Written by Scott Allen

Phoenix Arizona IRS Levy Release: Get Back on Track

Phoenix Arizona IRS Levy Release: Stop IRS Action and Get Back on Track

Facing IRS tax problems can be incredibly stressful. Unpaid taxes can quickly snowball with penalties and interest, leading to serious consequences like wage garnishments, bank levies, and even asset seizures. If you’re a resident of Phoenix, Arizona, and find yourself dealing with an IRS levy notice, you don’t have to face it alone. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., a team of experienced tax professionals, can help you navigate the complexities of IRS regulations and achieve a Phoenix Arizona IRS levy release just like they did for their client Michael. Below is Tax Debt Advisors, Inc getting a levy stopped for Michael on his social security income. Yes, the IRS can even levy social security income.

Phoenix AZ IRS Levy Release

What is an IRS Levy?

An IRS levy is a legal seizure of your assets to satisfy outstanding tax debt. The IRS can levy your wages, bank accounts, or even retirement funds. This can have a devastating impact on your financial stability.

Taking Action to Stop an IRS Levy

There are ways to stop an IRS levy, but acting quickly is crucial. Here’s what you can do:

  • Request a Collection Due Process Hearing: You have the right to request a hearing within 30 days of receiving the levy notice. At this hearing, you can explain your financial hardship and negotiate a payment plan or even an offer in compromise (OIC) to settle the debt.

  • File Form 911, Application for Relief from Levy: This form allows you to request a delay or release of the levy. You’ll need to demonstrate financial hardship or that releasing the levy will allow you to pay the debt in full more quickly.

  • Negotiate a Payment Plan: Working with the IRS to establish a manageable monthly payment plan can prevent further collection actions, including a levy.

Why You Need Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

Navigating the complex IRS bureaucracy and successfully stopping a levy can be daunting. Hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. puts a team of experienced tax professionals on your side. Here’s how they can assist you:

  • Review Your Case: Tax Debt Advisors will take the time to understand your specific tax situation, including the amount of debt owed, penalties, and past communication with the IRS.

  • Handle All Communication with the IRS: Tax Debt Advisors will become your primary point of contact with the IRS. They’ll handle all communication, ensuring deadlines are met and paperwork is filed correctly.

  • Negotiate on Your Behalf: Skilled negotiators, Tax Debt Advisors will work tirelessly with the IRS to explore options like installment agreements, penalty abatements, or OICs, significantly reducing your overall tax burden.

  • Represent You at Collection Due Process Hearings: If a hearing is necessary, Tax Debt Advisors will represent you before the IRS. They will present your case persuasively and advocate for a favorable outcome.

  • Develop a Tax Compliance Plan: Getting you back on track requires a solid plan. Tax Debt Advisors will help you understand your future tax obligations and guide you in implementing strategies to avoid future issues.

Benefits of Working with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

The benefits of hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. extend far beyond stopping an IRS levy. Here are some key advantages:

  • Reduced Stress: Knowing you have a team of experienced professionals handling your tax problems allows you to focus on your life and business.

  • Increased Savings: Tax Debt Advisors will aggressively pursue options to minimize your overall tax liability, potentially saving you thousands of dollars.

  • Improved Tax Compliance: By creating a personalized tax compliance plan, you’ll be equipped to avoid future problems with the IRS.

  • Faster Resolution: Tax Debt Advisors’ expertise can accelerate the process of resolving your tax issue, allowing you to move forward with peace of mind.

Getting Started with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

If you’re a resident of Phoenix, Arizona dealing with an IRS levy, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can help. Their team understands the complexities of IRS regulations and is committed to achieving a successful Phoenix AZ IRS levy release for you.

Call Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. today for a free consultation. Don’t let IRS problems control your life. Take control and get back on track with the help of experienced tax professionals.

Written by Scott Allen

Hiring Scott Allen EA over a Chandler, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

The Wise Choice: Hiring Scott Allen EA over a Chandler, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

In the complex world of taxes and financial regulations, taxpayers often find themselves seeking professional assistance to navigate the intricate web of laws, forms, and deadlines. For those residing in Chandler, Arizona, the decision between hiring a tax attorney or enlisting the expertise of Scott Allen EA can be a pivotal one. While both professionals offer valuable services, this blog aims to shed light on why hiring Scott Allen EA might be the more advantageous option for taxpayers in need of IRS tax assistance.

