Written by Scott Allen

Hiring Scott Allen EA for Filing Past Due Tax Returns over a Tempe, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Making Informed Choices: Hiring Scott Allen EA for Filing Past Due Tax Returns instead of a Tempe, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

In the bustling city of Tempe, Arizona, taxpayers facing the daunting task of filing past due tax returns often find themselves at a crossroads. They must decide whether to enlist the services of a Tempe IRS tax attorney or opt for the expertise of a seasoned professional like Scott Allen EA. This blog delves into the compelling reasons why a taxpayer should consider the latter option, highlighting the benefits and advantages that Scott Allen EA brings to the table.

1. Tailored Expertise and Focus on Tax Matters: While Tempe AZ IRS tax attorneys are adept at handling a wide array of legal issues, their expertise is more generalized. In contrast, Scott Allen EA specializes exclusively in taxation matters. With years of experience focused on tax regulations, deductions, and credits, Scott possesses an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of tax law. This specialization ensures that taxpayers receive tailored advice and guidance specifically targeted towards their tax concerns.

2. Efficient and Cost-Effective Approach: Hiring an IRS tax attorney can often be an expensive endeavor due to the nature of legal proceedings and representation. Scott Allen EA, on the other hand, offers a more cost-effective solution without compromising on quality. His efficient approach streamlines the process of filing past due tax returns, minimizing unnecessary expenses and ensuring that clients receive optimal value for their investment.

3. Proven Track Record of Success: Scott Allen EA boasts a track record of successful outcomes in helping clients navigate past due tax return situations. His history of resolving complex tax matters demonstrates his ability to comprehend intricate tax scenarios and develop effective strategies for resolution. This success record builds a strong case for entrusting one’s tax concerns to Scott’s capable hands. He can show your thousands of examples to successful cases he has handled. Below is just one example of how he helped his client Michael with some past due taxes.  The IRS had him originally owing $18,631 and it was reduced to $7,809. No Tempe, AZ IRS Tax Attorney was needed for this case. Just responsive and orderly action taken by Scott Allen EA that understood Michael’s rights as a taxpayer.

4. Personalized Attention and Accessibility: One of the significant advantages of hiring Scott Allen EA is the personalized attention he provides to each client. Unlike larger law firms, where clients might get lost in the shuffle, Scott ensures that his clients’ needs are heard and addressed. This level of accessibility fosters a sense of trust and confidence, assuring taxpayers that their tax concerns are being handled with utmost care.

5. Up-to-Date Knowledge and Adaptability: Tax laws are subject to frequent changes and updates. Scott Allen EA remains committed to staying abreast of the latest developments in tax regulations. This commitment to ongoing education and awareness ensures that his clients receive advice based on the most current information. This knowledge, coupled with his adaptability, allows him to devise strategies that align with the ever-evolving tax landscape.

6. Focus on Minimizing Tax Liability: While an Tempe AZ IRS tax attorney may primarily focus on legal representation, Scott Allen EA prioritizes minimizing tax liabilities. His expertise lies in identifying deductions, credits, and potential areas for tax savings. By collaborating with him, taxpayers can not only address their past due tax returns but also gain insights into opportunities to reduce their overall tax burden.

7. Streamlined Process and Timely Resolution: Time is of the essence when dealing with past due tax returns. Scott Allen EA understands this urgency and follows a streamlined process to ensure timely resolution. His systematic approach minimizes delays and ensures that taxpayers regain compliance promptly, avoiding potential penalties and legal complications.

When faced with the decision of whether to hire a Tempe IRS tax attorney or enlist the services of Scott Allen EA for filing past due tax returns, the latter offers a compelling array of advantages. From specialized expertise and cost-effective solutions to a proven track record of success and personalized attention, Scott Allen EA’s approach is tailored to address the unique tax concerns of each individual taxpayer. By making an informed choice to collaborate with Scott Allen EA, taxpayers can navigate the complexities of past due tax returns with confidence and peace of mind. Scott is the owner and operator of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. It has been a family business since 1977.

Written by Scott Allen

Should You Opt for Scott Allen EA Over a Phoenix, AZ IRS Tax Attorney?

Why Taxpayers Should Opt for Scott Allen EA Over a Phoenix, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

In the realm of taxation and financial matters, taxpayers often find themselves in challenging situations, such as dealing with IRS levies and garnishments. These circumstances require expert assistance to navigate the complexities of tax regulations and legal proceedings. When facing such challenges in Phoenix, AZ, taxpayers have two primary options: hiring a tax attorney or enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA. While both choices have their merits, this blog delves into why taxpayers should seriously consider Scott Allen EA over a traditional Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney when seeking to halt IRS levies and garnishments.

Scott Allen EA, a seasoned Enrolled Agent, possesses an in-depth understanding of tax codes and regulations. With years of experience specializing in IRS matters, including levies and garnishments, Scott Allen EA has developed a deep expertise that is tailored specifically to the needs of taxpayers facing these issues. In contrast, while a Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney may have a broader legal background, their specialization might not be solely centered on tax matters. This distinction makes Scott Allen EA a superior choice for those requiring precise and efficient assistance in resolving IRS levies and garnishments.

