Written by Scott Allen

What option to settle IRS debt Mesa AZ ?

What option might you qualify for to settle IRS debt Mesa AZ

Far too often delinquent taxpayers have “tunnel vision” and only focus on one solution to settle IRS debt Mesa AZ.  It will be very difficult to get a realistic resolution with this type of attitude. With Tax Debt Advisors, Inc you will be introduced to the many different available options right up front.

Brent came in to meet with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc wanting to settle his IRS debt in an Offer in Compromise. He see’s it advertised on the TV and radio daily and knew he must do that. However, during a consultation with Scott Allen EA he learned the real truths about an Offer in Compromise and found out at this time he isnt going to qualify. Brent needed to negotiate a payment plan.  That is exactly what Tax Debt Advisors, Inc did for him.  After that process was complete penalty abatement was applied for as well. Guess what? The IRS accepted penalty relief on his 2009 tax return. That is a tax return with a due date over seven years ago. This IRS penalty abatement request saved Brent over $6,200 in IRS debt.

Settle IRS Debt Mesa AZ

Settle IRS Debt Mesa AZ

As Scott Allen EA likes to explain to his clients, “you need to pick the right battles with the IRS”.  This is a true statement. A proper representative will advise you upfront and honestly on all available options AND know what will and will not be successful before ever getting started.  The average cost to hire a tax professional to negotiate an offer in compromise is about $3,500 and takes 12-18 months.  Had Brent gone down that road blindly in “tunnel vision” he would have seen his Offer in Compromise denied, more interest and penalties accruing, 12 months of stress, and been out $3,500 in professional fees.

Don’t let that be the scenario for you. Find out the right option from the very first appointment with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Call today and schedule a free initial consultation.

Written by Scott Allen

I am behind on my 941 IRS payroll taxes & might need a Mesa AZ tax attorney

tax attorney mesa az

Do you often feel like you need the representation of a Mesa Arizona tax attorney for your IRS payroll tax debt?  Before signing power of attorney over to a Mesa AZ tax attorney, first consult with a tax professional.  Scott Allen is an Enrolled Agent licensed to prepare tax returns in all 50 states and to represent taxpayers before the IRS in matters of collection and audits. Scott Allen’s expertise includes preparing tax returns, handling State or IRS collection matters, federal and state income tax audits, sales tax audits, IRS tax debt, reduction, Offers in Compromise, installment agreements, tax penalty abatement, tax-motivated bankruptcy, business tax issues and bankruptcy filing if needed.

Most cases are not legal matters that require the cost of client attorney privilege. Owing back 941 payroll taxes in Mesa AZ does not make you a criminal; it makes you delinquent.  All that IRS wants if to see you get back in compliance and to not get into this situation a 2nd or 3rd time.

Many Mesa businesses have difficulty staying current with IRS 941 payroll taxes. They may even be tempted to borrow from their 941 payroll account to pay other bills.  You want to stay away from this tactic.  It may be a short term relief but in the long term it will have its costing affect to your business.

But, if you find yourself behind on your IRS 941 (or 940) payroll taxes in Mesa Arizona you need to consult with Scott Allen EA.  He will be able to get you from point A to point B in the best and quickest manner possible. Most payroll taxes are cannot be discharged in bankruptcy through a Mesa AZ tax attorney.  You will need to look at other alternatives.  Scott will go over all the other alternatives with you.

Call Scott Allen EA today at 480-926-9300 to schedule a free initial consultation.

Written by Scott Allen

Its time to take my case to an IRS appeals officer in Mesa AZ

Do I need to call a Mesa AZ tax attorney in order to present my case to an IRS appeals officer?  Not necessarily.  Taking your case to an IRS appeals officer when you live in Mesa AZ is not a legal matter that requires a tax attorney.  You can always present your own case or use the services of an enrolled agent or CPA.  May I suggest Scott Allen of Mesa AZ.  He is an enrolled agent who specialized in serious tax matters.  98% of cases do not require the use of an appeals officer, but in the 2% that do of cases more important then anything is your preparation in the matter.  Scott Allen EA will spend ample (but necessary) time with you organizing your paperwork and tax information in a matter that the IRS appeals officer likes and can understand.  In doing this, it was make the time and process with the IRS appeals officer stress free and quick.

Next time you feel like your IRS matter is not being resolved correctly with your auditor, collection officer, CPA, or tax attorney in Mesa AZ please give Scott Allen EA a call for a free evaluation of your IRS tax matter.  He promises quick response and guaranteed services.  Click here to contact Scott Allen EA today.