Comprehensive Tax Knowledge and Expertise

Scott Allen EA, an Enrolled Agent, possesses a deep understanding of tax codes, regulations, and procedures. His extensive expertise is specifically tailored to IRS matters, making him an ideal choice for taxpayers dealing with tax-related issues. Enrolled Agents are authorized by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before the IRS, demonstrating Scott Allen’s EA ability to proficiently handle tax matters. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc has been representing taxpayers before the IRS for over 45 years.

In contrast, a Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorney’s expertise is often spread across various legal areas, making their focus less specialized. While tax attorneys are qualified legal professionals, they may not possess the same level of in-depth knowledge and practical experience in IRS-specific tax matters that Scott Allen EA does.

Personalized Attention and Approachability

One of the standout advantages of hiring Scott Allen EA is the personalized attention he offers to his clients. He takes the time to understand each client’s unique financial situation and tax concerns. This personalized approach allows him to craft customized solutions that best address the individual needs of his clients. From start to finish you will work with Scott Allen EA. He is who you will meet with, who will represent you before the IRS, and who will prepare and tax return filings.

On the other hand, some Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorneys may have a higher caseload, leading to less individualized attention for each client. This could result in a less tailored strategy for resolving tax issues, potentially overlooking important details that Scott Allen EA would be more likely to catch due to his focused expertise.


Tax matters often involve complex procedures, and legal representation can come at a significant cost. Hiring a Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorney may lead to higher fees due to the attorney’s broader legal scope. Scott Allen EA, on the other hand, offers a more cost-effective solution without compromising the quality of service. Clients can benefit from his specialized expertise without incurring the higher costs often associated with legal representation.

Direct Communication and Accessibility

Effective communication between a taxpayer and their representative is crucial in resolving tax matters efficiently. Scott Allen EA is known for his approachable demeanor and clear calm communication style. Clients can directly interact with him, discuss concerns, and receive timely updates on the progress of their cases. This direct line of communication fosters transparency and trust between Scott Allen EA and his clients.

Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorneys may have a hierarchical structure that requires clients to communicate through intermediaries, such as paralegals or assistants. This indirect communication can lead to misunderstandings and delays in obtaining information about the status of a case.

Proven Track Record of Success

Scott Allen EA has a proven track record of successfully assisting taxpayers with various IRS-related issues. His expertise has helped clients navigate through audits, negotiate settlements, and resolve complex tax problems. This consistent success demonstrates his proficiency and commitment to achieving favorable outcomes for his clients.

While Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorneys can also tout their achievements, their expertise may be spread across a wider spectrum of legal matters, potentially diluting their effectiveness in handling IRS-specific challenges.

The decision to hire Scott Allen EA over a Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorney offers taxpayers a specialized, cost-effective, and personalized approach to resolving their tax concerns. Scott Allen EA’s deep knowledge of IRS procedures, direct communication style, and proven track record of success make him an excellent choice for taxpayers seeking effective assistance with their IRS-related matters. By opting for Scott Allen EA’s services, taxpayers can navigate the complex world of taxes with confidence and peace of mind.

Below is a great example of how Scott Allen EA was able to help his client Craig and his wife. Struggling to deal with the IRS on six years of back taxes owed Scott was able to step in and work out a new and better payment arrangement. All six years of IRS taxes owed is now settled into one nice low monthly payment of $425. May you also consider Scott Allen EA over a Chandler, AZ IRS tax attorney and get your tax matter handled right the first time!

Written by Scott Allen

Opting for Scott Allen EA Over a Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

The Wise Choice: Opting for Scott Allen EA Over a Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

In the realm of taxation and financial matters, individuals often find themselves navigating a labyrinth of complex rules and regulations. As taxpayers strive to fulfill their obligations while maximizing their benefits, the choice of a tax professional becomes crucial. This blog delves into the compelling reasons why taxpayers should consider enlisting the expertise of Scott Allen EA rather than a Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorney.

