Written by Scott Allen

I need IRS HELP: IRS Tax Attorney in Mesa AZ: Yes or No?

No, IRS help is not a legal matter.  Here are some suggestions on what to look for in choosing an IRS representative:

  • You should be entitled to an initial free consultation.  At this meeting the person you meet with must be the one who will represent you—NOT A SALESMAN!
  • You should feel that all of your questions are answered in a manner you understand.  If you do not understand the answers you are getting, you a probably dealing with someone who is not honest.
  • Make sure the person handling your case can start immediately.  Time is of the essence.  Sometimes a delay of a few hours can make a big difference in the work needed to be done and settlement options that are available.
  • Make sure your IRS representative is licensed in all 50 States.
  • Make sure you have the direct dial to your IRS representative and that he or she will be the only one you talk to about your IRS problem.
  • Work only with a firm that presents all of your IRS settlement options; not just the one they want you to accept.
  • Make sure you are quoted a flat fee for the work done.  Not a large upfront fee – but a quote of the the total costs of the process.  That will also require you to respond timely to the needs of your IRS representative.

Scott Allen E.A. (who is not an attorney) will provide his services in accordance to these recommendations.  Scott is available for a free consultation at 480-926-9300.  His firm has been serving clients with tax problems since 1977 and has successfully resolved over 114,000 IRS tax debts.

Before you make the decision to hire an IRS tax attorney in Mesa AZ for your IRS help please take 10 minutes and call me for a second opinion.  I can usually meet with you for a free consultation the same day you call – if necessary.

Thanks for considering me as your IRS problem option.  Make today a great day for you!

Office:  3155 E Southern Ave  Ste 101  Mesa, AZ  85204

Donna hired Scott Allen E.A instead of using an IRS tax attorney in Mesa AZ and was not disappointed one bit. As you can view from the letter below she was able to get all seven of her IRS debts into a currently not collectible status. Wow, what a relief! Feel free to give Scott a call if you would like to learn more about this settlement option. Currently not collectible status is just one of several options to resolve and IRS debt issue.

IRS Tax Attorney in Mesa AZ


Written by Scott Allen

Why Use Scott Allen EA instead of a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney?

Make sure you feel comfortable with your IRS representation

•             Intimidation Factor—Most clients feel intimidated when using a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney.  You don’t need to add to the intimidation factor a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney on top of the intimidation factor of the IRS.

•             IRS Settlement Experience—The most important factor is the number of successful cases your representation has done.  Our firm has successfully resolved over 113,000 IRS tax debts over the last 40+ years.

•             Rapport with IRS Agents—The second most important factor is the relationship your IRS representative has with local IRS agents and IRS officers.  Our firm has work with almost all of the local IRS agents or officers that could be assigned to your case.  Because of our track record of success with IRS problems, IRS agents and IRS officers prefer working with someone who has expertise in settling IRS problems and provides the information in a timely manner.

Call Scott Allen E.A. for a free consultation at 480-926-9300 and put your mind at ease.  A problem with the IRS is stressful enough.  Selecting the right person to represent you is critical.  Scott Allen E.A. will provide the service you need to be successful in settling your matter with the IRS and won’t intimidate you in that process.  The company he works for is Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.  He prepares taxes (current and delinquent) and settles or negotiates IRS debts.  This is his niche and this is all that he does on a day in and day out basis.  Just last night he was here until 7:00pm because someone called in at 5:30pm and just found out his bank account had been levied by the IRS.  Rather than putting it off for another day, Scott met with the client and got started on the resolution to his case immediately.  Scott is not a bankruptcy Tax IRS Attorney dabbling in IRS problem work.  He is an Enrolled Agent licensed to prepare tax returns and represent taxpayers before the IRS.

Check out this recent success Scott Allen EA has with a recent client facing a tax lien and IRS levy. Rather then hiding from the IRS, he faced it and negotiated into a low $576 a month payment plan. Speak with him today to see how he can best represent you.

                                                                                 Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney


Written by Scott Allen

Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney: Is it right? or is there a better alternative?