Written by Scott Allen

Is a Mesa AZ tax attorney necessary if I owe IRS payroll taxes?

The quick answer is no.  A Mesa AZ tax attorney is not required to resolve IRS payroll taxes.  On the other hand, it is a matter you need to take it serious.  Once you are behind on your payroll taxes it can be extremely difficult to get caught back up.  On top of that the IRS will be on top of you throughout the process. Interest and penalties will continue to accrue in most cases and they are 3 times higher then interest and penalties on individual income taxes.

If you find you and your business in this situation you will probably need the assistance of a professional IRS resolution specialists who has experience in fixing IRS payroll tax problems.  The IRS will want to use all their resources possible to collect the taxes owed and can even come after you personally if the business can no longer afford to pay the debt back.  If you fail to cooperate timely the IRS will file a notice of federal tax lien and will threaten to seize your business and personal assets.

Don’t procrastinate any longer what you know you need to take care of.  Mesa AZ IRS payroll taxes can we resolved and settled if you go thru the proper channels. Consider having a consultation with Scott Allen EA in Mesa AZ.  Don’t fall into the fear or trap that you have to have a Mesa AZ tax attorney for your IRS payroll issue.  Find the representative that will make you feel the most comfortable and give you the confidence he or she can get your situation resolved quickly.

Tax Debt Advisors Inc  3155 E Southern Ave #101  Mesa, AZ  85204

Phone 480-926-9300

Written by Scott Allen

IRS innocent spouse relief for Mesa AZ taxpayers

A question you might be asking yourself:  Do I need a Mesa AZ tax attorney for my IRS innocent spouse relief?

First thing to note is that filing for innocent spouse relief does not require the need to hire a tax attorney in Mesa AZ.  You can file for innocent spouse relief on your own, with a CPA or an Enrolled Agent.  If do you hire some to represent you it is important that you meet with that person face-to-face.  I highly discourage working with an out of state company.  My I suggest to you Scott Allen EA in Mesa AZ.  He promises a quick response and follow through service.  Below is a list of things to consider before applying for Mesa AZ innocent spouse relief.

  1. You CANNOT have benefited from unreported income or incorrect deductions on a jointly filed tax return.
  2. In a community property state (Arizona is) you may file a married filing separate return as long as both parties involved report their share of income correctly.
  3. You have to be able to prove you innocence in the issue and that you did not know what you spouse was doing or preparing.

If very important to note that the IRS will do their own investigation in the process.  That process can take 6-12 months.  They will attempt to contact your spouse to get his or her side of the story.  You want to avoid making false claims that will only make the matter worse and the debt larger.  Upon innocent spouse relief being accepted the entire share of tax, interest, and penalties will be removed from your account.

Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors has the experience in preparing and filing innocent spouse claims if he determines you are a candidate.  Consider calling him today before calling a Mesa AZ tax attorney for your IRS matter.  Schedule a free consultation in his office.  Click here for more information.

Written by Scott Allen

We are Mesa Arizona’s Top IRS Problem Solvers for Offers in Compromise—General Information

IRS Offer in Compromise Mesa AZ

Here is some general information the IRS Offer in Compromise.  Beyond the basics you are best to consult with a local IRS resolution expert in Arizona.  If you truly cannot afford to pay back the taxes owed, including the interest and penalties, you may be a candidate to apply for an Offer in Compromise.  This IRS settlement option allows you to settle your entire debt for a lesser amount.  This can be done by making short monthly payments or one lump sum.

An Offer in compromise has an advantage over filing a bankruptcy because payroll taxes cannot be eliminated by filing a bankruptcy.  Once your offer has been accepted and you have paid in full the agreed amount, the IRS will remove all tax liens.  The amount that is considered acceptable by the IRS is based on your ability to pay.  Financial statements with proof of all of your personal and business expenses will have to be provided along with bank statements.

Many potential Mesa AZ Offer in Compromise clients qualify for an Offer but the amount considered acceptable to the IRS is more than the taxpayer can pay.  To determine if you are a viable Offer candidate, contact Scott Allen E.A. of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.


Written by Scott Allen

The IRS has filed a tax lien; can Tax Debt Advisors, Inc still help me?

IRS Tax Lien Mesa AZ

A tax lien in Mesa AZ will make it miserable for you to get a loan.  And if you are given a loan the interest rates will be outrageous.  So if you are being faced with the IRS filing a tax lien against you in Mesa AZ, consider getting professional help and requesting a hearing before the IRS Office of Appeals.  Scott Allen E.A. of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has the expertise to represent you and will meet with the Appeals Officer if he feels the IRS should not file a tax lien against you.

