Written by Scott Allen

Phoenix AZ IRS Negotiation work

Phoenix AZ IRS Negotiation by Tax Debt Advisors, Inc

Jay was defaulting on his payment plan and needed a new Phoenix AZ IRS Negotiation done. His biggest worry was having the IRS file a federal tax lien against his credit. It is understood that on most payment plans with the IRS they will file a tax lien to protect their interest.  There are some exceptions to that rule however. If you owe the IRS in total less then $50,000 you can prevent an IRS tax lien. Once a federal tax lien has been filed it cannot be removed until the debt is paid off in full, settled in an offer in compromise, or been on a payment plan and now owe less then $25,000.

Because Jay had defaulted his installment arrangement with the IRS he was at risk to them placing a tax lien against him.  However, with a proper strategy this could be avoided.  This is exactly what Tax Debt Advisors did for him.  Given Power of Attorney, Scott Allen EA contacted the IRS right away to hold off collection activity so time could be allowed to get the taxpayer back into compliance. Updating the financial information it was determined that they could get a new payment plan reestablished as a direct debit arrangement for $700 per month. At this amount the IRS did not file a federal tax lien and the taxpayers can continue on with their Phoenix AZ IRS negotiation.

Click on the picture below and see the actual settlement negotiated by Scott Allen EA for his client Jay.

Phoenix AZ IRS Negotiation

Phoenix AZ IRS Negotiation

If you would like to evaluate your settlement options with the IRS contact and meet with Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors. They are a local and family owned practice since 1977. That is over 44 years of successes.

More Phoenix AZ IRS Negotiation work

Juanita was given nearly an $82,000 tax bill from the IRS on her 2017 tax year. She realized she made good money that year being self employed but it wasn’t “that” good. Scott Allen EA was able to be her IRS power of attorney and research the matter in her behalf. When the IRS assessed her the $82,000 tax bill they didn’t incorporate any of her operating business expenses. With this being said, Scott was able to prepare and file a protest to the IRS’s decision and get a proper return accepted by the IRS. As you can see below $18,505 was removed from her tax bill. That includes the tax, interest and penalties.

Phoenix AZ IRS Negotiation Work

Again, its not always safe to go at the IRS on your own. Scott Allen EA will always meet with you for a free initial consultation to see if he can be an asset to you in resolving your tax matter. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc has been doing Phoenix AZ IRS negotiation work for over 44 years.

Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Releases Arizona IRS Tax Levies

Release Arizona IRS Levy with Payment Plan

The IRS in Arizona is a relentless bill collector.  One of the most aggressive actions the IRS takes is tp place an Arizona IRS levy on a taxpayer.  The two most common levy actions are against your bank accounts and wages.  These extreme actions will continue until you come into full compliance with the IRS.  This means you will have to file any unfiled past tax returns and if you owe taxes, enter into a settlement option.  The IRS will always fire a warning shot first with notices and reminder letters.  Do not ignore these.  The longer you do the harder it will be to resolve you levy quickly.  If you are slow to act the IRS will also be slow to respond until you are in full compliance.  The IRS can take 100% of the money you have in a bank account up to the amount of taxes owed and up to 80% of you paycheck until all of your tax liability is paid.

Scott Allen E.A. of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has the experience to resolve any IRS levy.  Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has helped thousands of Arizona employees with IRS levy problems at hundreds of companies including the following to name just a few in the car business:

  • Brown and Brown Chevrolet
  • Chapman Chevrolet
  • Earnhardt’s Gilbert Dodge
  • Earnhardt’s Ford Sales Co.
  • Thorobred Chevrolet
  • Big Two Toyota Scion of Chandler

Call Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. at 480-926-9300 for a free initial evaluation and ask for Scott Allen E.A.


Example of a Release of an Arizona IRS Levy by a Payment Plan

Receiving an intent to levy notice from the IRS will certainly wake you up. That is what happened with Juanita. As you can see she owes the IRS for ELEVEN years of back taxes owed. She didnt think it would be possible to stop IRS levy action and negotiate a low monthly payment plan. However, that is exactly what Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors did for her. If you view the notice below you will see the approved agreement with the IRS. Eleven years of back taxes owed was settled into one low monthly payment plan of $342/month. WOW!  Every case is different and unique but now is the time to set up a meeting with Scott Allen EA and see how he can help you with your IRS problem. Don’t delay that call any longer.