Why using a Mesa AZ IRS Tax attorney is not the best way to get your IRS matter resolved

  • Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorneys are far too expensive for almost 98% of the IRS settlement options available.
  • We have heard complaints from clients coming to us that they felt intimidated when asking a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney questions about their IRS case.
  • The strategy of most IRS Tax Attorneys in Mesa AZ, not all, but most is to bill you so much up front that they hope you run out of money before they actually have to solve your IRS problem.
  • IRS Tax Attorneys in Mesa AZ are generally very condescending to CPA’s and E.A.’s who in most cases have resolved far more IRS problems then they have.
  • Mesa Arizona IRS Tax Attorneys are needed in criminal matters.  They often make potential clients feel like they have an IRS matter that is or could become criminal in nature.  The fact of the matter is that is the last 40+ years we have only seen a few criminal cases and have immediately referred them to a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney.  Not one case evolved into a criminal case as we were working on resolving the matter—NOT ONE !
  • Mesa Arizona Attorneys are needed when filing a bankruptcy is the best settlement option.  However, working first with us you will be sent to the Mesa attorney only when your taxes are dischargeable in a bankruptcy.  We have seen literally thousands of bankruptcies filed by attorneys in Mesa before the taxes were dischargeable.  There is a two and a three year rule and Mesa attorneys are not willing to take the chance that you will come back to them later and often file the bankruptcy too soon and only remove consumer debt.
  • Many Mesa AZ IRS Tax attorneys are not able to prepare tax returns or are not as experienced in preparing returns as an E.A. or CPA.

So what should you do?  If you are budget conscious but still feel you, or, should I say still fear you need to use an attorney or that any attorney will provide better service, get your second opinion first with Scott Allen E.A. Then you will be able to compare intelligently the services provided and fees to complete the necessary work.  The choice will be obvious without any fear that you have made the wrong choice.  Scott is available for an in office or phone consultation.  Call him today at 480-926-9300 and put your mind at ease!

Here is a recent success a client had by using Scott Allen EA instead of a Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney. William owed a ton of back taxes and had no way of paying anything back to them. Based upon his current financial situation, his employment, and everything going on in the new “Covid-19 world” he would qualify for a currently non collectible status. That is exactly what Scott Allen EA did for him. Click on the IRS settlement approval letter below.

Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney


Tax Debt Advisors, Inc – Since 1977

3155 E Southern Ave  Ste 101

Mesa, AZ  85204


Written by Scott Allen

Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney or Scott Allen EA

Should I hire a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney for my tax problem?

When a taxpayer is faced with an IRS problem they have many different options to resolve it. One might be to hire an expensive Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney. While that may be a viable option it may not be necessary. An Enrolled Agent can represent you before the IRS the same way a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney can. The only exception would be “client attorney privilege”.  However, owing the IRS money or having unfiled tax returns doesn’t require that “privilege”.  Its not a fraudulent or criminal situation. The taxpayer is simply delinquent.  Scott Allen EA can help get you current and compliant with the IRS once again. This is what he specializes in and it is all that he does right here in Mesa AZ.

How about checking out a recent success he had for a client? View the image below.

Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Sometimes when the IRS sends out a notice stating you owe $75,000 they really owe you money. That was the case here with Josh. Who would have thought?

If you have unfiled tax returns or owe more then you can pay back call Scott Allen EA for a free consultation and put you mind at ease.


Written by Scott Allen

Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney or Tax Debt Advisors

Is a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney a good idea or not ?

If you are in financial trouble with the IRS, whether it be for unfiled tax returns or owing the IRS more then you could pay back you may be considering a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney.  Tax Debt Advisors is here to give you a solid alternative to that. Tax Debt Advisors is a family owned company right here in Mesa AZ that specializes in IRS problems. President, Scott Allen is not a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney but a licensed Enrolled Agent and will represent you as your Power of Attorney before the IRS the same way an attorney can. He will help you prepare any unfiled tax returns and negotiate the best possible settlement allowable by law.  View the image below to see a recent success he had for his client Julian. He owed the IRS more then $40,000 for tax year 2013. “How can I owe the IRS that much money,” he told me. “I didn’t even make $40,000 in income that year?”. Scott investigated and file an SFR Protest for his client.  As you can see from the notice Scott Allen EA was able to remove over $34,000 in taxes, interest, and fees.

Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Everyone’s case with the IRS is different and every settlement option is different for different taxpayers. But, take the time to meet with Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors to evaluate your options with the IRS. Whether you hire Scott or not you will not regret the meeting.

Written by Scott Allen

Lower your tax liability: Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney not needed

Resolve IRS debts without needing a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Some common methods of reducing your IRS tax liability are:

*   Request a record of account and verify that all of your payments were received and credited correctly to the tax year in question.  The IRS will always apply payment to the oldest year first.  If you want your payment to go to a specific year, it must be noted on the check and on the correspondence accompanying the payment.  Occasionally the IRS will apply your payment to someone else’s account in error or to a tax debt you owe such as your corporation payroll tax liability instead of your individual liability.