Hiring an IRS tax attorney in Phoenix, AZ, can be an expensive endeavor due to the hourly rates and legal fees associated with legal representation. On the other hand, Scott Allen EA offers a more cost-effective solution. Enrolled Agents typically charge lower fees than tax attorneys, making their services accessible to a wider range of taxpayers. For individuals and businesses seeking to halt IRS levies and garnishments without breaking the bank, Scott Allen EA presents an attractive alternative. He will always quote you a fixed fee for each step that needs to be done and you will know that up front so there are not any surprises.

One of the key advantages of choosing Scott Allen EA lies in the personalized approach to each client’s case. Scott Allen EA takes the time to understand the unique circumstances of every taxpayer facing IRS levies or garnishments. This personalized attention allows for a tailored strategy that addresses the specific aspects of the case, potentially leading to quicker and more favorable resolutions. While a Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney may have a more formalized approach, it might lack the individualized touch that can make a significant difference in resolving complex tax matters. Scott Allen EA will represent you before the IRS from start to finish.

Scott Allen EA boasts a proven track record of successfully helping clients stop IRS levies and garnishments in Phoenix, AZ. With a reputation for delivering results, he has garnered trust and respect within the local community. Clients often share positive testimonials highlighting his dedication, responsiveness, and ability to navigate the intricacies of IRS procedures. While a Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney may also have a solid record, Scott Allen EA’s specific focus on tax-related issues gives him an edge when it comes to the nuances of halting IRS levies and garnishments. The image below is an example of Scott Allen EA helping his client be compliant with the IRS and also reducing his overall tax liability. His proven track record is the thousands and thousands of tax liabilities settled and resolved just like this one. Let him to the same for you!

Tax laws and regulations are subject to frequent changes, requiring professionals in the field to stay updated with the latest developments. Scott Allen EA prioritizes ongoing education and training to ensure that his knowledge remains current and accurate. This commitment to staying abreast of changes in tax laws allows him to provide clients with accurate advice and strategies that align with the most recent legal provisions. While IRS tax attorneys also stay informed, their broader legal scope may lead to a less specialized grasp of the evolving tax landscape.

In the realm of IRS levies and garnishments, the choice between hiring a Phoenix, AZ IRS tax attorney and enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA is a crucial one. While both options offer valuable expertise, the specialized focus, cost-effectiveness, personalized approach, proven track record, and up-to-date knowledge that Scott Allen EA brings to the table make him an exceptional choice for taxpayers in need of efficient and effective assistance. Making the decision to work with Scott Allen EA could be the key to resolving IRS levies and garnishments with confidence and success. Give him a call today and setup a free consultation at 480-926-9300.

Written by Scott Allen

Scott Allen EA for Back Tax Returns over a Mesa, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

Why Taxpayers Should Consider Hiring Scott Allen EA for Back Tax Returns and IRS Debt Settlement over a Mesa, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

When it comes to handling back tax returns and navigating the complexities of IRS debt settlement, taxpayers often find themselves facing a crucial decision: whether to hire a Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney or enlist the services of a seasoned professional like Scott Allen EA. While both options offer potential solutions, this blog explores the reasons why taxpayers might opt for Scott Allen EA over a traditional tax attorney for effective resolution of their tax-related issues.

Scott Allen EA brings a wealth of specialized expertise to the table. As an Enrolled Agent (EA), he is a federally-authorized tax practitioner empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This specialized status allows him to represent taxpayers in dealings with the IRS, making him exceptionally qualified to address tax concerns. On the other hand, while IRS tax attorneys are equipped with legal knowledge, their expertise may be more generalized and not as focused on the intricacies of taxation.

Scott Allen’s role as an Enrolled Agent signifies his mastery of tax-related matters. He is well-versed in tax codes, regulations, and IRS procedures, giving him a unique edge in crafting effective strategies for back tax returns and debt settlement. While IRS tax attorneys possess legal acumen, they might not possess the same depth of knowledge when it comes to navigating the intricate world of tax codes and regulations.

One of the distinct advantages of hiring Scott Allen EA lies in his ability to provide tailored solutions to taxpayers’ specific circumstances. He takes the time to understand individual financial situations, allowing him to devise personalized approaches that address the root causes of back taxes and IRS debt. In contrast, some Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorneys might take a more general approach, lacking the in-depth understanding necessary to develop highly effective strategies.

Finances often play a pivotal role in decisions surrounding professional services. Enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA can often be more cost-effective compared to hiring a traditional Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney. Tax attorneys, with their legal background, might charge higher fees for their services. Scott Allen EA, however, offers specialized assistance at a potentially more affordable rate, making quality tax expertise accessible to a wider range of taxpayers.