Release Arizona IRS Levy



Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors Inc provides IRS garnishment Relief Mesa

IRS Garnishment Relief Mesa

The IRS has the legal right to garnish your paycheck if you are not in compliance with IRS rules.  If you need IRS garnishment relief Mesa then please contact Scott Allen EA right away. If you are delinquent on filing your back tax returns or are not protected by a settlement option on your IRS tax debt, you are at risk of having most of your paycheck sent to the IRS by your employer.  Although seizure of vehicles or your home is rare, the IRS does have the power to take those assets if you ignore their demands.

Scott Allen E.A. of Tax Debt Advisors in Mesa AZ has helped hundreds of employees get a release of their garnished wages. Employees of Bank of America, Intel and JPMorgan Chase have used our services.  Don’t wait until the IRS decides to levy your Mesa Arizona bank accounts as well.  Tax Debt Advisors offers a free initial consultation and can be reached at 480-926-9300.  Remember that there are several options available to get IRS garnishment relief Mesa.  Don’t wait until your options are limited by IRS action.

See below how Scott Allen EA was able to provide IRS garnishment relief Mesa for his client Shaun. Shaun had his payment default and on the verge of a levy or garnishment because he did not pay his 2021 taxes on time per the agreement. Scott was able to step in and renegotiate his agreement with the IRS and include the 2021 tax debt into that plan. This stopped all collection activity from the IRS.

IRS Garnishment Relief Mesa

Written by Scott Allen

Do I need a Chandler AZ IRS Tax Attorney for IRS Tax Relief?

No, IRS tax relief is not a legal matter.

Chandler AZ IRS problems are a burden that often requires professional help but not necessarily require a Chandler AZ IRS Tax Attorney (as people in fear often assume).  If you are delinquent in filing tax returns you need a Chandler AZ tax professional who is competent in both filing late returns and settling the debt associated with those back tax returns.  Where taxpayers are hurt the most is in the amount the IRS expects to be paid back on a monthly basis.  This is called an installment arrangement.  An IRS professional with expertise in negotiating payment plans will minimize the amount you have to pay in monthly and often can get you qualified for no payment at all—this is referred to a currently not collectible status or CNC.

If you try to do this work yourself, you may find it difficult to get to the right person who can help you, and when you do find the right department you have to deal with a different person each time that often will come up with different conclusions about your settlement.

Scott Allen E.A. near Chandler Arizona knows in advance what the best settlement amount should be and is able to “manage” the IRS personnel towards that amount.  The bureaucracy at the IRS is largely eliminated because Scott Allen E.A. is not a Chandler AZ IRS Tax Attorney but is allowed to talk with IRS personnel trained to deal with “practioners.”  The rules that govern IRS settlements are not universal administered by IRS personnel.  It is only at the manager or Appeals Office level that you get the person who can correctly agree to the settlement you are entitled to.  Call Scott Allen E.A. for a free consultation at 480-926-9300 and bypass the bureaucracy, complexity and human error that are inherent in IRS settlement work.  Let Scott make today a great day for you.



Update with another IRS settlement completed:

Chandler AZ IRS Tax Attorney or not


By viewing the letter above you can see the work accomplished by Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors. As an Enrolled Agent, Scott can do the same work a Chandler AZ IRS tax attorney and can deal with matters of tax preparation and collections. Randy was a struggling taxpayer who used a “less then average” tax preparer and got audited for in accurate expenses to put it nicely. Scott Allen EA was able to represent the taxpayer in the audit process, prepare his current tax return accurately, and negotiate a settlement on the remaining balance due. Get your first or second opinion on your current tax matter by sitting down with Scott Allen EA today. He will make today a great day for you!

Written by Scott Allen

IRS Tax Attorney in Arizona: When should I NOT use an attorney?

IRS Tax Attorney in Arizona: When should I NOT use an attorney?

Tax Attorney Phoenix | Mesa, Tempe, Chandler Scottsdale

If you are searching for “tax attorney“, “tax lawyer“, “IRS tax lawyer“, “IRS attorney“, “tax attorneys“, “IRS tax attorney“, “tax attorney near me” or “best tax attorney” in PhoenixMesaChandlerGilbert, Tempe or Scottsdale, Arizona, Scott Allen E. A. from Tax Debt Advisors can help!