*   If the IRS filed a substitute for return, file a correct return that shows that you owe less than the return prepared by the IRS.  Filing a return to reduce the liability on a substitute for return or to amend a return previously filed does not necessarily increase your chances of being audited.  If you amend a previously filed return, submit proof of your changes along with the amended return.  This will show the IRS that you have proof of your changes and will reduce the chances of being audited.

*   File IRS form 843 to request that penalties be abated.

If you are interested in a free consultation to determine if your tax liability can be reduced, call Scott Allen E.A. at 480-926-9300. He is not a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney but rather a federally licensed Enrolled Agent able to handle your tax matter.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!


Written by Scott Allen

Stop an IRS levy in Mesa AZ without Bankruptcy

Are there options to stop a Mesa AZ IRS levy without resulting in filing a bankruptcy?  Of course there are!

Before meeting with a Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney suggesting bankruptcy as your best option consult with us, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc here in Mesa Arizona.  We will meet with you and go over all the available options to you be stop a Mesa AZ IRS levy if not immediately, within 24-48 hours.  Filing an IRS tax bankruptcy can have a lasting affect on your life, business, credit, and family.  Before hiring a Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney be sure it is in your best interest to do so and you have exhausted any and all tax settlement solutions.  Please browse my site for more information on the IRS and stopping a Mesa AZ IRS levy.  Below I have written some thoughts and quotes that may help you feel confident you can get past this tough moment in your life.  Thank you for reading.

Do you need a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney ?

See how Scott Allen EA successfully stopped the IRS from a levy or garnishment without using a Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney. Click on the image below and you can see for yourself that Dawn’s entire IRS debt of over $80,000 was put into a currently non collectible status protecting her small income and her home.

Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Reviewing the following quotes on success will help you in the process of getting your IRS problem and Mesa AZ IRS levy resolved.  As you read them consider the ones you may need to incorporate in your life that can make the difference between success and failure.

Quotes on Success

Learn the art of patience.  Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal.  Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure.  Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and rational outlook, which eventually leads to success.—Brian Adams

Whenever I hear, “It can’t be done,” I know I’m close to success.—Michael Flatley

Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem.—Henry Kissinger

Success is a lousy teacher.  It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.—Bill Gates

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.—Henry David Thoreau

I will not allow yesterday’s success to lull me into today’s complacency, for this is the great foundation of failure.—Og Mandino

A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day.—Andre Maurois

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.—Maya Angelou

He has achieved success who had lived well, laughed often, and loved much.—Bessie A. Stanley

The only place where success comes before work is a dictionary.—Vidal Sassoon

There are no secrets to success.  It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.—Colin Powell

Success is a journey, not a destination.  The doing is often more important than the outcome.—Arthur Ashe

If you are struggling with an IRS levy in Mesa AZ, need to file back tax returns, being audited, or want the know the quickest and best way to settled you debt with the IRS call Scott Allen E.A. at 480-926-9300 for a free initial consultation.


Written by Scott Allen

Mesa AZ tax attorney for IRS tax debt relief: yes or no?

Where should you go for IRS tax debt help in Mesa AZ ?

The first rule of thumb if you are looking for IRS representation is to use someone local in the Mesa AZ area.  There are many out of state companies that advertise this work only to make false promises on what they can actually do for you.  If you are calling a 1-800 number more likely you are calling and talking to a sales person rather then the person who would actually be representing you.  The second rule of thumb is to then determine if your case needs the use of a Mesa AZ tax attorney.  Again, more often then not you do not need a tax attorney in Mesa AZ.  98% of IRS debt resolution cases are not of fraudulent nature and a Mesa AZ tax attorney is not necessary.

What you do need however is proper, quick, and decisive representation.  You will get that with Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors.  He is NOT a tax attorney rather he is an Enrolled Agent skilled and trained to deal with the IRS in matters of collection and tax preparation.  Whether you need help filings back tax returns or settling and IRS debt he can assist you from beginning to end.  Scott Allen EA of Mesa Arizona has the experience in negotiating monthly payment plans with the IRS.  The IRS refers this as an installment arrangement.  For those taxpayers in a “hardship situation” he can be aggressive in negotiating a currently non-collectible status.  To learn more about what a non-collectible status is click here.

Doing this work on your own can be a daunting task at times.  It can be near impossible just to get thru to them on the phone let alone working with them. And, every time you call them you get a new person you have to talk to.  Scott Allen EA in Mesa AZ has the experience in “managing” the IRS personnel in getting you the best possible settlement allowed by law.  He has been trained to deal with the IRS employees and he does on a daily basis.  Before you make the decision to work with a Mesa AZ tax attorney please give Scott Allen EA a call to schedule a free consultation regarding you IRS situation.

