will put your mind as ease.

Written by Scott Allen

Navigating Back Tax Returns in Queen Creek, AZ

Navigating Back Tax Returns in Queen Creek, AZ: How TaxDebtAdvisors.com Can Be Your Ally Before the IRS

In the picturesque town of Queen Creek, Arizona, nestled amid the stunning Sonoran Desert landscape, taxpayers have always taken pride in their strong sense of community. However, like any other place, Queen Creek residents may encounter financial challenges, leading some to fall behind on their tax obligations. Whether due to unforeseen circumstances or complex financial situations, filing back tax returns can be a daunting task for many individuals. Thankfully, the knowledgeable and dedicated team at TaxDebtAdvisors.com is ready to assist Queen Creek taxpayers in navigating this process and representing them before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Understanding Back Tax Returns in Queen Creek, AZ:

Filing tax returns is an essential responsibility for every taxpayer in the United States. Unfortunately, life’s unpredictability sometimes leads individuals to overlook this obligation, inadvertently accumulating back taxes. As taxpayers in Queen Creek, AZ, grapple with this predicament, the consequences of unpaid taxes can loom heavily over their heads.

When taxpayers neglect to file their returns on time or accurately report their income, they might face penalties, interest charges, and even IRS audits. Moreover, unresolved tax debt can lead to wage garnishments, bank levies, and property liens, further compounding the financial strain on Queen Creek residents.

Enter TaxDebtAdvisors.com:

In times of distress, seeking expert advice and assistance becomes crucial, and this is where TaxDebtAdvisors.com shines as a reliable solution for Queen Creek taxpayers. As a local family owned and operated business since 1977, they are well-equipped to handle even the most complex tax situations.

  1. Expert Guidance:

The tax code is a labyrinth of rules and regulations, often confusing for the average taxpayer. TaxDebtAdvisors.com boasts a team of tax experts well-versed in the intricacies of tax law. They understand the nuances of the tax system and keep abreast of any changes in IRS policies. Armed with this knowledge, they can provide tailored guidance to Queen Creek taxpayers to help them navigate the process of filing back tax returns with ease.

  1. Thorough Assessment:

Every taxpayer’s situation is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t suffice. TaxDebtAdvisors.com conducts a thorough assessment of each client’s financial circumstances, including income, assets, and outstanding tax liabilities. This meticulous examination enables them to devise a personalized strategy to resolve back tax return issues effectively.

  1. Negotiating with the IRS:

Facing the intimidating IRS alone can be a daunting prospect. TaxDebtAdvisors.com acts as a buffer between Queen Creek taxpayers and the IRS, handling all communication and negotiations on their clients’ behalf. Their expertise in dealing with the IRS ensures that taxpayers’ rights are protected while exploring options for resolving back taxes in a manner that suits their financial situation.

  1. Minimizing Penalties and Interest:

Accrued penalties and interest on back taxes can quickly snowball into an overwhelming burden. TaxDebtAdvisors.com diligently works to minimize these additional costs, helping Queen Creek taxpayers find relief and a feasible path towards resolving their tax debt.

  1. Setting Up Payment Plans:

For taxpayers facing financial constraints, TaxDebtAdvisors.com assists in setting up manageable payment plans with the IRS. These plans allow individuals to pay off their back taxes in affordable installments, reducing the strain on their finances and paving the way to a debt-free future.

Taxpayers struggling with back tax returns in Queen Creek, AZ need not face the IRS alone. TaxDebtAdvisors.com offers a guiding light in these challenging times, providing expert assistance to navigate the complexities of tax debt resolution. By offering personalized solutions, minimizing penalties, and negotiating on behalf of their clients, TaxDebtAdvisors.com aims to help Queen Creek residents regain their financial footing and find peace of mind. So, if you find yourself facing back tax challenges, don’t hesitate to seek the support of TaxDebtAdvisors.com, your trusted ally near Queen Creek, AZ. If you need a tax organizer/checklist to help you organize you information feel free to go ahead and get started.

Check out the IRS letter below on how Scott Allen, EA with TaxDebtAdvisors.com helped Steve in Queen Creek, AZ with his back tax return filings. With Scott Allen, EA’s representation he reduced his tax bill by about $15,000. This is just one example of 1000’s of successful cases they have handeled.

Back Tax Returns Queen Creek AZ

Written by Scott Allen

Help with IRS Payment Plan in Gilbert Arizona

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.: The Best Way to Get an IRS Payment Plan in Gilbert, Arizona

If you’re facing a tax debt, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans owe money to the IRS every year. And while it can be a daunting task to try to figure out how to pay off your debt, there is help available.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is a leading tax resolution firm that can help you get an IRS payment plan in Gilbert, Arizona. They have over 44 years of experience helping taxpayers just like you get the relief they need.

They understand that dealing with a tax debt can be stressful and overwhelming. That’s why they offer a free consultation so that they can assess your individual situation and create a customized plan to help you get back on track.

Their team of experienced tax professionals will work with you every step of the way to ensure that you get the best possible outcome. They will negotiate with the IRS on your behalf to get you the lowest possible payment amount and the most favorable terms.

They also offer a variety of other services to help you get your finances back in order, including:

  • Audit representation
  • Offer in Compromise
  • Installment Agreements
  • Penalty Abatement
  • Wage Garnishment Relief

If you’re struggling with a tax debt, don’t wait any longer. Contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. today to get the help you need.

How to Get an IRS Payment Plan in Gilbert, Arizona

If you owe money to the IRS, you may be eligible to get an IRS payment plan in Gilbert, Arizona. A payment plan is an agreement with the IRS to pay off your debt over time.

To get an IRS payment plan, you must first file all of your back taxes. Once your taxes are filed, you can contact the IRS to request a payment plan.

Here are two examples of ways to request a payment plan:

  • Online: You can request a payment plan online at the IRS website.
  • By mail: You can request a payment plan by mail by filling out Form 433-D and mailing it to the IRS.

When you request a payment plan, you will need to provide the IRS with information about your income and expenses. The IRS will use this information to determine how much you can afford to pay each month.

The IRS offers a variety of payment plans, including:

  • Installment Agreement: This is the most common type of payment plan. You will make monthly payments to the IRS until your debt is paid off.
  • Offer in Compromise: This is a type of payment plan that allows you to pay less than the full amount of your debt. You must meet certain requirements to qualify for an Offer in Compromise. Some Offers are also done as a lump sum settlement as well.
  • Currently Not Collectible: This is a type of payment plan that allows you to stop making payments to the IRS if you can show that you are unable to afford to pay.

If you are approved for an IRS payment plan in Gilbert, Arizona, you will be required to make monthly payments. If you miss a payment, you may be subject to penalties and interest.

The Benefits of Hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

There are many benefits to hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. to help you get an IRS payment plan.

  • They have over 44 years of experience helping taxpayers just like you get the relief they need.
  • They offer a free consultation so that we can assess your individual situation and create a customized plan to help you get back on track.
  • Their team of experienced tax professionals will work with you every step of the way to ensure that you get the best possible outcome.
  • They offer a variety of other services to help you get your finances back in order, including:

If you’re struggling with a tax debt, don’t wait any longer. Contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. today to get the help you need.

Contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Today

If you’re ready to get help with your tax debt, contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. today. They will work with you to create a customized plan to help you get back on track.

Call us at (480) 926-9300 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

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