Written by Scott Allen

Are you looking for IRS tax debt help in Mesa?

IRS Tax Debt Help in Mesa Arizona

James, owing the IRS for six years desperately needed IRS tax debt help in Mesa. That is when he called Tax Debt Advisors, Inc and spoke with Scott Allen EA on the phone. Scott spend a good 15 minutes or so with him on the phone discussing his issues, needs, and how he could represent him and reduce his stress level that we call know the IRS can cause. At the end of the conversation James schedule to meet with Scott just a few days later.

All of James’s tax returns were filed so he was compliant there. That is the first place to start. The IRS will not negotiate any type of agreement with the IRS if a taxpayer is not filing compliant. Scott Allen EA can also prepare current and back tax returns (if needed).

After confirming compliance then Scott Allen EA was able to represent him before the Internal Revenue Service and be his Power of Attorney. He was able to give him IRS tax debt help in Mesa by evaluating his current finances (i.e. income, expenses, debts, and assets) and setting him up on the best possible payback plan through an installment agreement. You can view the accepted negotiated agreement below. Every situation Scott Allen EA deals with is different and unique but he can promise to get you the best possible IRS settlement allowable by law based upon your qualifications. A taxpayer cant just come in and expect a certain settlement. After working with Scott you will know why you qualify for what you do and why you may not qualify for certain options as well.

IRS Tax Debt Help in Mesa

Call and speak with Scott Allen EA for a free consultation to see how he can best get you IRS tax debt help in Mesa. Thank you.

Written by Scott Allen

Call a Chandler AZ IRS Tax Attorney! I need to present my case to an IRS Appeals Officer.

Chandler AZ IRS Tax Attorney?

Not so fast, this is not a legal matter and does not need a Chandler Arizona IRS Tax Attorney.  You can present your own case or have an Enrolled Agent (E.A.) or an Attorney, CPA or your tax preparer present your case.  This is not a legal proceeding; and there is no judge.  It will just be you and the Appeals officer in a small informal room.  Many times this meeting can be handled over the phone if you are using a representative like Scott Allen E.A.  Scott has successfully negotiated settlements for less than you owe.  Scott will generally see how the Appeals officer wants to conduct the meeting.  Scott will usually start with a brief overview of the position he wants to establish and waits for the Appeals officer to ask for any documentation needed to verify your position.

If you want an IRS representative to present your case to the Appeals Office, contact Scott Allen E.A. at 480-926-9300 for a free consultation and a reasonable flat fee.

Sometimes it isn’t necessary to go through the IRS appeals office either.  Michael and his wife got behind on two years of back taxes owed. They were getting advice from all directions and places on what do to about it. Some were telling him a payment plan, others to file an offer in compromise, and others to present the case to an IRS appeals officer. Before making a decision Scott Allen EA always councils to weigh the pros and cons of each option. Yes, you might be able to present the case to an IRS appeals officer but how long will that take?  Will it really be an option that will save you tax, interest, or penalties? Or will it just be something that a Chandler AZ IRS tax attorney can bill you a lot of hours for? Before submitting an IRS offer in compromise do your own research and verify if you are a viable realistic candidate or not. Everyone believes they are a candidate until they start to “plug in the numbers”.  Michael was a Chandler AZ taxpayer whole researched these options with Scott Allen EA but ultimately we discovered he didn’t qualify for either. With his income and tax debt size we needed to negotiate a low monthly payment plan. $185 per month! That is all Michael needs to pay to the IRS. He is a pretty happy camper about it too. Check out the letter below of the IRS accepting out proposal.