Scott Allen EA prioritizes direct client interaction, fostering a strong sense of trust and transparency. You will always meet with him from beginning to end. Clients appreciate his hands-on approach and the personalized attention he provides throughout the tax resolution process. In contrast, IRS tax attorneys might have a more formal approach, potentially creating a barrier between the client and the attorney. Scott Allen EA’s approachability and willingness to explain complex tax concepts can significantly alleviate the stress associated with back taxes and IRS debt.

Scott Allen EA’s track record speaks volumes about his expertise and effectiveness in resolving tax-related issues. Numerous success stories from satisfied clients highlight his ability to secure favorable outcomes in challenging tax situations. This level of demonstrated expertise can provide taxpayers with the confidence they need to entrust their back tax returns and IRS debt settlement to his capable hands.

While the choice between hiring a Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney and enlisting the services of Scott Allen EA may seem daunting, considering the specialized expertise, in-depth tax knowledge, tailored solutions, cost-effectiveness, direct client interaction, and proven track record that Scott Allen EA brings to the table can make the decision clearer. Taxpayers seeking a well-rounded professional with a deep understanding of tax matters and a dedication to achieving optimal results may find that Scott Allen EA is the ideal partner for handling their back tax returns and settling IRS debt.

View the image below and you will see a recent example of how David was able to utilize Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc to prepare his back tax returns and settle his IRS debt into one manageable payment plan. If fear is leading you to believe that your case requires a Mesa, AZ IRS tax attorney may I suggest that you give Scott a call instead at 480-926-9300 and he will put your mind as ease.

Written by Scott Allen

Opting for Scott Allen EA Over a Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

The Wise Choice: Opting for Scott Allen EA Over a Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorney

In the realm of taxation and financial matters, individuals often find themselves navigating a labyrinth of complex rules and regulations. As taxpayers strive to fulfill their obligations while maximizing their benefits, the choice of a tax professional becomes crucial. This blog delves into the compelling reasons why taxpayers should consider enlisting the expertise of Scott Allen EA rather than a Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorney.

A Comprehensive Understanding of Taxation

Scott Allen EA’s profound knowledge of tax codes and regulations stands as a testament to his proficiency in the field. With years of dedicated experience as an Enrolled Agent, he has demonstrated an in-depth understanding of tax law and its intricate nuances. His firm Tax Debt Advisors, Inc has been solving IRS problems since 1977. This comprehensive grasp enables him to provide tailored solutions for a wide range of tax-related concerns. While an IRS Tax Attorney may possess legal acumen, Scott Allen’s specialized focus on taxation equips him to offer more specific and effective guidance. And to be honest 99% of IRS problems arent legal matters that require a Gilbert AZ IRS tax attorney.


Dedicated Expertise

The specialization Scott Allen EA brings to the table is further accentuated by his commitment to continuous professional development. Taxation is an ever-evolving landscape, and Scott ensures that he remains at the forefront of industry trends and legislative updates. This dedication to staying informed guarantees that his clients receive advice based on the latest regulations and potential opportunities. This level of dedication may not always be a hallmark of Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorneys, who may have broader legal portfolios to manage.

Personalized Approach

One of the key differentiators of Scott Allen EA is his personalized approach to client service. Each taxpayer’s situation is unique, and Scott understands the importance of tailoring his strategies to individual circumstances. Through thorough assessments and in-depth consultations, he crafts solutions that align with clients’ financial goals and compliance needs. While an IRS Tax Attorney in Gilbert, AZ may offer legal perspectives, the focus may not always be as specialized and tailored as Scott’s approach. Scott Allen, EA will have you sign an IRS power of attorney so he can personally represent you from start to finish and handle all aspects of your IRS problem whether it be filing back taxes, negotiating IRS debts, or representing you in an audit.

Cost-Effective Solutions

Taxpayer-friendly fees combined with high-quality service define Scott Allen EA’s practice. Navigating taxation can be daunting, and the prospect of hiring professional assistance might seem financially intimidating. However, Scott’s commitment to providing cost-effective solutions ensures that taxpayers receive exceptional value for their investment. Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorneys, often operating within a broader legal framework, might not be able to match the efficiency and affordability of Scott’s services in the realm of taxation.

Proactive Issue Resolution

A proactive approach to tax issues can prevent complications and potential disputes down the road. Scott Allen EA excels in this aspect by identifying potential red flags before they escalate into major problems. His strategic insights and meticulous review of financial records empower clients to address concerns in their early stages. While IRS Tax Attorneys in Gilbert, AZ may excel in dispute resolution, Scott’s focus on proactive IRS and tax specific solutions adds another layer of security for taxpayers. Below is a recent example of Scott Allen EA being proactive and protesting a back tax issue from 2024. Protesting this SFR return that was originally prepared by the IRS resulted in saving over $15,000 for his client Michael.

Integrity and ethical conduct form the cornerstone of Scott Allen EA’s practice. His reputation for honest and transparent dealings has garnered trust from a diverse clientele. This level of trust is essential in the realm of taxation, where sensitive financial matters are often at stake. While Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorneys undoubtedly uphold ethical standards, Scott’s specialization and reputation in taxation underscore his commitment to maintaining the highest level of integrity.