Even the best tax lawyers & attorneys can’t compare to what Scott Allen E. A. can offer to help settle your problems with the IRS. First of all, lets take a look at what a tax attorney does.

What Is A Tax Attorney?

A tax attorney is a layer who specializes in tax law. They can help solve legal, technical and complex problems with the IRS.

What Does A Tax Attorney Do?

A tax attorney solves legal, technical and complex problems with the IRS. Tax attorneys can also help with:

  • Filing appeals of tax court decisions
  • Communication with the IRS
  • Help businesses save money
  • Help people take advantage of tax credits

However, these are all things a tax debt advisor could do for less money! Read more about why you need a tax debt advisor instead of hiring a tax attorney.

Can A Tax Attorney Really Help?

Yes, a tax attorney can really help if you want to pay more money for the same services a tax debt advisor can do for cheaper.

Why You Should I Tax Debt Advisor Vs. Hiring a Tax Attorney?

Tax Debt Advisors have great experience in settling debts with the IRS. Choosing a tax debt advisor instead of a tax attorney offers many benefits including:

  • More affordable services
  • Tax attorney typically charge 100-400% more for the same services a tax debt advisor could do
  • Tax debt advisors don’t use fear tactics to make you think the situation is worse than it is
  • Settle debt faster with simple tax debt solutions

We are not a tax attorney firm, rather, a tax debt specialist with expert knowledge in tax law that can help you solve complicated IRS problems & tax debt issues that would normally require a tax lawyer.  Contact Scott Allen with Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. 480-926-9300 to help you get right with the IRS today! Don’t hire a tax attorney! Instead, why not hire an affordable Tax Debt Advisor who has been helping customers dealing with tax issues since 1977, and has helped solve over 113,000 tax debts.

Why Hire A Tax Attorney In Arizona?

Believe it or not, you actually don’t have to hire a tax attorney in Arizona when dealing with the IRS. Instead why not hire a Tax Debt Advisor who can do the same thing as a tax lawyer and who has been helping customers dealing with tax issues since 1977. His father and Scott Allen E.A. from Tax Debt Advisors has helped over 113,000 people settle their problems with the IRS and can help guide you through any tax situation you may be dealing with, including:

Why You Don’t Need A Tax Attorney

Here are the reasons of why you don’t need a tax attorney:

  • If you are making a decision full of fear and think you need a tax attorney for other than criminal or fraudulently filed returns, you will be seriously disappointed.  Attorneys are able to generate income by perpetuating fear.  Most of our clients who started with an attorney and switched to us mentioned always being intimidated with fear that something bad would happen if… and that if always is followed by another big retainer fee.
  • IRS resolution work is not rocket science.  It is common sense work that improves over time because of relationships established with the IRS and understanding their idiosyncrasies.  Attorneys will often scare clients into thinking that their legal training is necessary for a successful resolution.
  • Many clients think that they will get what they pay for and base the quality of the work on the amount they pay.  In most cases, an attorney will charge anywhere from 25% to over 400% more for the same exact service.  If you go for a consultation with an attorney consider getting a second opinion by calling me for a free initial consultation.  I love these appointments.

When To Hire A Tax Attorney?

A Tax debt advisor can help with almost everything a tax attorney can except criminal charges. If the IRS is pursuing criminal charges against you, you will need to hire a tax attorney.  Tax fraud and tax evasion are 2 of the most common reasons for an IRS investigation. IRS investigations are serious: 80% of defendants that go through a criminal investigation are sentenced to prison. This is one situation where a tax debt advisor cannot help you, you will have to hire a tax attorney.

Why You Should Hire An Enrolled Agent Vs. Hiring A Tax Attorney

View our recent blog postWhen is an IRS tax attorney in Phoenix necessary and when isn’t it?

1. Your tax problems might not be that bad – It doesn’t take a tax lawyer or rocket scientist to work with the IRS. Furthermore, legal training isn’t a necessity to handle most tax issues. Also, tax attorney’s will try to scare you into thinking that legal representation is necessary. That is not true! Let Tax Debt Advisors help solve your tax problems without instilling fear or requesting huge retainer fees for our services.