Many clients are under the assumption that they have a tax lien against them still in effect, when in fact the lien expired under the statute of limitations.  IRS tax liens Mesa AZ are self-releasing but if you have not paid off the tax, the IRS will not inform the credit bureaus that the tax lien has expired.

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. in Mesa, AZ offers a free initial consultation to prevent an IRS tax lien or getting it released.  Call 480-926-9300 to schedule an appointment.



Written by Scott Allen

Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney when I have filed a bankruptcy when I own a home and have an IRS tax lien?

First, dealing with a Maricopa County IRS Tax lien is not a legal matter.

But let’s back up and make sure of the circumstances surrounding your bankruptcy.  When a taxpayer files a bankruptcy and has met all the criteria for discharging taxes in a bankruptcy, the tax debt is considered removed.  However, if there was an IRS tax lien filed prior to the bankruptcy and the taxpayer owns a home with equity, the IRS tax lien is still attached against the home for the amount of the equity.  If the taxpayer sells the house before the statute of limitations expires, the IRS is entitled to that equity at the close of escrow.  If however, there is no equity in the home at the time of the bankruptcy, the taxpayer has the option of requesting that the tax lien be removed.

It is critical to get a certified appraisal on the home at the time the bankruptcy is discharged, so that the value of the home is provable if there is a dispute with the IRS.  Waiting several years and expecting the IRS to accept that you had no equity in the home may be difficult to prove.  If you want the Maricopa County IRS tax lien to be removed it is best to do it as soon as possible after the bankruptcy has discharged the IRS tax debt.

Scott Allen E.A. has the expertise to advise you on these matters.  He has seen many clients who were not advised by their Mesa AZ bankruptcy attorney that the lien would survive the bankruptcy and attach to their home.  Very few attorney bankruptcy clients were even advised what to do when they had no equity in their home after their bankruptcy was over.  If you have questions on this matter, contact Scott Allen E.A. in Mesa AZ for a free consultation at 480-926-9300.  There is still hope even if you had equity in your home, to prevent the IRS from using that equity against your IRS debt.


Written by Scott Allen

Do I Need an IRS Attorney in Mesa AZ to get my IRS Penalties Reduced?

No, getting your IRS penalties reduced is not a legal matter?  When the IRS reduces your penalties it is called penalty abatement.  This can best be done by filing an appeal with the IRS Appeals Office.  Another option is with the Taxpayer Advocate Office.  It is best to have a consultation with Scott Allen E.A. (who is not a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney) to validate your reasons for making a legitimate appeal or find out right up front that your appeal will be denied.  Scott may be able to come up with better reasons, that are true, that will give you the greatest chance of having your IRS penalties reduced.  Penalties can grow very quickly.  For example, the IRS will penalize you 25% of the tax due for filing just five months after the due date.

An Appeals hearing is requested by filing Form 843.  Generally speaking, Appeals Officers are much more lenient than other levels at the IRS such as collections or IRS auditors.  It is important to have some proof of your claim, so keeping paper records such as medical records is critical.  Remember, the IRS Appeals Office has heard every lame excuse.  I think these guys have lunches with traffic cops to compare excuses.

Call Scott Allen E.A. for a professional opinion regarding your request to have IRS penalties abated.  Scott can be reached at 48-926-9300 and you first appointment is a free consultation.


Written by Scott Allen

Do I Need a Mesa Tax Attorney to Qualify for Currently Not Collectible Status?

No, qualifying for Currently Not Collectible Status (CNC) is not a legal matter and doesn’t require a Mesa Tax Attorney.  However, you probably will need an IRS representative like Scott Allen E.A. to get your current payment plan reduced to no payment.  The IRS is reluctant to put a taxpayer on an IRS installment arrangement into a zero payment plan.  There are steps needed to be taken before requesting the IRS to accept no payment.  It is not just a matter of filing new financial statements.

It should be remembered that penalties and interest still accrue when you are in CNC status.  Mesa tax attorneys are necessary to file a tax motivated bankruptcy but you are better off using an Enrolled Agent like Scott Allen E.A. who can successfully complete this procedure at a fraction of the cost of an Mesa Tax Attorney.  Call Scott Allen E.A today for a free consultation at 480-926-9300 to see if you qualify for a CNC status.


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