The decision to enlist a tax professional is pivotal for any taxpayer. While a Gilbert, AZ IRS Tax Attorney may offer legal expertise, the specialized knowledge, dedicated focus, personalized approach, cost-effective solutions, proactive resolution, and strong ethical standing that Scott Allen EA provides make him an optimal choice for addressing taxation concerns. With Scott Allen EA, taxpayers can rest assured that they are receiving guidance from a seasoned Enrolled Agent who not only understands tax law but also prioritizes their unique financial well-being. Call him at 480-926-9300.

Written by Scott Allen

Resolving Unfiled Tax Returns in Mesa, AZ

Resolving Unfiled Tax Returns in Mesa, AZ: Why Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is the Right Choice

When it comes to unfiled tax returns in Mesa, AZ, taxpayers are often burdened with stress and uncertainty. The complexities of navigating tax laws can be overwhelming, leading to the accumulation of tax debt and potential legal consequences. In such situations, hiring a reliable and knowledgeable tax representation firm is essential to resolve these issues effectively. This blog explores how Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. emerges as the go-to company for representation in Mesa, AZ. Led by the licensed tax professional, Scott Allen, EA, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. offers comprehensive services to prepare unfiled back tax returns and represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Understanding Unfiled Tax Returns in Mesa, AZ

Unfiled tax returns can quickly escalate from minor oversights to significant problems if left unresolved. Many taxpayers in Mesa, AZ, might find themselves facing this issue due to various reasons, such as lack of time, financial difficulties, or simply not understanding their obligations. Regardless of the reason, it is crucial to address unfiled tax returns promptly.

The Consequences of Unfiled Tax Returns

Unfiled tax returns can lead to severe consequences for taxpayers. Firstly, they might face penalties for late filing, which can accrue interest over time, exacerbating the financial burden. Secondly, failure to file tax returns can result in the IRS taking enforcement actions, including garnishing wages or placing liens on assets. To avoid such situations, it is imperative to seek professional assistance from tax experts who can navigate the complexities of tax regulations effectively.

Introducing Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

In the realm of tax representation firms in Mesa, AZ, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. stands out as a reputable and reliable option. Their team of experts is well-versed in handling various tax issues, particularly unfiled tax returns. By understanding the individual circumstances of each taxpayer, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. tailors their approach to provide personalized solutions.

Meet Scott Allen, EA – The Licensed Tax Professional

At the core of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is Scott Allen, an Enrolled Agent (EA) with extensive experience and knowledge in tax matters. As an EA, Scott is authorized by the IRS to represent taxpayers in Mesa, AZ, and across the United States. His expertise allows him to address a wide range of tax-related problems, including the preparation of unfiled back tax returns, tax debt settlement, and IRS audit representation.

Unfiled Back Tax Returns: A Specialized Service

One of the key areas where Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. excels is in the preparation of unfiled back tax returns. The process of filing back taxes can be complex and time-consuming, but with Scott Allen’s guidance, clients can rest assured that their tax returns will be accurately prepared and submitted in a timely manner. By engaging Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for this service, taxpayers can mitigate the risk of facing harsh penalties and reduce their overall tax debt.

Representing Taxpayers before the IRS

Navigating the IRS can be a daunting task, especially for those with unfiled tax returns or outstanding tax debts. Scott Allen’s expertise as an Enrolled Agent allows him to effectively represent clients before the IRS. Whether it’s negotiating an installment agreement, submitting an Offer in Compromise, or handling IRS audits, Scott’s proficiency ensures a smooth and efficient process for clients seeking resolution with the IRS.

The Advantages of Choosing Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

  1. Proven Track Record: Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has a proven track record of successfully assisting numerous taxpayers in Mesa, AZ, with their unfiled tax returns and other tax-related issues.
  2. Personalized Approach: Each client’s situation is unique, and Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. understands the importance of personalized solutions tailored to meet individual needs.
  3. Legal Expertise: As an Enrolled Agent, Scott Allen possesses the necessary qualifications and knowledge to handle a broad range of tax matters, providing clients with confidence in their represebackntation.
  4. Timely Resolution: With Tax Debt Advisors, Inc., taxpayers can expect prompt and efficient resolution of their unfiled tax returns, helping them regain control of their financial situation.

Nathan is a client of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. and had Scott Allen EA represent him before the IRS with his unfiled tax returns in Mesa AZ. By properly protesting his 2018 tax year with the IRS, Scott Allen EA was able to file and save Nathan $30,223 in taxes, interest, and penalties. Check out the IRS notice below with the udpated changes to his account.

Unfiled Tax Returns in Mesa AZ 

In conclusion, unfiled tax returns can have significant ramifications on taxpayers in Mesa, AZ, but they need not face these challenges alone. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. emerges as the ideal representation firm, offering professional and personalized services to prepare unfiled back tax returns and negotiate with the IRS on behalf of clients. With Scott Allen, EA, at the helm, clients can trust in his expertise and experience to provide effective solutions and alleviate the burden of tax debt. Don’t let unfiled tax returns overwhelm you; take the first step towards resolution by hiring Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for expert guidance and representation.