A Comprehensive Understanding of Taxation

Scott Allen EA’s profound knowledge of tax codes and regulations stands as a testament to his proficiency in the field. With years of dedicated experience as an Enrolled Agent, he has demonstrated an in-depth understanding of tax law and its intricate nuances. His firm Tax Debt Advisors, Inc has been solving IRS problems since 1977. This comprehensive grasp enables him to provide tailored solutions for a wide range of tax-related concerns. While an IRS Tax Attorney may possess legal acumen, Scott Allen’s specialized focus on taxation equips him to offer more specific and effective guidance. And to be honest 99% of IRS problems arent legal matters that require a Gilbert AZ IRS tax attorney.


Dedicated Expertise

The specialization Scott Allen EA brings to the table is further accentuated by his commitment to continuous professional development. Taxation is an ever-evolving landscape, and Scott ensures that he remains at the forefront of industry trends and legislative updates. This dedication to staying informed guarantees that his clients receive advice based on the latest regulations and potential opportunities. This level of dedication may not always be a hallmark of Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorneys, who may have broader legal portfolios to manage.

Personalized Approach

One of the key differentiators of Scott Allen EA is his personalized approach to client service. Each taxpayer’s situation is unique, and Scott understands the importance of tailoring his strategies to individual circumstances. Through thorough assessments and in-depth consultations, he crafts solutions that align with clients’ financial goals and compliance needs. While an IRS Tax Attorney in Gilbert, AZ may offer legal perspectives, the focus may not always be as specialized and tailored as Scott’s approach. Scott Allen, EA will have you sign an IRS power of attorney so he can personally represent you from start to finish and handle all aspects of your IRS problem whether it be filing back taxes, negotiating IRS debts, or representing you in an audit.

Cost-Effective Solutions

Taxpayer-friendly fees combined with high-quality service define Scott Allen EA’s practice. Navigating taxation can be daunting, and the prospect of hiring professional assistance might seem financially intimidating. However, Scott’s commitment to providing cost-effective solutions ensures that taxpayers receive exceptional value for their investment. Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorneys, often operating within a broader legal framework, might not be able to match the efficiency and affordability of Scott’s services in the realm of taxation.

Proactive Issue Resolution

A proactive approach to tax issues can prevent complications and potential disputes down the road. Scott Allen EA excels in this aspect by identifying potential red flags before they escalate into major problems. His strategic insights and meticulous review of financial records empower clients to address concerns in their early stages. While IRS Tax Attorneys in Gilbert, AZ may excel in dispute resolution, Scott’s focus on proactive IRS and tax specific solutions adds another layer of security for taxpayers. Below is a recent example of Scott Allen EA being proactive and protesting a back tax issue from 2024. Protesting this SFR return that was originally prepared by the IRS resulted in saving over $15,000 for his client Michael.

Integrity and ethical conduct form the cornerstone of Scott Allen EA’s practice. His reputation for honest and transparent dealings has garnered trust from a diverse clientele. This level of trust is essential in the realm of taxation, where sensitive financial matters are often at stake. While Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorneys undoubtedly uphold ethical standards, Scott’s specialization and reputation in taxation underscore his commitment to maintaining the highest level of integrity.

The decision to enlist a tax professional is pivotal for any taxpayer. While a Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorney may offer legal expertise, the specialized knowledge, dedicated focus, personalized approach, cost-effective solutions, proactive resolution, and strong ethical standing that Scott Allen EA provides make him an optimal choice for addressing taxation concerns. With Scott Allen EA, taxpayers can rest assured that they are receiving guidance from a seasoned Enrolled Agent who not only understands tax law but also prioritizes their unique financial well-being. Call him at 480-926-9300.

Written by Scott Allen

Don’t Use a Peoria AZ IRS Tax Attorney When You Get a CP-2000 Letter

Peoria AZ IRS Tax Attorney

A CP-2000 letter is an IRS computer generated notice of income not reported on your tax return for that year.  If you agree with the income items, you can agree to the tax assessment on the notice and mail it in.  If some of the items on the CP-2000 notice are items such as stock sales, it is important that you get “credit” against the income by claiming the cost of the stock sale on the IRS notice.  This is an item that can be done by Scott Allen E.A. (Enrolled Agent).   Scott Allen E.A. knows how to respond appropriately and aggressively to CP-2000 notices.  Scott Allen E.A. is available for a free consultation regarding all IRS notices and can give you the best strategy to resolve the IRS dispute.  Call Scott Allen E.A. at 480-926-9300 and schedule your appointment today.  A CP-2000 notice is not an item that requires legal representation from a Peoria AZ IRS tax attorney.