2. Get a 2nd Opinion – Some tax customers think that paying a higher fee will give them a higher quality services. That is false! Tax attorney commonly charge 400% more for the same services a tax debt expert can handle. There is literally no difference in the process besides you paying more money. We are not saying it is a bad idea to talk to a tax attorney but you should get a second opinion as well. At Tax Debt Advisors we offer free tax consultations.

3. Don’t Make A Decision Based On Fear – Do you think you need a tax attorney because you filed fraudulent tax returns, you might be disappointed. Tax lawyers generate income based off of fear. Most of our tax clients started with a tax attorney, only to find out that they try to intimidate you into thinking you have a bigger tax problem than you do. And, that’s almost always followed by a big retainer fee.

Feel Confident With Experienced Tax Representation

When I have looked back over the years, the one common factor in bad decision making on my part, is when I was overly influence due to fear.  I love the quote from one of the Star Wars movies that explains how Anakin became the evil Darth Vader—the quote, “It was fear that pushed me to the dark side.”  If you have already had a consultation with an attorney ask yourself one question, “Did he reduce my level of fear or just use it to get what he or she wanted?”  A good representative will always leave you feeling better, not fearful.  A great representative will focus on the 99% that can go right and the wrong ones will focus on the 1% that almost never happens.  When you are trying to decide if you need representation from an attorney consider taking the time to get a second opinion from me.  I know you will be glad you did!

Schedule A Free Tax Consultation In Arizona

Schedule your free tax consultation with Tax Debt Advisors today by giving us a call today at 480-926-9300

5 Star Review: “Scott is professional and real. He looks out for me and is so thorough. He waived an IRS penalty for me that a different accountant said couldn’t be waived. And it was so simple. He is so kind and really works with you. I now have multiple family members who use him and each of us all love him!” Rebecca O.

5 Star Review: “Scott did an outstanding job helping my parents on their back due taxes. When I met him he was very professional and knowledgeable about how to approach the problem. Our issue took 9 months to resolve because of problems with how our taxes were filed (not his fault), but he stayed engaged and helpful the whole time even though we were very small clients for him. My parents don’t have to pay anything back to the IRS. It just amazing, it was a burden and now it’s such a relieve, such peace of mind. My dad comments that now he can sleep better without thinking about it. Thank you Scott!” Pilar L.

Our Service area includes: Mesa, Apache Junction, Avondale, Buckeye, Carefree, Cave Creek, Chandler, El Mirage, Fountain Hills, Gila Bend, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Komatke, Litchfield Park, Luke AFB, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, Sun City, Sun Lakes, Surprise, Tempe, Tolleson, Waddell, Whitman, Wickenburg, Youngstown, Flagstaff, Tucson, Payson, Winslow, Sierra Vista, Page, Prescott, Globe, Yuma, Arizona. 

Written by Scott Allen

Gilbert IRS settlement 2016 & 2022

SwitchToScott.com Gilbert IRS Settlement

For your Gilbert IRS settlement now is the time to switch to Scott. Thomas hired Scott Allen EA to represent him before the Internal Revenue Service. Thomas had a handful of back tax returns to file along with negotiating his entire IRS debt into a payment plan.  Its important that you too find an experienced professional who you can trust to get you the best possible outcome.  Scott Allen EA would like to share one of his many recent successful accomplishments with you below. Click on the image below to view the actual letter of acceptance from the IRS.

Gilbert IRS settlement 2016

Gilbert IRS settlement 2016

Don’t walk down the dark hallway alone. Meet with Scott Allen EA to get the proper guidance to your IRS matter. He will meet with you face to face at no charge to you to let you discover if he the Enrolled Agent for you. Scott Allen EA is the owner of Tax Debt Advisors which is a family owned company. If you are in need of a Gilbert IRS settlement don’t delay your settlement any longer. He will walk you through each and every step so you know that you will get the best possible outcome that the law allows. There are several different options or ways to achieve a Gilbert IRS settlement and Scott Allen EA will make sure you know about them all before deciding on the best one for you.

How about a Gilbert IRS Settlement in 2022 as well ?