Written by Scott Allen

Navigating Back Tax Returns in Queen Creek, AZ

Navigating Back Tax Returns in Queen Creek, AZ: How TaxDebtAdvisors.com Can Be Your Ally Before the IRS

In the picturesque town of Queen Creek, Arizona, nestled amid the stunning Sonoran Desert landscape, taxpayers have always taken pride in their strong sense of community. However, like any other place, Queen Creek residents may encounter financial challenges, leading some to fall behind on their tax obligations. Whether due to unforeseen circumstances or complex financial situations, filing back tax returns can be a daunting task for many individuals. Thankfully, the knowledgeable and dedicated team at TaxDebtAdvisors.com is ready to assist Queen Creek taxpayers in navigating this process and representing them before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Understanding Back Tax Returns in Queen Creek, AZ:

Filing tax returns is an essential responsibility for every taxpayer in the United States. Unfortunately, life’s unpredictability sometimes leads individuals to overlook this obligation, inadvertently accumulating back taxes. As taxpayers in Queen Creek, AZ, grapple with this predicament, the consequences of unpaid taxes can loom heavily over their heads.

When taxpayers neglect to file their returns on time or accurately report their income, they might face penalties, interest charges, and even IRS audits. Moreover, unresolved tax debt can lead to wage garnishments, bank levies, and property liens, further compounding the financial strain on Queen Creek residents.

Enter TaxDebtAdvisors.com:

In times of distress, seeking expert advice and assistance becomes crucial, and this is where TaxDebtAdvisors.com shines as a reliable solution for Queen Creek taxpayers. As a local family owned and operated business since 1977, they are well-equipped to handle even the most complex tax situations.

  1. Expert Guidance:

The tax code is a labyrinth of rules and regulations, often confusing for the average taxpayer. TaxDebtAdvisors.com boasts a team of tax experts well-versed in the intricacies of tax law. They understand the nuances of the tax system and keep abreast of any changes in IRS policies. Armed with this knowledge, they can provide tailored guidance to Queen Creek taxpayers to help them navigate the process of filing back tax returns with ease.

  1. Thorough Assessment:

Every taxpayer’s situation is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t suffice. TaxDebtAdvisors.com conducts a thorough assessment of each client’s financial circumstances, including income, assets, and outstanding tax liabilities. This meticulous examination enables them to devise a personalized strategy to resolve back tax return issues effectively.

  1. Negotiating with the IRS:

Facing the intimidating IRS alone can be a daunting prospect. TaxDebtAdvisors.com acts as a buffer between Queen Creek taxpayers and the IRS, handling all communication and negotiations on their clients’ behalf. Their expertise in dealing with the IRS ensures that taxpayers’ rights are protected while exploring options for resolving back taxes in a manner that suits their financial situation.

  1. Minimizing Penalties and Interest:

Accrued penalties and interest on back taxes can quickly snowball into an overwhelming burden. TaxDebtAdvisors.com diligently works to minimize these additional costs, helping Queen Creek taxpayers find relief and a feasible path towards resolving their tax debt.

  1. Setting Up Payment Plans:

For taxpayers facing financial constraints, TaxDebtAdvisors.com assists in setting up manageable payment plans with the IRS. These plans allow individuals to pay off their back taxes in affordable installments, reducing the strain on their finances and paving the way to a debt-free future.

Taxpayers struggling with back tax returns in Queen Creek, AZ need not face the IRS alone. TaxDebtAdvisors.com offers a guiding light in these challenging times, providing expert assistance to navigate the complexities of tax debt resolution. By offering personalized solutions, minimizing penalties, and negotiating on behalf of their clients, TaxDebtAdvisors.com aims to help Queen Creek residents regain their financial footing and find peace of mind. So, if you find yourself facing back tax challenges, don’t hesitate to seek the support of TaxDebtAdvisors.com, your trusted ally near Queen Creek, AZ. If you need a tax organizer/checklist to help you organize you information feel free to go ahead and get started.

Check out the IRS letter below on how Scott Allen, EA with TaxDebtAdvisors.com helped Steve in Queen Creek, AZ with his back tax return filings. With Scott Allen, EA’s representation he reduced his tax bill by about $15,000. This is just one example of 1000’s of successful cases they have handeled.

Back Tax Returns Queen Creek AZ

Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.: Your Phoenix AZ IRS Tax Relief Specialists

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. for Phoenix AZ IRS Tax Relief

If you’re struggling with IRS debt, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans owe money to the IRS, and the stress of dealing with this debt can be overwhelming. But there is help available. Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is a Phoenix AZ IRS tax relief company that has been helping taxpayers get out of debt for over 45 years.

What is Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.?

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. is a family-owned and operated company that specializes in helping taxpayers resolve their IRS debt. Scott Allen EA is a licensed tax professional who can help you understand your options and develop a personalized plan to get you out of debt.

What services do we offer?