Settlement without Chandler AZ IRS Tax Attorney


Written by Scott Allen

We are Mesa Arizona’s Top IRS Problem Solvers for Installment Arrangements

Mesa Arizona’s Top IRS Problem Solvers

Since 1977 Tax Debt Advisors in Mesa AZ has settled over 113,000 IRS tax debts.  One of the options to settle a tax debt is the IRS installment arrangement or IRS payment plan.  This option requires that all IRS back tax returns be filed and assessed.  Financial information will need to be collected and analyzed to determine what actions to take before going to the IRS.  For example, if you are driving an older car with lots of problems, it would be prudent to purchase better transportation before locking yourself into an IRS payment plan that doesn’t allow you that option afterwards.  In this instance you will want to keep your monthly car payment below the amount the IRS allows.

Other areas of planning might include purchasing a home before an IRS tax lien in Mesa Arizona prevents you from getting a mortgage or taking care of overdue dental or medical procedures that the IRS will allow as deductions to reduce your IRS installment arrangement or payment plan.  There are many considerations that will apply specifically to your situation that require the expertise of a Mesa AZ IRS resolution professional.  Scott Allen E.A. offers a free initial consultation and can explain how to posture yourself before committing to an IRS payment plan or installment arrangement.  Scott will also advise you of the pros and cons of all applicable IRS settlement options.  Call Scott Allen E.A. at 480-926-9300 to schedule an appointment.

John (a current client) received help from Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors to settle his IRS back taxes into a low monthly payment plan. All four years that he owed for were negotiated into a $290 per month payment plan.  This is just one of thousands of examples that could be shown. View John’s approval agreement letter from the IRS below.

Mesa Arizona’s Top IRS Problem Solvers


Written by Scott Allen

Do I Need an IRS Attorney in Mesa AZ if I get an Installment Agreement Default Notice?

IRS Attorney in Mesa AZ

No, this is not a legal matter.  However, you will need to provide all of your financial information to determine if you IRS payment plan should remain the same, go up or go down.  The IRS will likely require you to have your payments come directly out of your checking account or if you have had a track record of default the IRS may want the payments to come directly from your pay check.

You have 30 days to respond to this notice or levy action will follow.  My suggestion is to have a free consultation with Scott Allen E.A. rather than with an IRS Attorney in Mesa AZ.   Scott can determine the lowest amount allowed by law that you should pay the IRS.  If your financial situation has worsen since the time you entered into your installment arrangement you may qualify for non-collectible status and not be required to make any monthly payment. He will also review all the other settlement options to determine if an IRS installment arrangement is the best option for you.  You can reach Scott Allen E.A. at 480-926-9300.

RECENT SETTLEMENT ACCEPTANCE: See how Cooper settled his IRS tax debt without hiring an IRS Attorney in Mesa AZ (view letter below).  Scott Allen E.A. was able to represent him before the IRS and negotiate a low $200 per month payment plan on his 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2021 taxes owed. The IRS was being a bit tough with him initially, wanting nearly $400 per month but after Scott evaluated his current financial situation he knew Cooper would qualify for a monthly payment of nearly half of that.

IRS Attorney in Mesa AZ

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. – Since 1977

Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. Will Release Your Phoenix AZ IRS Wage Garnishment today

Release Phoenix AZ IRS Wage Garnishment

A Phoenix AZ IRS wage garnishment or levy requires employers to withhold a high percentage of your paycheck and send it to the IRS.  If this is a surprise, then something is wrong because the IRS is required to send you numerous letters and notices before action is taken.  This aggressive action by the IRS should not be taken lightly.  The IRS really would prefer to have a settlement worked out with them that is much less invasive to your personal life.

An IRS wage garnishment in Phoenix AZ is not released until certain conditions have been met.  First, all tax returns need to be filed.  Secondly, the taxpayer must enter into one of several settlement options.  Once these two conditions have been met, your Phoenix AZ IRS wage garnishment will be released.  Scott Allen E.A. of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has the expertise to represent you for a quick release.  Tax Debt Advisors, Inc. has represented employees at many companies including Salt River Project, Southwest Airlines, Vanguard Health Systems, and John C. Lincoln Heath Network.  Call for a free initial consultation at 480-926-9300.  You will be glad you did!