As a local Arizona company Tax Debt Advisors, Inc can represent clients before the IRS in Peoria Arizona and all surrounding cities. Kathryn was a client who hired Scott Allen EA to represent her before the IRS in her CP-2000 case. Because she did not respond timely to the IRS’s initial letter, they went ahead and assesed additional taxes owed and it now needed to be protested. Upon proper preparaton of gathering up the information from the IRS and tax records from Kathryn, Scott was able to package up a response to the IRS and get $7,000 of the taxes owed reduced. You can see that info highlighted below in the IRS letter attached.  Don’t go at the IRS alone or with an expensive Peoria AZ IRS tax attorney. Instead, meet with Scott Allen EA for a consultation if you have late tax returns to file or old taxes owed. You will not regret the visit.

Peoria AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Written by Scott Allen

Addressing IRS Tax Lien in Scottsdale, AZ

Let Tax Debt Advisors, Inc help address your IRS Tax Lien in Scottsdale, AZ

A dark cloud hovers over your financial stability when you receive a notice of a tax lien from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If you’re in Scottsdale, AZ, and find yourself in this situation, don’t fret. Let’s demystify an IRS tax lien in Scottsdale, AZ and explore how you can effectively address it, with the help of a trusted ally like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

What is an IRS Tax Lien?

A tax lien is the government’s legal claim against your property when you neglect or fail to pay a tax debt. This lien encumbers all your assets (like property, securities, vehicles) and could even extend to future assets acquired during the lien’s duration.

An IRS tax lien in Scottsdale, AZ can create substantial financial challenges, including negative impacts on your credit score, making it harder to secure loans or lines of credit. The lien remains until you pay your tax debt in full, or until the IRS is no longer legally able to collect the debt.

A Five-Step Action Plan to Address IRS Tax Liens

1. Don’t Ignore the Notice

Ignoring the IRS notice can lead to severe repercussions, like the IRS seizing your property to settle the debt. Always respond promptly.

2. Verify the Lien

Start by understanding the tax lien notice. Ensure the debt amount is accurate, and if you believe there’s an error, contact the IRS immediately. You can request a copy of the lien document from the county recorder’s office in Maricopa County, if necessary.

3. Evaluate Your Options

After verifying the debt, you should explore available options to address the lien. These could include:

  • Paying the tax debt in full: This is the most straightforward method, but it’s often not feasible for those with significant debts.
  • Setting up a payment plan with the IRS: Installment agreements allow you to pay your debt over time.
  • Applying for a Offer in Compromise (OIC): An OIC allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount you owe.
  • Discharge of property: This removes the lien from specific property.
  • Subordination: Although it doesn’t remove the lien, subordination allows other creditors to move ahead of the IRS, which can make it easier to get a loan or mortgage.
  • Withdrawal: Withdrawal removes the public Notice of Federal Tax Lien and assures the IRS is not competing with other creditors for your property.

4. Develop a Plan

Once you’ve identified your options, the next step is to create an action plan. This might include negotiating with the IRS, setting up a payment plan, or disputing the lien if you believe it’s incorrect.

5. Hire a Tax Professional

Tax matters can be complex, and the stakes are high. Hiring an experienced tax professional like Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can make the process more manageable and increase your chances of success.

Why Should You Hire Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.?

Located near Scottsdale, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has been successfully resolving IRS tax liens and other tax-related issues since 1977. Here are some reasons to consider their expertise:

1. Experience and Knowledge: With over four decades of experience, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. knows the ins and outs of the IRS. They can help identify the best strategies to manage your IRS tax lien in Scottsdale, AZ, given your unique financial situation.

2. Representation: The team at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. can represent you before the IRS, reducing stress and ensuring that your rights are protected.