We offer a variety of IRS tax relief services, including:

  • Tax debt settlement: We can negotiate with the IRS on your behalf to reach a settlement that you can afford.
  • Offer in Compromise: We can help you qualify for an Offer in Compromise, which is a way to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount owed.
  • Installment Agreement: We can help you set up an installment agreement with the IRS so that you can pay your debt off over time.
  • Penalty Abatement: We can help you get penalties waived on your tax debt.
  • Audit Representation: We can represent you in an IRS audit to help protect your rights.

Why choose Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.?

There are many reasons to choose Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. as your Phoenix AZ IRS tax relief company. Here are just a few:

  • We’re experienced: We’ve been helping taxpayers resolve their IRS debt for over 45 years. We have the knowledge and expertise to get the job done right.
  • We’re affordable: The fees we charge are always offered at a competitive rate if not less expensve then most Phoenix AZ IRS tax relief companies.
  • We’re trustworthy: We’re a family-owned and operated company with a reputation for honesty and integrity.

How do we get started?

To get started, simply contact us for a free consultation. We’ll review your situation and discuss your options. If you decide to work with us, we’ll get started right away on developing a specific plan to get the IRS off your back.

If you’re struggling with IRS debt, don’t wait any longer. Contact Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. today for a free consultation. We’ll help you get the Phoenix AZ IRS tax refilef you deserve and start living your life again.

Example Case: Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. was able to represent Teresa and get her some much needed Phoenix AZ IRS tax relief on her 2017 tax return filing. By protesting and making some corrections on her 2017 taxes saved her nearly $3,500 in back taxes owed. You will see the correction and approal letter from the IRS below. Again, if you need help resolving back taxes owed or filing of back tax returns give Scott Allen EA a call.

Phoenix AZ IRS Tax Relief

Written by Scott Allen

Resolving Back Tax Preparation in Mesa Arizona

Resolving Back Tax Preparation in Mesa Arizona with Scott Allen EA

In the suburban city of Mesa, Arizona, many individuals and businesses find themselves grappling with the burden of back taxes. The complexities of the tax system, coupled with life’s unpredictable twists and turns, can often lead to unintentional tax errors and overlooked filings. Fortunately, there is a guiding light for those seeking professional assistance in dealing with back tax preparation in Mesa Arizona, and that beacon is none other than Scott Allen EA. With many years of experience and expertise, Scott Allen EA has emerged as a trusted name for resolving back tax matters and representing clients before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). In this blog, we delve into the importance of back tax preparation, the significance of hiring a reputable EA, and how Scott Allen EA can navigate the complexities of the IRS on your behalf.

Understanding the Need for Back Tax Preparation:

Back taxes are unpaid taxes from previous years, and they can arise from various reasons – from missed deadlines to inaccurate filings. The burden of back taxes can be overwhelming, leading to mounting penalties, interest charges, and even potential legal action. The IRS expects taxpayers to rectify these issues promptly, which necessitates meticulous back tax preparation in Mesa Arizona.

Without professional assistance, preparing back tax returns can be an arduous and time-consuming process. It involves gathering relevant financial documents, organizing records, and calculating past due taxes accurately. Many taxpayers in Mesa, Arizona, often feel intimidated by the complexities of tax laws and are unsure about how to navigate the IRS procedures effectively.

The Role of Scott Allen EA in Back Tax Preparation:

Scott Allen EA, an Enrolled Agent authorized by the IRS, possesses comprehensive knowledge of tax laws and an in-depth understanding of the tax code. Enrolled Agents are tax professionals who specialize in tax-related matters and are granted unlimited representation rights before the IRS. With Scott Allen EA on your side, you gain a seasoned professional who can effectively represent you before the IRS and guide you through the maze of back tax preparation.

Why Choose Scott Allen EA:

  1. Expertise in Back Tax Preparation: Scott Allen EA has a proven track record of assisting countless individuals and businesses in Mesa, Arizona, with back tax preparation. He stays updated with the latest changes in tax regulations, ensuring that your tax returns are accurate and compliant.
  2. Negotiating with the IRS: When faced with back tax issues, taxpayers often find themselves dealing with IRS agents, collections officers, and intimidating legal jargon. Scott Allen EA can act as your representative, skillfully communicating with the IRS on your behalf, and working towards a fair resolution.
  3. Minimizing Penalties: Failing to address back taxes promptly can result in mounting penalties and interest charges. Scott Allen EA leverages his expertise to identify opportunities for penalty abatement and to minimize the overall tax burden.
  4. Customized Solutions: Every taxpayer’s situation is unique, and Scott Allen EA understands this. He tailors his approach to meet the specific needs of each client, providing personalized solutions to resolve back tax issues effectively.
  5. Peace of Mind: By entrusting your back tax preparation in Mesa Arizona to Scott Allen EA, you can finally experience peace of mind knowing that a qualified professional is handling your tax matters. This allows you to focus on other aspects of your life or business without the constant worry of unresolved tax issues.