Click below to view a negotiation done by Scott Allen EA on a 2017 tax return filing for a client. It look nearly a year to get accomplished but it was well worth it!

Mesa AZ Tax Attorney


Written by Scott Allen

Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney or not?

Do I need a Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney for my IRS problem?

Scott Allen EA gets asked this question quite often.  My taxpayers feel their situation requires a Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney or that the only person that can assist them is an attorney.  While an attorney can assist with a taxpayers problem its not the only course of action.  It is important to remember, 98% of IRS problems are not of a criminal nature; they are a delinquent nature.  Scott Allen EA is not an attorney but rather an Enrolled Agent (EA) who is licensed specifically to prepare tax returns and to represent taxpayers before the IRS in matters of collections and audits.  He does not branch off into other aspects of taxation but focuses 100% of his practice on IRS problems.  Scott Allen EA can do anything an attorney can do when it comes to those areas.  Below we have provided to you a recent success of his work for a client before the IRS.

Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney

Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney

One of his clients came in with a couple unfiled tax returns and the IRS garnishing his retirement income (yes, the IRS can garnish your retirement or social security income).  They were taking his money and applying it to a tax debt on his 2009 tax return that he had never filed.  Actually, the IRS filed it for him giving him no room for expenses or deductions.  As you can see they took over $6,000 of his income to a debt that should never have been there in the first place.  What did Scott Allen EA do?  To sum it up he was able to get an IRS power of attorney authorization to represent him, contact the IRS to “gather up the facts”, prepare and file his missing returns, and get a stop to the garnishment.  Lastly, he was able to get the IRS to refund the money back to him within a reasonable period of time.

This may have been a case someone might think a Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney is required but as you can see it was not.  Scott Allen EA was able to aggressively represent his client in the best possible manner.  This client will be continuing to use his services on a yearly tax preparation basis.  Let Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors be your “one stop shop” in getting you IRS nightmare behind you.  He will meet with you for a free initial consultation.

Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney 2019

Scott Allen EA is not a Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney but is licensed to do anything an attorney can do pertaining to matters before the IRS. Tax Debt Advisors has been representing taxpayers since 1977. View a recent notice of success from the IRS below.

Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Robert was a struggling taxpayer just surviving to pay his household bills. This got him behind on his tax filings. He recently met with Scott Allen EA to hire him as his IRS power of attorney. Scott, as an Enrolled Agent, successfully released his wage garnishment, prepared his back tax returns and negotiated an aggressive settlement on that debt. Currently non collectible status is where Robert stands with the IRS. This means he does not have to make any payments to the IRS as long as he files and full pays his future tax obligations on time.

If you find yourself in a similar situation or just don’t know where to begin consider meeting with Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors to discuss your options. He will only take on your case if it is in your best interest.

Written by Scott Allen

Mesa Enrolled Agent vs. Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Hire a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney ?

Experience means a lot to most of us, rightfully so.  Some will make the assumption that a tax attorney has more experience then the rest of the “league”. But, does a Mesa IRS tax attorney have more experience the a Mesa AZ Enrolled Agent?

It is a very good question anyone should ask who has an IRS debt problem or back tax returns that need to be filed. Taxpayers can confuse experience with education background.  Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors will admit that Mesa AZ IRS tax attorneys have more education but the critical question to ask is that education in IRS settlement work?  IRS settlement work is expertise unto itself. You cannot get it through a class or education.  It comes from years and years of working out IRS settlements for taxpayers like yourself and establishing good healthy relationships with the local IRS employees.  Scott Allen EA has worked with most of the local IRS agents multiple times.  That kind of relationship and trust can work to your advantage.

Over the past 41 years Tax Debt Advisors has resolved over 108,000 IRS debts. We pride ourselves on complete follow through service throughout the entire process.  There is more information to read about the IRS settlement process on his website.  Tax Debt Advisors has always been and always will be a family owned business that is now on to its second generation of ownership.  To find out if Tax Debt Advisors is the right choice for you call and schedule a free confidential appointment to meet with Scott Allen EA who is a licensed Enrolled Agent.  He can be reached at 480-926-9300.  He can handle the 98% of cases that do not require the need of a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney.  Again, call Scott Allen EA first for your second opinion.

tax attorney mesa az


Scott Allen EA @ 480-926-9300


February 2018 update:

He is successfully still resolving IRS matters. View the notice be to see how he saved a taxpayer $154,698 for his 2009 tax year. As an Enrolled Agent Scott is fully licensed to handle these matters before the IRS. Again, before calling a Mesa AZ IRS tax attorney get your first opinion from Scott Allen EA.

Don’t need a Mesa AZ IRS Tax Attorney to do this


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