3. Negotiation Skills: Whether you’re considering an installment agreement or an offer in compromise, having a seasoned negotiator on your side can make a significant difference.

4. Peace of Mind: Knowing a professional is handling your tax matters allows you to focus on other areas of your life without constant worry about the looming tax debt.

5. Proven Results: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has a strong track record of resolving tax liens and other tax issues for their clients. Their success stories are testament to their dedication and expertise.

The thought of dealing with an IRS tax lien can be daunting. But, with the right assistance and careful planning, you can navigate this challenge effectively. If you find yourself facing an IRS tax lien in Scottsdale, AZ, consider partnering with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Their experience, professionalism, and personalized approach can make a world of difference as you work towards resolving your tax debts. Your peace of mind is worth it.

Written by Scott Allen

The Taxpayer’s Game: Relating a Mesa, AZ IRS Problem to Baseball

Relating a Mesa, AZ IRS Problem to Baseball

In the world of sports, baseball has always been synonymous with America. Similarly, in the realm of finance, dealing with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is an integral part of the American taxpayer’s life. In this blog, we will explore the intriguing parallels between a hypothetical Mesa, AZ IRS problem faced by a struggling taxpayer, and the game of baseball. By drawing comparisons and highlighting key aspects, we can gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by taxpayers and the strategies they can employ to navigate the complex tax system. So, grab your glove and let’s dive into the diamond of taxation!

  1. The Opening Pitch: An Unexpected IRS Audit: Imagine you’re a resident of Mesa, Arizona, diligently going about your financial affairs when, out of the blue, you receive an IRS audit notice. This scenario is akin to a pitcher receiving an unexpected call to start a game. Both situations require immediate attention and preparation to ensure success.
  2. The Infield Defense: Tax Documentation: In baseball, a strong infield defense is crucial for making outs. Similarly, when dealing with the IRS, maintaining meticulous tax documentation acts as your defense. Just as a shortstop swiftly collects and throws the ball, you must gather and organize your financial records to support your claims during an audit. Accuracy and completeness are key for both infielders and taxpayers.
  3. The Outfield Catch: Deductions and Credits: In the outfield, players rely on their ability to catch fly balls. Taxpayers, on the other hand, can catch deductions and credits to their advantage. Just like a skilled outfielder who anticipates the trajectory of the ball, taxpayers need to identify and capture all eligible deductions and credits to reduce their tax liability. It’s a race against the clock in both baseball and taxes!
  4. The Batter’s Box: Negotiating with the IRS: When a batter steps into the box, they face a pitcher who will try to strike them out. Similarly, when negotiating with the IRS, taxpayers need to be prepared to defend their positions. Just as a batter studies the pitcher’s tendencies, taxpayers must research and understand IRS rules and regulations to effectively present their case. Patience, strategy, and knowledge play a crucial role in both scenarios.
  5. The Home Run Swing: Appeals and Settlements: In baseball, a home run swing can turn the tide of a game. In taxation, a successful appeal or settlement can be a taxpayer’s equivalent to hitting one out of the park. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, a dispute with the IRS may arise. This is where taxpayers need to understand their rights and explore options for appeals or settlements to resolve the issue. A well-timed negotiation or a favorable compromise can provide the ultimate relief, just like a grand slam in baseball. Scott Allen EA with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc can be your grand slam choice to resolve your Mesa, AZ IRS problem.
  6. The Ninth Inning: Compliance and Planning: As a baseball game nears its end, the pressure mounts for both teams. Similarly, as the tax year comes to a close, taxpayers must focus on compliance and planning. Timely filing, paying taxes owed, and engaging in strategic tax planning can ensure a smooth ninth inning in your financial game. Consistency and attention to detail are vital for both pitchers and taxpayers in these crucial moments.

Conclusion: Baseball and taxes may seem like vastly different subjects, but they share several striking similarities. Both require preparation, attention to detail, and strategic decision-making. By relating a hypothetical Mesa, AZ IRS problem to the beloved game of baseball, we have explored the various stages and challenges of dealing with the IRS. Remember, just like a baseball player, you can overcome any IRS obstacle with practice, knowledge, and a bit of perseverance. So, play the game of taxes like a seasoned ballplayer, and you’ll be well on your way to financial success!