In conclusion, back tax preparation in Mesa Arizona is a crucial step in resolving tax issues that cannot be ignored. Mesa, Arizona, residents and businesses facing such challenges can find solace in the expertise of Scott Allen EA. With his extensive knowledge of tax laws, unwavering dedication, and experience representing clients before the IRS, he can be the guiding force to navigate through the complexities of back tax preparation.

When entrusting Scott Allen EA to handle back tax matters, individuals and businesses in Mesa can expect personalized solutions, minimized penalties, and the assurance that their tax issues are in capable hands. So, if you find yourself burdened with back taxes, don’t hesitate to seek the professional services of Scott Allen EA. Take the first step towards financial freedom and put an end to your back tax worries today.

View a recent success Scott Allen EA had in back tax preparaion in Mesa Arizona for his client Jeff. In preparing one of his back tax returns he was able to save his client over $25,000 in back taxes. Make sure you are being represented correctly and are aware of all available options to you.


Back Tax Preparation in Mesa AZ

Written by Scott Allen

Stop IRS Levy in Tempe, Arizona

Scott Allen EA: Your Trusted Representative to Stop IRS Levy in Tempe, Arizona

In the bustling city of Tempe, Arizona, where countless individuals and businesses thrive, financial struggles can become all too common. As if managing taxes wasn’t challenging enough, dealing with an IRS levy can add overwhelming stress to anyone’s life. Fortunately, there’s a beacon of hope for those seeking to navigate the treacherous waters of tax troubles – Scott Allen EA. In this blog, we will explore how Scott Allen EA can represent you before the IRS and help you stop an IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona, bringing peace of mind and financial stability back into your life.

Understanding IRS Levy: A Nightmare for Taxpayers

An IRS levy is a severe legal action taken by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to seize a taxpayer’s property or assets to satisfy unpaid tax debts. When facing a levy, taxpayers can find themselves in an extremely vulnerable position, fearing the loss of their homes, bank accounts, wages, and other essential assets. It is essential to act promptly and seek professional assistance to stop an IRS levy before it wreaks havoc on one’s financial stability.

Meet Scott Allen EA: The Trusted Tax Expert Near Tempe

Scott Allen EA is a seasoned Enrolled Agent (EA) with years of experience in providing tax representation and resolution services to individuals and businesses in Tempe, Arizona. As an EA, Scott Allen possesses the unique advantage of being federally authorized by the Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before the IRS. This designation sets him apart as a trustworthy and competent professional capable of navigating complex tax issues effectively.

Stop IRS Levy – Scott Allen EA to the Rescue

  1. Comprehensive Tax Analysis: When facing an IRS levy, the first step is to assess the taxpayer’s financial situation thoroughly. Scott Allen EA employs a comprehensive approach, meticulously analyzing the taxpayer’s tax history, income, expenses, and assets. This in-depth analysis helps identify the most suitable strategy to halt the levy and resolve the underlying tax issues.
  2. Communication with the IRS: Navigating the intricacies of IRS communication can be daunting for any taxpayer. However, with Scott Allen EA by your side, you can breathe a sigh of relief. He acts as a proficient intermediary between the IRS and the taxpayer, handling all communication on their behalf. This ensures that all vital information is conveyed accurately and that the taxpayer’s rights are protected throughout the process. This is done by signing an IRS Power of Attorney to give him full access to represent you.
  3. Seeking Levy Release: One of the primary objectives of Scott Allen EA is to secure the release of the IRS levy. He diligently negotiates with the IRS to reach a favorable resolution, aiming to release the levy and put an end to the taxpayer’s financial distress. Whether it involves arranging an installment agreement, proposing an offer in compromise, or exploring other suitable alternatives, Scott Allen EA pursues the best possible outcome for his clients.
  4. Expert Legal Representation: In situations where the IRS levy may not be justified or appropriate, Scott Allen EA is prepared to provide expert legal representation. He has a deep understanding of tax laws, regulations, and IRS procedures, allowing him to build strong cases to defend the taxpayer’s rights and assets. Having Scott Allen EA on your side empowers you with the confidence to face the IRS with a robust defense.
  5. Long-term Tax Planning: While stopping an IRS levy is a critical short-term goal, Scott Allen EA goes above and beyond by providing long-term tax planning. By implementing strategic tax planning strategies, he helps taxpayers prevent future tax problems and ensures compliance with tax laws, keeping financial troubles at bay.

In times of financial distress caused by an impending IRS levy, Scott Allen EA emerges as a beacon of hope for taxpayers in Tempe, Arizona. His vast experience, comprehensive tax analysis, expert representation, and dedication to resolving tax issues make him a trusted ally for anyone facing IRS problems. Whether he is hired to stop IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona, negotiating with the IRS, or providing long-term tax planning, Scott Allen EA is a reliable partner to reclaim financial stability and peace of mind.