That is right Tax Debt Advisors Inc has been handling Gilbert IRS Settlements since 1977. Below is another example of a settlement negotiated by Scott Allen EA for his client Kevin. Hitting hard times post pandemic Kevin qualified to put all of his $106,000 IRS tax debt into a “Case Closed – Currently Not Collectible” status.

Gilbert IRS Settlement 2022

Written by Scott Allen

Phoenix Arizona: IRS help from Tax Debt Advisors, Inc

IRS Help in the Greater Phoenix Area

Our office is located just outside of Phoenix in Mesa, Arizona.  If you have a serious IRS Problem you owe it to yourself to have a free initial confidential consultation with Scott Allen E. A.

Consider the following:

  • Tax Debt Advisors has been providing IRS help since 1977—that is over 45 years.
  • Tax Debt Advisors is a family owned and operated second generation business.
  • Tax Debt Advisors has successfully settled over 113,000 IRS tax debts.
  • We can provide referrals of past clients you can talk to—we don’t make up testimonials with initials and cities that don’t exist.
  • Our fees are competitive and fairly priced for the work we provide.  You pay as you go along so you are confident that you are getting what you paid for from the very first day.
  • We can provide referrals to an Attorney if you need to file a bankruptcy or are dealing with criminal issues.
  • You will always meet with Scott Allen and he returns calls promptly—usually within 60 minutes during normal business hours.
  • Our office is conveniently located with easy freeway access if you live outside of Mesa.  The average commute from Phoenix is less than 30 minutes if you avoid rush hour.  If your IRS matter is serious, your free consultation will be well worth your time and effort.

Scott Allen EA was able to help his client James out who was on a payment plan with the IRS but fell behind again. He was able to reach out to the IRS and get all the years reinstated back into a similar payment plan arrangement that he had before. It is important to always stay in contact with the IRS especially if you make a mistake or fall behind. The IRS is more willing to work with those types of taxpayers verses ones that would prefer to ignore it. James’s approval from the IRS is below.

Phoenix AZ IRS help


Call Scott Allen E. A. if you have questions about any of these issues:

IRS Help, IRS Representation, IRS Problem, Tax Problem, IRS Negotiations, IRS Settlements, IRS Tax Debt Settlements, IRS Tax Settlements, IRS Audit, Guarantee of IRS Services, IRS Attorney, IRS Tax Discharged, IRS Statute of Limitations, IRS Installment Arrangements, IRS Abatement of Interest, IRS Abatement of Penalties, IRS Offers, IRS OIC, IRS Offers in Compromise, IRS POA, IRS Power of Attorney, IRS Form 2848, IRS Forms, IRS Offices, IRS Phone Numbers, IRS Filing Back Taxes, IRS Back Taxes, Copies of Old Tax Returns, Filing Old Returns, Filing Amended Returns, Filing 1040X, Filing 140X, Arizona Department of Revenue, AZDOR, IRS Estimated Taxes, IRS Withholdings, IRS Form W-4, IRS Amnesty, IRS Tax Amnesty, Tax Amnesty, IRS Not Collectible Status, IRS Currently Not Collectible Status, Not Collectible Status, IRS Non-Collectible Status, IRS Currently Non-Collectible Status, Non-Collectible Status, IRS Bankruptcy, IRS Tax Bankruptcy, Tax Bankruptcy, IRS Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Tax Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, IRS Payment Plans, Defaulting IRS Payment Plans, Defaulting IRS Installment Arrangements, IRS Levy, Tax Levy, IRS Tax Levy, IRS garnishment, IRS Tax Garnishment, Tax Garnishment, IRS Wage Levy, IRS Bank Levy, IRS Wage Garnishment, Levy Bank Account, IRS Lien, Tax Lien, IRS Tax Lien, IRS Form 433-A, IRS Form 433-B, IRS Notices, IRS Form CP 501, IRS Form CP 503, IRS Form CP 504, IRS Form CP 2000, IRS Tax Court Petition, IRS Appeals, Tax Appeals, IRS Collection Due Process, IRS Collection Appeals Program, IRS CAP, IRS Collection Due Process Appeal, IRS Collection Due Process Hearing, IRS Audit Appeals, IRS Taxpayer Advocate Office, IRS Tax Preparation, IRS Help for Medical Professionals, IRS Help for Construction Workers

Written by Scott Allen

Do I Need a Scottsdale AZ IRS Tax Attorney if I have an IRS tax problem?