Written by Scott Allen

You also might need an IRS settlement in Tempe AZ

An IRS settlement in Tempe AZ is possible

IRS settlement in Tempe AZ

IRS settlement in Tempe AZ

Just look at the IRS notice above and you can have what Edward has.  Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors aggressively negotiated an installment arrangement on his debt with the IRS.  The best part – no tax lien was or will be filed by the IRS.  When Edward and his wife came in to meet with Scott Allen EA they were confused on what to do or where to begin. Scott was able to clearly lay our a plan with the taxpayers that would satisfy the IRS but all work within the budget of the taxpayers.  They were on a fixed income and did not have the ability to pay for services all at once. However, over the course of about 3 months they were able to get all their Tempe AZ back tax returns filed while working out an installment arrangement with the IRS.

Tax Debt Advisors has been filing back tax returns and settling IRS debts since 1977.  Over those 45 years they have settled over 113,000 IRS debts.  This is their niche and this is all that they do.  The most important decision you can make in dealing with your IRS matter is finding correct and competent representation.  Always work locally; never with an out of state company.  Your IRS settlement in in Tempe AZ is important enough that you will want to work personally with your hired IRS power of attorney.  Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors promises just that.  Call and schedule a free initial consultation with him today at 480.926.9300.

Another IRS Settlement in Tempe AZ

An IRS Settlement in Tempe AZ can vary depending on what the taxpayer owes, their income, their assets, their debts, household size, among many other variables. This is exactly why it is important to look at all the different settlement option before making a final decision. That is why it is important to meet with Scott Allen EA and have him guide you thru that entire process.

See what he did for his client Kenneth in securing him the best possible IRS Settlement in Tempe AZ.

IRS Settlement in Tempe AZ

Kenneth owed the IRS on some back taxes. One of those years being 2014. 2014 was a return that the IRS filed for him referred to as a Substitute For Return (SFR). The IRS will file a SFR return when a taxpayers fails to do so in a timely manner. Kenneth could have just accepted this and moved on OR he could have looked into it further and see if there were any possible ways to reduce the liability. Obviously, he chose the latter option. Scott Allen EA knew he could protest the IRS SFR return and reduce his liability. From the notice above from the IRS you can see that his IRS Settlement in Tempe AZ went from $4,588 all the way down to ZERO. In most cases it never too late to protest IRS SFR tax return filings.

Call and make an appointment today to meet with Scott Allen EA face to face.

Written by Scott Allen

Mesa AZ IRS Settlement Help

Different Types of Mesa AZ IRS Settlement Help

Far too often taxpayers get caught up in one type of Mesa AZ IRS settlement help. They think of, “I owe the IRS $130,000 and they will settle it for a lesser amount.”  These advertisements are heard on the TV and radio all the time. However, if you look up the IRS statistics you will find that actually very few people qualify for that type of settlement. Beware of companies that are only advertising this option and making it seem like the IRS will settle your debt for less after only talking on the phone with you for 5-10 minutes. That program is call an IRS Offer in Compromise. Before you go down the road for a particular Mesa AZ IRS settlement help be sure you are aware of all the solutions available to you. Here they are:

1. Let it expire
2. Suspend it
3. Adjust it
4. Pay it
5. Compromise it
6. Discharge it

Every options has something good about it and something not so good. Be sure your IRS power of attorney representation can advise you on all those options so that you know you are getting the best Mesa AZ IRS settlement help that the law allows. Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors should be who you call for a free initial consultation. Him and his firm have settled over 113,000 IRS debts since 1977. He is local here in Mesa Arizona as well.

If you have missing unfiled tax returns Scott Allen EA can help you prepare and file them to get you filing compliant. Worried that you might be missing some records to file accurate tax return? He can help with that too.

Success Story in 2023

Check out a recent Mesa AZ IRS settlement help he did for Christopher on his 2016 taxes. The IRS had him owing over $260,000 for that one year. After hiring Scott Allen EA he was able to protest the assessment against him and remove $172,000 of tax, interest and penalties.