If you find yourself in the throes of an IRS levy, don’t hesitate to seek the services of Scott Allen EA. With his expertise and determination, you can be confident in your ability to navigate the complexities of tax troubles and emerge victorious. Remember, the path to financial freedom starts with a single step towards Scott Allen EA’s guidance and representation. Stop the IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona, and pave the way to a brighter financial future. He does not charge for an initial consultation to meet with you.

See how Scott Allen EA was about his represent his client Donna. Faced with an aggressive IRS agent, he was able to stop IRS levy in Tempe, Arizona nd negotaite all nine years of her $88,799.53 debt into a currently non collectible status. Dont believe it!? View the approval from the IRS below.

Stop IRS Levy in Tempe, Arizona

Written by Scott Allen

Stop IRS Levy in Phoenix, Arizona

Let Scott Allen EA Represent You: Stop IRS Levy in Phoenix, Arizona

Facing an IRS levy in Phoenix, Arizona can be an overwhelming and stressful experience for anyone. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has the power to seize your assets, garnish your wages, and freeze your bank accounts if you have outstanding tax debts. However, residents of Phoenix, Arizona, can find solace in the expertise of Scott Allen EA, an enrolled agent who specializes in representing taxpayers before the IRS. In this blog post, we will explore the process of stopping an IRS levy in Phoenix and how Scott Allen EA can assist you in navigating this complex situation.

Understanding IRS Levy and Its Consequences:

When a taxpayer fails to pay their tax debts, the IRS can resort to levying their assets. An IRS levy is a legal seizure of a taxpayer’s property to satisfy the outstanding debt. This can include bank accounts, wages, real estate, vehicles, and other assets of value. The consequences of an IRS levy can be severe, leading to financial distress, strained relationships, and significant disruptions to one’s life.

How to Stop an IRS Levy In Phoenix, Arizona:

Halting an IRS levy requires prompt action and a thorough understanding of the tax laws. The following steps can help individuals in Phoenix, Arizona, stop an IRS levy and protect their assets:

  1. Seek Professional Assistance: Handling an IRS levy situation can be complex, and it’s crucial to consult a tax professional like Scott Allen EA. As an enrolled agent, Scott Allen EA possesses the necessary knowledge and experience to navigate the intricacies of tax laws and negotiate with the IRS on your behalf.
  2. Communicate with the IRS: Open lines of communication with the IRS are essential. Scott Allen EA can serve as your representative, ensuring effective communication with the IRS agents. Through skillful negotiation, he can present your case and explore potential alternatives to levy, such as installment agreements, offers in compromise, or currently not collectible status.
  3. File for a Collection Due Process (CDP) Hearing: If the IRS has issued a Final Notice of Intent to Levy, you have the right to request a Collection Due Process hearing. This formal procedure allows you to present your case before an independent appeals officer. Scott Allen EA can guide you through this process, gather the necessary documentation, and represent you effectively at the hearing.
  4. Explore Legal Remedies: In some cases, legal remedies may be appropriate, such as filing for a tax bankruptcy or pursuing an innocent spouse relief claim. Scott Allen EA can assess your circumstances and provide guidance on the best course of action to stop the IRS levy while minimizing the impact on your financial situation.

The Benefits of Scott Allen EA’s Representation:

Scott Allen EA offers numerous advantages to individuals who need to Stop IRS levy in Phoenix, Arizona:

  1. Extensive Experience: With years of experience as an enrolled agent, Scott Allen EA possesses in-depth knowledge of tax laws, IRS procedures, and effective negotiation strategies. He has successfully represented numerous clients in resolving their tax issues and stopping levies since 2007. His family business, Tax Debt Advisors, Inc have been solving IRS problems since 1977.
  2. Personalized Guidance: Scott Allen EA understands that every case is unique. He provides personalized attention to each client, thoroughly assessing their financial situation, and devising tailored solutions to halt the IRS levy. His compassionate approach ensures that clients feel heard and supported throughout the process.
  3. Expert Negotiation Skills: Negotiating with the IRS requires skillful communication and a deep understanding of tax laws. Scott Allen EA’s expertise in this area allows him to effectively present your case, explore alternative options, and negotiate on your behalf to reach a favorable resolution.
  4. IRS Compliance and Tax Relief: Beyond stopping the immediate levy, Scott Allen EA can assist you in achieving long-term IRS compliance. He can guide you in implementing tax planning strategies, ensuring accurate filings, and exploring potential tax relief programs to minimize future tax liabilities.

Needing to stop IRS levy in Phoenix, Arizona, can be a daunting situation, but it’s important to remember that you don’t have to face it alone. Scott Allen EA is a trusted professional who specializes in representing taxpayers before the IRS. With his extensive knowledge, experience, and personalized approach, he can help you navigate the complexities of the tax system and stop an IRS levy. By seeking Scott Allen EA’s representation, you can gain peace of mind and protect your assets while working towards resolving your tax debt issues effectively.

A real Testimonial:

Veiw a recent example below of Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc was able to stop IRS levy in Phoenix, Arizona for Sylvia by negotiating seven years of back taxes owed into one low monthly payment plan.

Stop IRS Levy in Phoenix Arizona

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