Phelipe Got his Phoenix AZ IRS Wage Garnishment released

You might be wondering how Scott Allen EA released Phelipe’s Phoenix AZ IRS wage garnishment. If you look at the notice below you will see that Phelipe owed for fourteen different tax years and over $229,000 in back taxed owed. Phelipe didn’t believe that the IRS would do anything to release or lower his wage garnishment. He figured he was stuck. But that was all before he met with Scott Allen EA at Tax Debt Advisors, Inc.

After a thorough investigation into his IRS account Scott Allen EA knew that he could immediately negotiate a settlement with the IRS and stop the wage garnishment before his next pay period. When he took a look at all of his current finances (income, expenses, debts, and assets) he knew he was a lock for a currently non collectible status. A currently non collectible status is one of the best settlement options the IRS has available. This means that Phelipe does not have to make any monthly payments or lump sum settlement payments on any of his back taxes owed. The catch? He has to file and full pay his future tax returns on time to keep the settlement in place. If he does not, the IRS will default it and a new arrangement has to be negotiated again. Per statute of limitations the IRS only has ten years to collect a tax debt from when the tax returns were filed. Many of these tax years are just a couple years away from “falling off” too.

This is a huge relief for Phelipe as you can imagine. With the agreement approved, the IRS released the Phoenix AZ IRS wage garnishment right away. It was faxed to his employer within hours (not days or weeks).  Time is precious if you are under an IRS levy or garnishment. Act immediately and call Scott Allen EA for proper representation. You will be glad you did.

Release Phoenix AZ IRS Wage Garnishment


Written by Scott Allen

Tax Debt Advisors Protecting Assets from Chandler AZ IRS Levy

Chandler AZ IRS Levy

It is not possible to protect your assets for lengthy periods of time without doing something illegal. But there are certain actions you can take to protect yourself and your assets until you can get a settlement with the IRS and remove an IRS levy in Chandler AZ.

If you know a Chandler AZ IRS levy is going to happen you might consider transferring funds in a bank account to another bank.  Remember this is not to run from the IRS but rather to allow you to financially exist until you get matters worked out.  If the IRS inquires about what specific assets you have, you are required to tell them the truth.  However, it is not a crime to not disclose assets that they do not ask for. If you decide to move your bank account funds to another bank and do not initiate an IRS settlement soon thereafter, the IRS will assume you are not serious about getting your IRS matter resolved.  This can have serious repercussions later on.
Scott Allen E.A. of Tax Debt Advisors has the expertise to advise you on how to protect your assets from a Chandler AZ IRS levy while you are working towards an IRS settlement.  Tax Debt Advisors has been representing clients with IRS problems since 1977.  Call for a free initial consultation at 480-926-9300.

IRS Payment Plan Settlement

Joe hired Scott Allen EA to stop his Chandler AZ IRS Levy.  He owes the IRS for seven years of back taxes owed. Facing an IRS levy, Scott represented him as his power of attorney, put a stop to all collection activity, gathered up current financial information on the taxpayer, and negotiated his large IRS debt into a low $192 per month payment plan. Take a minute to think about that. Joe’s stress level went from a high of a TEN down to about a ONE just knowing that the IRS is off his back now.  You too can have this same peace of mind. Give Scott a call to determine what your best solution is. Also, view the settlement agreement for Joe below.

Chandler AZ IRS Levy


Written by Scott Allen

Back Tax Returns in Chandler

Do you have back tax returns in Chandler to file?

If you are reading this blog you may be in a similar situation that Jason was in recently. He had four years of back tax returns in Chandler to file with the Internal Revenue Service. One of those tax years was 2017. 2017 was a year the IRS decided to file for him (because he had not) What was the result? Just took at the IRS letter below. He had an account balance due of $75,762. Unbelievable right? Especially when you look lower and see what the result was after Scott Allen EA represented Jason and protested the IRS’s decision.