Mesa AZ IRS Settlement Help

If you live in or near Mesa Arizona and need IRS settlement help schedule a time to meet with Scott Allen EA at 480-926-9300.

Written by Scott Allen

Call a Chandler AZ IRS Tax Attorney! I need to present my case to an IRS Appeals Officer.

Chandler AZ IRS Tax Attorney?

Not so fast, this is not a legal matter and does not need a Chandler Arizona IRS Tax Attorney.  You can present your own case or have an Enrolled Agent (E.A.) or an Attorney, CPA or your tax preparer present your case.  This is not a legal proceeding; and there is no judge.  It will just be you and the Appeals officer in a small informal room.  Many times this meeting can be handled over the phone if you are using a representative like Scott Allen E.A.  Scott has successfully negotiated settlements for less than you owe.  Scott will generally see how the Appeals officer wants to conduct the meeting.  Scott will usually start with a brief overview of the position he wants to establish and waits for the Appeals officer to ask for any documentation needed to verify your position.

If you want an IRS representative to present your case to the Appeals Office, contact Scott Allen E.A. at 480-926-9300 for a free consultation and a reasonable flat fee.

Sometimes it isn’t necessary to go through the IRS appeals office either.  Michael and his wife got behind on two years of back taxes owed. They were getting advice from all directions and places on what do to about it. Some were telling him a payment plan, others to file an offer in compromise, and others to present the case to an IRS appeals officer. Before making a decision Scott Allen EA always councils to weigh the pros and cons of each option. Yes, you might be able to present the case to an IRS appeals officer but how long will that take?  Will it really be an option that will save you tax, interest, or penalties? Or will it just be something that a Chandler AZ IRS tax attorney can bill you a lot of hours for? Before submitting an IRS offer in compromise do your own research and verify if you are a viable realistic candidate or not. Everyone believes they are a candidate until they start to “plug in the numbers”.  Michael was a Chandler AZ taxpayer whole researched these options with Scott Allen EA but ultimately we discovered he didn’t qualify for either. With his income and tax debt size we needed to negotiate a low monthly payment plan. $185 per month! That is all Michael needs to pay to the IRS. He is a pretty happy camper about it too. Check out the letter below of the IRS accepting out proposal.


Settlement without Chandler AZ IRS Tax Attorney


Written by Scott Allen

Call Scott Allen E.A. of Chandler AZ if you received an IRS CP-2000 Letter/Notice

Chandler AZ IRS CP-2000 Notice

The Chandler AZ IRS CP-2000 notice is to inform you that certain income items were reported to the IRS but not included on your tax return.  Scott Allen E.A. near Chandler AZ will evaluate each of these items to see if you reported them on your tax return where the IRS computers did not look.  Scott will also determine if there are deductions to minimize or eliminate the additional tax on the IRS CP-2000 notice.  Let me give you one good example of this.  A client came in to Scott Allen E.A. that did not report his stock sales because he lost money on each of the sales.  The CP-2000 calculated a large tax liability with interest and penalties based on the sales with no cost basis.  When Scott reported the cost basis of each of the stock sales, the result was a refund of several thousand dollars.

Scott Allen E. A. near Chandler AZ offers a free initial consultation on IRS CP-2000 notices.  Call Scott today at 480-926-9300 to make an appointment.  Scott will make today a great day for you!

Recent Success by Scott Allen EA on IRS CP-2000 Notice

Melissa received an IRS CP-2000 Notice on her 2020 tax return she prepared herself. Some information was not reported correctly on her taxes and the IRS sent her a notice of adjustment. She either needed to accept it or protest it. After a discussion with Scott Allen EA he determined that he could protest the IRS notice with an amendment tax return filing. This would correct the issue and remove the additional $10,000 of taxes they were assessing. See the IRS approval letter below of them accepting the amended tax return and removing their assessment.

Chandler AZ IRS CP-2000 Notice

Receiving an IRS can be scary and rightfully so. But always know that you have options and that is why it is important to meet with an Enrolled Agent professional who deals with the IRS on a daily bases. Scott Allen EA deals with IRS problems and IRS notices on a daily basis. Give him a call if you live in or near Chandler AZ.



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