Scottsdale AZ IRS Tax Attorney

No, having an IRS tax problem is not a legal matter and does not require a Scottsdale AZ IRS tax attorney.  There are serious consequences if you do not deal properly with your IRS matter but in reality you do not need a tax attorney unless you have committed a criminal act.  There is no better way to get value for IRS resolution services than using Scott Allen E.A.  He has the expertise to represent you fairly, aggressively and at a cost that you can afford—unlike expensive legal billings.  Scott will never tell you he can do a better job than you can for yourself.  No one can know what your skill level and determination to do tax research on your own.  What Scott will tell you is that you will not be able to get a better settlement of your tax debt than what he can do.  A Scottsdale AZ IRS tax attorney will often make you feel inadequate to the task.  That is their modus operandi (their method of operation).  But if you are not well versed in IRS resolution options, very likely you will not perform at the level that Scott Allen E.A. can, and consequently put yourself in a terrible situation which many times you or your tax representative cannot correct.

A few things to remember about IRS tax resolution work in Scottsdale AZ.  If someone promises seem too good to be true they probably are.  If you hear the words, “No Problem”—you can expect a problem.  May I suggest you call Scott Allen E.A. and schedule a free consultation?  He can be reached at 480-926-9300.  I know you will be glad you did.

Scott Allen E.A. was able to help out his client Joseph with his tax problem without using a Scottsdale AZ IRS tax attorney. He has fallen behind with his estimated tax payments for a couple of years and was afraid to file his taxes thinking the IRS was going to levy or garish his income or bank accounts.  Scott Allen E.A. was able to calm the situation down, represent him before the IRS and take care of the matter for him. Scott prepared his 2020 and 2021 returns and negotiated them into one low monthly payment plan with the IRS. For $510 a month the IRS will stay out of his bank accounts and not file a tax lien on his credit. Attached is a a copy of that agreement to see for yourself.

Scottsdale AZ IRS Tax Attorney


Written by Scott Allen

Do I Need a Scottsdale AZ IRS Tax Attorney When I Receive a Notice of Federal Tax Lien?

Scottsdale AZ IRS Tax Attorney

No, this is not a legal matter.  If you received an IRS Notice of Federal Tax Lien you have 30 days from the date of the notice to file IRS Form 12153 to request a Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing.

The CDP hearing is your chance to explain to an Appeals Officer why a tax lien should not have been filed.  Scott Allen E.A. has expertise in meeting with an Appeals Officer regarding tax liens.  Scott will first meet with you for a free consultation to determine if you should or need to request a CDP hearing.  Scott Allen E.A. can be reached at 480-926-9300.

Before making a decision on what to do with a Notice of Federal Tax Lien consider calling Scott Allen at Tax Debt Advisors over a Scottsdale AZ IRS Tax Attorney.

Below you will see a recent example of a successful negotiation by Scott Allen EA to resolve an IRS tax lien. Craig had a handful of tax years he owed back taxes on and needed to get all of them revised into one simple payment plan. Rather then hiring an expensive Scottsdale AZ IRS Tax Attorney he met with an Enrolled Agent who timely handled the matter so that the IRS tax lien didn’t turn into an IRS tax levy.

Scottsdale AZ IRS Tax Attorney


Written by Scott Allen

Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan

Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan by Tax Debt Advisors, Inc

If you are in a place in your life where you need to work out a Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan go with a local family company with a consistent track record of “getting the job done right”.  View the IRS notice below to see what was done by them for one of their clients.

Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan

Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan

If you want to discuss the available options to you regarding your IRS problem contact Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors today. Negotiation of a payment plan is just one of about six different options available to you.  Don’t settle on one option without being aware of all available options to you.  Need help preparing Phoenix AZ back tax returns? Scott Allen EA can help with that too.

Another example…

Daniel came in to meet with Scott Allen EA with seven years of back taxes owed…more then he could ever afford to pay back. What option did Daniel qualify for? Scott Allen EA was able to be his Power of Attorney representative and negotiate all seven years into a low (very low) monthly Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan of only $131 per month due on the 28th of each month. View the notice below and see it for yourself.

Phoenix AZ IRS payment plan


Scott will make today a great day for you.

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