Back Tax Returns in Chandler

In addition to protesting the 2017 tax year for Jason, Scott Allen EA also got him caught up with his 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 back tax returns in Chandler. The IRS requires a taxpayer to be completely filing compliant in order to negotiate or work through a settlement. The $13,733 refund was able to be applied to taxes owed on other years as well helping out Jason greatly. With the remaining tax debt owed, Scott Allen EA was able to successfully wrap it all into one monthly payment plan that Jason could afford to do on a monthly basis.

This is just one of many examples Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors could show you. He is representing clients before the IRS on a daily basis. This is his niche and all that he does. He can represent you from start to finish in preparing your back tax returns in Chandler and settling any IRS debt into one of their many settlement options available.

Beware of out of state companies advertising this type of work online, on the TV or radio, or by mail. Usually they are making promises that just aren’t true especially without knowing anything about your overall tax debt or your current financial status and assets. It is always best to work locally with someone who does with work full time to receive the best representation. Scott Allen EA will meet with you for a consultation for no charge and no obligation. If he cannot see himself being an asset to you he will either give you a referral or let you know how you can tackle it best on your own.

Thank you.

Written by Scott Allen

File Back Tax Returns in Gilbert

Scott can file back tax returns in Gilbert

If you forget or fail to file back tax returns in Gilbert the IRS can file returns for you. Yes, you read that correctly. The IRS will gather whatever income information that can on you and submit a tax return for processing and assess you a balance due. They will do this usually three to seven years after the tax return was due and after sending the taxpayer several warning notices. If you don’t recall receiving any of these notices the IRS could be sending them to your last address on record which could be pretty old depending on the last time you filed a tax return. It is always better to take care of back tax returns before the IRS gets it to this level that way there isn’t protest work involved. Either way, Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors, Inc can file back tax returns in Gilbert for you. He will speak to the IRS throughout the entire process so you do not have to.

Have you maybe lost some of your tax and financial records in order to file back tax returns in Gilbert accurately? Scott Allen EA can also help with that process as well. As your IRS Power of Attorney he can help retrieve as much information from the IRS as possible.

Scott Allen EA has a recent client, Brandon who was behind in some Gilbert back tax returns. One of those years being 2014. This IRS filed and made their own assessment that totaled over $31,000 in back taxes owed.  This was outrageous. Upon an investigation into the account Scott Allen EA discovered that the IRS grabbed all the taxpayer’s gambling winnings and included it as income. The IRS didn’t know about or take into account any of the taxpayer’s gambling losses. Brandon then went and gathered up his casino and bank records to support deducting gambling losses. The tax law allows you to deduct your gambling losses up to a taxpayers winnings. Scott Allen EA prepared a 2014 return to protest the IRS’s Substitute For Return (SFR). Upon its full acceptance over $21,000 of taxes, interest, and penalties was removed. Check out the IRS acceptance letter below.

It is always important to do a complete review of a taxpayers account before negotiating a payment plan, non collectible status, offer in compromise, filing a tax bankruptcy, or file back tax returns in Gilbert.  Scott Allen EA can assist and represent you before the Internal Revenue Service from start to finish. Give him a call today.

File Back Tax Returns in Gilbert

Written by Scott Allen

Tempe AZ IRS garnishment release

How to get my Tempe AZ IRS garnishment release?

Tempe AZ IRS garnishment release

Tempe AZ IRS garnishment release

Many people do not know what to do or where to begin when they get the dreaded IRS garnishment notice.  With Scott Allen EA representing you there are better options then just “sticking your head in the sand”.  By clicking on the picture above you will see first hand the Tempe AZ IRS garnishment release for a client of Tax Debt Advisors Inc.  The taxpayer was assigned to a local IRS revenue officer who was being aggressive in collection activity by pursuing the taxpayers bank accounts and wages.  Upon securing the “To-Do” list from the revenue officer on what was required to get the wage garnishment released Tax Debt Advisors Inc was able to get that release completed from the taxpayer just four days later.  The taxpayer had to get two years of tax returns filed and compile his financial information for the IRS.  Upon getting that to Tax Debt Advisors Inc to review and process that information with the IRS the release of garnishment was accomplished.

A full release of an IRS wage garnishment requires you to be in full compliance with your tax filings.  If you have unfiled tax returns Tax Debt Advisors Inc specializes in those preparations.  His average client has about 4-7 unfiled tax returns to get caught up on.  He has the confidence and reputation to handle your case before the IRS’s local revenue officers.  Chances are Scott Allen EA has worked with the the revenue officer your case might be assigned to.  Let him put that experience to benefit you.

Don’t delay, contact Scott Allen EA today at 480-926-9300.  He will make today a great day for you.  Find his local office at 3155 E Southern Ave Suite 101 Mesa, AZ 85204.

Recently Scott Allen EA was able to get a Tempe AZ IRS garnishment release for his client Brian. Brian owed IRS back taxes for nine years (2011-2019). During those nine years a lot of taxes were owed and the IRS was being aggressive to collect the debt. You can view the accepted negotiation by viewing the letter from the IRS below. With this acceptance, the IRS released the wage garnishment.  All nine years of back taxes owed were settled into one nice low monthly payment plan of $291 per month.

Tempe AZ IRS Garnishment Release

Written by Scott Allen

Idioms to Remember if you need to STOP a Mesa AZ IRS Levy

Scott will stop Mesa AZ IRS Levy

An idiom is an expression that in and of itself makes no sense when translated into another language.  Knowing the literal meaning of idioms does not enable you to understand them unless you also know what they allude to. I have listed below the most important idioms that everyone should know if you are in need to stopping a Mesa AZ IRS levy.  It is important to understand how they apply to your situation.
  • Ace in the hole—A hidden advantage.  “The coach was certain that his new trick play would turn out to be his ace in the hole.” This term comes from the game of stud poker, in which one or more cards are turned face down, or “in the hole,” as bets are placed.  The ace is the card with the highest value.
  • Act of God—An event beyond human control like an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.
  • Albatross around one’s neck—An annoying burden: “That old car is an albatross around my neck.”
  • Bite the bullet—To adjust to unpleasant circumstances.  “The severe drought is forcing everybody to bit the bullet and use less water.”  Before anesthesia, surgeons operating on the wounded gave them a bullet to bite to help withstand the pain.
  • Burn the candle at both ends—To do more than one ought to: to overextend oneself: “Working three jobs is burning the candle at both ends.”
  • Chip on one’s shoulder—To “have a chip on one’s shoulder” is to invite conflict by being extremely touchy.  In the past, a young boy would place a wood chip on his shoulder and dare anyone to knock it off as a way of showing how tough he was.
  • Chutzpah—Yiddish term for courage bordering on arrogance.

There is more then one way to stop a Mesa AZ IRS levy.  It is important to make a plan of attack for your specific circumstances to be sure to stop the IRS levy in Mesa AZ as soon as possible.  Many times is can be accomplished within a 24 hour period of first contact with the IRS.  On occasions we can get the IRS to give a temporary or partial stop to a Mesa AZ IRS levy with commitments to get accomplished as is needed (i.e. file back tax returns, provide financial information) to make it a permanent stop to the IRS levy in Mesa AZ.

There are several ways to settle and IRS debt.  Each settlement options has pros and cons—something good about it as wells as something not so good.  However, one is always better that the rest and is usually quite obvious once the facts have been presented to you without prejudice towards any one solution.  That is why Tax Debt Advisors, Inc should be your choice when confronted with a serious IRS problem.  Scott Allen EA of Tax Debt Advisors Inc was able to stop Mesa AZ IRS levy for a client by negotiating his debt into a low monthly payment plan. Yes, it was that simple. He put an end of the IRS levy by putting Jason on a $155 per month payment plan for his two years of back taxes owed. See the IRS approval letter below.

Mesa AZ IRS Levy


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